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Beth and Ben strike out on their own.
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Elizabeth wanted to be married. She just didn't want to be married to HIM.

Ben loved her. He loved her with his whole being, just as he had pledged to 18 years ago at their wedding. He was just tired.

They had gone shopping. They wandered the aisles of Target looking at all the same shit they looked at every four days or so. They bought dog food. He showed her jeans and tops and a dress or two. She rolled her eyes. They shopped the grocery section. Everything she picked up to put in the cart he suggested was wrong. She bought the wrong beans, the wrong size package of chicken, the wrong flavor coffee. They finished their trip and checked out. They loaded their haul into the back of her truck. She cursed the way the groceries rolled about in the back of the oversized sport utility.

He had told her to get whatever she wanted. All she needed to do was pick it out and he would do the business end of things. He suggested the little BMW or the Mercedes. She wanted a massive truck. At the dealership, he had pointed out the next model up with the leather seats and all the bells and whistles. No. She wanted THAT one.

He bought it for her.

As they drove home she complained about the size. She bitched about the radio. She wished she had gotten leather seats. She didn't like the feel of the upholstery on the backs of her legs.

"Fuck you are impossible to please," he said unable to stop himself.

That had been Tuesday. Friday afternoon they still hadn't talked. They had exchanged a few text messages, logisitics only. He sent her a message.

"Mario's at 5:30."

"You go ahead."

"We need to talk."


For an hour they sat, still not talking. They drank a bottle of wine and split a pizza.

"What do we do now?" he asked seemingly out of nowhere.

"I don't know," she replied.

She had been watching a man at the bar watching her. She was an attractive woman. She didn't necessarily look younger than her 44 years but she was a striking woman for her age, tall, blonde, long-legged, and well proportioned, at lease since she had her breasts done. She had needed to balance her round ass.

The waiter asked if he could get them anything else. Ben said just the check. After he had paid he looked over at his wife. Her attention was elsewhere. She was staring. He could tell exactly where too.

"I guess I'll see you at home."

"In a bit."


"Yes?" she said, turning to him for the first time in a while.

"Nothing," he replied. He walked out of the bar.

From her table, she saw him escape to his car. She watched him slip into the driver's side. She watched it back out slowly and watched it slip out of the parking lot onto the boulevard headed for home.

She stood, gathered up her purse and walked to the bar. She took the empty stool next to the tall man in the black T-shirt. He as wearing cowboy boots.

"Do you have the hat to go with those?" she asked him quietly.

"'Course," he replied.

"Liz," she introduced herself.

"Randy," he replied.

"Hm... I hope you are."

Ben didn't drive home. Rather than drive beneath the freeway and head for their subdivision he took the right turn onto the ramp. It was only ten minutes at seven on a Friday nitght headed into town rather than out of it. His friend from the office had all gone out for a drink. He hoped they would still be there. He wanted to talk. He wanted to drink. He wanted to smile and Joke and for just a few minutes not sit frustratedly trying to think of what would please her.

He found Mike, Kevin - his boss, Myra - the top performer, and Erika the Executive Assistant sitting in the bar at a long table that had probably been full an hour earlier.

Elizabeth let the man buy her a beer and a shot. He wasn't a real cowboy, he just had the boots the truck and at home the hat.

Ben ordered whatever they were drinking and ended up with a glass of scotch, something he never drank. The SVP picked up the tab and excused himself. Myra and Kevin left. He still had half a drink left. It was a thirty dollar glass of booze. He was going to finish it. Erika suggested they move to the bar, let the server have her table back. He shrugged. The two of them sat at the far corner in the dark. He sipped whiskey, she had a cosmo. She suggested they have two more. He looked at her a long moment wondering what he should do. her hair was blonde on top, dark around her neck. She had thick dark eyebrows over large dark eyes that seemed larger and darker in the dim light.

"Another?" the man asked Elizabeth.

"Naw, I'm good. she said. "I wish you had your fucking hat."

"Why?" Randy smiled. He was bald with a goatee and crystal blue eyes.

"I would put it on."

"Ya know what that means, right, when a lady takes a mans hat?"

"I do," she said, looking at him, her expression one of intent.

"Maybe we should go back to my place. You can try it on."

"Do you think it will go with my outfit?" She tugged at her shirt the way she did when she wanted it to fall open a bit and reveal a little more of her investment.

"If it don't you can lose the outfit."

His truck was lifted high on massively oversized wheels and tires and she hoped desperately he wasn't compensating.

"Do you want to talk about?" Erika asked him.

"About what?"

"Whatever you are thinking about that had you staring at your drink like its one of those pictures with a hidden image you can only see if you look at it just right."

"Not really."

"Is it Elizabeth."

As a response, he smiled. Smiling at her meant he looked up from his drink. Her lips were... purple? Her fingernails were painted purple. Yes, he thought looking at her, her lips were purple. She was sort of a hippie. She was wearing a leather jacket over a crochet top. Rather than jeans, she wore a peasant skirt, a loose flowing thing that draped around her legs and barstool. She was barefoot. He stared at her feet. They seemed too large.

"Stop," she said quietly.

"Stop what?"

"Looking at my feet. I know. They are too big. I hate them."

"I like your feet," he said reflexively. He wasn't into feet in any particular way and he probably had never once noticed her feet despite knowing her for almost three years.

"Come on," she said.


"We are gonna take your mind off your problems for a bit."

"Okay," he said. He paid for their drinks and did the end of his single blend like a shot. She pointed him at the passenger side of her little Honda. It was a mess, the floor full of all sorts of nonsense, a mixture of trash and supplied he thought as if she was in the middle of a cross country drive. He laughed and crunched his long legs in. She mumbled she was sorry, he mumbled it was no big deal.

He had a shitty little house in a shitty little neighborhood. Randy explained the bitch had ruined him. He did what he could just to cover the child support. Inside it was messy and she liked it. It drove her insane that Ben always had to be walking around the house picking up. Sometimes she made a point of not throwing out her pop cans just to piss him off. She excused herself to the bathroom. There was just one and she had to be sneaky to slip into his bedroom. It was a mess as well. A single sheet covered the bed coming up from one of the corners. A blanket emblazoned with a giant red boar hung from the foot of a thin queen mattress. It was a man's place. She found the hat, a cheap tan cowboy hat with no band. She made her way to the small bathroom. It was equally dirty. She took a leak, stripped down to her panties, and put the hat on her head. It was a little small.

"What do you think?" she asked, posing herself at the end of the short hallway. He sat on the couch with a can of Budweiser and no shirt. She pushed the comparison to her father out of her head.

"I think you need to come suck my cock," Randy told her. Was that really so hard? she asked herself. Ben would whine and complain about her not giving head but he didn't have the balls to just ask for it.

Ben made it to the stairs that led up to the second story apartments but that was as far as he let himself go. He stopped. Yes, her admired the way her ass moved as she walked up to the door but he didn't follow her.

"Are you coming."

"I want to."

"Well, then come on."

"Erika," he muttered, wishing she wasn't so far away, wishing he didn't have to talk so loudly.

She walked back down the stairs, took his hand, and led him back up to her door and inside.

"Erika," he said again.

"Benjamin," she replied, mocking his serious tone.

"I can't do this."

"Ha!" she barked, a deep throaty and genuine laugh. "I'm not doing you."


"I'm engaged."

"I thought so."

"If I wanted to have sex with you, I just would," she said.

"Oh," he really didn't know what else to say.

She stripped off her jacket and tossed it onto the back of a chair. The room was sort of cluttered. The walls were covered in shelves, the shelves were covered in tchotchkes, doodads, books, pictures, all sorts of crap, but they were neat, dusted, the tables were covered in odds and ends but in a way that looked more organized, almost staged. As she walked toward the patio he saw her small top was backless and he admired her soft tanned skin. She was braless but he had noticed that before if her top allowed she preferred not to wear one. She waved at him from her patio and he followed her.

They sat in silence as she stuffed the bowl of a tall ornate glass bong with pot, took up a lighter, and filled her lungs.

She handed it over to him.

"I don't.." he said, his voice cracking a little.

She pointed, waved, nodded, but said nothing. she held her breath, letting the herb do its work.

He took a hit, the first illegal drug he had taken since he was twenty.

It hit him quickly. It hit him hard. He sat back in a deep chair feeling as though he was settling back into a cloud, or a dentists chair, one or the other.

They each took another hit. He stared out at the purple sky and his mind wandered. He thought about otters. Erika was an otter. She was silly and playful and charming and cute. Elizabeth was more of a... cat? Meaner... Cheetah... Puma.

"What animal would you say I am?" he asked her.

"Hmmmm... she said. Good question!"

Elizabeth had to smile. He was compensating. It made sucking his dick easier though. She slipped the long but narrow cock into her mouth. He was only mostly hard. She hoped it would get better.

"A fox maybe?" Erika said in almost a whisper. Her voice was soft, melodious, gentle. "You are tricky... playful... but there's something else going on there."

"Ouch," the stranger said. "Watch your fucking teeth." Elizabeth tried harder.

"What about me?" Erika asked.

"Otter," Ben replied.


"Yeah..." the more he thought about it the more he liked it.

"I thought you thought I was at least kind of sexy."

"I think you are incredibly sexy," Ben replied.

"An Otter."


"Hmmm... Maybe you aren't a fox. Maybe you are like... a chinchilla."

"Ouch, shit," Randy grunted again.


"You are really bad at that," he said.

Beth looked at him more confused than angry. "I am."

"yeah, shit, that hurt. turn around."


"Turn around. Right there."

She was on her knees on the floor. No one had ever complained about her blowjobs before. Who fucking complained about a blowjob.

His hand landed on her ass loudly. She heard the slap before she felt it but the sting slowly worked its way to her brain.

"Hey, ow!"

"See, it sucks"

"Don't do that!" she said.

"This?" He slapped her ass again.

"Ouch, fuck, yeah, that. Don't do that."

"What should I do?"

"Fuck me!" she said. She leaned forward sticking her ass in the air. The carpet was grimy, she held her shoulders up to keep her face away from it.

"A chinchilla?"

"See, it sucks to be a silly animal."

"I like otters," he said.

"No one wants to be an otter! No one wants to be with an otter."

"I do," Ben said. He smiled at her. He liked her purple lips. He wanted to kiss her purple lips. "I want to kiss your purple lips."

"Okay," Erika replied.

They were soft, impossibly soft. Her lips were cuddly and wet and warm and he knelt in front of her between her knees. She leaned forward, leaned down over him, her hand was on his cheek, her fingers in the hair on the back of his head. She purred a little and it was cool outside and he kissed her gently and she kissed back.

After what felt like forever she pulled away just slightly, their breath mixed and warmed their cheeks.

"Do you want to see my breasts?"

"Yes," he said gently.

She tugged at the thin straps that held her top onto her shoulders and pulled them down her arms. she had pointy torpedo-like breasts with dark nipples, large nipples. She laid back in the chair. He stroked them gently. They were soft, lovely, he had to, he couldn't not. He leaned forward and kissed them, suckling at her. She purred.

"Fuck. Stop," she said, feeling his cock pressed to her pussy.


"Fucking condom."



"I dunno. Shit," He disappeared. she stayed where she was for a while but then she grew bored. She stood up. She wanted off the floor. She wanted a drink. She took the end of his can of beer. It was warm.

"This fucking sucks," she muttered.

Erika was lovely. He loved her soft dark skin. She was Hispanic, of some sort, he sort of knew. He had never been with a Hispanic girl. He suckled at her soft breast and growled. It wasn't that odd really, that he hadn't. He had only been with four women... ever. He kissed her ribs and her belly. He moved his hands to her ankled and then up her legs. They were not long legs, not thin legs, his wife had long thin legs, but they were lovely legs and he liked the feel of them on his palms and in his fingers. he growled again. He moved his fingers up her thighs, her skirt came with them.

He had crossed a line. She had inched down in the chair. She had spread her legs, not just to allow him to sit between them but further than that. One was hooked up on the arm of her chair, the other straight up and out and over his shoulder. She purred and he gathered her skirt up higher. He rocked back, sitting on the heels of his shoes and kissed her leg just above the knee.

"Wait," she said quickly. He sat prostate on the floor. she gathered up the bong again and this time fed him a massive load of the stinky bluish smoke. She then took one for herself. The long water pipe nestled between her breasts, her thighs, and he noticed, resting gently and a surprisingly large little tuft of bush.

Ben nudged the bong aside and placed his tongue between the thick folds of flesh between her legs. This time she grunted. he tasted her. It was salty musky sort of pussy flavor. He ran his tongue along both sides and then gently up in between them until he found the tough rubbery center.

Elizabeth went looking for him. She found him in his bedroom, naked, rolling a rubber onto his dick.

"Better?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied. She moved to the bed, laid down, spread her legs, and barked at him. "Do me!" she said.

He was muscular but not necessarily thin. He had the build of a retired athlete. He had thick arms but tits. A strong neck, that V shape behind his throat, but also had a buttery sort of gut. He mounted her. He entered her. she smiled.

"Come," Erika purred. she took him by the hand again and walked him to her bedroom. She had an old looking canopy bed, iron, with a silky looking curtain around the top that draped down the corners. She undressed him, slowly but efficiently. She licked his cock when she freed it from his jeans. She placed him into the center of the bed.

He didn't protest. It was too late for that. If she put him inside of her he wouldn't have protested. She didn't though. After tugging her skirt and shirt off her waist and dropping them to the floor she crawled onto the bed cat like until she had straddled his chest, pressing her bushy sweet pussy into his face. She slipped her warm wet mouth over his dick and then sat back, filling his mouth with her succulent pussy.

Elizabeth watched him, briefly, move on top of her. He was nothing but muscle. She rolled her head back, closed her eyes and reached up to run her hands over his body. She felt him enter her. it was fast and sudden and his cock stroked away as he grunted. She gripped his back and his hard ass, two tight balls of muscle flexing each time he pressed himself into her.

Ben relaxed, the drugs, the sensation of her on top of him, the scotch, the taste of her, all melded into a single sensation of being enveloped by her warm wet lips.

"Fuck. Yeah. Fuck me!" Elizabeth growled. He had gripped her calves spreading her almost painfully wide.

Ben growled and Erika slowed her pace, teasing just the tip of his cock with her tongue. he pressed his tongue inside of her, reached up to her ass, soft, round, lovely.

The man... Randy? was sweating. Fucking furious. Her orgasm came quickly and he fucked through it. She relaxed her body, gripped the muscles in his shoulder blades. He let loose her legs and she lowered them. His hands found her tits and he gripped them as if he was going to break them or crush them like a beer can.

Ben moved his hands over Erika's body and she purred. He felt it as much as heard it. He growled into her, pressing his tongue wide onto her clit. Her body trembled.

Beth grinned, clamped her eyes shut and growled at him. "Fuck me. Go. fuck that pussy. Make that pussy yours."

Ben groaned, his body tensing, his cock emptied itself of his cum. He heard Erika gag a little, he felt it drip down his dick and balls.

"Come for me," Beth begged the stranger.

Erika rolled off of Ben. He didn't want her to. He wanted her right back where she had been. Forever. He was, he figured, completely in love with her now.

Beth pushed him off of her. He had grunted a gutteral sort of grunt. he pulled out leaving the condom behind. She reached down and ripped it free of her cunt. She was disgusted. She liked it.

"You could stay. If you want." Erika purred at Ben. They were laying facing each other. At times they kissed, at others, they just looked at each other in that happy half awake stoned sort of way.

"Drive me back to my car," Elizabeth told him. She didn't mean it to sound bossy.

"I wish I could," Ben replied.

"Can't you take an Uber?" Randy asked. he was laying back in the bed, proud of himself.

"You're an asshole, you know that." Beth barked at him.

"If you need to talk or anything this weekend call me. If you need to, you know, get out of the house, Scott doesnt have his kid this weekend, I will be over there. You can crash here if you want."

"If I drive you back up there, you gonna come over tomorrow. Maybe work on that blowjob?"

"We'll see," Ben said. He had no idea what he was going to do next, what she would want him to do next.

"We'll see," Beth replied. She really hadn't ever intended to see the man again. But it was good. It was fast and hard and, well, good.

Outside the small house, she climbed back into the oversized truck imagining what Ben would say about the guy who drove it.

Ben waited in the parking lot for his ride to show up. Erika had threatened him with bodily harm if he tried to drive. He was to take the ride all the way home. She had also told him to leave his wife alone. He needed to wait for the morning. Everyone thought better in the mornings. They were reasonable, sane, and rational in a way people simply couldn't manage after midnight.

He was nearly home when he texted his wife. "Are you going to be home when I get there?"

"Later. Probably. Unless you want to talk. If you want to talk I will crash at Anita's or someplace."

"No talking tonight."