Cockatoo Pt. 24

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James becomes Jamie and heads to Bangkok.
9.7k words

Part 24 of the 44 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/27/2015
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Author's Note Apologies for the delay on posting this new chapter. I had some personal issues which took up my writing time. I hope you forgive me and enjoy the story.

Alex grabbed my hands, 'Please, James, it's the only way we could think of to get you over there as quickly as possible without Jandaeng being aware. You could be back here in two days and then fly to Bangkok as Jandaeng expects you to next week. Please?'

Areeya came up behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. 'James, I am so worried about my father. I would be very, very grateful if you could do this for me.' Areeya squeezed my shoulders, and my imagination went into overdrive thinking about what that gratitude would be like.

'There must be another way, surely?'

'If there is, we can't think of it,' said Alex. 'We have to assume all electronic communications will be intercepted. We're on an island so we can't just drive there. The only ways to the mainland are by plane or the ferry. Flying would mean being spotted straight away. This is the only way.'

'But I would never get away with it. I would stand out like a sore thumb.' Even I realised I had moved from outright denial to raising objections.

Alex gripped my hands tighter. 'No, not at all. You're just about my size and you're slender enough not to be too noticeable if we do it right. Your face isn't too masculine; you have nice cheekbones. With a touch of lipstick, your lips would be quite feminine. Your feet and hands aren't too large, and you have nice smooth skin.' She ran her fingers over my cheek and said, 'A little foundation would make all the difference. You'll be with Nin and she'll take care of you. She's happy to do it.'

'What?' I squealed, 'You've asked her already?'

'Yes, of course. We had to make sure she would say yes.' Areeya said from behind me, her hands still squeezing my shoulders.

'What if I had to speak? That would be a dead giveaway.' I thought that would stop this nonsensical idea.

Alex smiled, 'That's where Nin comes in. Aside from being cover as two girls travelling together, her English is so good, she can answer any questions for you. Just pretend you have lost your voice.'

I stayed silent, just hoping this madness would stop.

Alex went on, 'Look, there will be hundreds of people on the ferry, I promise no-one will notice you. You can wear sunglasses all the time and a sun hat. You've let your hair grow since the pirate attack and I think we can style it in a more feminine way. If not, I have a wig you can wear that will help to cover your face. We'll dress you casually; a top and loose sarong and sandals, so you'll blend in with all the other travellers. You can take some male clothes with you in a bag and change when you get to the bus.'

Areeya's hands were now massaging my shoulders and Alex was stroking my hands, and I could feel my objections slipping away. Alex, sensing this, provided the final push.

'Look, let us just try it, get you dressed to see if it works. If it doesn't so be it. If it looks OK, will you do it?'

I closed my eyes and nodded. 'OK, I agree to try it, but if I think I look ridiculous, it's all off, right?'

'But if it doesn't look ridiculous, then you will do it?' Alex countered.

I opened my eyes and confident it would never happen, I sighed and said, 'Yes, if it looks OK I will do it.'

Alex clapped her hands together and kissed me, whilst Areeya wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tight.

'But I repeat, if I look ridiculous, it will all be off, right?' I tried to stop their enthusiasm carrying me along with their harebrained idea. 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, you'll look fine, I promise you,' said Alex, 'but you have to do everything we say, right?'

I nodded, and she jumped up and said, 'OK, let's get started. First, you have to get rid of any hair you have. I know you aren't that hairy, but we need to get rid of anything you do have.'

'What? Is that absolutely necessary? I mean we're just seeing if it might work. Can't we do that later, if it's necessary?' My voice tailed off as I saw the look on Alex's face.

She glowered at me, hands on her hips, 'You promised to do exactly what we said, didn't you?'

'Yes, but...'

'No buts, let's get to it.' She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the wet room, shouting to Areeya on the way. 'Babe, can you sort out something for him to wear, casual I would say, but stylish. My stuff should fit him, I think.'

Areeya nodded and disappeared towards the walk-in closet at the end of the room. Alex had by now dragged me into the shower room and said, 'Come on then, don't hang about, strip. I want to look at what we have to work with.'

All I had on were my shorts and t-shirt, so it didn't take long for me to be naked. Alex walked around me; her manner very much like a farmer sizing up a cow at the market. She even prodded me a couple of times, which I hoped was just for effect.

'Not bad, I think. You've dropped a few pounds since the pirate attack, makes the job a bit easier. You're a bit stringy, but there's nothing we can do about that in the short term.'

'Alex, this is a one off, remember.'

'Yes, I know, but you never know, you might get to like it.' She stroked my cock and kissed me, and I started to harden. She gave me one more squeeze and said, 'OK, shave your face once, and then again, to get it as smooth as possible and then use some of my moisturiser. Then we'll get started on your body hair. I've got Lawan waiting outside to do the waxing. She does all the girls, me included.'

'What? No, I'm not doing that. What do you mean, she's outside? I only agreed to see how I looked. I didn't agree to any bloody waxing.' Alex smiled, 'Well, you did agree to do exactly we said, didn't you? In any case, if we are to show you how good you could look we have to do a little preparation, sweetie.'

I turned to argue, but she gave me a sharp slap on the bum and I decided not to bother. I shaved my face once and then shaved again, finishing off with her moisturiser, which did feel good on my skin I have to admit. Alex had sat on the stool and watched me as I shaved.

'That's one thing I absolutely don't miss,' she said as she stood up and came over towards me. She stroked my chest and said, 'I think that's OK, but the legs need doing and your pits, ugh, they have to go, you're not pretending to be an Australian girl for God's sake.'

I opened my mouth, and she put her finger to my lips. 'You promised, remember. The damned stuff grows back anyway, so there's no need to get uptight.' She grinned and shouted 'Lawan, you can come in now.'

The door opened and a small Thai girl entered giggling. I grabbed a towel, held it over my groin and blushed. 'Alex, I will kill you one day.'

'Oh, don't be a baby, Lawan has done this many times with boys and girls, there's nothing she hasn't seen, believe me.'

'Well, she hasn't seen me.' Even I knew that sounded pathetic.

'It's either this, or I'll start shaving you. Which do you prefer?' Alex was making wild swinging motions with her hands, looking like she wanted to use a scythe to shave me.

'I said before, you aren't getting anywhere near me with a razor. Will this waxing thing hurt?'

Alex shook her head, 'No, of course not. Women get this done all the time. Come on, man up, although that's probably not the right term considering what we're going to do, and come into the bedroom. Lawan has set her stuff up in there.'

I walked through to the bedroom, keeping the towel in front of me.

'Oh, don't be shy, Lawan doesn't care how little your thing is.' Alex grabbed the towel and dropped it on the floor.

'It's not little,' I protested as Lawan giggled, which didn't help.

'No, it's not little, it's kind of cute,' said Alex, winking at Lawan. Lawan indicated I should lay down on a trestle table which she must have put up whilst I was in the wet room with Alex. Areeya walked in at that moment and tried to stifle a laugh as she saw me laying down on the table.

'Don't you dare say anything, it's bad enough as it is.' I said, regretting that I had agreed to this crazy plan.

'What about his bikini line?' Areeya said, with a smirk.

'Bikini line? What do you mean?' I squealed.

Alex looked at me with a straight face, 'We have to do a proper job, can't have stray hairs, popping out, can we?'

'How about a brazilian?' Areeya was now trying to stop laughing and failing completely.

'What's a brazilian?' I said. All three of them burst into laughter. 'What? What have I said?'

Alex stopped laughing and said, 'Nothing, don't worry about it.'

Lawan was ready to start, and she applied the wax to my leg. It felt nice and warm and I closed my eyes, thinking this wasn't going to be so bad. Then I felt Lawan lay a cloth or something over the wax and press it firmly down. A few seconds later I felt a burning pain as she ripped off the cloth,

'Owww, that hurt.' I sat up and opened my eyes to see Alex and Areeya holding onto each other, trying not to laugh.

'You told me it wouldn't hurt, you bastards.'

'Poor baby,' said Alex, 'we girls have to suffer to look pretty, you know.'

Areeya smothered her laughter. 'I'm sorry, James, we're only poking fun. I do appreciate what you're doing, thank you.' She leant across and gave my cock a kiss. 'That's a down payment for when you get back.'

Lawan pushed me back on the table and continued to rip away my hair. After the first shock, it wasn't that bad, but I wouldn't want to do it too often. Lawan got into a rhythm and I lay back and tried to ignore the pain. She started to get very close to my groin with the strips and I sat up in alarm as her hand brushed against my cock.

'Be careful.' I said, alarmed at what I thought she was going to do.

'Don't be a baby,' Alex said from the sofa where she was casually flicking through a magazine. 'Lawan will just trim your pubic hair, this time, we can get it waxed properly next time.'

'There won't be a next time,' I said.

'Hmm, maybe, maybe not,' she said, her legs crossed and one shoe dangling off her foot. A gesture that somehow I find sexy. I lay back again until I heard the buzz of a hair trimmer. I looked down just as Lawan began to trim my pubic hair. She held my cock out of the way although to be honest it seemed to have shrunk in size at the thought of what she was doing. Not for the first time I thought I must be stark raving mad for going through with this. I watched as she gently trimmed away leaving what later learnt was called a landing strip of hair pointing down towards my cock. She finished, looking over to Alex, who nodded and said, 'Very pretty, Lawan.'

Lawan moved up the table and pulled my arm away from my side and quickly waxed my armpits and then ripped away the hair.

I almost jumped off the table, 'Shit, that stings.' I wailed.

Alex laughed and said, 'Only one more to go, it won't be as bad.'

She lied, it was as bad.

'Thank you Lawan,' Alex said in English, then followed up with something in Thai, which made both Lawan and Areeya giggle.

'What was that?' I said, now sore and not in a good mood.

'I just told her that next time she could do your crack and sack as well.'

'Oh no, no way. Anyhow, there won't be another time.' I said and got off the table.

Lawan was busy clearing up her things and Alex said. 'Go and take a cool shower, you'll feel better for it, then use some of my tea tree oil.' The shower certainly helped and I admit I felt a thrill as my fingers slipped over my now hairless legs. I used the tea tree oil as Alex had suggested and it did ease the warmth leftover from the waxing. I dried myself and wrapped a towel around my waist to give me some dignity and walked back into the room. Alex took my hand and led me across to a chair which she had placed in front of the mirror.

She bent over and whispered in my ear, 'This is where the magic starts, baby. First, Lawan is going to do something about those eyebrows, they're far too bushy and need a little thinning and shaping.'

'What? No way, I'm not having that.'

Alex sighed and said, 'Need I remind you that you agreed to do whatever we said? It won't be bad, I promise. Your brows will grow back if you don't like them.' She dropped a towel over the mirror and said, 'We won't let you see anything until we've finished.'

'Alex, you won't do anything too drastic, will you?' She smiled and gave me a quick kiss and said, 'No, not this time anyway.' She put her finger to my lips before I could say anything and turned to Lawan.

'OK, Lawan, make him look beautiful.' Lawan giggled and moved between me and the mirror.

'Please keep eyes closed, Mr James. Please not move either, it will sting a little but not much. I going to thread your brows first. It better than tweezing, Mr James. Don't worry I won't do too much.'

I felt a tug and then a sharp pain across my brows, 'Ouch, that stings.' Lawan completely ignored me and carried on across both brows. I felt her rub something into my brows as she said, 'Just some Aloe Vera, Mr James, very cool.' She moved behind me and I felt her hands on the back of my head.

'Just give you head massage, very nice, make you relax.' Lawan was as good as her word and before long her skilled hands had me almost falling asleep. I still had my eyes closed, and she came round to the front again and giggled, 'OK, I start make-up now, Mr James. I not do too much today, just some foundation and lipstick and eyeshadow.'

Not for the first time, I cursed myself for allowing myself to be talked into this. I heard Alex and Areeya whispering in the background and I shouted, 'This will be it, right?'

Areeya giggled and Alex said, 'Sure baby, just the wig and the clothes after this, I promise. We won't use any nail polish this time, but in the future who knows.'

Lawan put something over my face and spread it out with a sponge.

'This to cover up any beard, Mr James, just put some concealer as well and some blush.' I had no idea what she was talking about, but I have to admit I was enjoying the feeling of what she was doing to my face; I began to understand why women liked to be pampered in this way. Lawan was talking all the time she was working, telling me about the eyeshadow she was using, and that it was good for daytime or night-time. As if I would know the difference I thought. Her fingers were so soft and gentle and the feeling of the brushes or whatever on my eyes made me feel a little excited to see what it would all look like.

She finished with the lipstick. 'I draw around your lips, Mr James, make them look a little bigger, but you have nice lips anyway.'

I heard Alex snigger, 'I might let you kiss him later Lawan.'

Lawan giggled, and I thought that might not be altogether a bad idea.

Lawan said. 'Open mouth Mr James,' and I felt the lipstick sliding onto my lips. It felt somehow decadent, and I realised with a little alarm that I enjoyed the feeling. 'Now press lips together gently, smooth everything, Mr James.'

I remember watching my mother do this when I was small, and it seemed a natural thing to do. The feeling of the lipstick across my lips was surprisingly nice.

Lawan touched up something around my lips and then said, 'OK, I finish, I think look good Mr James.'

I heard Alex and Areeya come up behind me and what sounded suspiciously like a high five between the two of them. I opened my eyes and saw Alex smiling down at me.

'OK, baby, let's get you dressed and then we'll finish with the wig and then you can see just how good you look.'

She was holding what looked like a pair of bikini bottoms in her hand.

'Stand up and let's get these on. I was thinking of a gaff, but for now, these are tight enough to keep you in check. I can teach you to tuck another day.'

Areeya couldn't suppress a giggle but I had no idea what they were talking about.

I put one hand on her shoulder and placed first one foot and then the other into the knickers. Alex drew them up my legs and the feeling as they slid over my shaved legs was thrilling. She pulled them up tight, and I felt a little uncomfortable as my cock was compressed at the front.

'Should be OK for now,' said Alex as Areeya handed Alex what was clearly a lacey bra.

I felt myself blushing, 'God, do I have to wear that? Can't we just imagine for now?'

'No,' said Alex, 'we want to make this look as good as possible, so put your arms out and let me put this on you.'

I stuck my arms straight out like a sulky schoolboy as Alex slid the straps up over my arms and then Areeya pulled the bra tight, fastening it at the back. As the straps pulled against my skin I felt a sudden rush and for the first time, it struck me just what I was doing.

Alex must have sensed something, for she kissed me and whispered, 'Feels good doesn't it?' I shook my head, but I couldn't shake off the feeling of the thrill I was feeling. She smiled and picked up something from the table. 'These are breast forms that I used to use. They're good quality but not as nice as the real thing, unfortunately.'

She slipped the forms into the bra and adjusted it so that the forms fitted into the cups. The extra weight was astonishing to me and I looked down at them with amazement.

Areeya laughed and said, 'Yes, that's what I have to carry around with me every day, and what boys love so much. Maybe they wouldn't like them so much if they had them too.'

Alex smiled and said, 'We're just going to give you a simple skirt and top for now, nothing too formal, you want to look as if you've been on holiday, not going to a business meeting.'

She picked up a brightly coloured cotton blouse and said, 'This will slide over your head, but try not to get makeup on it.'

I put my arms up, feeling the tug of the breast forms as I did so. Alex put my arms through the blouse and it fell down over my head and the bottom came down to my hips.

'Looks nice,' said Areeya fussing with it a little, getting it to settle across my shoulders. Alex picked up the skirt and said, 'This is a wrap-around skirt, it will cover up a lot but will still be nice and cool, you just have to be careful how you sit down so that it doesn't fall open too much. We can practice that later.'

She got me to hold one side and then pulled it round and showed me how it fastened at the side. It was white and seemed to float down from my waist almost to my ankles. It felt odd to be wearing something that long but which felt light and loose and comfortable. Alex stood back and looked over to Areeya who nodded her approval. Alex sighed, and I suddenly realised she was nervous about how this would turn out.

'OK, James, the crowning glory, the wig. I don't think we can rely on getting your hair to be styled in time, so we're going to go with one of my wigs. I had a few for my previous profession if you know what I mean. It's a good one, so it will get you by as far as we need to for tomorrow.'

I had sat down again and with Lawan's help, they put a wig cap on my head followed by the wig. It was only shoulder length. but I had never had such long hair, and it felt strange to have so much hanging down around my face. I kept touching it and Alex gently slapped my fingers, 'It draws attention to it if you keep playing with it. Leave it alone.'

Lawan and Alex did some more adjusting and then they stepped back and Areeya joined them, all three were looking a bit shocked.

'What?' I said, 'how bad does it look? I told you it would.'

Alex shook her head and pulled me up out of the chair. I saw Areeya had her hand over her mouth and Lawan was watching, wide-eyed as I walked over to the mirror. My heart was beating so fast as she positioned me right in front of the mirror, and without a word slipped the towel off the mirror. Time seemed to slow down as the towel dropped to the floor, and I could hear the blood pounding in my ears. I had closed my eyes, and I counted to five before slowly opening them, expecting to see some kind of monstrosity staring back from the mirror.