Crystal Ch. 12


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Never running out of bullets (since it was illusionary), the woman made her way up the steps and into the White House, firing at anyone that stood in her way. Those who were 'shot' were also approached by the woman who place them in an illusion as if they were dreaming. Plenty of officers stood in her way to the White House entrance, but as she waved her hand, they each started struggling as if bugs were crawling all over them.

She bypassed them and went inside the building. There was a red carpet that she found herself walking on led her to the banquet room, where agents were guarding the door.

"Stop, you're not allowed to come in," the leading agent ordered.

"I really don't have time for this," the woman muttered.

She made a furry beast appear before the agent, which grabbed the agent by the throat. The other agents locked the door and fired at the creature to make it release the agent. The bullets didn't hurt the creature. The woman made more beasts, each a different kind, appear before the other agents, which grabbed them and slammed them against the wall.


Dot was the first to hear the thumping outside the banquet door. By now, everyone was conversing with each other and she was thinking of a way to get Shell by himself so she could be pampered like the kitty she was. As she thought, her concentration was broken by a slight noise, and upon investigating, she could hear thumping outside the door; the door was also locked.

"Commander," she spoke in her earpiece. "We've got trouble."

"Explain," Commander Shinobay whispered back in the earpiece.

"There's thumping outside the banquet door, like a struggle is going on," she informed. "The door is also locked. It seems like the agents are trying to keep something or someone from coming in the door."

As she finished explaining, multiple shots were fired. Like a cat, Dot jumped back and landed expertly on an empty seat out of harm's way. Everyone else rushed to the opposite side of the room as the heroes and heroines rushed in the front to protect them. Thankfully there was a door behind the crowd and they were able to escape out that door.

The door suddenly burst open as the agents were thrown into the banquet room, unconscious and badly beaten. White smoke blew in the room as everyone saw a silhouette of a woman step in the room. The white smoke cleared eventually and they saw who was responsible for the forced entry:

"Sorceress," Solarium said with irritation.

"Why hello, Solarium," she said. "I'm going to gloss over not being invited and just say that it's good to be back."

"You should still be incarcerated," Cinnamon declared.

"Been there, done that," Sorceress said. "And I'm not looking forward to going back."

"You weren't supposed to leave," Solarium replied.

"How did you escaped?" Hyper demanded, standing next to her father.

"I'm an illusionist dear, it's not that hard," Sorceress answered.

"What's your business here, Sorceress?" Osprey inquired.

"I like that firm, strong look you have," Sorceress smiled. "Firm, strong men are the best type of guys because tearing them down is so hard, yet so rewarding. It's even better when the guy is trying to impress his girlfriend." She snapped her fingers and an illusion of Osprey appeared behind her. "Let's see that firm, strong look after you're beaten in front of everyone."

"Bring it," Osprey replied, accepting the challenge.

Sorceress snapped her fingers and the illusionary Osprey lunged at the hero. He leaped to the side and flew at Sorceress. However, the illusion didn't hit where he formerly was, but followed the hero and surprised him when it forced him into the wall. Hyper immediately fired at the illusion but it dodged and smashed Osprey to the ground.

"Now that's not fair," Sorceress frowned. "If you wanted to play, all you had to do was ask." She made a bunch of illusions of the same heroes and heroines appear behind her and they charged at the original heroes and heroines. "Now play fair and have fun."

Raptor and Zipper quickly got rid of them as Raptor accurately brought them down with his throwing knives and Zipper knocking the others to the ground. Seeing her plan being hampered, she directed the illusions that appeared as Raptor and Zipper charge and confront the super speedy duo. With them taken care of, Sorceress was able to make another wave of illusions and set them against the original heroes and heroines.

"Remember, you're fighting fakes," Commander Shinobay reminded the younger heroes.

"How will we know the real ones from the fakes?" Dot asked.

"As long as you're fighting an image of yourself, then you're fighting an illusion," Commander Shinobay answered. "Not to mention we're all in formal attire, while the illusion are us in our uniforms."

The Illusions rushed at the heroes and heroines, each going for who they were made to look like. Solarium fired his beam at his counterpart, but it dodged and they both flew in the air. Cinnamon teleported with her illusion following her as they both fired at each other and both missing their target. Icicle sprayed frost at her illusion but the attack was blocked by an ice wall made by the Icicle illusion who sprayed her own frost at her. Icicle responded by making her own ice wall to block the attack. Reaper and his illusion were fighting a deadly fight of pinning each other down and breaking the pinned foe's limbs. Unfortunately, the broken bones would immediately heal themselves and their fight would restart.

Commander fired his lasers at his illusion, but it was deflected by the illusion with a shield of his own. It then fired its own lasers at the Commander, who was forced to put up his shield in defense. Dr. Walton and her illusion were both having a shootout across the room, both hiding behind tables when one fired at the other. Cherry and her illusion were having a teleporting martial arts fight as they were fighting all over the room, trying and failing to gain leverage over one another. Hyper and her illusion were flying all over the room, hitting each other with hyperbeams to knock the other down.

Dot and her illusion were scratching and kicking each other as they chasing each other across the room. Shell was going toe to toe with his illusion, each punching the other in the face to knock the other out. Crystal had her iconic ice hammer and was trying to smash her illusion into paste. However, her illusion had the same ice hammer and was dodging Crystal's attacks while she made her own attempts to smash her opponent. Probably the saddest part was that Jasper powerless to fight his illusion and was reduced to running from his illusion as fire was chasing him across the room.

That was all what Max was seeing as he realized that he had no illusion to fight against. As a matter fact, not only did he not have an illusion, the villainess Sorceress hadn't even recognized his presence in the room. As the battle wore on, Max could tell that Sorceress' illusions were gaining the upper hand against the older heroes and heroines (and Jasper) and knew he had to put a stop to it. Concentrating hard, he made a walls appear Sorceress and boxed her in. He even put a ceiling over it to block out the lights.

"Hey, let me out!" she hollered. "Illusions, get me out of here."

Her illusions immediately rushed back over to their leader and frantically tried to pry the walls apart. However, since they weren't real, they weren't able to do anything but pound against the walls in failure. Slowly, they faded until none were left and Max morphed the walls into cuffs to lock Sorceress' wrists and ankles so she wouldn't escape.

"I finally get to meet you, Dark Matter," Sorceress smiled. The weird thing about her smile was that it wasn't a malicious smile or even a sneer. It was actually a genuine smile.

"Nice to meet you," Max greeted. "Now let's put you back where you belong."

"How have you been?" she asked immediately.

"Fine," Max said slowly. The other heroes and heroines gathered behind Max since it seemed like Max was able to keep her at bay.

"I know it must be weird seeing me again, but I came here to see you," she said. "So, which one of these girls is your girlfriend?"

"Look lady," Max glared. "I'm not about to be interviewed by you just because you wanted to see me. If you haven't noticed, the whole room has been trashed ever since you arrived."

"Well, if a bunch of somebodies stayed out of my way, we wouldn't be having this conversation," Sorceress shrugged.

"If you stayed in prison, we wouldn't be having this conversation," Max retorted.

"I have a right to see you," Sorceress frowned.

"And what right would be?" Max inquired.

"I'm your mother," Sorceress said proudly.

Dr. Walton gasped. The heroes and heroines looked at her but she covered her mouth. The only one who was making a noise in the room was Max as he laughed at Sorceress' supposed joke.

"I'm sorry lady," Max apologized. "I know my parents. They put me in adoption after my powers started to develop because they were afraid of what I could do. They brought me back when they found out Dictator Jones kidnapped me and darkened my memory so that I didn't remember having powers."

"I told them to care of you until I returned," Sorceress said. "I'm going to kill them."

"You're not killing anyone," Max declared, tightening the cuffs so that the villainess couldn't move her limbs at all.

"Dark Matter, don't you want revenge on those who made your life suffer?" she asked.

"My name is Max, not Dark Matter," Max replied.

"Your name is Dark Matter," Sorceress said. "I gave birth to you and named you Dark Matter."

"My name is Max and you didn't birth me," Max glared.

"I can show you exactly what happened the day you were born," Sorceress offered.

"Sorry lady, I'm not interested in your mind games," Max said, turning his back on her.

That pushed Sorceress over the ledge. Noticing he was headed to Crystal, she closed her eyes and smiled. One moment, Max was walking towards Crystal to see if she was okay and hear what she had to say about the situation he was in. The next moment, Crystal spontaneously exploded, covering Max with blood, guts, and bits of bone.

"CRYSTAL!!" Max cried in shock. He dropped to the ground and pounded the ground as tears fell from his eyes. There was so much he wanted to know about her, so much he wanted to do with her. He took her for granted. Distraught, he bellowed, "NOOOOOOOO!"

"Hahahaha!" he heard a familiar voice laugh. Looking up, he saw C4's shadowy face before the villain leaped out the window. His eyes glowed dark right then and giant axes, wicked swords, knives, spiked maces, and nailed bats appeared all at once.

Max leaped out the window and chased after the ninja villain. He made the weapons speed forward and they knocked the villain off his feet. Standing over the villain, Max made the weapons mutilate the ninja until he was dead. Even then, Max could hear the ninja's disemboweled laughter in his head. Shaking his head, he carried the corpse back to the banquet room and tossed it at Sorceress' feet.

"YOU WANT REVENGE, YOU GOT IT!" Max declared. "Now you're going to feel what he felt. I can assure that unlike Crystal, this one won't be quick."

"Max, I'm right here," he heard Crystal's voice say.

Turning around slowly, he saw that Crystal was standing right where she had been a moment ago. There were no blood, guts, or bone bits on the floor nor were they on Max. C4's corpse wasn't on the ground but a handful of grass that had been scattered to the ground. His powers went off immediately as he hugged Crystal tightly, allowing Sorceress the chance to make herself appear invisible and race out the door.

"What happened? What did you see?" Crystal asked.

"Crystal," Max said, touching her hair and grabbing ahold of her hands.

"Damnit, this was supposed to be a good day," Solarium said.

"With Sorceress back on the streets, that means we'll have to keep our eyes peeled," Commander Shinobay added.

"She won't get away, Commander," Dot promised, "I can sniff her out."

"Dot, you were chasing your own illusion," Commander Shinobay reminded. "Sorceress is the most deadly villain out there because her illusions affects the five senses automatically. Finding her won't be the problem. The problem will be discerning her illusions from the actual truth."

"And don't let her near Max," Cinnamon advised. "It seems like she has a fixation the young man and if she gets close to him, it seems like he'll flip in the blink of an eye and I don't think Sorceress will have a problem letting someone die in her place."

"Dad, does this mean you guys will help us bring her in?" Hyper asked.

"Definitely," Solarium nodded. "We were attending the banquet to see our children as well as giving the Commander a head's up about Sorceress' escape. Each of us old timers know exactly what Mr. Max is going through and that is a thing that I wouldn't wish on anybody, not even Dictator Jones."


It had taken her a few hours to find the secret base, but Sorceress knew where to look. After all, she knew Dictator Jones hated being near any mountains or bodies of water after the fear she put in him with her illusions. So after she scratched off the areas with any body of water and or mountain near it and searched for companies that have reconstructed their warehouses, she finally located the new hideout for the villains. Using her illusions, she made them go across the empty area between the fence and the warehouse. Mines instantly exploded and the automatic machine gun fired at the illusions while Sorceress herself followed them invisibly. As she got closer, she could see that there wasn't a door and waited until the machine guns made one for her.

"JONES!" Sorceress yelled as she entered the warehouse hideout.

All the scientists and villains in the room stopped what they were doing as they watched her dust herself off. Suddenly, the wall behind her broke apart as water flooded the hideout. The scientists and villains ran to get to higher ground, but they had no such luck. Even the experiments were struggling to escape as they found themselves drowning in water. Silver Static and Acrobat flew in the air to escape the water but they crashed into each other, falling into the water they desperately wanted to avoid.

But, that was just an illusion of Sorceress'. She walked around the gasping bodies, careful not to touch anyone, and climbed the stairs to Dictator Jones office. She kicked the door open, revealing Dictator Jones and Dr. Genie going over plans for their next attack.

"Sorceress?" Dictator Jones gasped.

The Widow pulled out a gun, but Sorceress put her under a heavy illusion that she was being eaten alive by Pterror. Her screams snapped Dictator Jones into action and he attacked her mind. She resisted as best she could and made the room appear like it was full of water. Both villains fought for dominance, but Dictator Jones fear of drowning soon crept and he slumped in his chair. Sorceress waited as the Dictator began to asphyxiate, not letting him off the hook like she did the last time. This time, she was going to make him pay for what he did to her before and what he did to Dark Matter.

"What the hell?" Dr. Genie said as she stepped in the room.

Both villainess' looked at each other for a split second before moving into action. Sorceress made a zombie appear behind her and it ran straight for Dr. Genie. However, Dr. Genie went right through the zombie and tasered the illusionist until she crumbled to the ground.

"How are you unaffected by my illusions?" Sorceress asked as she twitched in pain.

"I have a brain chip in my skull that keeps Dictator Jones out of my mind," Dr. Genie smiled as she stood over Sorceress. "Who knew it worked on you as well. That matter aside, you can't take Jones. I still need him and you removing him is a problem for my plans."

"Let me go and I'll owe you one," Sorceress promised.

"Sorry girl," Dr. Genie denied. "If you want out of here, you're going to have to do it on your own two feet, if you can get past me that is."

With Dr. Genie being the only weak spot to her power, Sorceress had no choice but to improvise. She rose up quickly, catching Dr. Genie by surprise, and snatched the taser from her hand. Not a moment later, she tasered Dr. Genie in revenge watched her fall to ground in the same state she was in. As Sorceress scurried out the door, Dr. Genie realized she missed a perfect opportunity to make Sorceress her guinea pig. Actually, forget Sorceress, she could've used the Dictator himself.


While Sorceress had made her attack on the villains' hideout, the heroes had just returned back to the Tower. The whole way there, Max was holding Crystal's hand since he definitely needed it now. The heroes and heroines went to their own rooms, except Commander Shinobay, who walked with Crystal and Max to their rooms.

"Good night, Commander," Crystal said when they reached their room.

"Hold up, Crystal, I need to say something," Commander Shinobay said.

"Sure, what is it?" she said.

"I'm relieving you of your heroic duties until I'm sure Max gets better," Commander Shinobay told her.

"I'm flattered, but I don't know anything about repairing people's minds," Crystal replied. "Wouldn't that be more Dr. Walton's expertise?"

"Dr. Walton doesn't know anything about the mind either," Commander Shinobay responded. "Besides, Max needs physical reassurance that whatever he saw didn't really happen. And since you're the closest to him, I'm putting my hopes in you that you can help him recover."

"I won't let you down, Commander," Crystal replied.

"Thanks, Crystal," Commanders Shinobay said before walking back to the elevator.

Crystal closed the door and took Max to bed. Despite the Commander's hopes, Crystal didn't know anything about physical reassurance. If she had to guess, it probably had something to with helping someone getting over their fears and doubts through physical contact. An idea popped in her head and she led him to the bedroom. She undressed him out of his suit, then got out of her dress until they were both down to their underwear. She laid him out on the bed and climbed on his abdomen.

"Max, can you hear me?" she asked as she rubbed her cameltoe against him.

"Crystal," Max mumbled, staring at her with dead eyes.

That wasn't a victory to her; he's been saying her name since she stopped him from killing Sorceress and the whole way back to the Tower. She leaned forward and kissed his lips, but didn't get a response from him. Frowning, she grabbed his hands and placed them on her breasts. Unfortunately, when she let his hands go, they dropped back to the bed lifeless like dead weight. However, Crystal didn't give up.

She got off Max and pulled his boxers down. Even when flaccid, Max's cock was a sight to behold. She licked it and looked to see if he made a response. He didn't, so Crystal took his cock in his mouth and sucked him just the way he liked it. After a few minutes, Max's cock hardened in her mouth and she looked to see if he recovered.

"Crystal," Max mumbled still.

He didn't, it was just a physical reaction from the body.

Determined, Crystal kept sucking him until she could feel her juices wet her panties. 'Damnit,' she thought. 'I'm not supposed to get horny from this.' Still, she climbed back on Max and stuffed his rigid member in her wet cunt. Like always, she felt full and content. Looking at Max, she saw no recognition in his eyes, but she wasn't discouraged at all. Rising slowly, she sunk back down on his cock, concentrating on his thickness as his cock rubbed against the sides of her pussy. She continued to rise and fall repeatedly, making sure she could feel every inch that she could fit in her pussy.