Christmas Exchange

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A young man falls for a co-worker with a dark secret.
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The snowfall outside his office window reminded Nate that he needed to make sure he got around to putting chains on his tires before the ice got bad this winter. He had forgotten the previous year and ended up running his car off the road and right into a ditch on his way to work. A repeat of that fiasco was not what he was looking for any time soon.

It was nice and warm inside the building today, maybe a little too warm. The maintenance people never could seem to get the climate controls balanced right always freezing people out in the summer, and making it like a tropical island in the winter. Nate Foster had joined the consulting firm of Bryant and Collins five years earlier right out of college. The office was made up of an interesting mix of old veterans and hungry, young workers ready to make their mark. Nate considered himself to be top dog in that latter group and he had the success stories to prove it. The word around the water cooler was that he would soon be seeing his name on the door of an office on the executive floor if he kept up his current streak.

The room around him was a typical cube farm with partitioned office spaces stretching off into the distance. Occasionally, a head would pop up over the top of one of the fake low walls like a prairie dog popping out of its hole. The image made Nate chuckle.

"What's so funny?"

Nate glanced to his left and tried not to grimace when his eyes fell on the rather rotund form of Nancy Balmgarner. Nancy was middle-aged, recently divorced, and more or less the self-appointed office organizer for parties be they employee birthdays, or of the holiday variety. She also had a horrible crush on Nate, and he tried to keep his distance from her most of the time. It might have been unfair to blame Nancy for her interest even if she was twenty-years Nate's senior. He was a very handsome man with curly, dark hair that surrounded a face a male model would have envied. His deep blue eyes flashed with a roguish charm beneath a pair of thick eyebrows with a smile that could light up a room as it pulled back from rows of perfectly straight, white teeth.

"Nothing, just musing about the day. What can I do for you, Nancy?"

She shuffled nervously closer, and waves of strong perfume assaulted Nate's nostrils.

"Jesus, Nancy. Did you use the whole bottle?" he thought absently.

"I'm sure you know I am in charge of this years office Christmas party."

"I can't imagine a more qualified person to lead us in the quest for holiday cheer," replied Nate making Nancy beam with delight.

"Well, I do my best..." she said while her pale skin darkened a deep pink.

"Anyway, Nate, I am having everyone draw names for the secret Santa present exchange."

Nancy shoved a small, brown box in Nate's face with tiny slips of white paper folded up and lining the bottom.

"Oh...I see. Sure." he replied uncertainly. He had never been a big fan of office Christmas parties, and the whole secret Santa thing seemed kind of silly, but he didn't want to look as if he didn't care about his fellow employee's that wouldn't do for a prospective executive on his way up.

Nate fished in the box withdrawing a single slip of paper, and carefully unfolding it as Nancy looked on.

"Kelly Markham..." he said out loud.

The name meant nothing to him at first which was a surprise since he prided himself on knowing just about everyone at the company especially all of the female someones. He had to think hard for a moment before a vague image of a tiny platinum blond appeared in his head.

"Markham...Markham," he repeated to himself as if saying the name would fill in the missing details of the image.

"Kelly Markham. The new girl who just joined us in accounting. She works for Jack Ross," supplied Nancy helpfully.

That did it. All of a sudden, a clear picture popped into Nate's head. He had met Kelly Markham once, but he could be forgiven for not remembering since she hadn't said much at the time and tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. It had been outside Jack Ross's office four months earlier when Nate had stopped by to talk about a potential new client and wanted to get a background check done. Jack had called Kelly over to explain what he needed. She was just a slip of a girl, maybe five-foot-three-inches tall, falling well below Nate's six-foot frame.

When she did glance up briefly while shaking his hand, Nate recalled a pair of brilliant green eyes in an attractive face with soft, full pink lips painted a dusty rose color. They had talked about the client. He now recalled that she had a hushed voice, so quiet he had strained to hear her at the time. Jack had dismissed her to her task, and Nate did remember thinking that she had a very nice rear end in her plain black skirt as she walked away.

"I guess I should push on. I have lots of folks to pair up," said Nancy pulling Nate out of his reverie.

"Yeah, right...Good luck with that..." he said only half paying attention.

Nancy hesitated a moment but seeing she had lost his attention she quickly exited the small office while Nate continued to stare at the paper in his hand pinching his bottom lip in thought. One of the things he hated about these kinds of gift exchanges was the fact that if you didn't know the person it could be darn challenging to pick the right gift. Certainly, he could go out and get some generic gift, but his family had raised him to be thoughtful in his choices.

The desk chair creaked a bit as he rose and walked out into the main office area. A few heads turned following his path especially a pair of nice looking young ladies at the elevator bank who admired Nate's well-chiseled athletic body as he walked passed. He made eye contact with one, a tall brunette with a very substantial chest, and she smiled in return. There was a moment when he considered stopping to chat. The number of women that Nate had dated in the office was considerable though he was always careful to keep it low-key. When the time came for him to ascend to the executive floor, he didn't want a reputation for being a flirt to color peoples assessment of his abilities.

The women passed behind him, and Nate put his head down deciding to focus on the task at hand. The far side of the building was identical to his with a large cube farm and high wall offices down the far side facing the windows. The sounds of people typing away on computers, or talking on their phones wafted out to meet him. He dodged around a short, chubby young employee carrying a stack of folders then spied his destination in a far corner.

Kelly Markham was pretty much as he remembered. She had cut her hair a bit shorter than it had been several months back, but that only served to accentuate her gorgeous features. He hovered near the edge of her desk, but she seemed to take no notice of him still staring intently at her computer. Nate cleared his throat putting on his best-winning smile.

"Hey! It's Kelly, right? I don't know if you remember me, Nate Foster, you did a background check on a client for me a few months back."

Kelly's head pivoted away from her monitor, and she turned a cool gaze on Nate looking him up and down, but without the apparent interest that the women at the elevators had shown. It was kind of intimidating, and Nate found himself shifting nervously on his feet while he waited for her to speak.

"I remember you, Mr. Foster. Did you need something from me?"

"Yeah...Well...I was just wondering if you were free for lunch today?"


The abruptness of her answering question took him off guard. Nate was used to being the aggressor in these situations, but Kelly had turned things around. He fumbled for an answer wondering why he had to justify asking a pretty girl out to lunch.

"I...Um...Just thought we might get to know each other a little better. Don't you enjoy a good lunch? I know this Indian place that..."

"Did you run out of girls in the secretarial pool?"

Nate froze again thinking his dating activities had attracted more attention than he thought.

"Ha! That's funny...I don't know what you've heard about me, but I'm just trying to..."

"I'm not interested Mr. Foster so unless you have some business-related reason for standing at my desk I really need to get back to work."

Kelly turned back to her computer screen taking no more notice of Nate who stood awkwardly for a moment before he turned away.

"Well...First time for everything I guess," thought Nate to himself. He rarely had faced rejection in his life at least not from women, and he wasn't sure how to process it. Glancing briefly back at Kelly, he thought about her standoffish attitude wondering if she was like this all the time. He ended up veering into the office of a colleague of his, Max Short, who worked in the same department as Kelly.

"Max! How are things my friend?" he asked flopping into one of Max's guest chairs.

"Not bad, Nate. What's wrong run out of women on your side of the building?"

"Damn, I really do need to be more careful about dating at work," Nate chided himself, "That's funny Max, although I did want to ask about a girl."


"Kelly Markham. What do you know about her?"

"That you're wasting your time with that one. She is as cold as they come. Started here five months back, but keeps to herself and even when she does speak you feel like you're talking to a robot or something. If that girl has a pulse, I haven't been able to detect it."

"The thing is I drew her name in that secret Santa exchange that Nancy is running, but I don't know enough about her to get her a gift."

"Why are you knocking yourself out over that? Just get her a gift card to some girlie place like a salon or something. They all want that don't they?"

"I think I can see why you never married, Max."

"Married? Only crazy men want to get themselves tied down like that I prefer the single life. Thank you very much."

"Right, Max. Thanks anyway for your keen insights into the female mind."

Nate returned to his office but for some odd reason couldn't concentrate on his work that afternoon. His mind kept drifting back to the mystery that was Kelly Markham. She certainly copped an attitude that was for sure. This seemed like a woman that wasn't worth wasting time on, and yet there was something about her that intrigued him. He found it hard to believe that anyone could be that cold. It might be just his ego talking, but he was determined to give Ms. Markham one last try the next time they met.

As it turned out, his opportunity was coming sooner than he imagined. That night after work, Nate stayed a bit later than usual putting the finishing touches on a deal he was sure would net the company a fat new client and get him one step closer to the executive floor. He left out the back entrance of the building leaning into the brisk, cold wind that stirred the newly fallen snow. The parking lot was mostly empty, and he was half-way to his car when he heard the telltale sounds of an engine laboring to start. A quick look around the lot was all it took for him to spot the struggling automobile and its frustrated occupant. Nate pulled his jacket tighter as he made his way across and casually wrapped on the glass of the window. The drivers head came around, and to his surprise, he was staring into the face of Kelly Markham for the second time that day.

She rolled her window down, "Yes?"

"Look's like your having some trouble."

"Your powers of observation are astounding, Mr. Foster."

"Please, call me Nate," he said ignoring the sarcasm.

"Why don't you open the hood and I'll take a look."

"You know anything about the ignition systems on a car?"

"God, No! That's just what you're supposed to say when you're the guy, right?"

He thought he caught the hint of a smile, "I tell you what I doubt I can do anything for your car, but it's late why don't you let me give you a ride home. It's too cold to wait for a wrecker out here."

Kelly's face looked doubtful, but she finally gave in to the logic of the situation. She exited from the car grabbing her purse from the seat next to her and followed Nate back to his vehicle. He entered first pressing the button to open the passenger door. The heater came on automatically after starting the engine. They both sighed gratefully as the extreme chill was chased away.

"So where am I going?"

"Westmore and 2nd street. I have an apartment there."

In the warm interior of the car, Nate began to pick up the scent of Kelly's perfume, and he found it very alluring. He glanced at her in the side mirror, and the more he looked, the more he realized how beautiful she was with flawless white skin, and eyes the color of a spring meadow.

"I hear you've only been with the company a short while. How do you like it so far?"

"Is this an interview? I thought I already had the job."

"You know, Kelly, I'm just trying to be friendly maybe you should try it sometime," Nate said with some irritation.

The car was silent for a moment as it crunched through the snow leading out of the parking lot.

"I'm sorry. You're right you're doing me a favor, and I should be grateful. I didn't mean to be so..."

"Bitchy..." supplied Nate.

Kelly's eyes flashed for a moment, but then she smiled. The first real smile he had seen on her features.

"O.K. I get it."

"So back to my original question. How do you like working with us so far?"

"I like it just fine. The work is interesting, and the people are...o.k."

Nate raised an eyebrow at her less than sterling endorsement of the office population.

"What? Does Jack Ross forget to wear deodorant or something?"

"Mr. Ross is a good boss. I don't have a problem with him. I just...I'm not exactly comfortable making small talk with people."

"That is kind of obvious if you don't mind me saying," commented Nate.

"Yeah, well, I guess I'm a little shy I prefer to be left alone. Do I need to be everybody's friend to do my job?" she finished sounding a bit defensive.

"No, but it does make the time go by easier."

"I suppose..." she said doubtfully.

"Did you have any dinner plans?" he asked suddenly.

"Um...No," said Kelly flustered by the change in topic.

"What do you say we stop and get something to eat? I'm starving, and your car isn't going anywhere."

Kelly looked perplexed for a moment but finally answered, "I guess it wouldn't hurt. I am hungry."

Nate pulled into a roadside diner, and the pair darted inside trying to minimize their exposure to the cold. The interior was warm and inviting decorated for the holiday season with lights strung along hooks in the ceiling and cut out reindeer and Santa's taped at various spots on the walls. The register had a garland wrapped around the top with colorful Christmas wrapping paper taped to the side facing the door. A perky waitress sporting a Christmas tree pendant came up to them.

"Evening folks! Cold night, huh?"

"Very," said Nate with a smile.

"Sit anywhere you like we're not exactly bursting with customers at the moment. I'll fetch some menu's for ya!"

Nate and Kelly chose a booth about halfway down sitting across from each other. The waitress, whose name turned out to be Mary, was back in a flash handing them a pair of battered-looking menus."

"The special tonight is beef stew it will warm your tummy! What would you like to drink...Ohhh! That is a beautiful necklace," commented Mary her eyes falling on Kelly.

Nate glanced up from his menu. Kelly had removed her jacket, and he took notice for the first time of the bright gold jewelry she wore around her neck. The chain was adorned with a small, delicate looking butterfly whose wings were encrusted with tiny sapphires and rubies. While Mary went off to fetch their drinks, he looked more closely at the piece.

"That is a very nice necklace, the butterfly is very detailed," he noted.

Kelly looked down momentarily and shrugged her shoulders, "Just something I got at a thrift shop a long time ago."

Her tone was dismissive, but Nate got the feeling there was more to the story than she was letting on. He decided not to push just yet she was skittish enough as it was so he returned to looking at his menu. They both ended up ordering the beef stew, and Mary went off to grab them a couple of bowls.

"So how did you come to work at Bryant and Collins?"

"It's not an especially interesting story. I got my degree in finance from Lonsdale University last year and started pounding the pavement looking to put it to good use. Bryant and Collins were the first to offer me a job."

Nate noted that she looked a bit older than your average college graduate likely close to his age, but he didn't comment on it.

"I see. Was being a number cruncher your first love?"

Kelly smile slightly, "No...I wanted to be a dancer. I took lessons as a kid but...Well, It's hard to make a career of it unless you're very good."

"Were you?"

"Clearly I wasn't..."

Nate frowned realizing he was treading on sensitive ground, so he decided to pivot in a different direction.

"The holiday is creeping up on us fast. Any big plans for Christmas?"

"Not really. My parents are both deceased, and I was an only child. I have an Aunt that lives up in Buxton, but we aren't especially close. What about you?"

"Big family. Three brothers and a sister. I'm the youngest, so I take a lot of crap from the others about being the baby. I can't help it if my parents thought I was cuter," he said in mock seriousness.

Kelly chuckled, and Nate smiled back enjoying hearing her laugh for the first time.

"We do a big family Christmas party every year. All the relatives come down for it I think we have like forty or so people crammed into my parent's house. It's pretty festive."

"I can't even imagine what that would be like..." answered Kelly wistfully.

The stew arrived, and it was piping hot the scent making both of their mouths water. Mary had not sold the dish short. It was well made and tasted wonderful.

"So any hobbies?" asked Nate fishing for gift information.

"Not really. I use to knit. My Mom taught me when I was younger, but I got out of the habit. Sometimes I'll still whip up a scarf or something when I'm really bored."

"I'm trying to picture you knitting," said Nate with a laugh, "like an old grandma with your glasses perched on the end of your nose."

"Knitting is not just for the elderly. I've met guys that knitted!" she said laughing in return.

"Does your boyfriend knit?"

Kelly grew silent again, stirring her stew, "I...don't have a boyfriend. I don't really date much..."

"A pretty girl like you? I would think you would have no problem meeting plenty of guys who would want to ask you out."

"Maybe I'm just not interested right now. I'm focused on getting my career off the ground."

"Lonely way to live," said Nate watching her carefully. He thought he caught a flash of sadness in her green eyes.

"I suppose...Look, I'm fine. Can we change the subject?"

"Sure...Sorry, Kelly, I didn't mean to pry."

"It's o.k."

They talked about the weather for awhile with Kelly admitting that she hated the cold and one day wanted to move somewhere that never saw a lick of snow during the year. Nate told her stories of his time at the university including when his roommates stole his clothes out of the shower stall he was in, and he had to walk back to his room naked.

"They made sure to line the hallways with girls from the co-ed dorm across the street. I didn't let it bother me. I strutted proudly down the hall. Never let them see you sweat! That's my motto!"

Kelly laughed loudly almost choking on her stew, "Oh my God! I would have been mortified if it had been me!"

Nate had a brief flash of Kelly strutting naked down a hallway. Now that she had her jacket off he could see how tight her body was, and his cock stirred a bit in his pants at the mental image.