Dr. Snip Ch. 09


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They were all starving, and wearing bathrobes, fell upon the large cooked breakfast like wolves. Steve was tucking into the bacon and eggs with lots of toast. His body was demanding food to replace the vast amounts of energy expended, due to the drugs he had been given by Gloria.

Angel always ate well; her body ran hot due to her high metabolism and needed lots of fuel to keep her going. Gloria also ate well, due to the amount of sexual energy she expended on a regular basis. Alison tried her best but was soon full, so busied herself making and serving the copious amounts of tea that everyone consumed.

'Do you still get your Tea from India?' she asked as she poured.

'Oh yes,' replied Gloria, ' India is back under British rule again as is South Africa, pass the toast please Steve.'

After they had eaten their fill, Angel noticed Gloria's hands slipping under Steve's robe.

'Mother behave yourself, he will need his energy today.'

'Sorry dear,' said Gloria contritely removing her hand.

Steve was surprised when all the girls gathered around him after breakfast and helped him get dressed. They seemed determined that he would look his best. When they were satisfied they told him to sit still and not move, until they had got dressed. After such a massive breakfast, Steve was happy to be able to sit quietly and digest his food in peace.

The girls were in Angel's dressing room, Alison looked on, as Angel stood naked except for a thong, in her spray booth. For this occasion she had chosen a modest black colour, which setoff her blond hair perfectly.

Gloria was going to wear a pink cat suit, until Angel threatened to spank her. In the end she chose a dark green cat suit; that matched her eyes. Alison watched in fascination as the spray booth evenly sprayed to insulating material onto the women's naked bodies until it appeared they were wearing skin tight cat suits.

Angel persuaded Alison to try out a spray on cat suit, she assured her that if it didn't suit her she could quickly wash it off. Alison chose a deep golden colour, and was pleasantly surprised that her body looked pretty good in it. Angel found a gold chain to act as a belt, and a gold headband to hold back Alison's blond hair.

'I look like one of Charlie's Angels, she thought to herself.

She was surprised when Gloria then put on a green cape, edged with white ermine. Angel also wore a cape, black but without the fur.

'Do I get a cape?' asked Alison.

'No dear,' said Gloria, 'I am an Aristocrat so I am entitled to wear a cape trimmed with ermine. Angel is my blood daughter so can wear a cape but isn't allowed ermine. You are a British commoner so you aren't allowed a cape, its all tradition at these sort of things,' she explained offhandedly.

Alison wasn't worried about wearing a cape, she was looking forward to seeing the look on Steve's face as he saw her all but naked in public. Steve was amazed and delighted when the three girls returned, and stood before him in all their glory.

'You are all very beautiful,' he said admiringly, ' what's the occasion?'

'We have all been invited to meet a friend of mine' said Gloria, nodding to Angel.

Without further warning, Angel jumped them all to a large lawn behind an imposing building. Steve thought he should know this place, but it wouldn't come to him. There was a small group of people standing under an open sided marquee, and Gloria led them towards it. The group of people turned to watch as they approached. It consisted of one large handsome man, surrounded by a bevy of beautiful women.

The man was big and strong, well over 6ft tall with an aura of unconscious power emanating from him. His face was pure Aristocratic, clean cut with good bone structure. His hair was a thick wavy blond mane that hung to his broad shoulders, and his eyes were a brilliant blue.

Those eyes were focused on Steve as he approached, noting the archaic dress and the hilt of a sword protruding from the sheath sewn into the spine of the greatcoat.

'Welcome Steven Steele,' he said in a deep masculine voice, ' I have heard good things about you. I owe you a great favour for saving my favourite Handmaiden.'

Steve realised he was in the presence of the King of Great Britain, Richard the Seventh. They were gathered on the back lawn of Buckingham Palace. Angel had previously informed him, that this man ruled most of the world, and influenced the rest. He was the nearest thing to genetic purity that 26th Century science could produce. He was a certified genius with an IQ off the scale, and as well as running the Country in partnership with the Govenment, he managed to service as many women as his sexually enhanced body could handle.

However we all have Favourite's, and Gloria was the King's Favourite and had been for years. Richard loved his sexy little minx, and Angel as a representative of the BTO had asked for an Audience. She told him that Steve had rescued Gloria from certain death; he was shocked that anyone would want to hurt his darling let alone kill her. Being sincerely grateful, he asked Angel what Steve would like as a reward.

Angel explained Steve's self appointed mission in life, and how it had made him a hunted man in the eyes of the 20th Century police, and the 26th Century BTO. The King almost growled like the lion he resembled, when he heard of the type of criminals that Steve, as Dr. Snip hunted. Richard was a Briton, and had inherited the love and respect that all Britons felt for their children.

The sort of criminal that Dr. Snip hunted in the 20th Century; was all but eradicated in Britain in the 26th Century. Anyone found guilty of such a crime against the young, was stripped of their Citizenship and forcibly ejected from the country. Worse yet their genetic material was removed from the State banks, and destroyed,

Angel had asked that the King give Steven Steele a.k.a. Dr. Snip, a Royal Pardon for his past and future crimes. This effectively meant that the BTO would get off his back and leave him alone. This was a big thing to ask for, but Richard agreed and had the Royal Pardon drawn up on vellum to hand to Steve with his personal thanks.

Steve was called forward by one of the beautiful escorts to the King. Unsure of the protocol to be followed, Steve settled for a Japanese style bow from the waist, whilst keeping his eyes on the Kings face. Richard handed him the vellum, and told him that he had been given a Royal Pardon, for his past and future activities in his mission to protect the children of the world. The king told him that the vellum was just a symbol. The real pardon was impressed onto his implant, and recorded with the World Brain for perpetuity.

Steve didn't know what to say so just thanked the King, and bowed again from the waist. This brought his sword to the attention of Richard, who asked about it. When told by Angel that it was the legendary Excalibur itself, Richard asked if he might hold it for a while.

Steve couldn't refuse, and drawing the sword handed it hilt first to the king.

'So this is Excalibur, the most famous of British swords, thought lost but now found,' said Richard in awe, feeling the weight and perfect balance of the shining blade of Kings.

'Kneel please Steven Steele,' he asked holding the sword in both hands. Such was the power of his voice that Steve knelt on the lawn, and felt the light touch of his own blade on both shoulders.

'Arise Sir Steven Steele, Knight of the British Empire,' ordered the King to polite applause from all there.

Steve was surprised and pleased at the Honour but didn't realise its full import, until Gloria whispered to him that he was now a British Aristocrat and could impregnate Angel if he so wished. The King reluctantly handed back his sword, and he sheathed it in a daze. Steve saw Angel looking at him in a strange way, as was Alison. He decided to think about the ramifications of this tomorrow, and followed the King to the buffet table, and the Bar.

After nibbles and more than a few drinks, Steve was finding Richard a fine fellow. Gloria seemed to be attached to him at the hip, as Richard kept his arm around her. He constantly stroked her, as if to reassure himself that she was still there. The rest of the King's Harem seemed to accept this with good grace, and more than one of the beauties offered sex to Steve. He was very tempted, but catching Alison looking at him politely turned all offers down with a smile.

He was inordinately pleased when he overheard the king offer sex to Angel. This was the highest honour a woman could hope for. He was preparing to congratulate Angel on this opportunity for sex with the most eligible bachelor on the planet, when to his total astonishment he heard her politely turn the King down.

As the king good-naturedly accepted her answer and wandered away, Gloria looked daggers at her daughter and whispered 'what the fuck are you playing at you stupid girl? Angel flicked a glance at Steve and shrugged her lovely shoulders.

'You must be fucking joking girl, no woman turns down the King for a primitive, no matter how good he is in the sack.'hissed Gloria angrily.

'You told me you thought you loved Steve,' accused Angel hotly.

'Love has nothing to do with Genetics girl; the King is the best possible genetic match for you. Once you are pregnant by him, you can marry Steve if you wish and live happily ever after.'

'Yes mother, I agree totally, but unfortunately Steve just wouldn't be able to see it like that. If I was pregnant by another man he would leave me and I couldn't stand that.'

'Fuck me daughter, I now realise that my love for Steve is like a match compared to your sun. Take them home dearest daughter and I wish you all the luck in the world.' So saying Gloria moved back to her King's side, and snuggled into her place under his arm. Angel called Steve and Alison to her side, and with a last regretful look at her King, she jumped them back to Steve's Kitchen.

'Another eventful ten seconds' quipped Alison, 'I really have to be getting back to my children. I know in my head it will only have been ten seconds that I will have been away but my heart tells me different.'

'I'll take her Steve if you don't mind said Angel. So with a last lingering kiss from Alison, and a quick peck on the cheek from Angel the girls vanished.

Steve was left to his own devices, and as was his habit he began to polish Excalibur. He sat and went over all that had happened to him, during the last day or so. All in all it had been a positive time for him. He had saved Mary and Gloria. He had made love to Mary and Gloria. He had killed the rogue Storm trooper. He had received a Royal Pardon from the King of Britain. He was now a Knight and an Aristocrat.

It was this last positive event; that he feared would cause him the most trouble in his love life. He was a 20th Century man prone to jealousy; Alison was from his century and was also prone to jealousy. As long as he was her lover and was trying his best to give her a baby, he knew she tolerated Angel in his life.

Angel had stated unequivocally, that she couldn't have a baby by Steve because he wasn't an Aristocrat. This had given Alison confidence that she was the main woman in his world. The ironic thing was that she was the main woman in his life.

Would Angel decide to ask him to give her a baby? He prayed that she wouldn't, and felt like a big shit for thinking such a thing. He needed to do what he did so well, and kick Ass somewhere. He turned to his computer and called up any flagged items listed for his attention.

He had meant what he had said to Alison, about Dr.Snip. Steve was coming to believe, that he was becoming a Jeckell and Hyde person. He had noticed that Snip was becoming more violent, as time went on. The rabbit business had shown Steve that Snip had overreacted, by crucifying the pervert as well as castrating him.

He would make an effort to be more reasonable in future, perhaps even involve the police and let them deal with the culprits. Also the incident with Mary had brought home to him that adults were once children, so perhaps he should widen his area of involvement to include other crimes.

Again in Mary's case Snip seemed to have overreacted, by amputating the bastard's arms and legs. Steve also belatedly realised that it was all very well for Snip to Amputate the mans arms and legs, but that meant that some poor bastard of a carer would be stuck waiting on the rapist for the rest of his life.

He could hear Snip in the back of his mind, suggesting that they go to the Hospital where the man was, and finish the job.

Thinking of Mary; made him accept the fact that he wanted to see her again. All the women in his world were becoming more and more complex, and Mary seemed to be the simplest of them all. Not simple as in daft, but simple as in uncomplicated.

Perhaps if he helped the police a bit more and arranged it so they got to arrest more perverts and criminals, they might ease off in trying to catch him. Fat chance of that he thought gloomily. Anyway all this brooding was getting him nowhere, so he began to study the list of possibilities.

One case caught Snip's interest, and he swore violently at the screen. A father had killed his four children by suffocating them, and then killed himself with a shot to the head. Snip was furious at the selfish fucking bastard. If he wanted to kill himself fine, but to kill innocent children, his own children at that, made Snip see red. He found himself gearing up for battle, as he downloaded the data into his implant.

I don't give a flying fuck about your problems Mister he thought, but you are not taking your kids with you when you go. Such was his rage that he miscalculated the exact time, or perhaps the police records were inaccurate. The end result was that instead of arriving at the scene just before the event, he actually arrived just in time to hear a shot from inside the house where the family lived.

Snip veritably snarled in annoyance, and was going to jump back a few minutes. Then to his surprise four men left the house, and jumping into a black van roared off in the direction of the nearby Motorway. Realising that he was too late to help the kids this time round, he decided to follow the van and find out what the fuck was going on here.

He learnt from his mistakes the last time he tried to follow a van, this time he simply jumped onto the roof via his QT, stuck a tracer onto the steel roof and then jumped off again. Snip made himself comfortable on a nearby park bench, and closing his eyes monitored the progress of the van using his implant as it headed towards the nearest big town. Eventually it stopped, and Snip realised it had reached its destination.

He Phase shifted and jumped to a location a few yards from the van, and stood still when he materialised. Standing still he was effectively invisible, so the men entering the building simply didn't see him. When they had all entered the building he followed stealthily. He watched as they knocked politely on a door; that was one of many along what was now obviously a Hotel corridor.

The van had parked to the rear of the building, so Snip had no clue as yet to the particular Hotel he was in. He could have jumped into the room and laid about with his sword, but he wanted answers and decided to use one of his 26th Century gadgets that Merlin had given him.

It was a mosquito to all intents and purposes, but this one was a miniature camera and sound recorder. It lived in a pocket of his utility belt next to his QT device, and this was the first opportunity he had to try it out. He removed it from the pocket, and via his implant sent it under the door and up onto the ceiling of the room.

The four men were standing around a desk behind which a man was ranting.

'That will teach the fucking bitch to leave me. I can't wait to see her face when she comes home and discovers that her so fucking perfect second husband; has killed his three kids and the one they spawned together. This will pay her back for daring to divorce me when she found out what I really do for a living.' He was red faced and gesticulating wildly, as the four men stood uncomfortably in front of him.

He calmed down enough to say 'Well done men here is your payment as agreed, you can now go back to your own city and forget this ever happened.'

The leader of the four picked up the heavy envelope, and without a further word they left the room.

'It doesn't end here' the man muttered to himself, 'I'll wait until the cunt has buried her new family, and then I'll grab her and tell her it was me who killed them. Then I'll rape her for old times sake, and then kill her slowly. How dare she treat me like that how fucking dare she?' He screamed to the empty room.

Snip stood outside the room digesting this information. It appears that he and the police had been cleverly mislead by the man inside the room, into thinking that the father had killed the kids and then committed suicide. Snip jumped to a nearby park, and sitting on a bench contacted Merlin and asked him to scan the files regarding the wife of the dead man.

It was a matter of public record that the woman in question had indeed been married previously to a rich businessman, and had divorced him despite his attempts to dissuade her. Merlin's search engines had discovered deeply buried data, proving that the man was heavily involved in human trafficking. He supplied the whorehouses of Britain, with girls from the former Soviet Union. The police knew nothing of his illicit activities, and he had never been arrested.

'I think a page out of Little Red Riding Hood might work here, thought Snip as he jumped back in time to the family home. This time he arrived early and knocked on the door. A small neat looking man answered the door, and was obviously startled by the sight of a big man in a black greatcoat standing on his doorstep.

'Yes, can I help you?' He asked looking up at Snip. He was handed a calling card that simply had the name Dr. Snip embossed on it.

'Oh my God, what on earth could you want with me? I swear I am a good family man, and would never hurt children' he stammered obviously knowing Snip's fearsome reputation.

'Have no fear Bruce,' said Steve in a quiet voice, 'I'm not here for you, I've come to protect you and your children.'

Bruce was tempted to accuse this man of joking, but one glance told him that there was very little humour in this wanted killer.

'Please come in and explain who is trying to hurt us,' said Bruce and ushered Snip into the living room.

'I need to know where you can go for a short while, do you have any relatives you can visit?' Steve asked calmly.

'Well there is always my Mother, she lives in Edinborough and complains that she doesn't see enough of the kids,' offered Bruce helpfully.

'Please pack bags for you and the children and be quick' said Steve firmly.

Sensing he was really in danger Bruce hurriedly packed two suitcases, and gathered the four children around him.

'Hello kids' said Steve to the young awestruck faces looking up at him.

'I am a Magician and I am going to show you all a trick. Please close your eyes until I count to three.'

Steve already had the co-ordinates of Bruce's mother's house, and before he reached the count of three he jumped them all into her back garden. He caught Bruce, as he fainted due to the shock of time travelling for the first time. The four young children seemed unaffected, and stood there looking around them in wonder. A sensible looking woman came out of the back door of the house.

Her face lit up in a beaming smile as she recognised the children. Steve explained that Bruce had fainted, but would be fine in a minute and he would be back shortly to check up on him. He waved at the kids, and walking around to the front of the house jumped back to Bruce's home.
