Celtic Warrior 02: The Crystal Cave


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Lilli stood up and looked at him.

"I may not be able to tear your heart out, but you can't take her either. There are limits to your sorcerer's ways."

"True," she said. "There are limits to everything. I've come to deliver a warning. That is done." She looked down at Gretchen. "Fear not, Gretchen. You'll be free soon and safely back with your family. Trust in the spirits. You are being protected." Bruede scoffed.

"I'm coming for the warrior, witch. She will be mine." Lilli back away and began rising out of the clearing. Gretchen stood and looked at her with awe.

"She will never be yours. You may win a battle, but the warrior will win the war."

Lilli's floating body flared with bright, white light and disappeared.


Lilli quietly slipped inside her dwelling. Both Ulrike and Mina were sound asleep. She looked over Mina satisfied she was healing as well as could be expected. Standing over the fur covered pallet of their bed, she looked at Ulrike. In her sleep she had kicked the wool blanket off and her long, sinewy body lay completely exposed. Lilli knelt on the floor wanting only to gaze at her lover for a moment.

Her mother's skin art was incredible. Black flames curled and danced around Ulrike's muscles and bone structure. Lilli felt a spark of desire strike inside her. She reached a hand under her silk gown and slid her fingers up to the furry cleft between her legs. She was getting so wet just gazing at Uli. She didn't want to wake her, but she knew that she would. Leaning in, she kissed one of Ulrike's nipples and swirled her tongue across the bumpy texture of her areola.

Ulrike sighed and placed her hand against the back of Lilli's head.

"Umm, it's about time," she whispered. "I had to spank my naughty hands to keep them away from my jewel."

She turned slightly and pulled Lilli's face up for a kiss. The shear silk material of Lilli's gown was all that stood between the touching of their skin. Lilli stood and quickly pulled it over her head. When she climbed next to Ulrike and they melted into an embrace, they sighed simultaneously and then giggled.

"I have told you how much I love you?" Lilli asked in a breathless whisper.

"It's been a long, long time," Ulrike replied. Lilli chuckled.

"My precious Uli," Lilli said pushing her down and straddling her hips. Their pubic hair brushed together, and Lilli's sweet nectar seeped out and ran into Uli's bush. "Neither time nor space nor any person can come between what I feel for you. I have waited more than four hundred years for you, and I will be yours for all time."

It was the first time Lilli ever revealed her age. Her words and her presence looming above the warrior sent little shock waves through Ulrike's pussy.

"My dearest, Ulrike, I love you with all my heart, all my soul and all my mind. My love for you is no different than my love for the spirit itself. We are one in the spirit."

She slowly lowered herself down and kissed Ulrike with a deep, wet affection. One leg slipped between Ulrike's and she ground her knee against the warrior's sopping wet vortex. Ulrike groaned against Lilli's mouth. She slid her hands down Lilli's soft hips and kneaded the flesh of her ass pulling her tighter against her.

Lilli kissed a scar on the side of Ulrike's neck.

"How did you get this wound?" She kissed and licked the jagged, puckered ridge of skin.

"An arrow grazed me." Ulrike's breath heaved as Lilli kissed all around the scar.

"And this one?" Lilli kissed a scar on her shoulder.

"I tripped on a rock and fell down." They both broke into laughter, and Lilli playfully slapped her hip.

"What about this nasty scar?" She lapped her tongue over a fat line of scar tissue above her left breast.

"That was a spear point." After repeated kissing and licking it, Lilli's lips moved just below the scar and took the nipple into her mouth, gently nursing it to a stiff nub.

"And this one," her mouth moved to a small scar above Ulrike's naval.

"A dagger," was all that Uli could get out. Her stomach muscles twitched as Lilli's tongue swirled around the area and began moving below her belly button.

"Any old wounds down here?" She nibbled the flesh kissing into Ulrike's soft, downy pubic hair.

"Many wounds, my darling." Ulrike pushed her face closer to her aching need, but Lilli resisted and sat up.

"Turn over. There's one on your back I noticed the other day."

"You little tease," said Ulrike with an exaggerated pout on her face and slapped Lilli's butt


Ulrike turned onto her stomach. Lilli slowly caressed Uli from her tight little ass to the scar on her lean back. She bent down and kissed it, but the fingers on one hand parted her ass and slid teasingly into the cleavage. Uli started to clinch her cheeks together, but instead parted her legs and her whole body relaxed giving Lilli access. Ulrike groaned.

"That was another spear, and..." She stopped suddenly in midsentence and choked. Tears began to flood her and she turned over on her back clutching for Lilli.

"My darling, what is it?"

Ulrike fought back the tears before answering.

"If it weren't for Lena, I'd be dead now. She had my back that day. It was a spear that should have pierced my heart. She saved me."

"Oh my sweet," Lilli muttered and pulled Ulrike into her arms. Lilli closed her eyes and held her close. A vision quickly appeared to the seer, and she pushed Uli away and sat up.

"I think it's time you have a chat with Lena." She swung her legs over the bed and pulled Ulrike into an upright position.

"A chat; what are you talking about?"

"Come with me to the crystal cave."

Inside the cave, Ulrike hovered in levitation. The crystals glowed bathing her in radiant light. Lilli sat at the cave entrance and watched the glorious scene. Uli's consciousness slipped out of her body, and she stood on a vast empty plain. A distant figure slowly approached. A gentle breeze whipped light gusts of dust up all across the barren landscape. She squint her eyes and strained for some recognition and suddenly she knew.

"Lena!" She sprinted toward her sister. She knew Lena was gone, and yet, here she was. She didn't care. They both ran until they flew into each other's arms. After several moments of hugging, they stepped back holding hands and Ulrike gazed into Lena's eyes.

"I've been watching you, naughty sister," Lena said and smiled. "Taking a lover." She clucked her tongue and laughed joyously. "And I'm very happy for you sister. The goddess has certainly picked someone special for you to kiss and cuddle with." Ulrike blushed.

"I'd be happier if you were still here," she replied and tears started welling up in her eyes.

"No, don't do that dear sister. I am here. We can meet like this any time."

"It's not the same, Lena." Ulrike started crying and her sister took her in her arms.

"Please don't cry. I am at peace. The goddess has blessed us both, but there are some things you need to hear." Lena pushed away and looked into her sister's eyes.

"The veldtae, Bruede, did terrible things to me. Worst of all, he forced me to drink his blood. It is a fate worse than death, sister, but the goddess snatched my soul away before it was tainted. Please believe me, I am at peace."

"I have never wanted to kill someone as much as I do that monster."

"He'll get his, dear Ulrike. We all get what we having coming. I've seen things from this side. Everything is changing around you. The Romans are advancing into our world and they will change it for ever. Even the veldtae will be swept aside. You and Lilli have an important roll to play in the coming new world. Cling to her. Learn from her. Become a spiritual warrior."

Suddenly Lena began to fade and started drifting away from Ulrike. She tried to follow her sister, but Lena held up her hands to stop her.

"Come here any time. I will return. I love you, sister. Trust the ways of the Wyrd." Lena winked out, and Ulrike found herself cradled in Lilli's arms. She burst into tears, and Lilli rocked her like she was a child.


The final push to the seer's dwelling was exhausting, but Bruede was so anxious to have his way with the Celtic warrior. As he sat just out of view in the tree line, for the first time, he wondered why he was so obsessed with her. Gretchen had fallen asleep and lay curled up nearby.

She couldn't be any different from her sister; easy to fuck and easy to turn. He so enjoyed turning weak Celts into frenzied monsters. He smiled to himself.

I admire her tenacity and endurance, but that won't hold up for long once I get her in my grasp. Still, there's something about her I can't put my finger on. Ha! I haven't even met her. She's still nothing more than a pathetic Celt; food for the strong and a warm, wet hole for my seed.

He stood up, tied Gretchen's legs together with leather thongs and hoisted her over his shoulder. Gretchen awakened and struggle for a moment.

"Be still," he commanded. "It's almost over."

Lilli sat up with a start from the warm sleeping embrace of her soul mate. She knew he had arrived, and it was time for...she didn't want to think about it. She rolled off soft, furry pallet and walked to the door. She peered out through the tiny view door. Bruede smiled at her and raised his eye brows. He was about thirty paces away.

"Send your lover out," he shouted across the clearing.

Lilli shut the view door and looked back at the bed. Ulrike was awake and sitting upright. When she saw the look in Lilli's eyes, she scrambled to her feet.

"He's here, isn't he?" Lilli nodded. Her heart was aching and she called on the goddess to bring her repose. She knew it was all fated, but still, Uli was her love and life now.

Ulrike raced to the door and flung it open, unmindful of her nudity.

"Ah, the mighty Celtic warrior," Bruede bowed. "I see you're ready." He chuckled. Lilli came behind Ulrike and slipped a woolen robe around Uli's shoulders. Ulrike sloughed it off, unashamed. She was proud of her body art. It was an extension of her warrior's spirit.

Bruede laid Gretchen on the ground, and in one blink of an eye, he stood next to the door. Ulrike never flinched, but Lilli pushed her aside, threw a hand up and grunted. Bruede flew backwards and landed in the dirt. At first he growled and then started laughing.

"Well done, sorceress." He stood up and bowed. "Of course I wouldn't enter without your generous permission, but you see," he turned toward Gretchen and pointed. "I have brought a little offering. If the great and mighty warrior doesn't surrender to me, you are going to watch me drink out every drop of this dear, poor child's blood. I'll leave her corpse on your door step."

Ulrike tried to push passed Lilli, but the seer held her arms across the doorway.

"Please, Lilli, step aside," Uli whispered behind her." Lilli's heart was breaking, but she did as Ulrike asked. Ulrike framed her self in the doorway. Her hands were on her hips and her legs spread in a defiant warrior pose.

"What do you want," she asked. Bruede growled and took one step toward her.

"I want you to get your little cunt out here now!" He leapt next to Gretchen and swept her in his arms and bared his sharp, pointed teeth. "Count to ten, and if you are not out here next to us, I will tear her sweet little throat out, drink her blood and eat her delicious heart."

"Wait!" Ulrike held out her hand. "I'll come. Give me a moment." She turned back and disappeared inside the dwelling. Lilli stood by the door. Bruede glared at her.

"It's all changing," Lilli said. "You do know that, don't you? The Roman invasion is going to sweep us both aside."

"Romans," Bruede snarled and spat. "They're as tasty as the Celts."

"You know I am a seer, Bruede. Even your father has seen it. The Romans are different. They are going..."

"Enough!" He screamed at her. "Both you and father are fools believing in those ancient ways. Nothing can defeat us. This is our world; the more Romans the better."

Ulrike encircled her arms around Lilli and hugged her from behind. Lilli twisted in her arms and melted into Uli in a long, deep embrace.

"I love you so much," Lilli whispered through a kiss.

"I'll be back."

"I know, my darling. Just remember, show them no fear. Fear is their real food. And one other thing I haven't told you; cut their heads off. It's the only way to kill them. Otherwise, they live forever."

Ulrike starred into Lilli's eyes and then quickly turned away and stopped in the doorway. She was dressed in her full warrior regalia of leather and chainmail and her sword and dagger hung at her sides.

"Let her go."

"You come out first."

"Untie her and let her go. You have my word. I'll come to you."

Bruede snorted, untied Gretchen's legs and pulled her to her feet.

"Go on to the seer," he said. Gretchen bolted toward the dwelling as Ulrike stepped outside. The passed each other and Ulrike gently ran her hand across Gretchen's head as the little girl darted into the seer's home. Bruede stood still waiting with a grin on his face.

Ulrike advanced with a slow but steady pace. She relaxed her whole body as she walked toward him. She withdrew her sword and began to casually and deftly swirl it around in circles in her hand.

"Oooo," he said," you've pulled your deadly sword. Am I supposed to shake in my boots?"

"No," Ulrike replied. "I just want you to see the blade that one day will cut off of your cock and feed it to a dog." She plunged it back in the scabbard.

Bruede was instantly standing next to her, and Ulrike made no defensive movement. She held his eyes in her gaze. He searched her eyes and cocked his head from side to side trying to read the Celtic warrior.

"I want to fuck you right now, here, in front of your lover." He said the word lover with a rude tone in his voice. She raised her hand up and patted his chest.

"Whatever makes you feel like a real man." He growled and clutched her around the neck lifting her off the ground. Ulrike smiled at him and he tossed her to the dirt enraged.

"I will fuck you, bitch," he screamed at her. Ulrike shrugged and smirked.

"Is talking your foreplay?" He growled again and leapt down on top of her straddling her hips. Even up close, she showed no fear. Ulrike raised her eye brows and sighed.

"Does this take all day?"

Lilli watched from the doorway. She wanted to look away, but the way Ulrike played with him was almost delightful. She closed her eyes for a moment and focused on the spirit. Calmness enveloped her and she opened her eyes again feeling more at ease.

Bruede stood feeling frustrated and then knelt back down and put his face into hers.

"Look into my eyes," he demanded. That always works. But Ulrike starred into them with out falling into his spell. She glanced back at Lilli.

"Are the veldtae always this scary," she asked. Lilli laughed and Bruede jumped up and howled.

In a maddening frenzy, he tore off the soft leather that covered Ulrike's crotch area and threw aside his loin cloth. His cock was long, fat and limp. Ulrike looked at it and started laughing.

"You're going to fuck me with that?"

Bruede turned around with a frustrated groan and started stroking his soft cock. He thought of Ulrike's sister and the many time he fucked Lena. The memory did what he needed, and his cock began to fill with blood and rise up in his stroking hand. When it was fully engorged with his arousal, he turned back and flagged it up and down a few times.

"No, I'm going to fuck you with this. Just like I did your weak little sister."

For a moment, Ulrike started to react, but she heard Lilli clear her throat behind them and she relaxed and opened her legs for him. Then she heard Lena's voice in her head.

He can only touch your flesh, sister. Your soul forever belongs to Lilli and the spirit.

Bruede dropped between Ulrike's open legs, drove a finger inside her cunt forcing Ulrike to relax even more.

Surrender to the spirit. She heard Lena's voice again.

As his finger roughly probed her womanhood, Ulrike stifled a wince from the pain and continued to look at him without any emotion.

"That's it? You're going to fuck me with your finger?" She felt Lilli's gaze behind her. It strengthened her resolve and bolstered her confidence. It was comforting to have Lena's voice in her head. Bruede growled again.

Surrender to the spirit, sister.

He reached under her knees and pulled her torso against him. His fat, hard cock pressed against her vulva. He looked up at Lilli and smiled.

"Your tongue and fingers may have taken her maidenhead, but my seed is going to fill her womb."

He pulled his hips away enough to allow his cock head to drop down and slide against Ulrike's open labia. With a quick, brutal lunge, he drove his cock in and impaled her. Ulrike couldn't help it. She winced but quickly relaxed and heard Lena's voice.

He is only touching your flesh. Your soul remains pure and undefiled.

In the doorway, Lilli watched feeling two emotions. One was the unbearable heartbreak of a lover and the other was the calm acceptance of a Druid seer. Ulrike raised one arm back over her head and pointed a finger as if to signal to Lilli, I am yours.

Bruede drove his cock frantically in and out of the warrior. Ulrike was so relaxed and disconnected from the experience; her body flopped limply with each thrust. In a long, wailing scream, Bruede climaxed flooding Ulrike's inner depth with his semen. His cock was so long and buried so deep, that the veldtae seed filled her fertile womb.

Ulrike sensed an instant connection with her own life force. She slid a hand down on her belly and felt sadness and joy as a new life took root inside her. Lilli felt it too. She had seen it all in the spirit's vision. The Wyrd was weaving a new thread that was destined to change the world

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Blocker1Blocker1almost 7 years ago
weirdly wonderful

This was going rather well. Why did hiu abandkn it?

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