Dildoberger Kay Party

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Neighborhood women get together to sample some goods.
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"Ladies," Marlene spoke over the women's excited chatter. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Marlene Dunn, your Eve-ning's Gift Consultant."

Marlene stood before them, proud and confident in her black floor length skirt and black Victorian inspired corset. The straps hugged against her caramel skin creating a subtle contrast. Tiny embroidered monochromatic flowers danced down the bodice that accentuating her slender waist.

"Before I begin, I'd like to take a moment to thank our hostess, Holly Martin, for allowing me the opportunity to share some exciting products with you."

Marlene paused for the ladies to applaud Holly. Holly's face brightened and she made an awkward bow from her seated position.

Holly Martin projected the air of gracious hostess by feigning her embarrassment. She was the area's maven of entertaining. If she had an ounce of backing, and more importantly, the desire, she could possibly topple the reigning experts on modern hosting. Instead, she was happy being the one-two-punch that was Mr. And Mrs. Martin. She had supported her husband's career by flawlessly throwing intimate dinner parties and holiday soirees for numerous corporate big shots and their spouses. Every event gained her husband the fast ascent to the prestigious position at his firm.

Tonight was a casual affair, a night for herself and her closets girlfriends. Despite this she was unable to turn off her well-practiced responses. She turned her attention to Marlene.

"Eve-ning's Gift's summer line of products are so exciting and so innovative, they are on the cutting edge of the industry. You'll never find products like these in local retail shops. Only consultants, like myself, can bring you what I have to show you tonight."

At that, Holly winked at her friends. They were a tight group. These girl's nights bound their varying backgrounds together.

Debra Hofstrum, one of the city's highest paid female CEO's sat sharply dressed in her dark green pantsuit. She kept her chestnut hair expertly styled by one of those salons that scheduled appointments six months out. Debra ran a manicured hand through it then smiled back at Holly.

Holly saw Debra's knee brush slightly against Kit Simmon's bare one. Kit's legs were tone and strong from the foot route she took delivering the mail. Five days a week in the sun gave her skin a warm golden hue. Add that to Kit's blonde hair and she had the look of a California girl except she was displaced in the suburbs of the Midwest.

Kit shared a laughing smile with Janelle Drake. Janelle was seated in the matching wing back chair opposite Holly. Her Emerald Isle green eyes sparkled with impish sweetness. The local high school teacher was smartly dressed in a sweater set and knee length skirt. It was a look that gained her respect from parents and students alike. She flicked a long curled lock of her fiery red hair away from her neck then turned her attention to Marlene.

Marlene's eyes passed from one smiling face to the other.

"Holly, would you mind helping me by passing around Eve-ning's Gift's latest brochure?" Marlene handed Holly the stake of brochures. The glossy surfaces passed from one hand to the other with a squeak.

Each woman reviewed the naughty temptations on each shiny page. Before long the room filled with oh's, ah's and girlish laughter. Marlene examined the women in the group closely, watching their transformations. Their mature conservative exoskeletons faded to allow their youthful wonderment to emerge.

Kit Simmons stared wide-eyed at the first page for a long moment before turning to whisper to Debra Hofstrum. Debra had almost made it to the last page but flipped back to where Kit was. They pointed at the high quality photo and then broke into shoulder-shaking giggles.

Marlene tossed her long mane of raven hair to one side exposing a black tattoo that snaked from her hairline down to the top of her left shoulder. Marlene felt four sets of eyes fall upon her at once. The women's eyes moved up her neck to the tattoo none of them knew continued down the center of her back in an intricate ivy and floral pattern. Marlene, the consummate performer, prolonged the exchange. She gathered her hair in her right hand as if she were going to put it up into a ponytail but instead began to twirl it until the black strands coiled together into a pretty curl at the top of her breast. Marlene ran her fingers along the top of the corset. She soaked up the women's attention. Pleased, she moved on with her presentation.

"Now," Marlene spoke, her voice seasoned with drama. "Holly has been so good to inform me that all of you are already proud owners of our Level One line of products."

Each woman acknowledged that fact with a nod.

"Very good. You'll be pleased to know Eve-nings Gift's R&D department has expanded those products. Not only will they be wonderful to use on their own, but they can also be used with our expansion line."

The women's smiles broadened. Marlene continued. "As many of you have already taken note, the expansion products begin on page 7." The women flipped to the page in unison. "There are two options for this expansion."

Marlene walked to a small table set up in the corner of the room. Marlene's mouth turned up into a half smile as she waved her hand in a motion that would have made a Barker's Beauty proud. With a flick of her wrist she snatched a black cloth off the table to reveal a full range of Eve-ning's Gift's products.

The products stood proudly in their life-like skins, each hued in colors ranging from the deepest blues and purples to neon pinks and yellows. They were sized for every taste and possible use. A few of them were small enough to be carried discretely in one's purse. Others were eye popping in length and fully detailed to mimic the organs they were fashioned after.

"The first option would be to combine any of these products with item number 562." Marlene pulled a velvet box from underneath the table.

The women inched to the edge of their seats. Slowly, Marlene released the tiny gold clasp. The metal hinges gave a low creek when Marlene opened the lid. Nestled within the thick lining of the box's interior was a tangle of black leather adorned with silver rivets.

Marlene walked slowly towards the women holding the box close to her chest. The women stretched their necks to see more of the box's contents. Ceremoniously, Marlene sank down to her knees before the women, her long skirt pooled around her body like an oil spill on the faux Oriental carpet. Marlene placed the box on the coffee table with such care it barely made a sound as she slid her hands from underneath it.

"If God had been a woman, men would have a penis growing from their chins. Right ladies?"

The women laughed openly in agreement.

"We've taken the liberty of fixing that tiny little inconvenience." Humor saturated Marlene's words as she removed the object from the box. "The Facial Pleasure Bud Harness is constructed with durable leather for hours of play. The straps are fully adjustable for maximum comfort." Marlene grasped the harness in her tiny hands. The unwavering attention of the women drew the walls of the small living room in close as Marlene turned the harness over and over in her soft hands. The rivets gleamed under the low light. In turn, each woman was able to see it in full view.

"The toy of your choosing would be placed securely here." Marlene's manicured fingers followed a smooth opening, caressing the surface with an intentional seductive movement, and then she continued with the explanation.

"The entire harness positions the toy at your lovers chin giving you that added level of pleasure."

"Now that's a toy!" Holly exclaimed.

"Is it hot in here all of the sudden?" Janelle shook herself out of the cream sweater she wore over a business style blouse.

The other women laughed at her seemingly attempt at a joke. Kit leaned over to Debra to whisper. Debra glanced in Janelle's direction then quickly averted her eyes.

Janelle did not appear to be joking. The fair skin of her cheeks were brightly hued with color. She was tugging at her shirt sending puffs of air up into her hair.

"It certainly sends your mind working at the possibilities doesn't it?"

Marlene directed her question at the group, but kept her eye on Janelle who had accidentally unbuttoned the top three buttons of her blouse in her fervent attempts to cool herself. Each expansion of the fabric flashed the white lacey top of her bra.

"I wished I'd thought of it," Kit said.

"I know that it is hard to imagine the way this would work. Perhaps, it would be helpful to see it demonstrated." Marlene's smile spread large and mischievous across her pretty face. "The best aspect of these little get-togethers is that my guests get to sample the products before they make a purchase. I'd hate for any of you to make an investment without having at least tried the items that catch your eye."

"Goodie. My favorite part," Debra said then bit into her lower lip.

"It's certainly mine as well," Marlene stated.

Marlene had worked hard over the last few years to reach the level of success with Eve-ning's Gift. She had earned every tattooed ivy leaf and bloom as recognition of her sales-womanship. She had held many events like the one tonight and enjoyed every single one immensely without losing her ability to close the sale.

The trick to gaining huge sales numbers and repeat customers was to drill into the sexpot in each woman with whatever toy necessary. These were Level Two women she was dealing with tonight. Each woman had seen many wonderful toys, lotions and potions, but they needed to see something spectacular in order to get into their minds as well as their wallets.

"I have an item that I know will really put this particular gadget into perspective. It'll be the perfect demonstration for how well this item will work for you. While I'm out getting this 'little surprise', why don't each of you pick an item from the table to examine a little closer."

Marlene maneuvered to her feet with the same effortless elegance she used when she knelt. Before she left the room she passed the table.

"Might I suggest Ebony 2444?" Marlene pointed it out with her small slender finger. She traced over the large bulbous tip and then down over a prominent vein.

When Marlene left the room the questions started like the low rumbled of thunder before a storm. They queried Holly.

"What is she off to get Holly?" Kit asked.

"I haven't the slightest idea." Holly reached for her beverage.

"Uh-huh." Janelle murmured skeptically.

"Maybe she'll bring in some of these alluring fragrances and body powders. It says here they have pheromone enhancing properties," Debra said.

"Well, she did say that there were two options on how to use the product." Kit analyzed. "Maybe it's product number 572? It's simply gorgeous."

"I'll say. 'Six feet, 2 inches of cyberskin sexiness.'." Holly read from the brochure. "That's all I need."

"But isn't it just a doll? If I wanted to hump a hunk of lifeless flesh I'd fuck my husband," Debra remarked.

The other ladies gave a sorrowful groan for Debra's husband and then broke into loud boisterous laughter. Debra simply shrugged as if to solidify that her comment wasn't meant to provide humor. She walked over to the table and picked up Marlene's suggestion and examined it.

"I mean, if my darling husband was like this," she held the phallic shaped toy down around her pelvic area. It flopped around heavily with her movements. "He could just lay there and I'd get off for sure."

"It's so big you could get off from across the room," Holly said. "How big is that thing?"

Debra stroked her hand down over the shaft as if the motion would assist her in calculating the exact length. "Hard to tell. I need a point of reference. Come here Janelle."

Janelle went to stand before Debra. Debra brought the licorice colored-jellied surface up to Janelle's face. From the base where Debra clenched it tightly to the very tip it extended well into Janelle's shiny red hair.

"A good 9, 9 ½ inches."

"Yikes!" Kit exclaimed.

"Could you even get something like this in your mouth?" Debra said, allowing her voice to relay part question and part dare.

"If it were real I'd try it." Janelle shrugged.

"Well it's not," Holly said. She had moved from the armchair to the couch for a better look. "Picture some hot chocolate Hollywood stud on the other end and just do it."

"Yeah, you wouldn't open that pretty little mouth for someone like say... Morris Chestnut?" Debra asked stroking her fingers up and down over the large head.

Janelle scrunched up her nose. "You guys know I'm not much into movies. I can hardly even picture him in my mind."

"Football players," Kit called out from her seated position on the floor.

"Okay. Football players. Hell, they're all over 6 feet tall. They are bound to be hung."

At that Janelle smiled, obviously picturing her motivation. "Gimmie that." She attempted to snatch it from Debra's hand but Debra jerked it away.

"No, sirie. I'll hold it," Debra said with a gleam in her eye.

"Fine." Janelle licked her lips. She widened her mouth slightly in wait for Debra to bring the toy to her mouth.

"Oh you are going to have to open your mouth wider than that!" Holly laughed.

Janelle had a hard time opening her mouth any wider around her smile.

"That's better," Debra praised.

Carefully Debra guided the head of the dildo up against Janelle's lips. Janelle's lips adjusted slightly to get around the girth. Debra pressed in further and felt a little resistance.

"Uh-oh. No teeth."

Janelle formed her rebuttal around a quickly filing mouth. "I'm-ph tr-wring womph to."

The other women giggled at her predicament, but Debra remained straight faced and focused on pressing every black, veined inch into Janelle's mouth. She couldn't help but take note of the enticing contrast of the dark rod against Janelle pale ivory skin tone.

Debra's mouth moved slightly as she watched Janelle's attempt. It was as if by moving her own mouth she could aid Janelle in taking it deeper and deeper. Janelle made a slurping noise. The head was pushing far enough into her mouth to make it water. A warm, sexy rush flooded between Debra's legs. Janelle's performance excited her. It drove Debra to push the end of the dildo in just that bit more. Debra wanted to create tears in Janelle's eyes. A wry perversion kept her fist tight around the base of the meaty black dong. Debra thrust it in and out of Janelle's mouth. Janelle responded by sucking loudly, eagerly. Janelle locked her eyes on Debra's.

"That's a girl," Debra whispered.

Janelle gave a barely audible whimper and that made Debra press that much harder on the end of the dildo, but that half an inch more was all Janelle could take. In an instant, her eyes welled up and tears broke over the rim of her lids.

Debra wanted to see more. She wanted to hear more of Janelle's lustful slurping. Debra thrust the dildo one last time against the back of Janelle's throat. Janelle retreated back from Debra, coughing and struggling to catch her breath.

"Brava Janelle," Kit praised.

"Well done Ms. Drake." Holly winked.

Janelle smiled over to them, checking for escaping mascara under her eyes.

"Yes. Well done." Debra said softly. She looked down at her hand and hadn't realized that she'd been stroking the length of the toy. Janelle's saliva lubricated it well. Her mind sped over the many scenarios that could occur with a well-lubricated toy like this one. Debra felt the need to lick the length of the shaft, taste the inside of Janelle's mouth. Debra stopped herself by placing the dildo back on the table as if letting it go would release her from her fantasy.

"Toss me that teeny tiny red one over there, Debra," Holly requested.

Debra made an expert toss to Holly. It was Holly that made an awful reception. The toy bounced off her chest and landed in her lap. The collision set off the toy's on switch. It began to vibrate immediately against Holly's thighs.

Holly's expression was frozen with surprise then it relaxed and morphed into a quizzical look. That look softened more into a tranquil expression, one only pleasure could bring.

"Oh my," Holly said breathlessly. "For something so small," her tongue flicked out to moisten her lips. "It sure packs a wallop."

"Let me see." Kit reached up from the floor to grab the tiny vibe away from Holly's lap. Holly caught Kit's wrist just as Kit's hand closed around the vibrator. They stared into each other's eyes at first willing the other to surrender but as the vibrations shot through to Holly's crotch and up into Kit's arm their looks plead for the other not to move.

Kit moved her thumb along the inner seam of Holly's pants. She tried to find where Holly's clit might be.

"This is intense," Kit whispered. Holly watched Kit's eyes flutter closed.

"Our Stealth Surge Vibrators have been top sellers four years running," Marlene said from the threshold. "It looks as if I was just about to miss all the fun."

Janelle and Debra had been watching Holly and Kit, who were heartbeats away from leaping into the pool of hedonistic abandonment. The four ladies reluctantly directed their eyes to Marlene.

An undeniable energy pulsed around the room. Marlene had consulted this group before. The conclusion that she had drawn then was now confirmed. Each woman was a lightning rod for unrequited sexual vigor. Marlene was suddenly glad that she had brought this particular surprise.

Still somewhat be spelled, Janelle spoke huskily, "So, where is our surprise? We've been good girls."

Marlene looked into Holly's flushed face then down to Kit who was twisting and squeezing the tiny vibe in an effort to turn it off. She gave it a hard smack with the palm of her hand. It shut off.

"Good girls? I highly doubt it. But I do agree that you deserve it."

"Well show us," Debra said, going back to her spot on the couch.

Marlene looked to Janelle who took a seat at Debra's feet, bracing herself against Debra's shapely legs.

"You'll be superbly amazed at the advancements in technology with this next item. Not only is it rapidly becoming our hottest ticket item, soon to go on back order status, but it really does represent something for every Eve-ning's Gift client. Ladies, may I present to you... P.A.U.L."

Struck by something familiar Janelle grabbed her brochure. "Isn't P.A.U.L item number 572?"

Marlene nodded.

"Is someone going to bring him in? I imagine that he'd be quite heavy at 6'2"."

"There's no need." Marlene grinned.

She held out her hand into the foyer. A large male hand grasped hers. Strong, thick fingers laced between her short slender ones.

"Front and center P.A.U.L.," Marlene commanded.

In four slow strides the perfect specimen of a man entered the room. It was as if Michelangelo had found a way to breathe life into his David. The man was a flawless expanse of muscles and limbs. His eyes sparkled more brilliantly than any jewel. They sparkled so much it was hard to tell if they were ocean blue, or the fresh, vibrant color of spring grass. His hair fell in curls that beckoned you to reach up and twirl them around a finger. Each curl was brown with bronze highlights. Even under the low light of the living room his hair held a peculiar luster, like newly polished copper.

The women spoke different awestruck expletives almost at the same time.

"Remarkable isn't it?" Marlene replied, eyeing the form beside her with the same respectful eye.

"He...it...moves?" Holly said in whispered amazement.

"P.A.U.L., which stands for Personal Automated Unselfish Lover, represents the world's best advances in cyborg technology. He is equipped with fully articulated joints, including his fingers." Marlene arched a brow. "He has a fully expressive mouth and tongue made from the same material as many of our select top of the line toys. One of the draw backs to his mouth, if you consider it to be one, is he doesn't speak."