Captured by the Elves

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A human soldier is taken by a mysterious band of she elves.
3.9k words

Part 1 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 01/14/2016
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Writer's note: Great to be back. A previous story of mine, The Girl You Can't Have, has always haunted me. Not sure if I will add more to that, but this takes place in the same world yet in a different location. The human soldier in the previous story was likely from the opposing country to the humans in this story. When we really consider the classic medieval fantasy world we have to remember how much of that world would be untouched and unexplored (by humans) forest land. That being said, there were bound to be other types of elves roaming about. You do not have to have read that story to enjoy this one. They function individually.

If you look at what category the story is in and at the story tags you should know what kind of story this is. If you don't dig on that, you should probably move on. All the people involved are over 18 and some are fantasy creatures. Please don't forget to vote and leave comments. I like the feedback.


"Drag him home, ladies," cried the she-elf at the lead.

She wore a headdress of flowers woven with brightly colored feathers. I could only assume she was some sort of captain among her kin. They did whatever she said.

Four of the elf women began to pull me forward by the ropes that bound my arms to my middle. I could walk with them or be dragged along the ground. I remembered well what I saw happen to poor Thom. He'd been running right next to my friend Brendan and I. We thought that he tripped and fell, which many of us were doing during the panic. I tried to pick him up only to find that his lower half was stuck in something. Brendan came to help too, but then whatever had Thom rose from the ground. It looked like some giant house plant with Thom stuck inside its flower.

Brendan and I panicked and moved back. Thom pleaded with us to help. He said that it was burning him on the inside. Brendan told me that we had to save ourselves. So we kept moving. It was when we got farther away atop a hill that I looked back one last time to see Thom. The plant had sunk back into the earth with Thom sticking out of it like some grotesque fruit growing out of it. He was still screaming, and that was what brought out the fierce six-legged creatures that looked like wolves with scales. Thom did not last long when they got to him. I kept running with Brenden to go find the others. Even though we did there had been no safety with them.

My elf captors stopped along the forest path for little over an hour for them to rest and eat. Some of the women took the opportunity to grope and prod me out of brutal curiosity like cats that had captured a mouse.

I was the last man left of my entire regiment. There was no sense to how I survived. As we moved forward, several of the women still had their spears leveled at me. Not that there was any need. I had proven myself to be a coward.

Almost six months before this my human comrades and I had left our city. We marched proudly with new armor and weapons under our banners. The goal had been to rendezvous with troops from our sister city, and commence an attack on our rivals near the eastern border. The rousing songs that our leaders commanded us to sing said nothing of the hunger, the isolation, and the death that awaited us. And that was before we made it to the forest. Even so, my friend said that we had to keep going. Brendan had always wanted to prove himself to be a hero, and I went because I usually did whatever he did.

The Commander said that going through the forest would cut our journey's time by half. We were desperate enough to believe in him. Day by day we lost more and more of our men. At the end there was one last group of us. The Commander was at his wit's end. I saw the crazed look in his eyes. He told us that we were going to make it, and that our brothers had died so that we may live.

We made it to the edge of the vast expanse of trees. In the distance we could see the open hills outside. We ran like thirsty men towards water. I looked around for Brendan, hoping that he was running right beside me, but he was not there. Another man hit me, and told me to keep running or die. Scores of arrows rained down and took the rest. The fletching on the arrows was made from brilliant blue feathers, and for a moment I was entranced by how beautiful the blue was. I fell to the ground in shame, and prayed for everything to stop. Without Brendan I did not know what else to do.

I should have fought to the end, but what purpose would that serve? They had me. I heard their vicious cat calls as they approached. They materialized like ghosts from the trees. There had been stories about this forest. Stories that most people did not want to believe.

My captors continued to pull me deeper into the dark of the trees, and ultimately into the center of their fortress. It was more a collection of wooden buildings concealed at the heart of the forest that I had been trying to escape. We stopped, and they looked at me. The women were all beautiful. There was no denying that.

I had heard stories from the frontier. Elves were known to humans. The two sides had been in conflict off and on for centuries. But these elves were different: almost a foot taller than normal elves and their pointed ears were even longer. They fought semi-nude and were much more prone to violence, where their cousins were often considered prudish.

We had traded with normal elves for food and medicine. They could be rude, and believed that most humans were stupid brutes, yet they still seemed familiar. They lived in towns and villages, and men, women, children formed their ancient society.

My captors were all female. Even in the midst of their settlement with people coming out of their homes to see the human captive, and some others just going about their day, there was not a single man or child to be seen.

The she-elf captain walked up to me. She was tall with thick blonde hair beneath her headdress. The elf shoved me to the ground, and stood above me. Her bow was slung over her shoulder without a care in the world.

"Why did we have to get stuck with the coward?" she asked. "That commander looked to be a strong man. I would have made him mine."

"You've always been so selfish, Tegan," said a red head who came to stand beside her. "I think he's cute. Some of the other humans are hairy, unwashed brutes. This one though...once we get him washed, and shave that weak and grungy beard off of him he'll look like a boy with those big green eyes. They're almost like mine."

The red-head peered down at me with her jade eyes.

"You'll be good, right?" She spoke to me as if talking to a dog. "I'd hate to put an arrow in your ass. You won't run." She tapped me on the nose.

What was I to say? My weapons and armor had been taken. I did not know where I was, and was utterly surrounded. Much to my shame I was enthralled by these women. I had long come to believe that I would die surrounded by stinking, hairy men on some distant battlefield. That was not even a worst-case scenario—it was fairly common.

"Very well," said the blonde-haired Tegan. "Take the human and clean him. When I see him again he will be scrubbed pink, and that rat's nest on his face will be gone."

Some of the other women seized my bonds, and I was dragged away. The red-head followed casually behind as we went inside one of the buildings. This one was partially made of stone, and a great deal of heat and steam flowed outside from it.

Any actual fighting that I had done as a soldier seemed a distant memory. The real brutality involved my bath. A shorter, more muscled elf-girl with freckles and dark hair cropped into a bob greeted us in the room with the large wooden tubs. My clothing, what tatters remained, was ripped from my body. I tried to resist, but the short-haired elf girl punched me in the stomach, and kicked me in the balls for all my efforts.

I doubled over onto the moist floor. Any fight left in me evaporated.

"Don't be a little rat," said the girl who hit me. "You're not going anywhere we don't want you to go."

She pinned me to the floor, and after sticking her tongue deep in my ear said: "You're our plaything now, sweetie. Be smart and make friends."

She grabbed my aching crotch brutally. "I could be a friend, but I'm not sure you're that smart. My name is Braith, but you don't have the right to use that name yet."

She pinched my nose so hard that I was sure that it would start bleeding.

"Landa is watching," she said to me. "She must be interested to follow you all the way over here. Careful, human. She defended you against Tegan, but she's killed untold numbers of your kind. As I said: you really need friends here."

"Enough," said the red-head Landa. "Wash him and scrape off those damned whiskers."

Iron pots held by chains were heated by burning heaps of dried moss. Then the water was carefully poured into the wooden tub. However, I was not tossed inside. They considered me to be too dirty, and did not want to pollute their bathing area. Instead, they scooped out pitchers of the near-scalding water and poured them over my naked body.

Braith rubbed me down hard with a large cake of soap, and another woman followed up with a horse-hair brush. All the while Landa stood off to the side and watched.

The rinse water was even hotter. Then and only then was I placed in the tub and allowed to soak. Despite my fear, and the lingering pain from Braith's brutal treatment, so much of the suffering from the road and the last several months melted away in that tub. One of the elf girls even came to me with a horn of what I believed to be mead. I drank greedily despite my unease. It made little sense for them to poison me after going to so much trouble. The girl brought that horn back to me four times, and my head was swimming in pleasant thoughts and the warmth of the tub.

I noticed that Braith had gotten covered with water while washing me. She wore a very long rough-spun tunic, and the water soaking her top half allowed me to see her pert breasts straining against the wet fabric. My cock was stirring despite my fears. These were women after all, and I had not had the pleasure of one in months.

My muscles began to relax in a way I could not describe. It was a pleasant numbness, which is not far off from some drinking sessions I remembered, but combined with the bath it was heaven. I could not remember the last time I'd had a true bath. I was not left alone for long though.

Braith began to lather my face with the cake of soap. Once she was satisfied, she called for one of the other girls to hand her a curved ivory-handled razor. She gripped my head, and I knew not to move. Then she began to shave me. Every scrape left me thinking that I'd be bled out and hung up like a pig before feast day. She finished it quickly, and there was only a little blood when she wiped my face down with a rag.

The girls pulled me out of the tub, and Braith inspected her work as the others dried me with towels that smelled of strange herbs. The scents made my head spin.

One of the other elf girls pointed out to Braith that my hair had surprisingly been chestnut brown once all the grime was gone, and it had been dried.

"You're so pretty," said Braith to me. "Your mommy must be proud. She's not here though. Maybe one of us could fill in for her." Her hot mouth went to my ear again. "I could be your mommy."

She pulled back to smile at me. Her face was too freckled and cute to belong to someone who could be so mean.

"Please, don't hurt me."

She laughed, and then slapped my bare ass. "Be good, no matter what," she said. "I'll find you later, and mommy will take care of you."

I'm doomed, I thought.

Braith and the others began cleaning up, and while they were busy with that Landa came up to me, and grabbed hold of my arm.

"Darling," she said to me. "You look so beautiful now. Are you ready?"

"For what?"

Landa embraced me, and once again there was hot breath on my ear.

"I want you," she said. "You're mine. My credentials kept you alive, and so you're mine before anyone else has you."


Landa cupped my cheek. "Darling, you are far too meek to survive out here," she cooed. "Maybe you'll get stronger after I'm done."

There was little left in me to resist. I wanted to, but what chance did I really have? These women dominated the entire area, and who was I to fight against it?

Landa shrugged off the skimpy clothing she wore. I got to see her breasts fully when her tunic hit the floor. They were a size well suited to her athletic frame. Beneath her skirt she wore silk underthings that looked oddly luxurious for being out in the wilderness. When she pulled those down I was startled.

The elf girl had the cock and balls of a man. They were cleanly shaven but they were real, and she was quickly becoming aroused.

Any words I had were stuck in my mouth.

"Surprised?" she asked, taking her engorged cock in her hand. "This little detail is left out from some of the stories that our cousins tell you about us. Truth is: we're as different from them as they are from you."

"What are you going to do?"

"Have you even been with a human woman before?" Landa asked with a wicked grin.


"Then the concept should be apparent to you."

Braith returned and offered a small alabaster jar to Landa. When Landa dipped her fingers into it they came back with what looked like some creamy salve.

I tried to run then, but the other elf girls were faster. They subdued me, and held me over the tub with its cooling, murky water.

"Just keep looking forward, darling," said Landa. "This won't be easy for you at first, but you'll grow to love it in time."

"Please don't do this. I'll do whatever you want."

"This is what I want. Don't fight it or you might hurt yourself. Focus on relaxing. The drink we gave you should be helping some."

Landa's fingers slowly worked their way into me. No experience in my life had ever been like it. I'd heard stories of course. Some of the human monks out in the wilderness had been said to do such things to each other in their isolated monasteries. And some of the larger cities had brothels that housed girlish catamites, which were often the subject of jokes and insults among us soldiers, but they were said to be beloved by certain wealthy men and even noble lords.

"Very nice," said Landa. "I'm surprised that none of your superiors ever enjoyed you."

"They...we don't do those kinds of things."

"Of course they do. We've gotten to know so many of your human men over the years. You're nowhere near my first, lovely."

Despite my fear and my sense of violation, a strange feeling of ease settled over me. It had to be the drink and the bath. I tried to fight it, but my very body was betraying me.

"You're finally easing up," she said. "I'm so glad for that. I really didn't want to hurt you."

She removed her fingers from me. I was not sure if my body was glad or not to have them out. I heard the slick sound of her rubbing the same slippery substance on her engorged member.

"I want you to enjoy your first time as much as possible. I won't be the only woman here to take you like this, but it's my right to be first."

"Please," I implored one last time. "Don't do this to me."

I was not sure if I was more afraid of the humiliation or of the terrible possibility that I would enjoy the experience.

"Your shyness is so adorable. Eventually you will live to have this done to you. Take a breath, my dear."

With that she placed the head of her cock at my hole, and slowly pushed it inside. I cried out at the sudden pain of it. It felt so unnatural and the pressure inside of being filled up was equally foreign. I felt like I had to relieve myself desperately, but could not push what was inside out of me.

Landa's breasts touched my back as she eased into me. She leaned forward and nibble on my ear.

"I knew that you'd feel wonderful. See? It's not so bad, is it?"

I could not force myself to respond. I should have been cursing her, but part of me was so curious for it to go farther. Then Landa began pumping herself into me. I tried to recall the handful of times that I'd lain with a woman, and what had driven me in those special moments of connection.

There was the wet slapping sound, and even some sloshing as she kept at it. Pain was there, but it was impossible to deny pleasure there as well. A strange warm tingling gripped my own cock, and every thrust she made into me made it grow more and more. Why would it do such a thing unless part of me wanted this? Had Landa tapped into some deeper part of me? Something that my commanders and even my town's priest had not found out? I stopped resisting.

"You can let him go," Landa told the other girls. "He's not going anywhere."

The other elf girls let go of me, and moved away, so it was only Landa holding me against the tub.

Landa's hand reached around to grip my hardness.

"I knew you would love it," she said. "This part of us can never lie. Words may be wind, but the cock is a sword of truth."

My cock was on fire as she stoked it.

"That's it," she cooed. "You love it. This is how it will be for you here. Your own people gave up on you, and now we have you. I have you."

She kept thrusting into me while stroking my cock into madness.

"Now, tell me how much you like it."

The words caught in my throat. I was not going to give in, and then I failed.

"Please, more," I said.

My entire body was caught up in it at that point. I hand to reach the end of where Landa was taking me.

"Happily, darling. I'm almost there myself."

Landa's breathing became as heavy as my own as her thrusting and the manipulations of her hand sped up. I was all hers then. Whatever she wanted I would have relented. There is no way to describe the feeling of falling into someone else's will.

It was not much longer before my time came. I spilled my seed into her welcoming hand. She kept pulling: getting the most that she could out of me. I was not even thinking when she held it to my face, and I ate some. She finished the rest—consuming it like she had not eaten in weeks.

"Good, baby," she said. "Now, get ready to accept me."

Deep within me I felt as though I was on the cusp of a second release without my cock's involvement. It was almost in my grasp, but I lost it.

Landa cried out, and clutched at me tightly as her release came. I felt her cock twitch within me, and then the warmth of her seed pouring into my bowels. As her cum settled into me there was an odd tingling sensation like it swirled within me, and was active in some way. It did not occur to me that there was something different about her seed and that of all the other women there.

We basked in that moment. Our bodies locked together, and her cock slowly softening within me. Every one of my limbs felt like lead. I could have slept right there with her on top of me.

She sighed by my ear with her weight atop me. "That was well worth bringing you back here."

Landa disentangled herself from me, and stood up, leaving me to slump against the tub in defeat. Landa laughed softly to herself. Braith was there to offer her a horn of mead.

"Was he that good?" asked the shorter elf while Landa drank the offered mead.

"Better", she said, with the excess mead running down her chin, and onto her breasts. "Take good care of our new arrival. Shave the rest of him. Take some time to enjoy him the way he is, Braith. It never lasts long."

The shorted elf beamed. "Thank you, Landa. I love them when they're still like this."

"Don't thank me. It's a benefit of your occupation."

"What do you mean 'still like this'?" I managed to say.

"Never mind," said Landa as she gathered up her clothing. "You will do whatever she says while I'm gone. It would be unwise to disobey her."