Dave's Visit Ch. 01

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Jolene plays the slut for father & son.
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On a Wednesday afternoon my cell phone went off with an out of area number I didn't recognize. I was just about wrapped up for the afternoon and was the only one left in my office. I picked up the call to find an old friend and neighbor, Dave on the phone. Dave had lived across from Jolene and I for many years and is actually the father of the young man, Andrew, who with the help of a couple of his friends gave my wife a great night of sex. I hadn't heard from Dave for a couple of years, since he and Susan got divorced and they sold their house. I asked Dave how he was doing and he said he was doing great, was still a bachelor and was doing some traveling for his company. He went on to say that this coming weekend he was going to be in our area and would enjoy taking Jolene and I out for dinner if we were available. Now even when we were neighbors we didn't spend a lot of social time together and I am not sure if we ever went out to dinner with either Dave or Susan or both of them together. This fact and the recent adventure with Andrew made me ask Dave if there was another reason for the call, a reason other than dinner.

Dave stuttered a moment and then went on to tell me he had spoken with his son about the time he spent with us a few weekends back. He did not get graphic as he explained that Andrew had given him a complete description of the events, I was unclear of his intentions by the way he beat around the bush regarding Andrew having sex with my wife. I asked Dave if he was upset by Andrew's visit and if that was the reason he wanted to get together for dinner. Then out of nowhere Dave said it was just the opposite, that for all of the years he had lived across from us he had fantasized about my wife, about kissing her and more. I was a little shocked when Dave went on to describe his watching my wife washing her car from his drawn shades and how he would think about Jolene while he was having sex with his wife Susan. I was a little surprised and asked if there was anything else. Dave said that several times he had watched through his binoculars Jolene wandering around our home naked and had witnessed her and I having sex also. Now I was really surprised and before I could say anything he said there was something else he should tell me.

As Dave went on to explain that his window lined up directly with our master bedroom window he had also watched my wife allow other men into our home and then would watch through our windows, sometimes catching glimpses of Jolene fucking these men. I asked him what he thought about that and as my cock grew harder he explained that he would most often masturbate while thinking he was the one between my wife's long legs, sucking her pussy and slipping his meat into her. I asked him if he had ever made an advance toward Jolene and he said he was too timid to do that but now that his son had told him about fucking my wife that he had mustered the courage to live out his fantasy. I asked him what exactly his son had said and he described how Andrew had told him about my wife's firm and supple body, her large natural breasts, long tanned legs and how tight and wet her blonde pussy was. It was then that I asked him if he had called to see if he could fuck my wife. There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone and then sheepishly he said that was his hidden hope and desire and that it was awkward just picking up the phone but his thoughts of making love to my wife pushed out all his reasoning. I told Dave I would talk to Jolene about having dinner and asked him for his phone number and email address and that we would get back to him before the weekend. Dave thanked me for not being upset and for allowing him to get this off his chest, I told him not to worry and we said our goodbyes.

My cock was rock hard thinking about the possibilities as I pulled into our driveway later that evening. Jolene met me at the door with her usual smile and kiss, today wearing a mini skirt and tank top, her long legs ending at her bare feet, toes highlighted with bright red nail polish. We had a drink together on the back patio as I related my conversation with Dave earlier in the day. When I was done Jolene told me she had caught Dave several times checking her out and that she knew that he sometimes watched her through his windows. I asked why she never told me about this and she said she thought it was harmless and wasn't going to get past Dave's voyeur stage. Jolene was a little shocked that Dave had seen her fucking other men in our bed but said it kinda turned her on now thinking someone was watching when I couldn't be there. Jolene was also surprised, although understood, that Andrew had given a blow by blow (so to speak) description of his afternoon with us. As Jolene moved over to sit on my lap, feeling my hard cock through my pants she asked if we should have dinner out this weekend. I slipped my hand between her thighs finding her naked pussy, wet and slippery, and suggested we get together with Dave and also Andrew if she was game. As my wife slipped her tongue in my ear and her hand moved to pinch my nipple through my shirt she told me that she couldn't wait for the weekend.

I pulled my wife's tank top off and began fondling her tits as we kissed, her legs parting on their own. Picking up Jolene I carried her into our bedroom through the patio door and laid her on our bed, watching as she hooked her mini skirt with her thumbs and slid out of it. I dropped my pants to the floor and pulled my shirt over my head as I moved between my wife's luscious legs to her waiting pussy. Jolene's first orgasm came as I sucked on her clit while slipping my finger slowly in and out of her pussy, holding her left hip with my other hand. As I sucked on her beautiful pussy I could see her squeezing and twisting her nipples. Moving up to slide my hard cock into her now very hot and wet pussy it only took a few minutes before we both came together as I shot my load deep into my wife. We lay together sweaty and panting, kissing each other and holding each other. Pushing my head down with her hands to her creamy pussy Jolene began telling me how she wanted to feel me lick her pussy after having Andrew and Dave fuck her this coming weekend. She went on to say that she wanted to have Dave fucking her pussy as Andrew slid his large cock into her ass. As I licked my own cum from my wife's pussy she held my head tightly with her hands and thighs, he body tensing in her final orgasm for the night.

It was about 10:00 PM when we finally cooled off, had dinner and took time to discuss the upcoming weekend. I asked my wife if she was considering fucking Dave and Andrew together and she smiled and said she had never had a father son team and would enjoy it very much, after all she had told Andrew to come back and the thought of Dave jacking off thinking about her had her wondering what he was like also. I suggested she give Dave a call to set things up for the coming weekend, handing her his cell phone number I had gotten earlier. Jolene picked up the cordless phone next to the bed and told me to get on the other phone in the living room after she dialed Dave's number. As I sat on the sofa my wife came into the living room and sat across from me on our large leather recliner, the phone next to her ear as she waited for Dave to pick up. This was my signal as I put the phone to my year.

When the ringing stopped and Dave answered Jolene spoke "Dave?"

"Yes, this is Dave, who is this?"

"Dave this is Jolene, Bernard's wife. How are you tonight?"

"Hey Jolene, I am doing great how about you?" There was a little nervousness in his voice.

"Dave I am doing great, what time is it where you are and actually where are you?"

"It is 1:00 AM and I am in Atlanta, it sure is hot and muggy here."

"Dave do you mind that I called so late? Bernard told me of your conversation this afternoon."

"Jolene, I am sorry about the call and no it's not too late to talk tonight."

"Dave, do you think I am a slut?"

"Why hell no Jolene, I think you're a great woman!"

I wasn't sure where this was going but my cock was hard as I watched my wife sitting cross-legged opposite me, her fingers tracing her nipples and moving up and down her stomach.

"Dave, do you mind I fucked your son?"

"Well Jolene I am surprised that you had sex with Andrew, he was sure fortunate though."

"Dave, I am going to fuck your son again, is that OK with you?

There was silence on the other end of the phone as Dave was wondering what to say.

"Dave, I am going to suck your son's cock before he fucks me, is that OK with you?'

Dave started to speak but my wife interrupted him.

"Dave, do you want to fuck me?"

Jolene's finger was now trailing down to her pussy and circling her clit slowly, I was stroking my hard cock with my free hand listening to my wife tease our friend.

"Well Jolene I have thought about that many, many times. I have thought many times what it would be like to have sex with you."

"Dave, you can call it fucking, I like to fuck. Do you like to fuck? I hear you have watched me fuck Bernard as well as other men through our windows. Do you want to fuck me or make love to me?"

An awkward silence was followed by "Jolene I want to kiss you, I want to suck on your nipples, fondle your breasts. Jolene I want to suck on your pussy and yes I want to fuck you! I want to fuck you like Andrew did and I want to fuck you like all of the other men I have seen fuck you!"

"Why Dave you are a naughty boy! You want to fuck your friend's wife. How many men have you seen fuck me other than my husband?"

"Maybe three or four, I have seen the carpenter fuck you several times. That is one lucky man!"

"Dave, I have fucked a lot of men, Bernard likes watching me fuck and I like fucking so he can watch. I love sucking cock too, Dave, do you want me to suck your cock?"

"Jolene, I have wanted to fuck you for a long time..."

"Dave I have my finger in my pussy...where is your cock?

I didn't know about Dave's cock but mine was leaking pre-cum as I listened to their conversation.

"I am naked and my cock is in my free hand, I have been stroking it since we started talking. I could cum any minute."

"Dave I want you to cum as you think about fucking me, I want you to lick your cum from your fingers because in order for you to slide your cock into my pussy you will have to lick me clean first. I will be filled with cum when you first fuck me is that ok with you?"

"Jesus Jolene I just squirted cum all over my chest and hand! I want to fuck you and I don't care what I have to do to feel my cock in your pussy!" Dave was out of control on the other end of the phone, breathing hard and talking fast.

"Dave, are you licking your cum from your fingers?" Jolene was toying with him now and as I watched her slide her fingers in and out of her pussy I came in my hand, rubbing my cum over my cock as I continued jacking off.

"Jolene, I have never done this..." There was a brief pause. "It isn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"Dave, can you suck cum from my pussy?" Jolene was now writhing on the leather chair as she muffled her orgasm from the phone.

"Jolene if that is what it takes I will suck your pussy until it's clean."

"Dave, I just came all over my fingers and this leather chair. I want to see you this weekend and I want to see your son too! Make arrangements for dinner and send us an email with the information. Be sure to put everything into your email, this is going to be your fantasy and my fantasy together. Bernard has been watching me finger myself and listening to our call, he just came all over his hand. I want you both to know I want to be a slut on Saturday night; I want to be my husband's slut. I want to be Dave and Andrew's slut. Dave be sure to explain everything! Good night and sweet dreams!" And with that Jolene gently hung up the phone and padded off to bed with me following her fine firm ass.

Thursday afternoon when I got home from work Jolene and I had our usual greetings and sat down for cocktails. While we discussed the day's events my wife slid a sheet of paper across the table to me. It was the email from Dave to Jolene regarding dinner on the weekend.

"Hi Jolene, I would like to have dinner with Bernard and you Saturday night. I will ask Andrew to meet us at the Boneventure hotel in Los Angeles. Please wear something sexy. I will make dinner reservations for about 9:00 PM at a nice restaurant. Maybe we can meet earlier for a drink or two. Please let me know if this works for you guys. I look forward to seeing you both on Saturday. Dave."

I asked my wife what she thought about Dave's email and she laughed saying it lacked creativity and was not as specific as she had told him to be. Jolene slid another sheet of paper across the table; I noticed she had more sheets under her drink. This was a reply to Dave from Jolene.

"Dave, you made me cum the other night while I was thinking about fucking you and your son Andrew. I asked you to be specific in your email hoping for a little creativity and style; after all it could be your fantasy come true in many ways. Your first email did not do too much for me and I am going to give you another chance. We are past being prim, proper, polite etc. etc. Tell me what you want for Saturday night, let go, I will. I want to be a slut, your slut, your son's slut and my husband's slut. I hope we can get together Saturday; a little more inspiration would be fun. Take care and I look forward to seeing more of you Saturday, how much of me do you want to see? I look forward to your next email, Love, Jolene"

I smiled across the table at my wife telling her she was being such a naughty girl teasing poor Dave like that. She slid the another couple of sheets across the table and smiled saying that she thought Dave had improved dramatically and that she was looking forward to the weekend.

"Jolene thanks for the second chance. My cock is hard thinking very nasty thoughts about your body and what I can and will do to it. I know Bernard will probably read this and I hope it doesn't end the weekend early but here goes.

'First I want to get together Friday night instead of Saturday night. On Friday night you are to be sitting in the bar at the hotel at 7:00 PM sharp, don't be late. Have your hair up so it accentuates your long neck and doesn't hide the view of your luscious tits. I want you wearing red lipstick and have makeup on, you are a beautiful woman and I want to see you at your best. Wear a transparent blouse, preferably black, with no bra. I want to see your firm white breasts clearly through your blouse with your erect nipples pushing the material outward. Do not wear a jacket to cover up, if you are going to be my slut, my son's slut and your husband's slut I want you to strut your stuff. Wear a very short skirt with a slit up the thigh, the skirt should just reveal your pussy when you sit down, do not wear underwear. Andrew said you had a neatly trimmed pussy, shave your pussy bald before Saturday, I want it smooth. Do not wear panties. Your long legs should be capped off with high heels that have an ankle strap; open toes are good, as I have always admired your feet. Be sitting in a sofa that has room for several people, sitting in the low sofas should reveal your long legs. At no time should your knees be together, always slightly parted for all to see. If anyone other than the three of us sits next to you do not attempt to conceal yourself, allow everyone to see your fine body. Accept drinks and conversation from anyone who you meet in the lounge. (How am I doing so far? This is fun!)

Secondly when the three of us men enter the lounge and sit down I want you to stand and strut across the room to where we are sitting. If you are talking with someone stop immediately and get up to join us. When you join us there should be a single chair available, sit in it and cross your legs so your skirt rises high on your thighs. We will have a couple of drinks in the bar; do whatever Andrew, Bernard or I ask of you, no questions asked. '"

By this part of the email I was starting to get affected and asked Jolene what she thought. My wife smiled and said she thought it was fun and to continue reading on. Los Angeles is an hour and a half from our home and nobody would know who she was or what we were up to so why not cut loose. The email went on...

"When it is time to leave for dinner we will have a limousine waiting for us. You are to sit in the middle of the back seat between Andrew and me, Bernard will sit facing us. The privacy curtain will remain down at all times to let the driver enjoy the ride as well. Remember you are our slut and anything goes! I have reserved a private room at an exclusive restaurant where we can be as comfortable as we wish to be. You will sit in the booth between Andrew and I (Bernard, is everything cool so far?). There will be music and dancing before we head back to the hotel for part three of our adventure, this should be a lot of fun. Andrew tells me you are a great dancer." I was now reading this aloud and my wife, Jolene, was on her knees in front of me taking my hard cock out of my pants. As I picked up the second sheet to finish the email my lovely wife sucked my cock into her mouth and began running her tongue and lips over the head of my cock, slightly squeezing my balls as she gave me head.

The email continued..."Arriving back at the hotel we will take an elevator up to our suite, there are no rules in the elevator, you may do anything you wish or we may do anything we wish prior to getting to the suite. Once in the suite you will be asked to disrobe and not get dressed under any condition unless one of the three of us agrees to it and then only in what we tell you to wear. Plan on spending Friday night and having breakfast with us Saturday morning. Do not plan on getting a lot of sleep and if everything goes well your fantasy of a slut will conclude Saturday morning with a surprise." That was the end of the fantasy description with the footnote below "Jolene and Bernard, it took all I had to write down these thoughts, I understand if I have offended you or if you don't want to get together this weekend. I hope to hear from you soon!" It was signed "Your anxious friend, Dave. Ps. Bernard after you drop off Jolene in the bar Friday night please come up to the room and have a drink with Andrew and me, I will call you with the room number on Friday"

By now my cock was ready to explode in my wife's mouth as I told her this sounded like a new experience, way out of our normal comfort zone. Jolene looked up at me with those sexy eyes and briefly taking her mouth off my cock said "Cum in your slut's mouth I want all of your cock." That was it and as my wife took every drop as she sucked and licked my cock clean. As she stood up I asked if she sent a response to Dave. Jolene smiled and handed me the last sheet of paper, her reply to Dave..."Friday at 7:00 PM I will be waiting in the lobby, ready to fuck and ready to have fun!" We went to bed that Thursday night with a thousand fantasies running through our heads, each of us wondering silently and aloud what this new game might bring over the weekend.

Friday afternoon came very fast and when I walked in the door about 5:00 there stood my wife looking fantastic. Jolene had on a sheer black blouse that buttoned up the front with about the top three buttons undone. If my wife bent over just right you could clearly see her nipples, which of course you could see through the thin material of the blouse. Her short black skirt was just above mid thigh and the slit over her right thigh gave a clear glimpse up her thigh several inches. Her long legs ran down into a pair of high-heeled sandals complete with the ankle strap as directed by Dave. Jolene stood before me looking like a high-class call girl, her hair up, and long diamond earrings dangling beside her graceful neck. I wanted to take her then but she ushered me to the shower and about 30 minutes later I was ready and we headed north to Los Angeles.