Camp Severson

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Holly finds love with the camp director.
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Holly Maddox was infatuated by powerful women for most of her short life. She always admired the sort of woman who possessed the innate ability to frighten and intimidate people in any situation. Holly adored the sort of woman who didn't shy away from appearing strong and somewhat masculine to others. It was a bonus if the woman had the generosity to reveal her softer side to an intimate hand-chosen audience without ever compromising her staunch supremacy. Theo Fleming was that kind of woman, and then some.

For the past two summers that Holly knew Miss Fleming as the director of Camp Severson, she'd really grown to hate her. Nobody really liked Miss Fleming. Truth be told, nobody cared to admit that they were actually kind of afraid of her.

In the dreary pitch of night, soon after lights out, Holly crunched her way over a leaf-strewn path beaten through the woods to Miss Fleming's cabin on the other side of the lake. Holly's already present hatred for the camp director caused her to shudder. Why me? Holly thought to herself. She couldn't help feeling bent because a couple of the senior counselors had gone into town earlier in the day for a beer run.

The Sunflower and Marigold cabins were empty tonight. A huge slumber party with movies and snacks was taking place in the building next to the dining hall. Some of the counselors decided to take advantage of this. They'd already started the card game when Holly told her friend and fellow counselor, Donna, that she couldn't make it tonight. She had to see Miss Fleming.

Earlier that day, Holly took the 6 girls she was in charge of to their arts and crafts activity which was scheduled for right after lunch. As they were leaving the dining hall, one of the counselors from Bluebell shoved a piece of paper into Holly's hand. The 19 year old counselor unfolded the paper, and she saw right away that it was a curtly written note in Miss Fleming's trademark tidy penmanship. The message bluntly ordered Holly to report to Miss Fleming's cabin directly after lights out. Holly asked the girl why? What was up? But the other counselor just shrugged her shoulders and said that Miss Fleming ordered her to tell Holly that she'd better be there immediately after lights out, or there would be some severe consequences!

By then, Holly's heart felt like it was about to leap into her throat. She really had no idea why Miss Fleming wanted to see her, but she knew that something pretty major must be going on for her to demand the girl's presence in her cabin after lights out. As Holly crunched her way through a few thickets of dead leaves and twigs, she spotted the neat, blackened shape of the camp director's cabin surrounded by some more thickets of scrubby bushes. Holly swallowed hard as she got closer.

So this was what now...the third or fourth time she'd been chastised by Miss Fleming this summer. Holly quickly racked her brains trying hard to think of what she could have possibly done this time, but she couldn't think of anything offhand. So far, it's just been a few minor occurrences like disrupting the flag ceremony and accidentally cutting the water supply to the showers.

Holly cast a furtive glance over her shoulder before knocking at the door. She hoped that Miss Fleming wouldn't answer, but somehow that seemed extremely unlikely given the urgent nature of the note she'd written to the girl. Holly looked over at the soft golden lamplight seeping from the shaded windows onto the dew covered grass a few feet from where she stood. The light reflecting off the crystalline dew drops were scintillating, and somehow this magnified Holly's present distress. She could hear a volley of harsh footfalls within the cabin approaching the door, and the anxious teen brushed an imaginary bug off her shoulder. By now, Holly's skin was flushed; a cold, clammy sweat started breaking out under her t-shirt.

"Holly Maddox, is that you? Come on inside."

A sharp, halting sort of voice answered the girl's knocking. This was followed by a few more footfalls. Holly slowly turned the doorknob and went inside. She stole another furtive glance over her shoulder as she closed the door carefully behind her. She wanted her entrance to be as quiet as possible. Holly wasn't new to Camp Severson. This was her third summer. Still, she didn't want word getting out to anybody that she might be old Miss Fleming's pet project or anything!

With the door safely closed behind her, the beautiful teen took in her surroundings. She was standing in a sort of sitting room that doubled as an office. From Holly's perspective, the overall atmosphere of the cabin was as stifling as Miss Fleming herself. As for the rest of the cabin, it was neat as a pin. It certainly seemed adequate for the 10 to 12 weeks it was necessary for the camp director to stay.

Holly approached a small sofa in the center of the room. She tried to peer into the adjoining bedroom, but she couldn't really see anything. Holly's eyes scanned the walls now. She could hardly help but notice the various plaques and mounted certificates awarded to Miss Fleming over the years on behalf of various organizations. Last week, she'd heard a couple of other counselors talking about some sportsmanship award that Miss Fleming received from the Turner YMCA. That didn't really surprise Holly. Even though a lot of the campers feared Miss Fleming, it wasn't unusual to see the camp director joining in various activities with the girls on the tennis courts or the softball diamond.

Holly's train of thought was suddenly derailed by the advent of another flurry of harsh footfalls coming from the other room. A brusque, halting voice cut the otherwise blissful quiet of the room.

"It's kind of a shame to have to meet on these terms, Miss Maddox."

Holly's eyes widened in shock, and her mouth dropped open for a second when she saw Theo Fleming step into view. The stern, steely camp director was holding a piece of paper in her hand. It looked official; like some kind of list. Miss Fleming is quite a formidable looking woman. If Holly had to guess, she figured the camp director was in her mid to late-40s. She is taller than the average woman, nearly six feet without shoes, and she has a build that can only be described accurately as lean and powerful.

The older woman glanced down at the piece of paper she was holding; a look of mild disgust crossed her face. But it wasn't the look of disgust or Miss Fleming's imposing height that caught Holly's attention. It was her choice of attire.

Of course, this is a residential summer camp. It goes without saying that campers could expect hiking and swimming and outdoor sports of all kinds during their stay. But Miss Fleming never really looked the part of a camp director. She actually looked much more like a high school gym teacher. Tonight she was dressed simply with a light colored golf shirt paired with knee-length plaid shorts.

It is worth mentioning that whether casually dressed or not, Miss Fleming never went anywhere without wearing her whistle. It hung from a black lanyard around her neck. Holly suppressed a smirk when she thought about how often Miss Fleming scared the younger girls with it. Last summer, Holly saw a new girl who was getting off the bus. She was having a hard time trying to carry her bags across the flag pole field in the direction of her cabin. Miss Fleming pulled out her whistle and blew it before yelling at some of the stragglers to hurry up. The poor new girl wasn't expecting that. She dropped her bags, and one of them had a stash of candy that ended up scattered everywhere. That threw Miss Fleming into a mini-rage. Holly saw the camp director ordering some counselor to take up the candy and throw it in the trash. She never heard what happened to that girl after that. She probably begged her parents to never send her to Camp Severson again! Who could really blame her, Holly thought. Holly's smirk quickly dissolved as Miss Fleming brusquely addressed her again:

"I can see by that look on your face that you are probably wondering why I called you here so late."

Miss Fleming's expression was grim, serious. By the looks of things, it seemed very much like the older woman was trying her level best to control her building temper. The anxious teen tried again to think of some reason why she was called there, but she kept drawing a blank.

"Well, it is after lights out." Holly said quietly. "I-I guess that it's something pretty bad."

Miss Fleming raised an eyebrow at the beautiful teen.

"I'd say that is a bit of an understatement, Miss Maddox. Do you remember what you and the girls in your bunk were doing last Saturday?"

Suddenly Holly's stomach started cramping, and her heart felt like it was about to burst from an unexpected rush of adrenaline. How could she have been so stupid? She remembered the food fight one of the girls started in their bunk. Holly and Donna walked in and Donna told them to knock it off. One of the older girls, Lisa, hit Donna square in the face with a half-eaten baloney sandwich. Holly couldn't recall too many details after that. But she knew that it got out of hand pretty fast. She was so sure nobody saw them! The girl's mind quickly traveled back to last Saturday. She tried to think of some camper in their bunk, or the one next door, who could be the informant. One again, Holly's train of thought was derailed by the gruffness of Miss Fleming's voice:

"I have here a list of damages caused by you and the girls in your bunk. I was told that you were the one who instigated a food fight in your cabin..."

"Yeah...well—no—not exactly!" Holly protested. "Donna Wilson tried to stop it. It's not my fault! out of hand..."

"Just the same, those girls are your responsibility. Donna Wilson is in charge of Lilac Cabin. Your little stunt caused two shattered windows and a broken storm door!"

Miss Fleming balled the piece of paper in her fist. She shook her head in disgust before tossing it into a nearby trash can. When the ball of paper missed its target, Holly scrambled over to pick it up and toss it in. Just as she was about to do this, she got a glimpse of what looked like a repair invoice.

"I'm tired of this sophomoric behavior, Holly! Damage to camp property! You are supposed to set an example for the girls in your charge. Do you realize that I had to call a repair man in from Turner on short notice? He billed us time and a half!"

Holly cast her eyes down at the floor. She couldn't bear looking into the older woman's steely dark eyes. Nothing could prepare Holly for the bomb that the prodigious camp director dropped. Miss Fleming turned away from the beautiful teen, and stepped into her bedroom a few feet away. A loud, sort of disgusted sigh escaped the older woman as she delivered her next stinging words:

"I'm going to have to dismiss you as a counselor effective immediately. This isn't something I particularly wanted to do, but I can't have you setting any more bad examples for my campers. There's liability to think of too. I'm going to call for someone to drive you to Turner in the morning. I'll pay for your bus ticket, so you won't have to worry about finding a way to get home. Goodnight, Miss Maddox."

Of course, this sent Holly into a tailspin. Dismissed! Her performance as a counselor wasn't that bad...was it? What was she supposed to do now? She couldn't leave! Holly Maddox took this job at Camp Severson because she was attending college out of state. She needed the money for expenses! Holly's mom sold the house when her dad died last year. She lived in a one bedroom apartment since Holly started living on campus at the college. Because of this, Camp Severson had become her summer home until it was time to move back into her dorm.

Tears welled up in the beautiful girl's eyes. She felt positively nauseated; like she'd just taken a blow to her solar plexus. Holly watched incredulously while Miss Fleming stood in front of her dresser. The older woman started taking off her wristwatch. After a second or two passed, she looked over at the girl.

"Did you hear what I said, Miss Maddox? You are dismissed. Go on back to your bunk now. End of discussion."

Holly Maddox started to cry now. She didn't even care that she probably looked like a silly emotional wreck. Hot, heavy tears spilled down her cheeks. The gorgeous teen was sobbing loudly. What am I going to do now? Holly thought. I have to stay! I need to! My mom doesn't have room for me at her place! Besides, I can't let her know that I got fired!

"Please, Miss Fleming!" Holly sobbed. "I-I can't leave! I don't have anywhere to go on such short notice! Maybe you could just take the repair money out of my pay! I'll work extra or something..."

"No. I'm afraid that your behavior is too disruptive. Besides, I don't really have anything extra that you could do here..."

Miss Fleming set her wristwatch on a small tray on the dresser. She took a few absent swipes at her boyishly cropped auburn hair with a nearby brush. From Holly's perspective, the older woman was starting to look visibly annoyed by her refusal to leave. Holly persisted. She took a couple steps forward. She was standing in Miss Fleming's bedroom now.

"I'll do anything you ask, Miss Fleming! Just give me another chance—one more, please! I'm going to college, and I need to stay least until I can move back to my dorm..."

Holly's voice sort of trailed off when the camp director spun around abruptly to face her. The beautiful teen shuddered a little when her eyes met Miss Fleming's. She was so masculine looking, so...dour! Miss Fleming's eyes traveled upward. She seemed to be thinking something over, and a drawn out awkward silence filled the cramped bedroom. After several uneasy seconds, the camp director took a couple of steps toward the anxious girl. She stopped when she was at last properly menacing.

"You know that I'm pretty tough, and I like to run a tight ship, but I'm not totally heartless." Miss Fleming said. "I guess having to find a place to stay on such short notice is pretty I might just give you one more chance, Miss Maddox."

"Oh, thank you so much, Miss Fleming! I really appreciate this!"

"I haven't agreed to give you another chance just yet. I can't let these disruptions go unpunished. This certainly isn't a first occurrence with you. Do you understand what you are asking me to do?"

Holly nodded. She was so eager for another chance.

"I'll do anything you ask, Miss Fleming, anything at all! Please don't say no!"

"If I agree to let you stay, you will no longer work as a counselor. I am very serious when I say that I do not want bad examples set for my girls. I'll have to find some extra chores for you to do so you can start paying off that repair bill. You understand that you are going to be punished. But don't worry...this will stay just between us."

"It's okay, Miss Fleming. I understand. Please just let me stay..."

Miss Fleming was standing very close to Holly now. The thin cotton fabric of her golf shirt brushed against the girl. A smell of laundry detergent and fresh roses permeated her nostrils. She reasoned this was not a bad thing. In fact, it was surprisingly pleasant! Just the same, it was a little shocking to Holly that a woman like Theo Fleming would smell so feminine! For reasons she couldn't readily explain, Holly's knees turned to jelly, and her legs wobbled a little at the imagined touch of the older woman's lips on her neck. She flinched when Miss Fleming grabbed her shoulders and steered her further into the bedroom.

Holly was so nervous! Why is Miss Fleming making her stand by the bed like that? A strange sort of shrill, squirmy feeling radiated from the nervous teen's crotch, leaving a prickling rash of goosebumps in its wake. Just as this was happening, Holly's eyes widened in fear. It looked almost comical. She remembered the stories and jokes going around the camp about Miss Fleming. Her friend, Donna Wilson told the entire bunk to watch out for Miss Fleming.

A few of the junior counselors know Miss Fleming because she works as a high school teacher somewhere near Turner when she isn't at Camp Severson. At least a couple of those same girls spread around this rumor about Miss Fleming. They said that she is a lesbian. Holly remembered the look of terror on one new camper's face when Donna explained to the girl what that meant. It took them almost a whole week after that to convince the girl that Miss Fleming wasn't some sort of boogeyman who hangs around the showers.

But now, Holly really wondered about that whole boogeyman thing. Miss Fleming was standing so close to her, grasping her arm. It was making her feel sort of funny...and nervous! But she couldn't leave! Not when it seemed like she might get a second chance! Holly shuddered as she felt the older woman's dark eyes boring into her. The frightened teen began to move her mouth to speak, but the words barely tumbled out.

"Um, Miss Fleming...shouldn't we go into the other room or something?"

The camp director flashed the girl a nasty, demented sort of grin. Before Holly had a chance to fully realize what she'd apparently agreed to, the old dyke grabbed hold of her and started to roughly undress her.

"Stop struggling, Holly!" She hissed. "I haven't been getting through to you before. Some girls seem to only understand when they are dealt with stringently. Maybe then I can believe your solemn promise that you will respect camp rules and property!"

"What are you doing, Miss Fleming?"

Holly let out a hoarse wail before Miss Fleming collared the girl. The beautiful teen struggled against the old dyke for several seconds, trying to free herself, but Miss Fleming's grasp was much too powerful. The older woman's breathing became labored now as she spun the trembling girl around so her back was facing her. Holly could feel the heated soft cotton fabric of that golf shirt against the bare skin of her back now, and she flinched.

"I am going to teach you a little respect and humility, Miss Maddox. Something I am certain that you know nothing of."

By now, Holly was actually crying like a lost child separated from her mother. She was standing in that little cabin bedroom fully naked. The gorgeous teen shifted from one foot to the other, trying to cross her arms over her chest as she tried (and failed miserably) to hide her nudity from Miss Fleming's curious gaze. Holly's knees started to buckle from the intense shame, and she was gulping air—almost hiccupping—as she sobbed. After a minute or so went by, her body felt fatigued by the futile attempts to preserve her modesty. She slumped against Miss Fleming now, supported mainly by the old dyke's arms. Holly instantly tensed up when she felt herself being pulled onto the bed. Miss Fleming lay beside her, spooning the girl. She pressed her thin lips against Holly's ear:

"I know that you are afraid, Holly, but try to relax." Miss Fleming muttered softly. "I've had my eye on you all summer. Did you know that? I saw you staring at me quite a looked a little fascinated by my appearance. You looked like you wanted to talk to me, but were too afraid to. I guess I don't blame you, dear...I know I'm a bit rough around the edges..."

Holly was laying there on the bed, sniffling and sobbing quietly as she felt Miss Fleming's lips brushing softly against her tear stained cheek. The old dyke gently positioned the girl so she was on her back, staring at the ceiling. Holly could hear the night sounds outside. Her mind tried to focus on the sounds of crickets and tree frogs making a racket just outside the window, but it was impossible! Those strong, shrill waves of arousal persisted. Holly's body was quickly betraying her. She couldn't think clearly anymore! Those shrill, buttery waves of arousal grew more intense as Miss Fleming began to tenderly cup and massage the beautiful girl's breasts.