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"I'm not rushing it, no way. The thought just flew into me head when I saw him. Just leave me to think about it when I feel ready."

Rex pushed her hair back, preparing to kiss her again. "If it proceeds I'll not want us to become a threesome in bed, ever."

Josie sighed and turned for the kiss she knew was inevitable. "You have my promise that will never happen, nor will I ever play one of you off against this other. But aren't we rushing this? We don't know yet if we want him to stay or of he wants to stay. One step at the time huh? All I've done is to share a radical thought."

"Good thinking. Gawd if I were eighteen again and knew a 36-year-old woman was keen to show me the ropes I'm sure my balls would have disintegrated from the pressure of anticipation."

"You dreamer," she laughed, kissing him and pulling back said, "You would not, you over-sexed early starter. You'd have blown her away, taking her through new doorways to new heights. If I decide to act it will be during lonely nights darling and I'll take great care to try to keep him from becoming infatuated. I think our Kade is half infatuated with him already but because small kids come on hot and cold it's difficult to judge. If he stays we must keep an eye on those two."

Rex lost his smile. "If he dares touch her he gets a bullet up his ass."

"Darling I'm not thinking along those lines. I just felt something when I saw Kade sitting on his knee, head against his chest. She sits like that on you but I've never experienced the feeling. I really couldn't explain it until she reached up behind her head and ran her small fingers along his jaw line. I'm sure he really didn't notice because he was saying something to you. As silly at this may sound I'm telling you about my thought at that moment. It was as if the souls of those two at that instant came together."

Moving because he felt so tight in his jeans, Rex replied with rather some depth for him: "Sounds dopey to me, but then you are the sensitive one. Actually I did see Kade do that and the truth is I felt a tinge of jealousy, thinking she's never done that to me. I've seen her play with your face, but never have I seen her smile quite like that."


Rex laughed and said although not having seen one, to his knowledge, he'd bravely say yes.

Kade sat up straight and reached between her husband's legs. "Come on baby, grow for me. Ooooh, hello there."

She fiddled and sighed when he said they better wait until bedtime. "Well we must have been talking rubbish about souls. She's a wee girl and he's becoming a man."

Reaching up and feeling a rather erect nipple, Rex played with it. "I could point out that you have spoken about the possibility of taking him to bed as his tutor. There are eighteen years between you two. When Kade turns eighteen Dick would be only thirty, a difference of only twelve years."

"Twelve years perhaps, but that would not be the future I would envisage for our daughter. I think we should give up on this soul thing. It sounds a little too spooky for comfort."

"Your nipple is as hard as steel. Want to pull down your shorts?"

"I'd love that darling. But you are right, we'll have to wait until lights out. May I just say I'm can't wait to have you inside me."

"Look out, you may become pregnant."

"You fool, I began the regime against that possibility just before we got going again two months after Tyson's arrival. Want me to stop?"

"Um, while Dick's around it might be a good idea to..."

"That's fine by me. I'm sure I'm sometime off about deciding about Dick's dick."

They laughed easily like the lovers they were and with the understandings embodied within them and a twosome.

"I'm relaxed about it. You see, I worry about your loneliness when I'm away at long stretches."

"Oh darling, help get my shorts down."

Rex looked up to beyond the far edge of the house. "Foiled, here comes Kade."

After the children were put to bed daddy read Kade a story. Tyson was already asleep.

Rubbing her eyes before the end of the story Kade said, "Kiss me good night daddy and ask Dick to come in and tuck me in."

"Mommy's here. I'll tuck you in," Josie said, arriving and hearing what Kade had said.

"Tuck me in mommy and then pull out the covers and ask Dick to come tuck me in."

"All right darling," Kade said, staring at Rex. "I'll fetch him now."

Following Josie out, Rex said, "We've had other people here before including your parents. She's never behaved like this."

"I'm relaxed about it darling. She'll insist on it for another one or two nights and all over Rover."

"I'd agree with that," he said, a large part of his wife's right ass cheek filling his hand.

They would learn but not worry they were so wrong about that prediction. For the next two years, the length of Dick's stay, if he was in the house he'd be summoned by a sleepy little girl to tuck her in and she'd be keen to be with him. Even so, it was obvious Kade never displayed the same depth of affection she had for her parents.

That first night after the dishes were done Rex and Josie listened for almost two hours as Dick talked about his early life, the death of his parents, his admission into the boys' 'facility' and his life there, how he was blamed for the pregnancy of the wife of the superintendent and how he and the super conducted their farewell.

"I'm with you Dick," Josie said supportively. "How could the superintendent know it wasn't his baby or the work of some other man? You were a prime suspect but the question is, where there others?"

The conversation wound down and Josie stood up. "Good night guys."

The guys stood and Josie took Dick's hand. "Darling, Rex and I had already talked about your situation and now tonight, after hearing just how alone you are in this world, I'd like to say, please stay with us for as long as you wish and make this your home. Say something Rex."

"Yes pal, I was tempted to make the invitation in the truck early this afternoon but thought I should discuss it with Josie first. We want you to say and to live with us like family."

Looking pounded with emotions, Dick said, "Okay, that's amazingly kind of you. It's difficult to believe what I'm hearing. Um, let's say trial it for a week. You need to find out what I'm really like and if you feel you can trust me with young children. I'm told some parents are scared stiff to have a young guy around. If you have any doubts about me please tell me and I'll go. You'll all have to learn if you like having someone new living with you."

"That's fine," Rex nodded. "Let's the review the situation in seven days."

"Good night and welcome to our home," Josie said, kissing Dick and when pulling away tapped his nose twice with her forefinger and they both laughed.

She was in the bedroom, pulling off her shorts and panties, and fell about smothering her laugh when she heard Dick said very seriously to Rex, "Look, do you want me to sleep in the barn so you can give Josie a full poke, pulling out all stops?"

"Shhh. She might hear you. No, it's fine. If you hear our headboard rattling you'll know I'm attempting to drive her through the wall."

"Rex please, don't hurt her. She's so sweet."

At that last comment Josie gasped and knew she'd come close or an orgasm without being touched.

That idea of sitting down in seven days for a review never happened and remained overlooked because well within seven days they all were integrated as family.

The next morning Rex was up dressed playing on the kitchen floor with the kids and their toys when Josie came in wearing only a flimsy nightdress, her unrestrained boobs rather mobile. She called out brightly "Hi", received three replies but noticed Dick had turned away, head down.

"Dick, please look at me and look at me closely. I walk around the house like this every morning but see not reason to change just because you have joined us here. At the same time I don't want to scare you off at being embarrassed at seeing my boobs wobbling or the outline of what lies lower down. Are you aware of what I'm saying?"

"I think so. If I'm embarrassed it will embarrass you?"

"Yes, good boy. Now you would have seen the superintendent's wife's boobs and pussy bared, many times in fact, until you were no longer embarrassed, yes?"

"That's quite right."

"Well, there can't be much difference, can there?"

Dick almost croaked. "You have a sleek body in comparison and your tits have shape and I can't imagine your pussy would gape as much as hers did."

"Oh darling, you say the nicest of things to me, Josie said, almost giggling. "Do we have an understanding? This is the normal me in the early morning. If you should see me without my gown on just think of my nicely shaped tits and my pussy that doesn't gape."

Josie began laughing.


"Oh you poor boy. Just try to forget that image of a gaping pussy please. Mine is much closer to normal and I'll probably show it to you one day."


"Oh never mind. Please go to the truck. Rex went out to fetch the milk he forget to bring in yesterday. He's probably doing routine checks. He's off after breakfast."

"Good, I'll go with him."

"No, he's going in to unload at the depot and then hands the truck over to his partner Jefferson. They do two weeks on, two weeks off in rotation and sometimes they get home every night or so because all work is not long distance. A driver reported to have a passenger can be sacked on the spot or in their case, because they each have a half-share in the truck, their contract could be cancelled."

"Where will I stay while Rex is away? It's improper..."

"Dick please shut up. You are family now. Get it?"

"If you say so."

"Look, discuss it with Rex. Off you go."

"Coming kids?"

Tyson said, "No, I'm building a castle."

"I'll come with you. Carry me."

"No, you walk."

"Please carry me."

"No, we'll run, it's good exercise and stops us getting fat."

"I want you to carry me Dick. Please. I'll cry if you don't."

"That's being naughty Kade. It's called blackmail. Come on, I'll carry you but you can walk back. Promise?"

"I promise."

Josie wasn't at all surprised to see Dick return in less than five minutes, carrying both milk and child, Kade with her arms around his neck.

Josie, still not dressed in her day clothes, waited until Dick caught her smile. "What did he say?"

"I told him my concern and he asked would I kindly stay with you for protection and company whenever he's away and he'd pay me a small monthly check as a retainer."

"And what did you say?"

"That I'd work on the ranch for a small payment plus my keep. I can do fencing because the institution hired us out to local ranchers and we did all sorts of tasks. I said I could ride a horse and rope cattle although not very well and know how to look after cattle and horses. He said, right, we'd better start getting fences repaired and stocking up the ranch."


"Yes, he said we."

Josie smiled and said very good. "Did he mention me in my nightdress."



"He asked me what I thought and I said you had a cute body. He laughed and slapped me on the back."


"Back off Josie. The rest is men's talk."

Josie looked disappointed he'd terminated the discussion. "Come on sit up everyone. Daddy will be here in a minute."

"Did you guys talks about poking?"

"What's poking mommy."

"I er bathroom," Dick said, fleeing with a red face, Josie's laughter following him.

It was quiet when Dick returned to the kitchen table. Kade was sitting on her father's knee. She put her hands out to be lifted by Dick and he shook his head and said it would be his turn after mommy.

"For someone who has no family you have a remarkable way with young children," Josie smiled.

"At the institution some of the young guys sort of pretended I was their father."

"Oh God, Josie said, clutching her mouth and running from the room.

Dick looked startled. "What's wrong with Josie?"

"Mommy's going to cry. Something's upset her."

Dick looked from Kade to her father. "Did I say something bad?"

Rex assured him it was okay. "She's thinking of those poor little guys at the institution. Josie is a mother and thinks like a mother."

"Oh, so that's what this is about. Should I go to her?"

"Could be a good idea. She'll cling to you bawling and ask you to assure her those little guys are often very happy."

"We that's the truth but do you mind if I don't go? Cling to me bawling you said?"

"Yeah, that could be a little frightening to a tough guy aged eighteen."

"May I just say it's one experience I could do without?"

"You may and you sure do have a clever way of thinking and expressing yourself."

"My mother was clever with thoughts and words. I had her until I was twelve."

"Damn," Rex said, looking away. "I'll check on Josie."

"Take you time," Dick called. "Want me to make you lunch?"

"No, just a coffee and a sandwich for morning tea. But you won't..."

"I will find everything if I try, won't I?"

"I'll help you Dick. Daddy's coffee thing is put under the bench after washing."

Rex and red-eyed Josie emerged arm-in-arm to find Dick and his little helper had the coffee in the flask and a sandwich wrapped in a blue and white checked napkin.

"Oooh, higher standard service with take-outs than you get from me Rex?"

"Yeah but Dick's probably had a good teacher like a facility matron holding a horse whip. Kiss me everyone and stay in the house because I will be turning the truck. Er, no kiss from you thanks Dick. Um, Josie wants..."

"It's okay, I'm calm enough..."

"I'll tell you about the little guys at the institution after you put down Tyson mid morning. Kade will probably like to hear what I say. It's sad but not gruesome."

"Did Kade tell you about the term put down?"

"No, I just know, having put down youngsters for the past three or four years."

"Well, with that mystery of the universe exposed to my wife's satisfaction, I'm off. Ride out to the gate with me honey. I know I'll be back at lunchtime and will remain home for a fortnight but I've become extra interested in you now someone thinks you have a cute body."

"Okay, to the gate but no touching. You are due at the depot at 9:30."

"Okay, just sit as far away as you can and strip. I'll be satisfied with just that."

"What does strip mean daddy."

"Ask Dick. We're off."

"It means to remove, to take off."

"Oh I knew that Dick. Daddy's been tricky again.

Chapter 3

In bed that night with the moon big over the distant mountains Josie complained, "Oh yuk. The bed is drenched. I was expecting no action because you came in at nightfall looking almost exhausted."

Choosing to ignore the complaint and scratching at the couple of dozen lonely hairs on the expanse of his wiry chest Rex said, "For a young guy he sets a cracking pace. We must have re-tensioned five wires over almost a mile this afternoon and he also had me yank out ten line posts he said were defective and drive in replacements. He was right about them being fractured. He knows more about fencing than I do and I'm supposed to be the rancher."

"Well darling," said Josie, hauling off the bottom sheet, asking him to lift, "I know more about sex than you do and I still partner you. I'm pleased you two are slipping into a good working relationship because I like him around here and so do the children."

"He's a good kid Josie and we'll teach him a lot. I yarned to him about you teaching him schoolwork and he almost panicked but I calmed him. Told him he won't be accepted as a man if he goes about talking dumb when he mixes with well educated people."

"Oh Rex, what an appalling way to tell him."

"It's cool, men's talk and he took it on the chin. Actually he asked me if you were any good."

"Oh yes, Josie said lightly. You mean when I been poked?"

Placing a big mitt over one of Josie's breasts, Rex said what on earth was she talking about. "He meant you as a school teacher and I said you were probably okay, as they kept on paying you."

"Oh thanks."

The fingers on the breast tightened. "Want to go again -- I could have one more shot up the barrel?"

"Oh you lovely man," she said, rolling on to him, quite forgetting she'd not replaced the sheet. "Do you I love having you home."

There was a delay because Rex had something to say. "Um, he told me Kade tried to climb into his bed at 4:00 this morning so he took her back to her own and settled her. He's worried about her behavior. Said it was not okay and asked would you to talk to Kade."

"Okay, I'll set a new rule for her but I'm saying this: now that I've heard that little bit of men's talk, so long as he continues thinking like that I'm trusting him to be with her. Be proud of him Rex and he'll begin thinking of you as a good guy. I rather think only kids have been the good guys in his life since his parents died."

Rex and Dick were in the kitchen with Kade sitting on Dick's knee when Josie entered at 5:45 to make their breakfast because Rex wanted to be off fencing by 6:30.

"Doesn't she look cool," Rex said proudly as Josie yawned and stretched, pulling her nightdress tight.

Caught unaware, Josie snapped, "Rex!"

He laughed and Josie saw Dick had looked away.

"Look at me Dick."

He obliged and she said softly, "Now answer Rex. Come on, this is how families relate."

"Yeah, very cool."

"Thank you guys. I know you both were eyeing my boobs and I really don't mind Dick, especially if the look is kind and if you only think kind thoughts about them. Rex has told you I was r-a-p-e-d hasn't he?"

"Yes Josie. Could we not talk about it?"

"I'm taking about it because for much of the first two years I was so traumatized, I mean upset, that I couldn't talk about it. Then more recently I've settled and now I when I think about it I sigh and have come to think so what? I have my life back again Dick and it's great to hear myself talking about it."

"It must be great that it's over. I understand because, well, my parents and sister you see."

"Dick has a sister mommy."

Eyeing Kade up on her knees and leaning over the scribbling block, Josie became a mom: "Yes dear, is that a flower you are drawing?"

"How did you know?"

"It looks like a flower."

Rex said, "Huh?"

"The culprit was a neighbor and Rex had just moved in with me. He h-i-t Rex with a piece of wood and then went about his work. He was a sixty-three year old widower. Rex came to but too late. Rex went to Court for k-i-l-l-n-g...

"Mommy, why are you talking funny? What does K-i-l something mean?"

"It's a word you don't know about yet darling but you will later rather than sooner I hope. Has the flower a name?"

"Yes, it's called Dick."

"That's lovely darling, how sweet."

Josie continued, looking remarkably calm: "The judge said one enraged blow to the head with a fist was involved, just the one passionate blow that right-thinking persons might assume was not deliberately and coldly intended as a fatal blow. Under the circumstance it could be considered a reasonable reaction from a man, head bleeding profusely and seeing his wife in such an abused state. He repeated it appeared not to have been a deliberate crime to end a man's life. The jury agreed and the judge said Rex was free to go and entitled to walk out, head held high."

"Free to go where mommy?"

"Free to come back to me darling. Oh, look at the time. I must get the potato cakes and bacon on. You guys..."

"We are not leaving this room any time soon Josie. You need someone with you for a little while. Dick and I will stay with you because...you say it Dick."

"Because we like you."

"Whaaaaagh," went Josie, rushing Rex.

"Mommy gets like this sometimes Dick. We are used to it."

When eating breakfast Josie said, mouth half full, "Dick, would you be happy minding the children this evening to allow Rex to take me to a movie in Random tonight and then on to a meal? Ooops I'm sorry talking with food in my mouth."