Doctor Who: Panic Moon Ch. 15


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It was almost like the thing was reading from a script. For all he knew, it probably was. Ren had told him plenty of things about the project that had made her... what she is. There were plenty of morally dubious actions that went into making a supersoldier like her, chief among them had been the straight up lobotomy that Shichi had received, in order to curb its more violent tendencies. It hadn't all the way worked, and so numerous programs and strictures were added in on top of that, to ensure obedience and cooperation from the alien entity.

To repeat, morally dubious.

Not that Ren herself seemed to mind...


'Were you waiting for me this entire time?'

'Well...' Jae rubbed the back of his neck in thoughtful contemplation. 'Yeah, but in my defense you were only out for like twenty minutes. Half an hour, tops.'

'It was over an hour,' A nearby nurse helpfully corrected, without looking up from her work.

'Yes, thank you for that,' Jae snapped, looking away as Ren started grinning at him. He'd never been able to withstand that "Ha ha, you have emotions," grin she sometimes gave him. It always made him think that she didn't, which was something he knew -hoped- was untrue.

'An hour, huh?' That grin...

'What do you want from me, Ren? You're one of my men...'

'Just one of the guys?' She cocked an eyebrow. 'Eh, Sir?'

She crossed one leg over the other, thighs rubbing together languorously. It was an action designed to grab his attention, and she succeeded at that, causing one of those rare instances where Jae looked away, hands twitching nervously in his lap. Ren enjoyed the fact that she could still get to him like that; it was a way of redressing the balance of power, in the wake of, well, of all those times he had her on her knees.

Theirs was an adversarial relationship, but it was a relationship nonetheless; they had been nominally together for going on five years now. Not that anyone else knew it; Ren would never forgive herself if she was discovered getting too close to the boss. For whatever reason, Uo military culture tended to retain some highly archaic notions about gender. Ren herself was only barely the exception to the rule because... well, hardsuit.

'I think I know better than most that you are not one of the guys,' Jae winked, laden with meaning. It was Ren's turn to look away, 'Now, are you getting out of that bed, or what?'

'I dunno, what if I want to lie in a little more, Sir?' She grinned.

'Wasn't asking, really,' Jae grabbed her hand and pulled her upright, frowning slightly as she swayed dizzily. 'Come on, soldier. We've got work to do.'

He led her from the med bay, ignoring her half-voiced whines and protests; she never got quite enough sleep, he knew, but he also didn't care. Frankly, her lack of sleep was her own doing, a kind of imposed insomnia that led to her staying up for hours, communing with Shichi in an effort to understand the alien creature that had taken up residence in her body. It was understandable, but at the same time... There were undoubtedly things that the research division didn't want her to know. Prodding around like that might not be healthy for her.

He worried, he really did.

'What kind of work are you talking about there, boss?' Ren asked, once she regained her feet.

They were out of sight, away from the rest of the base... Good. Jae turned, wheeling around fast enough that he caught her by surprise- or at least, she let him catch her- and pressed her against the wall so hard the sound echoed down the hall. His hands were at her shoulders, fingers gripped just hard enough to hurt a little. His eyes bored into hers.

By now, he was familiar with this struggle; both Ren's own internal one, and the external one between he and her both. Her mismatched eyes flared with the old fire, the indignation and flat out anger Jae had become so very familiar with, over the years. At most times, he had gotten it down to only a momentary glare; his own eyes never left hers, challenging, steady and unmovable. Like staring down a wild animal, waiting until she found her place and, yes, looked away. It would only be for a second when it came, a slight flicker of surrender, but it had never failed to come yet.

Ah, there it was. That tense little shiver at feeling his hands on her, that momentary lapse as her eyes darted away, before refocusing on him, shining with a different emotion; defiance, as opposed to rage. He had beaten the monster inside of her again.

'Ah, so you understand,' Jae smiled gently, winking at her. He leaned in, face closer and closer to hers. She worked as hard as she could to suppress the tremor of desire that ran through her. Damn him! He knew, he always knew, exactly how to make her react. How did he always know?

'C'mon, tough girl,' He grinned, mouth so close to hers. 'Give it up.'

She knew that, no matter how close he got to her, he would never take that final step and just kiss her, already. That was for her to do, something she had to give. Hard as she tried, she could never stop herself from blushing as she swayed forward, opening her mouth to him, allowing him to taste her. She found herself pressed against the wall, so hard, hands shaking, clenched into tight fists. It was always so hard to relax, in these first few moments; Ren hadn't forgotten just how public this particular display of affection was, and her eyes slid out to the side to watch for approaching interlopers that might spoil their fun.

The seconds stretched out into eternity as he held her there, in view of anyone who cared to look, tongue probing her mouth. Her heart thudded in her chest, a fact that made her more angry than anything else; why, after all these years, was he still able to get under her skin so easily? Why was this so... so-

Ah, fuck it...

She could allow herself this one moment. Throwing caution to the wind, Ren closed her eyes, letting herself melt into him, hands reaching up to grip at his back, possessively. Just a moment, just a moment.

She found herself gasping a sharp breath as he pulled away, sliding a hand up between her legs, pressing against the heat that he found there. Don't move, don't speak, don' even fucking react...

'So, are we taking this to your room?' He smiled slyly, hand between her legs, just hard enough to cause a little discomfort. A little mean, a little rough... Damn it.

'Yes,' She hissed, looking away. 'Yes, fine! Fuck it!'

'Oh, I will,' A toothy grin, a little dip of the head to kiss her again, just gently. More possession than force, 'Believe me, I will.'

And he was gone. He expected her to follow, didn't even look back to be sure. The problem was... As sorry as it was...

'Fuckin' smartass...' Ren growled, falling into line behind her Captain.


His feet tapped lightly on the floor of her room as he entered, snapping his fingers without even turning around. He had done so right as she crossed the threshold after him, and it caused her to stop in her tracks, sliding the door closed and thumbing the electric lock. This was a part of their routine, but that didn't make it any easier. He turned to watch. Harder still.

At the door, everything that she was in the outside world stopped. She was no longer Subject Seven, no longer the Guardian, no longer really Ren, at least not in the way the normal people saw her. And this had to be seen; her teeth ground together, she blushed but kept her eyes firmly, defiantly locked on Jae's, as she popped the button on her shorts even so. They fell away, sliding down her long legs, followed quickly by her boxer shorts. She felt his eyes on her exposed body, but steeled herself against the embarrassment, stripping off her shirt in a single, fluid motion. Her mismatched eyes challenged him as she regained eye contact.

This was it. She had always felt bare around him, exposed in a way she couldn't quite put into words, but this was... something else. He saw her scars, he had seen her get most of them, and saw beyond them. She could see the adoration in his eyes, tempered by an odd, cool feeling, and she almost couldn't stand it. Couldn't bear the indignation of being told to strip and kneel, the humiliation of what he did to her... and how good it felt.

Her heart thudded in her chest, and she obeyed his silent instruction, borne to her knees by the weight of his expectations, looking up at him as though she were looking at the sun; briefly, in fear of being burned by his gaze. She feared she would expose too much.

Jae went for her bed immediately, dropping heavily onto the thing like he owned the place. It was that cocky assured confidence that got her, every time. Still, his eyes never left her body and the fact was, it made her feel... human, she guessed. Wanted. Her cheeks burned as she did it, but she crawled after him, eyes downcast in a desperate attempt to hide from him. Yet even so, even so, she struggled to be enticing, sexy, feminine in a way that was utterly alien to her. Without knowing why.

Finally, after what seemed like miles, she reached him, settling back on her haunches and giving him her eyes, defiant and steely. This was a part of it; couldn't let him see weakness, couldn't even let him know she wanted it. Treat it like a challenge, like the slog of basic training. Show him she was strong enough, even on her knees.

'I still can't get over seeing you like this,' Jae said softly, running a hand down her cheek, the action making her flinch. 'Never thought we'd make it this far. But, oddly, you make for such a fun little slave,' He pronounced the word with the kind of relish that made her squirm. He was loving this, she was sure, 'So today I thought we'd try something a little more dramatic. Care to take a guess?'

'Run out of ideas yet, Sir?' She answered flatly, eyeing him with only a small degree of mistrust. These kinds of things, her little "dates," with Jae, with regularity over the years. He'd never steered her wrong, no matter how she fought or argued; in fact, resistance was part of the fun. But he'd never hurt her, not seriously. He'd never broken the trust, which was... new. Oh, he pushed her, absolutely he did. Almost to her limits sometimes, if she was being entirely honest. It had become a point of pride; she could take anything he dished out, goddamn it.

Jae grinned as he retrieved something from his back pocket and showed her, hanging it from his fingers in front of her eyes. Ren very pointedly didn't gasp; there was only a deepening of her frown, a slight widening to the eyes that betrayed the whirl of emotions that swept through her. Jae could see it, read it as clear as day.

'Ooh, we're like that, are we, Sir?' Ren remembered herself just in time to get back to teasing him, though the question was genuine. She really hadn't connected what she and Jae did with any form of fetish...

Though it should have been obvious...

'Yup,' Jae leaned back, the collar swinging from his fingers. 'Just think of it like the pips on your uniform, Ren. Just another indicator of rank.'

'I...' She trailed off. That thing made her belly knot, and in seconds, she realized why; up until then her submission had no symbol, just passion. The desire to find an ideal strength, something to make her bow. But now he was asking her to always be the weaker. To always worship. Rather than fight. To finally surrender. Something she'd been trained not to do, as his fingers caressed her chin, as she looked up at him. Her eyes almost asking the question themselves: "Are you sure?"

'What do you say? Are you ready?' His voice was soft, now, as he realized the commitment inherent in this act too. As momentous as it must be for Ren, the sheer challenge that would come in constantly exerting his control over her would be an exhausting one, and yet his hand shook, as if it wanted to ring her neck with this collar, to mark her as his. Looking into her eyes, confronted with the actual, physical, concrete proof of what was coming, he very nearly put the damned thing away.

But Ren, infuriating, bloody minded, brilliant Ren... She grinned at him, sharp teeth sparkling, pressed her chin down against his hand, challenged him with her eyes, 'I'm ready... Sir.'

Jae smiled, taking his hand from her chin and tousling her hair, 'Good girl.' As she craned her neck he slid the black leather around it, clasping it tightly on her throat. Her name was embossed there, just under her chin; this was her collar. it was significant just for her and her captain, nobody else. 'What do you think?' Jae asked. 'Fits well?'

Nobody else would see it, nobody else would see it...

The surrealness of the leather around her neck was felt in every extremity of her body, tingling on her skin. Her instincts and training told her to be in control of the situation, but at this moment, it was like the edge of a precipice. She knew what she could do, how she could alleviate the watery nervousness in the pit of her stomach, to take the reins and walk a more comfortable path, but as usual that was defied by her feelings, that excitement that came with throwing herself over the edge. That thrill-seeking drive. It was like nothing else, she couldn't replicate it, it took her to places she hadn't known to exist before she met him. The trepidation in his eyes excited her more, and other than her desire for challenge, the animal inside her came alive too. It was too tight. 'It does, Sir.'

And then came the paroxysm, the little spasm of defiance that proved that, collared or no, owned or no, she was still Ren, 'Now what else you got?'

He giggled, a silly little sound at Ren's rebelliousness, 'Shut up, Ren.' He tousled her hair, and she gave her usual wide, toothy grin even as she dipped her head. Both knew this kind of peace wouldn't last, especially not when they got into the swing of things and Ren got... energetic. But it was nice to pretend they were both normal people, if only for a moment.

He stood, moving around behind her as she stared straight ahead, as she had been taught to do over so many months of initial play. Her fighter's instincts told her to follow him with her eyes, and even though she found it appropriate that she put him on the same level as an enemy, she fought it down; she had learned to pick her battles with her Captain.

This became a little harder as his hands descended, sliding down the long curves of her shoulders, caressing down to her breasts. The Captain loved her breasts, a fact that Ren herself wasn't wild about; there was a reason she bound them, after all. The moments that he touched her were the ones that conflicted her the most; it got her going, but at the same time felt almost like a denial of something innate to her, locking away what she really felt in favor of physical pleasure. She leaned her back against him, hard, making him sway.

It was important he knew that he couldn't beat her entirely.

She cried out as, rapidly, he gripped her nipples between his fingers and twisted viciously, bowing her body forward in a lewd prostration. She growled angrily once she caught herself, and the unexpected nature of the discomfort wore off; she could handle pain. It was the way it flooded her in a hot wave that she couldn't handle.

'I knew you weren't paying attention,' Jae's voice slipped into her ear. Finally, he released her nipples, making her exhale sharply at the sudden rush of blood to those particular extremities, 'You're too easy, Ren.'

'Fucking... damn it, Sir,' She growled, shoulders twitching dangerously. Shichi was silent, as usual; Ren knew that all the little impulses she was experiencing, all the tiny triggers that told her to attack, were coming from her. And she tamped down on them, one by one.

'The pain,' His hand slipped lower, fingers encircling her... Oh god. 'Is only temporary. But you'll remember what comes next.'

That same unyielding pressure, this time against the seat of her pleasure, right between her legs. It exploded through her; white stars in her head and a flood of heat against his hand. She buckled, a long, shuddering snarl ripping itself from her throat as she fell forward, pretense collapsing for but a moment as she pulled away from the blistering, agonizing sensation between her legs. Her cunt throbbed, as the bare skin of her back found itself against the bed's cool sheets.

'Fuck!' She breathed, shoulders shaking in something between laughter and tears.

'I know, it hurts,' Jae shrugged, not skipping a beat. 'Did you like it?'

'N- I don't...' Ren stopped, grasping feebly for a word, any word that would get her out of saying... 'Y-yes. Sir.'

'Good girl,' She flushed with embarrassment at his vague condescension. 'Now, get back here. We're doing it again.'

Walk away. Just leave. You don't have to put up with this. Not again...

'Yes, Sir,' She said, nodding despite herself. Her eyes flickered with red rage, but more and more this was being revealed as merely a front. She couldn't even look at him as she crawled back into position. Her body shivered as his fingers trailed down her body, slipping back down between her legs. His thumb and forefinger pressed gently against her cunt; lips and clit all within the reach of...

'Fuck!' Ren growled as he clasped her most sensitive place roughly, her entire body shaking in pain. She gritted her teeth, exhaled steadily through her nose as he persisted, discomfort rippling through her body. Why was she letting him do this to her?

On and on it went, pain washing over her in waves, making her see stars. Her body roiled with it; even through it all his fingers were pressing on her clit, and she felt herself moving slightly, grinding her hips against his hand, against the acid pleasure building through the mists of pain. Fight it, fight it... Don't give in.

She made no effort to hide her relief when he released her this time, the breath leaving her lungs as she relaxed, entire body unwinding. She panted, teeth grinding in irritation as Jae laughed, apparently incredibly amused at her pain.

'Oh my,' Behind her, he grinned, and Ren could feel it prickling the back of her neck. Jae lifted his hand from between her legs, letting it... oh, hell.

His fingers glistened in the light, his smile turning smug behind her, 'You really do like this.'

'Sir,' She tried to make it sound like nothing at all, but the truth was, her body was on fire. Her pussy throbbed, ached with desperate, conflicted need. She couldn't decide whether she wanted to fuck him, or fight him, in this moment.

'Say it, Ren.'

'I...' A deep, shuddering breath. 'Fuck it: I like it, Sir. And you know that, so are you happy now?'

'Pretty much,' Jae shrugged. He stepped a little closer, and she could feel his hardness pressing into her back, 'Care to guess what we're going to do now?'

'Oh, I think I know,' Ren deadpanned, squirming as lightly as she could. She knew.

'Bend over the bed.'

Ren couldn't help but smirk at this; no matter what he put her through, at the end of the day she knew that he always wanted her like crazy. Oh, there were times when he had abstained and left her without the kind of satisfaction his inventive little mind could provide her, but she always understood: he was leaving just as frustrated as he left her. There was a considerable amount of joy to be had in the knowledge that the little shake in her ass never went unnoticed.

'Like what you see, Sir?' She challenged, bent over with a toothy grin. Honestly, she was looking forward to this; at least she was familiar with getting fucked. She knew what was expected of her.
