Cantar's Chaos Ch. 03


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Corliss was slightly embarrassed by his small bed, but soon Cantar managed to take his mind off of the bed and everything else. To make her husband forget his worries, she would drop an article of clothing with each step. By the time she reached the bedroom, she was completely naked. Corliss loved her body, and knowing she belonged to him made him even more excited. He stripped and lay in his twin size bed with his wife on top of him. She rubbed her pussy against his hard cock, but he didn't want to love her yet. There was one more fantasy that he had, and this time he would get his wish.

"Cantar, wait. Let me taste you." He whispered.

She moaned as he gently rolled pinning her beneath him. He kissed his way down her body, until he reached the apex of her thighs. Pressing his nose to her womanhood, Corliss inhaled her scent, and licked her. Cantar moaned. Corliss then made love to his wife with his tongue. He ate her pussy until she was a quivering ball of nerves. She begged him to stop, and then begged him to go on. Cantar lost count of the numbers of time she came on his tongue. She knew her husband was talented, but her man was a master with his tongue. Replete and exhausted, Cantar vowed to bring him to his knees later, after she rested.

His alarm sounded. "Fuck, baby, I have to work." He sighed.

Cantar laughed. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Baby, your boss can give you the day off." She teased.

Corliss stiffened and turned serious, "No, I have to work. I have to support us." He explained.

Cantar smiled, and then she kissed him. "OK, let's dress then." They returned to her house. "Um, baby, whatever happened to Thomas?" she asked.

Corliss humped his shoulders, "Maybe he went home. Let's check his room." The two vanished to the room Thomas stayed in, and found the surprise of their lives.

"Oh God! Cantar, I didn't know you were back. I can explain." Thomas yelled as he moved to cover both his body and that of his companion. The girl was mortified. Cantar stammered and looked away. Cantar was shocked, as was Corliss. "Meet me in the library, both of you," she demanded.

Five minutes later, Thomas and the young lady arrived in the library where Cantar and Corliss were waiting. No one spoke at first. This girl was not the type of girl she expected to find with Thomas. Thomas was always straight-laced, serious. Thomas did not have a hair out of place. The girl was covered in piercings and tattoos. Her purple hair definitely stood out, but she could tell she fascinated her friend. Cantar thought about Corliss, and chuckled.

Most would find it odd that she was in love with a regular guy and not a wealthy businessman. So Thomas's wife was right for Thomas, just like Corliss was perfect for her. Her brothers might be ticked, but she and her friend deserved to be happy too. She hoped that she and the young woman could become friends. After staring at each other for a few minutes, Cantar hugged her friends, and said. "How could you not tell me? I am so happy for you. Well, aren't you going to introduce us?" Thomas laughed relieved.

"Cantar, this is Diamond," he smiled as he held her by her waist. "We've been together for seven months. Last night when everyone vanished, I called her and she came. I would have said something sooner, but your brothers scare me. I know they planned for us to marry. I was hoping you met your-," and then he noticed Corliss. Cantar was standing in her husband's embrace. Corliss held her close from behind as he listened to her talk with her friend.

They all stood talking as Cantar introduced her true love.. "This is my husband, Corliss. Corliss, this is my friend Thomas Macavi and his wife, Diamond." Then she laughed. "We need to celebrate." Corliss kissed her. Someone cleared their throat. Mrs. Manuel stood looking at Corliss. "Mr. Darksky, in my office, now!" she demanded.

Cantar didn't like the way she addressed her husband, so she excused herself from the room and she needed to be with him in the head housekeeper's office. "Thomas, Diamond, I'll call and we can set up a party." Thomas wrapped his arm around his wife and smiled. Diamond replied, "OK, call us." They vanished back home. She went to Mrs. Manuel's office. Mrs. Manuel was ready to rip Corliss a new one when Cantar walked in.

As she entered, she received a white envelope from another worker. She opened it and read it. Samaria Menes, her top researcher resigned, effective immediately. "Mrs. Manuel, Corliss, excuse me. I need to call my brothers" she said as she vanished back to her office. Corliss, concerned for his wife, followed along with Mrs. Manuel. After speaking with two other reserchers, she called Samaria.

"Samaria, good morning, this is Cantar Ivanov. I received a letter of resignation from you. Can you explain what's going on?" She asked. Samaria explained to her that due to her negligence her safety was compromised. Therefore, it was best she resigned. Cantar was shocked. Where was this coming from? But Samaria bid her good day and disconnected.

She then called Kale to see if he knew what was going on. His answer was unsatisfying, but he mentioned Krill was acting strangely and he did talk with a researcher. She hang up and called her cousin. After two rings he answered, "Krill what did you say to Samaria? She quit, and I know you did something." She accused.


Krill didn't sleep. All he could think about was Samaria. He hurt her, and he had to make it up to her. He didn't know how, because she wanted nothing to do with him. He decided to go to Gernick and check on Nicky and her new daughter. He missed the birth, but he wanted to welcome the newest family member. He appeared at Gernick's home. "Congratulations old man, a daughter huh?" He teased. Gernick laughed, but he noticed that something was off with his cousin.

He played along. "The room is full of women. Enter at your own risk." His brothers laughed. Krill went into Nicky's bedroom to see her and the baby.

"Something is wrong with Krill." Gernick observed.

"Last night he disappeared. It may have something to do with his mood." Kale asserted.

"Well ladies. I assume I have another angel to protect." Krill announced as he entered. Brenwan and Shari laughed and embraced him as Nicky held her daughter close. Krill sat beside her and the babe and spoke.

"Whew, thank goodness she looks like you. I was afraid she'd look like Gernick, blech" he teased. Nicky laughed

"Krill, what is it? What's wrong?" she asked. He was pretending to be jovial, but he was hurting.

"Nothing, beautiful. Well, it seems that the council is on break and I'm going to check in on Ma and Pa for a few days. Will you keep these boys out of trouble?"

Nicky smiled and nodded, but she still didn't buy it. "Krill you can talk to us. Maybe we can help."

Nina felt his pain, her wolf connected with his, and she understood what he was going through. His wolf was in distress, and she shared a looked with Nicky. Nicky knew, she too sensed the depth of despair he felt.

He kissed her forehead and said, "You can't fix this. I'll be OK," then he hugged the others and left.

Nicky, let me stop him. Maybe I can help. Nina sent.

Please try Nina let him know we understand, and are here. She sent. Nina nodded and quickly followed Krill out.

Brenwan, Shari, and Amerie knew they shared something, and Shari wanted to know what was going on. "I'm not sure. Krill's wolf is troubled, and Nina and I sensed it." She explained.

Nina followed him and called his name. He turned, and she spoke. "Give her time. You hurt her, but she loves you. She's your mate and you cannot give up."

"How? Look Nina, it's not your concern, but thanks." He answered curtly.

"The wolf inside of you is hurting and he will keep hurting until you fix this. I can sense him and feel his pain Krill. You cannot ignore him. He needs her or you will lose him." She sighed. "I lost my wolf for 25 years. When I lost Benson, it devastated me. My kids and Nicky are the reasons I survived, but I am happy now." She walked up to him and touched his cheek. "I don't think your mate is dead, so that means you need to fight for her."

"Nina, what I did was... She wants nothing to do with me." He explained. "I need to respect her wishes." He turned and walked away.

Gernick stopped him. "Krill, let us help." Tears formed and he whispered, "You can't." He then vanished.

His cousins were concerned. They'd only known him a short time, but something big had happened. Gernick picked up his phone and called Kim. "Hey Kim, is Manson around?"

Manson answered, and he described Krill's behavior. Manson hung up and told Kim he needed to check on something. He vanished home where his brothers were, and they told him that Krill had talked with Samaria and she refused him. Manson cursed. He knew that girl was hurt, but at the time he could not get his brother to listen.

Krill appeared and was surprised to see Manson. One look at him and he knew someone called. He was about to attack when Manson told him Gernick called. Krill simply said I want to check on our parents. Ma and Pa were glad to see him and covered him with affection. Eugenia was overjoyed as well. Krill told them of Janine's birth and Cantar's kidnapping. He didn't mention Samaria.

He decided to stay overnight, not wanting to return to his empty home. But with the mood he was in, he did not need to be around anyone. So after visiting with his family, he decided to go home. His mother lived with him, but he asked her to stay with Ma and Pa tonight. Eugenia hesitated, but agreed to let him be. She could tell that he needed time alone. It was late, and Kale called, worried by his remoteness. Then Cantar called, and she was ticked. "What did you say to Samaria? She quit. She won't tell me what you did Krill? I know you did something." She fumed.

"Wait, she quit. Is she leaving?" he asked.

"I don't know, but you'd better fix this." She demanded. But all she heard was dead air. Krill was gone. He vanished into Samaria's apartment where she too was dressed for bed.

"Krill, you cannot keep popping into my apartment." She yelled. She was so mad at him, and then he shows up, half naked, muscular torso, and his gorgeous hair hanging freely. Her body wanted him, and she knew he could scent her desire. She could not hide it.

She was aroused, and he knew it. He advanced and then pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She didn't even pretend to resist as she surrendered to her need for him. Lifting her into his arms, he discovered that beneath her night shirt she was naked, wet, and willing. The heat of her sex perfumed the room, and nothing would stop him from loving her in that moment. He didn't even bother removing his pants, just pushing them down. He entered her is one hot swift motion. Her entire body stiffened on his intrusion. Gently, Krill held her as instinctively her legs encircled his waist as he rode between her thighs. She fit him perfectly, like a glove.

He was not letting this woman go. She could smack him every day if she needed to, but he could not let go. He kissed her, nibbling her neck as she lost herself in the feeling. A part of him, his wolf demanded that he mark her. His vampire wanted the same, but he had to ask. Sliding in and out of her body, Krill uttered, "Let me taste you, please Samaria."

She froze. Vampires would often drink from each other during sex, that was not unusual. His request was, however. "Samaria, please." He begged, her brain screamed NO!, but her heart and lips whispered Yes!, and then he bit the one spot that would mark her as his, his wife. Samaria's body convulsed at his bite, and he pleaded with her to taste him in return. She could no longer resist, and she did. With her bite, Krill shoved her into a climatic abyss that he soon followed her into.

He held her close and kissed where she had been marked. Neither spoke. Soon, Samaria moved to get up, but krill held he against him. "Please, baby don't leave me. Please, Sammie, don't."

Samaria realized he was actually crying. She froze. "Krill, what is it?" she asked. For him to cry, it must be something huge. She needed to comfort him. So she tried to soothe him as he spoke.

"I love you. You have no idea how hard it was to walk away all those years ago, but I had to. I was messed up. But I'm better now. I can be a good husband for you. I can be a father to our children. Just please, don't leave." He pleaded.

With a love so strong, so pure, Samaria held her husband. Despite everything, she loved this man. They had some things to work through, but they'd do so together. "Krill, it will be OK." She whispered "I'm here." She held him and he slept holding her so close, so tight. Samaria smiled, and snuggled into the arms of her new husband.


Corliss and Mrs. Manuel waited as Cantar concluded her business. It was obvious to her manager that something was going in here. Cantar hung up, and faced Mrs. Manuel. "Mrs. Manuel, Corliss and I have joined. He is my husband and I accepted him. I know it may cause problems, so how do you want to handle this?" Cantar asked.

Mrs. Manuel looked at Corliss and smiled, "Well, I knew there was something about you. Congratulations, we can advertise for a maintenance worker." She stated.

"Mrs. Manuel, No, please, take me off of payroll, but I will still do the job." Corliss explained. There was no need to pay someone to do a job he was capable of..

Mrs. Manuel nodded and agreed. She then went back to work. Cantar hugged her husband and kissed him. "Baby, I have to find a new researcher. Let me get to work." Corliss smiled, "I need to report to Mrs. Manuel."

Corliss reported for his assignment, but Mrs. Manuel hesitated and everyone left. "Mrs. Manuel, you did not give me a list." He complained.

"Mr. Darksky, you are now her husband. I will not treat you like a regular employee." She explained. Corliss sat, and looked at the older woman. "Mrs. Manuel, I am a servant. That is what I am. I refuse to be here and not work. I signed on and until I find something else, I will work to support her."

Mrs. Manuel smiled, "Ok." She pulled out his list, and gave it to him. "Here are your assignments. You are still on payroll."

Corliss went to work. Soon everyone knew he and Cantar were joined. A few tried to tease him, but he was steadfast. He joined his wife on his break, and she was working on foundation stuff. "Hey, can you take a break?" he asked as he appeared.

"Yes, " Cantar answered launching herself at her husband. She kissed him, as Gernick popped in.

"OK, enough slobbering on my kid sister." he chastised Corliss, and they separated. "You haven't been to see Nicky and the children." He chastised.

Cantar, looked at her brother with a smirk, she stated, "Gernick, we've been busy." She giggled circling Corliss's waist. Corliss was nervous, because he wasn't sure what to expect. Gernick smiled and said, "Come visit, and bring our new brother-in-law." He added. "Oh, Corliss, we're not done. But for now you get a reprieve." He added. Then he hugged and kissed his sister's temple.

Corliss exhaled. "He scares the shit out of me. Cantar, if your brothers don't approve. What does..." She silenced him with a kiss.

"I love my brothers, but I'm in love with my husband. I chose you Corliss. I will always choose you." She whispered. Corliss held her close and he whispered, "I love you, Cantar." Soon his break ended and he returned to work. The day ended, and usually he would go to his apartment, but tonight he was staying here with his wife. This house was lovely, and he admired it. But a part of him wanted to provide shelter for her. He knew she deserved a mansion, and right now he couldn't afford that, but he wondered would she mind living in a smaller apartment.

Mrs. Manuel left but before leaving she spoke with Corliss. He impressed her, and she had to convey that message. Corliss thanked her. Then as he and Cantar talked, she asked about inviting his parents. "Actually Corliss, I want to go to them. If they don't want me there I can leave, but I want to meet them sooner, rather than later." She explained.

Corliss was nervous. He remembered his mother kicking him out, and Christophe's anger. "Corliss, let's go now, tonight." Cantar suggested.

Corliss froze. She had to know how his family felt about her. So he confessed. "Cantar they hate you because of your mother. She killed our sister, poisoned her. My family blames you all for allowing her to run wild over the vampire nation and then doing nothing to stop her. My brother planned to take you, but I realized you were my wife and I did everything to convince him not to. He didn't but the hatred of your mother placed you in harm's way. In all honesty, my family may reject this union, but that does not matter to me. I love you Cantar. You are my life." He whispered.

"How did she kill your sister?" she asked, "Corliss, how?" She demanded. But fearing she knew. Corliss refused to answer at first.

"She was a practicing midwife, and she gave her a drink." Corliss exhaled, because he could feel her anxiety increase. Cantar sat down, he sat beside her and pulled her into his embrace. "Finish," she demanded.

"I think you know what happened." He whispered.

"The child?" she asked.

"She died with my sister. Henry took his life that same night. My family never contacted the foundation, because money cannot replace everything she took Cantar. That was why Christophe wanted to take you from your brothers. I don't know how my parents will react, but I will defend you with my last breath. What your mother did is not your fault." He added emphatically, holding her tightly.

"Corliss, no wonder so many people hate me. But I didn't know she was... As soon as I realized she was sick, I acted. I'm sorry she did this. I understand why your family hates me, and I won't subject them to my presence. I will stay away, but I can't give you up. You are the only good thing that has come from this mess for me. My brothers have their families and I am happy for them. But I look like her. You are the first man that looks at me and doesn't see my mother. Even my brothers see her. Let's go and let me meet them. If they cannot accept me, I will stay away, but please don't put me out of your life." She pleaded.

Corliss agreed. Within seconds, Corliss and his wife appeared at his parents' home. Chris was sitting working in a puzzle when his youngest appeared with his bride. "Corliss, you came back." He was so relieved.

His mother walked in, and she just hugged him and cried. "I'm so sorry for what I said that day. I was just so upset. I'm sorry, son. Please forgive me." She pleaded.

"Momma, it's OK. I forgive you. I want you to meet someone." Corliss placed his hand on Cantar's waist. "Mother, father, this is my wife, Cantar. She is the better half of me. Cantar, these are my parents." He paused.

His mother stared at the girl. She looked so much like her mother. She opened her mouth to speak when she noticed the scar on her neck. Curiously, she reached up and touched that scar, and Cantar pulled away. Her husband stood behind her, and she faced this girl and asked. "Did you do this to yourself?" Cantar looked down. She did not answer. Corliss, was curious, but he never asked. He realized that he also needed to know.

Cantar looked at her husband, and bravely answered, "No, I didn't."

"What happened?" His mother pressed.

Cantar looked at his parents. She looked at Corliss. No one outside of her family knew what really happened that night. The vampire nation was aware that her mother tried to kill her, but they did not know how. She reached for Corliss's hand and looked at him. She blocked the memories, but now she knew she had to share them with theses people. They had to know she suffered at her mother's hands as well. Until she connected, the resentment would fester. Before she spoke, Christophe arrived. He knew something major was happening, so he stood quietly.
