Discipline from Another

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Wife is told to get a spanking with hubby gone.
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You hang up the phone, your hands shaking, feeling almost numb from the conversation with your husband, the love of your life. You have been apart from each other for several months now, and even with the constant texting and conversations you have with each other the stress of this situation seems unbearable. You feared this conversation was coming and yet you knew that it was a certainty to happen.

To say that your emotional and mental state had been sliding into depression in the last couple of months would be a serious understatement. But that is true for both of you, and you also know that his concern is well founded. You have emotional break downs fairly regular and would feel a little better for a while, but then you would have another bout of depression overwhelm you. That doesn't make this decision any easier.

You have broken almost every rule that is on your discipline contract and the guilt from those broken rules is one of the many reasons for the emotional turmoil you seem to feel every day. You know he is right.

You go to the computer and email your friend asking him to please write back as soon as he can. You add that it is very important you speak with him as soon as possible.

Your friend has answered you by the time you work up the nerve that evening to check your email. He hopes everything is alright and is there to talk whenever you need him.

With a sigh to yourself, you finally write to your friend; 'Thank you for getting back to me so quickly. I am a bit embarrassed to share this with anyone, but here goes. My husband and I live in a domestic discipline relationship and with us apart I have not been able to get the discipline spankings I require. After you and I had the couple days of flirting by email last month, I realized that you were also a fan of the spanking lifestyle. I did say that our flirting made me a bit uncomfortable, but only because I thought you would want sex if we continued, especially since you don't seem to have anyone else to give you the sexual release men need.

I have needed a discipline spanking for quite a while now, but my husband cannot be here to administer that discipline. He has asked if you are willing to give me that spanking. There can be no sex between us, only the spanking. Would you please agree to help me out with this?'

You sit at your desk hoping that he won't say no, and your heart is racing at the thought that he might agree. You are startled when you realize that the thought of being spanked by someone other than your husband has you aroused!?!

Your husband had spent years saying that he would not ever leave you, and that you couldn't do anything to lose him. But your fears seem so very real right now. You are terrified at the thought of being spanked by someone else, yes. But you hadn't expected arousal at the thought of being across your friend's knee. This thought takes you by surprise, especially when you also realized that your crotch is more than a little damp.

You are deep in thought when you just about jump out of your seat at the sound of an incoming message. 'Oh boy, here we go' you say to yourself as you try to slow your breathing.

The message is indeed from your friend, and it has only been ten minutes. Just as your husband thought, he was on line when you answered his first email.

You open his message, and let out an audible gasp at the two words he has sent. Your hands start shaking uncontrollably as you read 'Ten tonight'.

You wear your tight jeans with white panties, your long sleeve, white button up blouse, but no bra, and your black flats.

You also plan to take along the special discipline paddle your husband has made for you. It is long, broad, and thick, just the size to cover over two thirds of your fanny. It is covered evenly with holes drilled into it to remove the air cushioning most paddles have, and the surface has been sanded smooth and has a varnish coating to avoid any splintering. When you had first seen it, the fear in you was palpable. But, so was your excitement.

You undress and go take a scalding hot shower, which helps clear your head. You dry your thoroughly clean body, and then blow dry your hair into the style your husband told you he liked, and then you dress. Lastly, you put on makeup. Mascara, eyeliner, rouge all lightly and tastefully applied, with a deep red lipstick to finish the job. The job isn't perfect due to your still shaking hands, but you look quite attractive as you stand before the mirror, and you smile just a little as you dab on perfume.

You don't take anything with you except the discipline paddle stuck into a Wal-Mart sack, as you walk the eight blocks to your friend's house. When you arrive, the porch light is on but the house looks dark. You stand in the warm glow of illumination to look down at yourself, and realized that the constant rubbing of the fabric of your blouse has made your nipples erect. The effect makes it abundantly clear that you wore no bra, and you almost lose your nerve right then and there. You are just starting to turn back home when the door opens and you see your friend sitting in his roll around desk chair smiling up at you.

'Please come in' he says, smiling even wider as he looks you up and down, and rolls back to allow you access.

Your husband had said hundreds of times that sex was not love; it was only a release of physical need. He had been raised having casual sex since he was a young man and had, more than once, shared his fantasies of watching you ride another man until you climaxed. But as you stood there on your friend's porch, in your mind you were adamant that a spanking was the only release you needed. Discipline and sex did not belong together, period. You're shaking again as you step hesitantly inside, and the door is closed and locked behind you.

The first things you notice are the candles, dozens of them are scattered around his comfortable living room, giving it a soft glow. And he has incense burning on the coffee table next to a carafe of blush wine and two glasses.

'Please sit down' he says nervously, 'would you like a glass of zin?' And he reaches for a glass when you nod yes. He is wearing a button up, long sleeve shirt, and black slacks with black sneakers. His hair is just a bit disheveled, but his beard and mustache are neatly combed, and you can smell his cologne as you sit and take the glass of wine from him, setting the paddle next to you as he pours a glass for himself.

'Whatcha got there?' he says with a nervous laugh.

You take the bag with the paddle handle sticking out, and hand it to him, still not saying anything. He takes the paddle out and whistles lightly, 'Wow, that's almost scary' he says chuckling, and hands the paddle back to you.

'That is for my spanking' you say in a very soft voice, and push the paddle back to him.

You take a large swallow to shore up your courage before you say 'I know you have wanted to give me a spanking, you said as much in our email flirting. And even though that made me uncomfortable, I have thought about it as well, though I might need something a bit stronger to go through with it'.

'I will only do this on one condition' he says as he goes over to a cabinet and opens it.

Rolling your eyes, you think to yourself he wants sex. 'And that condition?' you ask softly.

'You have to swear that we will remain friends' he says, returning with a bottle of rum, and two shot glasses, in his hand.

Laughing you say 'I promise'. With that, you lean back with a sigh of relief, feeling sure that he isn't going to try and force you or guilt you into sex with him.

'Then it's settled' he says, 'a toast. To good friends, good wine, and especially to good spankings'. You two clink glasses and laugh nervously as you take a drink, feeling the wine start to ease the tension of the day, and of the moment.

'Will you be spanking me on your chair, or the couch?' you ask after about an hour of nervous conversation, and a couple of shots of rum.

'Neither' he says with a sly grin. 'I have a spot prepared already'. And he stands with his hand extended to you. His initial nervousness seems to have gone, but yours is back with a vengeance.

You take his hand and allow him to help you up, and then follow him to the other end of the house, into his den. There are three hurricane lamps with their wicks down low, giving the room a lot of shadow. But you have no problem seeing that he has placed an armless chair in the center of the room with a table beside it. On the table is an assortment of paddles, a flogger, a leather belt, some lotion, and a bottle of oil.

'Didn't know you would be bringing your own paddle' he says sheepishly, grinning from ear to ear as he leads you to the side of the chair and he sits setting the paddle you brought on the table beside him.

'Would you grab that pillow' he says and points to a pile of pillows in one corner. 'So you have a soft spot to sit'.

'Kind of hard to get a spanking sitting on my butt' you say softly as you get him the pillow and hand it to him.

He drops the pillow on the floor between his legs and says 'In time you will be across this lap, but not just yet. Please sit facing away from me', and he opens his legs to give you the room to sit.

You sit between his legs and he starts massaging your shoulders with his large, strong hands. His hands work the knots out of your shoulders and neck quite adeptly, working the muscles softly at first, then with a firmer grip.

'To do this right, I need you to undo your blouse' he says, then adds quickly 'don't worry; I won't take advantage of your not wearing a bra'. So with your hands beginning to shake yet again, you unbutton your blouse completely and also unbutton your sleeves.

He pushes you forward a bit and gently pulls your blouse down to the middle of your back. He then is able to work your shoulders and mid back properly. Working your muscles with his thumbs and the palms of his hands. Finding the knots of tension around your shoulder blades, releasing that tension with knowing pressure in all the right places. He softly traces your arm down to the wrists, and takes the sleeve of your blouse and raises your arm letting it slide slowly out of the sleeve. He then traces the other arm and raises it, removing your blouse completely.

He works your lower back then, causing you to lean completely forward, and massages all of the remaining tension from your back. Then he slides his hands back up to your shoulders, urging you to sit up, and ensures that no knots remain there.

He works the muscles in your right arm as he lifts it up above your head and kneads those tense muscles, when he gets to your wrist and works your right hand, pinching the muscle between your finger and thumb; it causes your body to relax considerably. He rests your right arm atop your head and has you keep it there as he then works your left arm in the same way, pulling it up as he seeks out the knots and tension, working up to your wrist, then to your left hand.

With both of your hands atop your head he works on massaging first your left side, starting under your arm and working down past your exposed breasts, to your waist. Then he massages your right side in the same way.

When his massage is finished your muscles feel wonderfully free of tension, and you lean back contentedly against him. You also realize that the liquor has helped to remove some of the inhibitions you had just an hour ago.

'Better?' he asks as he pushes you slightly forward.

'That was absolutely wonderful' you say as you lower your arms and stretch a bit before standing topless beside him. 'At least for my upper body' you say and laugh lightly, feeling the muscles pliable and relaxed.

Abruptly, he takes your hand and says 'Now you get what you came here for', and he pulls you across his lap in one fluid motion.

He lays the paddle across your butt and begins softly swatting your ass. 'I didn't try (swat) to get into your pants (swat) with liquor (swat).' He says as he begins to spank you. 'I will be damned (swat) if you are going to think (swat) that I would do that'. He continues swatting your butt several times as he speaks. Then he swats harder a few times, and harder still for a dozen more whacks.

Your ass is beginning to sting when he pauses, and you adjust yourself on his lap so that your groin is over top his thigh thats closest to your butt. He then takes up the paddle again and begins a series of short, sharp swats in rapid succession that really set your butt to stinging, and you begin to squirm about on his lap, causing your groin to rub against the fabric of his pants through your jeans.

When he pauses again you feel the paddle resting across your ass, then he rubs your buttocks back and forth with it. 'That should be a good enough warm-up' he says, and the paddle lands squarely across both cheeks of your ass quite hard. You arch your back and cry out but his strong hand keeps you securely across his lap. Your ass feels like it is on fire as the paddle comes down across your butt several more times, hard, the vibration from each swat causing your sensitive anus to contract and you start to let go of your control and begin to cry.

The paddle comes down hard again, the wood connecting soundly with your pants as he holds you in place. You arch back again and your cries become sobs as he swats your butt getting closer to the crease of your sit spot. The paddle strikes your ass again and you feel the sting, the vibration of your engorged anus, and the stimulating hum of the swat to your clitoris all at the same time as you grind your hips against his thigh and arch your back, tears streaming down your face.

His next swat is centered on your sit spot, and you feel shock along with pain and disbelief as the paddle connects solidly across the lips of your vagina and the crease between your buttocks and thighs. Even through your jeans it is quite a shock of pain. You scream and arch your back violently, kicking your legs wildly in a fight or flight reaction. But you can't get away from his strong hand on the center of your back holding you across his lap, and your sobs don't allow you to say anything, let alone to beg for him to stop. Then the pain of your ass and your now swollen vagina engulf your awareness.

Strangely, you find your mind centered on the emotional and physical release you are now experiencing from the pain. The sobs you emit are wracking your body as the paddle connects again against your ass. The pain of the paddle is intense, and your mind is crystal clear and sharp taking it in. Your anus feels as if it is three times its normal size and your clitoris pulses and twitches with a life of its own. Your hair has become damp with sweat and hangs over your face.

The paddle connects again and you feel its sting against your buttocks and your vagina sending you into a frenzy of kicking and thrashing about wildly as you scream and sob, your voice growing weak from strain. You arch your back and actually bounce your groin against his thigh over and over as the paddle connects again and again.

He strikes you harder with each swat as he brings the paddle down faster and faster striking you repeatedly on that same spot. You feel the bruising of your butt as he strikes again. You feel the hoarseness of your voice as you scream out again. You feel the deep throbbing of your clitoris with every swat.

Swat! Your back arches and you emit a hoarse primal scream. Swat! Your ass feels like fire and you scream again as loud as your strained voice will allow. Swat! You throw back your head sobbing uncontrollably, your sweat drenched hair flinging back over your shoulders.

No one has ever spanked you so severely, not even your husband. Your cries and sobs are weak, and your throat is sore and raw. Your legs feel like lead and you can hardly move them to kick any more. Your tears are just trickles now as you cry in shuddering sobs. You can't even feel your ass as the paddle strikes again. All you feel is the deep throb of your clitoris and the vibrations to your engorged anus.

Your body may be tired and drained but your clitoris is throbbing and tingling as if a vibrator were stuffed into your saturated vagina on high with fresh batteries! You can barely push your groin against his thigh as the paddle strikes your butt again. You try to speak but only a croak sounds past the wracking sobs as he strikes your numb ass again and again.

He pauses finally after fifty or so hard swats against your ass and you collapse like a rag doll across his lap. Small sobs still escaping your lips and your body still shakes and trembles slightly.

Your mind is still reeling as he helps you stand up, and then you have to hold onto him for support. You mumble something about home as you feel him lift you gently up in his arms. You then feel yourself being carried as you fade in and out of exhaustion, and there are cool sheets below you and a light sheet covering you as you sink into sleep.

You sleep deep at first but then hard spanking dreams fill your subconscious. Your ass is throbbing when you wake at first light, and you notice that your pussy is throbbing and wet with desire from the dream you remember so vividly. So with your eyes closed against the dim light of dawn through the heavy curtains, you sleepily reach down and, undoing your pants, touch your very sensitive vagina. It takes only second for you to climax explosively, your body convulsing and trembling as, for the first time ever, you orgasm twice more from masturbating. You recall that only your husband has ever brought you to multiple orgasms.

Then with sudden clarity, you remembered the night before.

You open your eyes wide and sit bolt upright in bed, the sheets falling away from your nude breasts, and you see that your friend is sitting at the foot of the bed watching you with a slight smile upon his lips. He is wearing a robe and has a cup of the most wonderful smelling coffee in his hand. You blush mightily at your nudity and grab the sheet to cover yourself.

'I would think we're a bit past that' he says 'don't you agree? Especially after the spanking you took last night. Did you sleep well?'

You now remember vividly the harsh discipline spanking your body endured at his hands, and you say quietly, 'I slept like the dead.' your throat still hoarse from your screams. 'And I guess we are just a bit past modesty' but you still hold the sheet up to cover yourself.

He smiles again and offers you the cup in his hand.

'I wouldn't want to take your coffee' you say hoarsely as he stands and extends the cup.

'I made this one for you' he explains 'thought you would need it after the night you had. Mine is in the living room. But I would think that that orgasm you just had woke you up more than this ever could'. Your blush is intense as he continues, 'You're going to need lotion on that cute butt of yours'. And with that said, he hands you the cup and goes out, closing the door behind him.

Your ass is really starting to throb as you sit there holding the cup, blushing furiously at the thought of him watching you masturbate. You get out of bed, off your tortured butt, and take a sip of coffee before setting it on the night stand. The coffee tastes perfect, made just the way you like it. 'I guess he remembers from all those years I've know him' you mumble as you look for your blouse. You spot it folded neatly on a chair across the room. As you walk toward it you see the discipline paddle beside the chair. You dress and take your coffee from the table.

As you again hesitate before opening the door you recall vividly the previous night. 'He was so very careful not to exceed the boundaries I had set' you whisper 'but why would he do that? I might have been a bit in my cups, but not drunk. He wanted sex, which was apparent. Damn men! Just when you think you have them figured out'. And with that you open the door and enter the living room to see him on the couch where you had sat the night before, with a cup of coffee in his hand.