Dr. Snip Ch. 02


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Reaching into his pocket, he brought out the secatures that he had thought he wouldn't be needing. With no melodrama he cut off the man's testicles, and threw them into a corner of the room. The three other men had looked on in disbelief as he castrated the porn star, and the leader was lost for words.

'If your interested, I cut off his balls because he needs them to do his work,' Steve said in a conversational way.

'If he had restricted himself to porn with adults I would have had no quarrel with him, but he made the mistake of attacking children and I cannot stand for that.'

'Well fuck you, I don't need my balls to produce films, so you can stick your snippers up your arse' snarled the Cameraman defiantly. Steve just smiled sadly and threw each of the men a plastic restraint.

'I strongly suggest that you strap these around your right wrists nice and tightly, I personally don't give a damn if you bleed to death but you might.'

'What the fuck are you drivelling about? You wouldn't dare you maniac.' Blustered the leader, as he tried again to pull his hand through the handcuffs.

'Let me help you get out of those cuffs,' Steve said, and with a movement faster than any off them thought possible, he swung Excalibur in an overhead stroke that sheared through the leaders wrist like butter. The cameraman had been pulling on his handcuff, and suddenly found himself falling backwards onto the floor.

Such was the razor sharpness of Excalibur's blade; that he didn't at first realise what had happened. Then his blood started to gush from his severed wrist, and he started to scream in pain and shock. Steve calmly walked over to him and tied a restraint around the bleeding stump, pulling it tight until the blood loss became a mere trickle.

He then cuffed the man's left hand to the steel bed. Steve produced a tape recorder and addressed the men,

'Right gentlemen, now I have your attention I want you to tell me everything I should know about you and your backers. I warn you that any blustering or lying will result in the loss of a hand, and I would remind you that you have two hands to lose.'

The Cameraman and the Porn star were in no condition to talk coherently for a while, so he turned his attention to the Soundman. Before he started to question the man, he tied a restraint lightly around his wrist.

'Be prepared, it's a good motto,' Steve quipped, 'and I hope that you live to regret your actions here today.' Steve gently placed the razor sharp blade of Excalibur on the man's wrist, as an incentive.

The Soundman gave Steve the names of all those present, and admitted on tape what they had planned to do to the boy. When he seemed to be hesitating, Steve pulled the blade gently and the sight of his blood dripping onto the floor focused the man's mind instantly. He also spoke of previous films that he had been involved in. He also recited the names of those people he had spoken to on set, and the amount of money he had been paid.

Things seemed to be going in a civilised manner, until Steve asked him about the films backer. From behind his mask he noticed the Soundman's eyes flicker towards the Cameraman.

'I have no idea who he is,' he made the mistake of saying.

Steve leaned over and tightened the restraint, and without a word pressed down on the man's wrist with his sword. Again the blade sliced through flesh and bone easily, and the man fainted dead away. After securing him to the bed by his remaining hand, Steve turned to the Lighting man.

'You seem to still have all your extremities, lets see how long that lasts,' Steve said quietly. 'Talk to me, same rules apply.' The man gave Steve as many names as he could remember, as well as other favourite film set locations. He also knew where the boy had been procured, and which person at the Children's home was involved in the scheme.

Unfortunately for him he didn't know who the backer was, and seeing the deadly blade start to rise he screamed that the Cameraman was the only one who knew the backer.

'How many Kiddy porn films have you been involved in?' Steve asked in a pleasant voice.

'Only four, honest.'

'The little boy waiting downstairs is called Bobby, can you tell me the names of the four children you helped rape?'

'No, I swear we weren't told their names ever.'

'Well on behalf of four nameless children then.' Steve said in a cold voice, and slammed the blade down so hard that the man's hand flew across the room.

Once he had stanched the bleeding, he turned back to the Leader of the group.

'Well hello again, how are you getting on so far? Steve asked politely.

'A little bird tells me that you know some names, please tell me them.'

'Go to hell, if I tell you they will kill me' the man whispered.

'I think you are operating under a misconception,' Steve confided.

'You seem to think that I won't kill you for some reason. Well perhaps you are right and I won't kill you, but you have seen that I am quite capable of cutting off your other hand. Come to that, I am not averse to cutting off both your feet.

So if you have no objection to spending the rest of your miserable life as a total cripple, to protect your backer then so be it. Lets hope that he looks after you and wipes your bum for you, because you wont be able to do it for yourself without any hands.' Steve stood up and raised Excalibur high over the man's remaining hand.

'The name of your backer please.'

Perhaps it was the unremitting politeness of this maniac's voice that finally broke his will, but the Cameraman blurted out a name and burst into tears. The sword hung in the air for a few endless seconds, before disappearing back under the masked mans long black leather coat.

'You realise that I know all your names and where you live. If you have lied to me about your backer, I will revisit you and whittle a few more pieces off.' Steve told them to stay still, and wait for the Ambulance.

They watched in trepidation as he walked out of the room, and back down to the boy. Steve checked that Bobby was OK, and then phoned the Police. He introduced himself as Dr. Snip and briefed them on the situation they would find; then he phoned the Ambulance service.

He stayed with Bobby, until he heard the sound of the police squad running into the building. He then left the boy, and walking behind a wooden crate jumped to a new location. Both Bobby and the Soundman; had identified the man at the Children's home who organised the supply of children.

It was the Assistant Head Master, and he had been supplying children to the porn industry for about a year. He always made sure that he was well clear of the film makers. Also he kept a squeaky clean reputation, by threatening the children that had been abused. He threatened them that if they told anyone, he would kill them and burn them in the boiler room of the Home.

He was sitting in his study at the Home considering which antique he would buy next, with his share of the profits from this latest film. Suddenly a shadow fell across his desk, and he looked up in surprise to see a big man wearing a long black leather coat and an executioners mask standing in front of his desk.

'Mr. Whiteman?' the man asked politely.

'Yes, is this some kind of prank, who are you and how did you get into my study? I always lock my door when I'm in here.' The scrawny man indignantly answered.

'I can see why,' replied Steve coldly, noticing the stack of photos that the man had been looking at. They were stills, from the films produced by the very film crew that he had just left. Without further ado Steve punched the man hard on the side of his jaw, sending him smashing to the floor of the office.

He picked up the stack of photos, and stuffed them into the man's pockets. He then tied a restraint around the unconscious mans right wrist. Then he pulled the pervert's trousers down around his ankles, and tied a second restraint around his scrotum.

Excalibur and his secartures did their work, and after a quick consultation with Merlin regarding weights, he jumped the man back to the room in which the Film crew were still tied to the bed. Merlin had arranged it so he arrived in the room with the crew, just a few seconds after he disappeared from behind the wooden crate. Steve could hear the police team running up the steel stairs, as he dumped Mr, Whiteman on the bed between the moaning film crew.

As a final touch he just had time to scatter the still photos on the bed for the police to find. He walked into the large wardrobe in the corner of the room, and vanished just as the first policeman entered the room.

'He's in the wardrobe!' the Cameraman screamed at them,

'the maniac is hiding in the fucking wardrobe.'

The police team surrounded the wardrobe, and at a signal one of them janked the door open, it was empty.

'Very funny, asshole,' snarled the team leader to the distraught man.

'Well what do we have here then?' His eyes had just registered the fact, that the other four men were nearly unconscious with shock from their amputations.

The sight of the maniac apparently disappearing into thin air, was the final shock for the Cameraman and he also lapsed into unconsciousness. The team leader stood aside, as the paramedics rushed into the room. The team photographer recorded the scene on video, as the medics did their job with calm efficiency.

All the body parts were labelled and put into plastic bags. A few members of the police team, were detailed to help carry the injured men down to the ambulances. Thanks to the phone call from Dr. Snip, they knew how many injured they would find, and the type of injuries they would have to deal with at the scene.

The chief paramedic commented, that he wished all who reported this type of accident were so helpful.

'This was no accident, it was done in cold blood and must have taken a while from start to finish', growled the team leader.

'Despite the fact that he hasn't been wrong so far, this Dr. Snip is getting more extreme in his treatment of Paedophiles. I wouldn't take any bets that he won't end up killing someone soon.'

'From the content of those photos I don't think anyone would shed many tears if he did,' replied the chief medic as he walked out of the room. When the room was clear, the forensic men started their job and the team leader began thinking about how he should word his report of this incident.

Steve sat at his breakfast table sipping his tea, as he went over what had happened. He had gained a lot of valuable information from just one film crew, and he knew for certain where he could find more of them. He missed Angel and wanted her with him, but she had something to do in her own century, and he knew she would see him as soon as she could.

In the mean time, he may as well keep busy doing what he did best. It had not been easy to mutilate those men; it made him feel unclean. He was only able to do it by keeping the sight of little Bobby tied to the bed, fresh in his mind. Anyone who could do that or even watch it done, was in his opinion less than human and deserved all they got.

He was considering using the newspapers again, to help him fight this organised Child abuse. Of all the newspapers, the London Enquirer seemed to be firmly on his side in his war against Paedophiles. He rang their office and asked for Jack Stoner, this was the reporter who wrote damning exposes on perverts and the like.

He told Jack that he had information on organised Child abuse, and agreed to meet him within the hour in a pub just across the road from the newspaper office. Jack agreed, although he was a bit surprised when the caller asked him how much he weighed. Steve waited outside the main door of the Newspaper until he saw Jack emerge and start to cross the road. He walked up behind him and giving no warning, grabbed his hand and jumped them to Stonehenge.

They arrived in the middle of the night, when the area was deserted. Jack was unconscious from the jump, so Steve sat against a Menhir and spent the time admiring the stars and running over what he was going to tell the man. Finally Jack groaned and sat up, 'What the hell? Where am I, I feel like shit, this looks like Stonehenge, who are you?

'I can tell you're a reporter, do you always ask so many bloody questions?' Replied Steve, there was no moon so it was too dark to make out his features. This was as planned, he had no intention of showing his face to a trained observer like Jack.

'Shut up and listen, I am Dr. Snip and I have solid information on organised Child abuse. I have names and addresses, are you interested or not.'

'Dr. Snip eh? I'm pleased to meet you, how did I get from London to Stonehenge?'

'Never mind that, I'm a magician in case you forgot, or don't you believe what you write about me.'

'Fair enough, why choose me to talk to?'

'We seem to be on the same wavelength regarding perverts.'

'Fucking right, although I tend to think that you are a bit soft on them, if it was me I'd kill the lot of them,' Jack said passionately.

'I'm trying to avoid that if at all possible, the reason that I brought you here is because the police are already after me. I can't trust any one not to betray me to them when I set up a meeting.' Answered Steve calmly.

'Well you can trust me, Doc. I'm on your side all the way. How can I help?' Steve told him all about his attack on the film crew, what he had done and why.

He handed Jack copies of the tape he had made of their confessions, and asked him to give one of them to the police.

'I need a go between so I can keep the police updated on my war, I consider that we are on the same side in this.'

'I'm sure that all of the regular cops are on your side but it would be their jobs to admit it' agreed Jack.

'I'll read through the transcript of this tape, and use what I can to attack the bastards.

While I'm here how about an Interview? Everyone in Britain wants to know about you, and why you have such a down on these people in particular.' Steve considered this, and thought that it might help if he got the general public on his side.

'Fire away, but be aware that I can't tell you much about me for obvious reasons.'

'Great, what's your name?'

'Dr. Snip.'

'People assume that you were the victim of Child abuse when you were young, is there any truth in that?'


'Did you have a close friend who was abused?'


'Then why do you put yourself outside the law in order to persecute these people?'

'It is very difficult for the police to catch these perverts, given the structure of our laws at the moment, I am free of those limitations and I have the power to help those who need it.'

'How do you know with such uncanny accuracy, who these perverts are?'


'Do you have a girlfriend?' Although surprised by the question, Steve admitted that he did have a girlfriend.

'Does she know what you do, and agree with it?' Steve reminded the reporter that if he answered that question he might be making her an accessory to his crimes, so he just said 'no comment.'

'True enough, sorry I asked said Jack contritely.

'Why use a sword?'

'It's more precise than a gun, and I have no desire to kill anyone. In fact I don't even want to maim anyone, I would be very happy if all Paedophiles stopped their sick activities so I could go back to my previous life.'

Jack's eyes were adjusting to the darkness and he could make out that this man was tall and well built.

'Were you a soldier before you started your campaign?'

'Yes,' Steve semi-lied. He knew that the police would question Jack as soon as his story hit the streets. It would focus their attention elsewhere for a while, if they thought he was a soldier.

Jack was excited, 'Are you using secret government equipment to track down these perverts?'

'I cannot confirm or deny that,' Steve answered with a smile, this would certainly send them off on the wrong track.

'Where do you live?' Steve asked the reporter suddenly. Jack gave him an address that was not far from the Newspaper office.

'Well it was nice to meet you Jack, I hope we will be able to work together,' Steve said leaning forward and holding out his hand. Jack automatically grasped it, thinking that the man was just going to shake his hand in farewell. The next thing he knew was waking up in his own bed.

'Well I'll be fucked, he is a magician after all' he said to himself in wonder.

The story was in the next days Inquirer, it was titled 'Interview with a Vigilante' and as promised told Dr. Snip's side of the story. It ended with a warning to Paedophiles, and especially Organised Child pornographers. Things might start to get nasty, if they didn't stop their sick activities.

In the meantime, Steve had a name to work with, it was a Cambodian immigrant named Ho. This man was the backer and moneyman, of the London Organisation. He owned many whorehouses in Cambodia, and had a limitless supply of native children to film. He had decided however, that his customers would prefer to see western children being abused in his films.

Steve decided to take out another of his film crews, before paying him a visit. This time the film crew were using a disused Church, for the background to their film. Steve intended to follow the same routine that had worked so well previously. He appeared just inside the Church building, and listened to pinpoint the location of the film crew.

He was confused to hear the crying of a baby, coming from the altar end of the Church. He crept down the darkened aisle to see what was going on, before he attacked. He saw a naked man kneeling on the stone altar. A woman was offering her naked baby to him; he could hear her whining voice demanding her money before she would let them use her baby in the film.

The producer told her that she would get her money, after they had finished with the baby. The woman then asked if she could be in the film as well.

'Fuck me no, you old bag, this film is for those who like to see babies abused not old druggie whores like you.' Snarled the producer.

Steve's calm methodical plan slammed to a halt, when he realised that the naked man was planning to rape a baby. It was this baby's crying, that had echoed through the church when he first appeared. Steve was stunned, he just stood there for a few agonised seconds before his mind snapped. The baby's crying drowned out the sound of Excalibur sliding from its scabbard.

It didn't drown out Steve's scream of fury, as he launched himself at the evil tableau. The first one to notice that something was wrong; was the naked man. A razor sharp blade sliced through his neck, and sent his head rolling across the altar until it fell with a meaty thump onto the stone flags. The Cameraman looked up in amazement, just in time to catch the back slash full in his throat. Again the force of the blow; sent his head flying down the aisle to end up under a pew.

The soundman dropped his recording equipment and went to run for it. Before he had gone two paces three foot of sword blade emerged from his breastbone, as Steve rammed Excalibur into his back. He pulled the sword free of the body, and spun round to confront the Lighting man. Steve saw him on his knees possibly screaming for mercy.

Steve was screaming so loudly, that he couldn't hear anything through his berserker rage. With all his considerable strength, smashed Excalibur straight down onto the man's skull splitting it and his upper torso in half. Excalibur, Steve and the floor were covered in blood.

As he looked around for someone else to kill, he seemed a fiend from hell in his blood soaked executioners hood and black cloak. Surprisingly he heard over the baby's exhausted crying, the sound of a woman snivelling. She was the baby's mother and was sitting on a front pew babbling to him that she hadn't meant to hurt her baby, but she needed the money for her fix.
