Demon Child Ch. 22


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Similandra met her eyes and stared back boldly. "Why are you staring at me?"

"I look to see if you are feeling better. I am glad to see you feel well enough to bathe and change into fresh clothing."

When Simi put the cup down Aylanna reached down and took her hand, turning it over and looking at the palm, tracing the lines with a finger tip. Simi started to jerk her hand away but curiosity won over and she stilled, staring down and grudgingly asked, "What are you doing?"

"I seek to read your destiny."

Aylanna knew nothing of fortune telling but had watched Kharthmah perform this magic dozens of times. He would look at the hands, touch the head, muttering incantations. She kept her expression serious, frowning in concentration as she reached for the girl's other hand and turned it over holding the two side by side. Softly she began to whisper soft nonsense interspersed with words calculated to stimulate the girl's curiosity, "Interesting, very disturbing..." She reached up and took the girl's head between her hands, noting the fascination in Simi's wide dark eyes and let out a low moan and dramatically lifted her hands and exclaimed, "No wonder you suffer so."

Similandra flinched and asked, "What, what do you see?"

Aylanna deliberately kept her words vague. "You have strayed from the path. There is a shadow blocking the way."

"Shadow, path? What do you mean?"

"It is too soon to tell. Something clouds the truth, something haunts your dreams. There are rituals and charms that I must perform to determine the truth. Will you put yourself into my hands; will you let me seek out the cause of your affliction?"

Similandra looked enthralled, excited rather than frightened and nodded vigorously.

Aylanna rummaged around in her bag of herbs and picked up some carefully selected seeds and a very pungent powder and tied it in a small square of fabric. For many minutes she muttered dramatic if empty phrases of Ramaldi over the little package and then began to touch the girl with it, dabbing it against each of her hands, her forehead and then on her chest and belly. Finally she pressed it firmly into the girl's left hand. "Keep this with you at all times. Especially when you sleep, keep it gripped tightly in your left hand, but never your right. It will guard your dreams and draw out the evil. Do not lose it."

Similandra stared at the little bundle and nodded very seriously. She looked at it carefully and lifted it up and sniffed it and her eyes widened at the strong smell. Aylanna could tell her whole being was caught up in the moment. The girl believed completely and Aylanna knew that belief was the greater part of healing magic.

"I will return in the morning. You must continue to drink the medicine, a whole cup at each meal and another at sunset. The sickness must be fully banished and you must regain your full strength before I can perform the magic ritual."

Simi's voice was eager, "Oh, I will. I am already getting better. It doesn't hurt hardly at all when I go and my fever is gone."

"It will take several more days, do not neglect to drink. Each time you void your bladder you should drink two full cups of water or juice. And do not forget to eat. Your body will need to be strong to fight this curse."

"Curse? I am cursed?" Instead of fear, the romantic idea of having something as exciting as a curse seemed to feed the girl's hunger for adventure.

"I have said it is too soon to tell. You must trust me and follow all my instructions."

Again the girl nodded vigorously and reached for the cup of juice and drank it down without taking a breath.

Aylanna had to lean against the wall outside the girl's room laughing silently. Annalla was correct in her judgment of Simi's desire for drama. Aylanna wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and sent a quick prayer of gratitude to the goddess for the rumors that had spread across the kingdom of her a witch, rumors of magical powers that had already planted the seeds in Simi's fertile imagination. She was still standing there when a servant girl came careening around the corner of the corridor, her eyes wide with fear.

The girl skidded to a halt and blurted out, "Please, my mistress Magdellyn sends for you immediately. It is Annalla. Come quickly."

Similandra's voice came from her room, "What, Annalla? What is wrong with my Annally?"

The servant girl pointed back the direction she had come and gestured urgently. "Hurry, I must go on to the temple and summon the temple healer. Please, my mistress has need of you."

Aylanna did not hesitate, the girl's panic lending wings to her feet as she ran. As she rounded corner the sound of a muffled scream of pain guided her steps. Annalla was lying down in the middle of the large common room as if she had fallen, standing around her were nearly a half dozen women and children. The room was a tumult of pain, fear and confusion. Everyone was talking, yelling at the others to do this, to get that, but no one seemed to be in charge. Magdellyn stood frozen in panic. Annalla twisted and cried out again, curling up on her side, holding her arms around her stomach. Her clothing was soaked with the fluids of birth.

Aylanna gripped Magdellyn and gave her a shake, "Wake up, send away everyone that is unnecessary." Aylanna pointed at a servant, "You, you get a blanket, now, run. We need to move her to the birthing room."

Magdellyn spoke in a frightened tone, "It happened so quickly. She was just fine a minute ago, and then she cried out and fell. It isn't supposed to happen like this. Something is wrong. Oh goddess, please don't let her die."

Similandra's voice was sharp and clear, cutting straight through the room. "My Annally is not going to die. You just shut up. If you can't say anything nice, you just shut up." Simi marched right up to the servant that stood still, staring at Aylanna like she had not completely understood and slapped her face. "You heard the witch, go and get that blanket or I will flay your skin from your bones." The girl squeaked and darted from the room. Simi gave Aylanna a sharp look, pointing at Magdellyn, "She is useless. Tell me what must be done."

Aylanna sent Magdellyn a frustrated look and turned to Simi, apparently the only calm and sane person in the room. "Anyone that cannot help must go. We will need to have water heated for medicines. When the girl returns with the blanket we will need help to move Annalla onto it and use it as a litter to take her to the birthing room." Simi nodded her understanding and soon was a whirl wind, giving orders and banishing the spectators. Magdellyn continued to stand staring down at Annalla, wringing her hands in helpless confusion. She did not move to follow when they carried Annalla from the room.

By the time the temple healer arrived they had Annalla in lying down on a bed in the birthing room, stripped of all but a loose shift. She was gripping Similandra's hands and gasping as another violent contraction made her curl up and strain. The same priestess that had consulted with Aylanna regarding medicines and treatments for Similandra's illness sent her new friend a quick enquiring look. Aylanna frowned and whispered, "Her labor came without warning, her waters broke and her contractions seem very strong and unusually painful. Her body has had little time to adjust. The baby is healthy, but large. He is head down, but he lies upon his back. She will have to work hard. I am brewing a tea to strengthen her."

The priestess nodded and moved to Annalla, noting the strength of the contraction and then tracing the shape of the baby, then peering between the girl's legs. Her voice was low, "Yes, I agree. It is a big baby, but her hips are wide. Goddess willing, all will go well."

Both Annalla and Similandra stared at the two of them, their eyes wide and filled with apprehension. As she watched, Simi slipped her arm around Annalla's shoulders supporting her. Aylanna smiled encouragingly, "To give birth takes strength and courage. It is good that you are here to support your sister wife. She needs you very much now."

Annalla started to say something but another contraction rippled across her belly and made her catch her breath. Wildly she reached out and gripped Similandra's hand and squeezed as she gritted her teeth. Similandra held her and whispered furiously into her friend's ear, soft words of encouragement and promises that she was not going to let anything bad happen to her friend.

Similandra refused to move from Annalla's side, kept a constant grip of her sister wife's hand and continually whispered in her ear throughout the labor. By the end, both girls were exhausted and Aylanna had a whole new appreciation for the pure stubborn strength that was at Similandra's core. She had refused to let Annalla weaken, she had encouraged and bullied and in the end she had begged with tears upon her face for her friend to rally and face just one more wracking wave of contractions, pleading for forgiveness and promising anything and everything if Annalla would just find the strength to push one more time.

Both the priestess and Aylanna had been kept busy taking turns, monitoring the progress of the baby and mother, brewing teas to stimulate the contractions and ease the pain, applying warm compresses and massaging the tissues between Annalla's legs to soften and encourage the passage to stretch without tearing. Magdellyn had made one brief appearance but had not stayed long, just coming to announce that Jhardron had been told of the pending birth and requesting that word be sent once the baby had arrived. Aylanna could tell that for some reason, the events occurring in the birthing room were somehow disturbing to Magdellyn, as if she suffered from some past trauma but there was no time to question her.

Jhardron's second son was born as the sun reached its zenith the following day. It had been a difficult birth; Annalla had lost more blood than Aylanna would have liked to have seen. But the baby boy was lively, howling his outrage at finding himself thrust out of his warm and safe cocoon. Annalla had been barely conscious but when she heard the cry of her son she roused and reached out her arms, sobbing with joy and welcome. Aylanna could not help but note that Similandra's face too was wet with tears, and her expression stricken with wonder.

Soon both mother and baby were sound asleep with Simi sitting quietly staring down at the baby and mother with a strangely possessive expression upon her face. Aylanna noted that the girl was absent mindedly turning the small bundle of herbs over and over in her hand but when Annalla shifted and moaned in her sleep, she hurriedly thrust the small packet into a pocket and carefully picked up the new infant, rocking and humming to him, her eyes wet with unshed tears. She murmured to him that his momma had done well, very well.

Magdellyn came to the door, her eyes scanning the tableau. Aylanna and the priestess stood in the background, reviewing their plans for monitoring Annalla's condition and what medicines should be prepared and kept ready if the girl began to bleed once more. Magdellyn seemed to have regained some of her composure and her eyes narrowed as she took in the sight of Similandra holding the baby. She swept into the room and boldly reached to take the infant from Simi's arms. For an instant Similandra held onto the tightly swaddled infant, silently glaring at her opponent, but then Jhardron appeared in the doorway. Simi instantly released the baby and fled to the far side of the room, almost literally hiding behind Aylanna and the priestess.

Aylanna watched in puzzlement, sensing the confusing mix of emotions just the sight of Jhardron elicited. This was not hate or loathing. It was a strange mix of guilt and shyness, a pervasive sense of failure and hopelessness. On some very basic level, Similandra was intimidated by her husband, was fearful of him, yet beneath it all was a yearning, a sadness, a wish for something.

Magdellyn held out the baby to Jhardron and he peered down into the sleeping face with a mix of pride and concern. His eyes went past to the motionless form of Annalla. His voice was low, "How is she?"

The priestess spoke first, "My Khan, it was a difficult delivery. The baby was large and there was a great deal of blood lost. Your wife is greatly depleted and will require an extended period of bed rest. But there is no reason to believe that she will not recover. Your servant," she gestured towards Aylanna, "is a gifted healer and knows as much or more than I about complications of birth. I am very impressed with her abilities."

The tiniest of smiles tipped up one corner of Jhardron's lip and then vanished. "Yes, my demon has many talents. Please accept my thanks for the assistance of the temple in this matter. I will send a gift to the goddess in thanks for the gift of a son and to beg for the speedy recovery of my wife."

Magdellyn's voice seemed over loud. "Yes, thanks be to the goddess. We will take good care of Annalla. I personally will see that Annalla is given the best of care." The baby in her arms startled and the little pink mouth opened with a loud wail. For an instant, Magdellyn stood looking down at the baby as if she did not exactly know what to do, holding him out from her a bit like she was fearful of his contact.

Aylanna did not notice that Similandra had moved until she had taken the crying baby from Magdellyn, slipping around the room in a quick circling movement to rescue the baby while attempting to stay as far from Jhardron as possible. Annalla stirred and her eyes opened briefly, looking about in sleepy confusion at the crowded room. Her voice was hoarse, "Simi? Simi?"

Similandra turned to her, conveniently turning her back to Magdellyn and her husband. "Shhhh... it's all right. Just go back to sleep. Everything is just fine. Here hold your baby. He wants to suck." Simi placed the baby at Annalla's breast, gently stroking the baby's cheek to trigger him to turn and take the proffered nipple and his cries were instantly silenced. Annalla stared down at her baby, forgetting the whole room.

Jhardron moved to stand next to Similandra staring down at his son and Annalla and Simi spoke to him for the first time, her voice coming from her averted face. "Annalla has given you a fine son, my lord. You must be very pleased with her."

Jhardron's voice was neutral. "Indeed." And then he spoke directly to Annalla, "Thank you for your gift to me. A husband cannot ask for more than this great sacrifice. I am humbled by your courage."

Annalla looked up from her rapt observance of her baby, her face alight with first love. "Oh, my lord, I could never have done it without Simi. I would have given up hours ago if she had not been here by my side."

Jhardron looked at his middle wife in surprise and then approval. "I am heartened by this news. It is a husband's greatest wish that there be harmony in his house."

Similandra seemed to shrink up in response to his praise, turning her face away from him.

Annalla's eyes were drooping and her head sagged back onto the pillows. The priestess spoke up. "Please, my Khan, Annalla needs to rest after her ordeal. Too many people crowd this room and disturb her peace. We should retire to another room if you wish to ask any more questions."

Jhardron shook his head, "I have no more questions. Keep me informed of the progress of her recovery and the health of my son."

His eyes met Aylanna's and she knew that the command was directed primarily at her, but it was Magdellyn that interrupted.

"Of course, my son, I will personally send daily reports."

Jhardron nodded absently and turned to go. Magdellyn filed out immediately behind him but then stopped in the doorway and snapped at Similandra. "You heard the priestess, daughter. Annalla needs her rest. You should return to your rooms."

Similandra stiffened and shot an outraged look at Magdellyn and then a stricken pleading look at Aylanna, wordlessly shaking her head.

For the first time Aylanna spoke. "I think that Similandra should remain. She has been an invaluable support to her sister wife."

Magdellyn frowned, looking back at the retreating back of Jhardron and at Aylanna. She whispered, a tense and secretive hiss, "Do you think that is wise?" She sent a distrustful look at Similandra.

Simi seemed to swell, rage flooding over her. Her voice was loud, loud enough to carry down the hall to her departing husband. "What are you saying? Do you think I would hurt Annalla, hurt her baby? How dare you!"

Annalla's eyes flew open and she stared around the room fearfully clutching her baby and waking him and as the nipple slipped from his lips he began to cry. Simi was instantly at her side, murmuring reassurances and helping calm the baby down.

Aylanna moved just as quickly, gripped Magdellyn's arm and pushed her the rest of the way from the room. Her voice was low and reassuring, "Yes, I do think it is a wise thing. Similandra loves Annalla very much and already loves that baby like it was her own. She will not only take very good care of her sister, she would defend the safety of the two of them with her life."

Magdellyn was protesting, "You haven't seen the way she talks to Annalla. She is abusive and clearly unbalanced. And it is not customary at all to leave a rival child in the custody of a sister wife. Too many children have died under suspicious circumstances. My son has only two sons, he cannot afford to lose even one."

Aylanna repeated firmly, "Similandra will not hurt Annalla or the baby."

Magdellyn shook her head and began to protest that there was no way that Aylanna could know that for sure and that she, for one, knew that Similandra was dangerous, when Jhardron's voice cut through her words. "If my demon says that Similandra will not harm her sister wife or my son, it is fact and not subject to debate. Mother, you will listen to her words as if they were my own."

Magdellyn stood silent, her mouth opened and closed a couple of times like a dying fish and she threw up her hands and marched away.

Jhardron's eyes met Aylanna's. His voice was pitched low, "You are sure about Simi?"

"There is no question of her devotion to her sister or the baby."

He nodded and turned upon his heel, leaving without another word.

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It was not many hours later that Aylanna found herself sitting in Magdellyn's rooms attempting to heal the rift that occurred between them. Magdellyn sat at her loom, working the pedals and shuttle with silent furious energy. Her lips were sealed shut but Aylanna could sense the seething frustration pent up in the older woman's heart.

Aylanna kept her tone neutral and the words formal. "It was unfortunate that my words appeared to undermine your authority."

Magdellyn's voice was stiff. "You have not seen what that girl can do. She openly flouts my authority, totally refuses to comply with the simplest of requests. She is rude. She is violent. She has struck me more than once, says the most disrespectful of things to me and her sister wives. She is horrid to the staff, throwing things, stealing. Once at meal, she threw a whole platter of hot food across the table, splattering a small child with hot liquid. I had to restrict her to her rooms to keep everyone safe."

Aylanna allowed Magdellyn to finish the long list of Similandra's transgressions. She nodded and gently agreed, "You have good reason to not trust the girl. I have no question that she has behaved very badly in the past and may repeat such bad behavior in the future. But what we must do is try to winnow out the source of the girl's rebelliousness."

Magdellyn sniffed, "Source? Source? She is bad and she is useless. I am very inclined to petition Jhardron to send her away."
