Dream Vacation Pt. 04


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I smiled, willing to accept the flattery. "Perhaps we can arrange to spend some time together, tomorrow?"

Akimi sighed. "I am afraid I will not be here tomorrow. And after that, I am going on the ship – but so will you be!" she brightened.

"I certainly am."

"Then I will be pleased to see you on the ship, Xavier. Kiko and I will be sure to save an evening for you, if you want us to."

"Very much!"

"Then I will have that to look forward to," Akimi smiled. Then she dropped her eyes demurely. "I have heard that you like to kiss very deep."

"It's one of my favorite things to do," I agreed.

"Then… would you like to taste me?" She whispered this with her eyes closed and her lips raised in anticipation.

I took her up on the invitation, and felt the petite Asian's tongue slip delicately into my mouth. She did taste sweet, and I was surprised by how tiny she felt – I knew that I could easily lift her off the ground and hold her there almost indefinitely with her legs wrapped around me, her lithe and nubile body flexing and arching as I slid her up and down on my erect member. The image in my head excited me to hardness as we kissed, and through my thin swimsuit she could feel me rise.

"You do like it, don't you," she breathed, her lips still caressing mine. "You will like it even more, I think, when Kiko joins us…"

We broke apart, though she held her body up against my near-fully-erect cock. "But for now, as I say… you have a message."

"Ah, yes," I nodded, having completely forgotten about it. "What is it, then?"

"You should take a moment to change into clothes that have been laid out in your room," Akimi said. "Then, come down to the club, and order a drink. That's all."

I shrugged. "I think I can manage that much. Care to join me?"

"You are sweet and thoughtful," she smiled, "but I think you will have enough company tonight."

* * * * *

The clothes for me turned out to be nothing more than a basic black shirt and pants. I slipped into them and headed down to the club as instructed, and found that some of the other guests were there, including some new faces. I didn't see my girls anywhere, so I just took a stool at the bar.

"What'll it be?" Monique asked, still decked out in her topless barmaid uniform.

"Sex on the beach," I decided.

"And to drink?"

It actually took me a moment to catch the implication. "Very cute," I said.

"You take the giggles where you can get 'em," Monique grinned, and set to mixing up my drink. "So, meeting someone here tonight?"

"That was the plan, I think. Tell me," I asked, sipping the drink she slid over to me, "Why is it that an incredibly hot and sexy woman like yourself is tending bar? I mean, I hope I'm not being too forward, but you are available as a companion, aren't you?"

"Very few things are considered too forward around here," Monique said. "I like to keep my options loose, and not attach myself to a single guest for the length of their stay. I'm not that good at the whole 'girlfriend' experience. And I'm a damn good drinks mixer, so Samantha has me tending bar whenever I'm not otherwise occupied. That doesn't mean I don't mingle when I get the offer, though."

"Are you available tomorrow?" I asked.

Monique sighed. "Sorry to disappoint, but I'm having some time off starting tomorrow evening. I'm sure I can work you in another time, though."

I shook my head. "I'm going out on the ship the day after tomorrow. Unless you're going too, it's not in the cards."

"That's a shame," Monique said. "I've heard such good things about you… I would've liked the chance to try you myself."

She smiled seductively, and I felt something almost like teenage nervousness. It had become almost commonplace for me to proposition the women of the resort, but suddenly her look reminded me that it was more than words; I was dealing with a woman who would gladly give me sex, let me touch her body and feel her naked breasts, and furthermore she would enthusiastically team up with another woman to please me. After four days of what seemed like nearly constant sex, a simple look could still turn my knees weak and make my heart pound.

"Hey, you awake?" I heard Monique say, as she waved a hand in front of my face. I jumped slightly and looked up.

"Sorry, what?" I asked.

"You poor guy, I didn't mean to disappoint you so much," she said with a sad smile.

"Huh? Oh, no, it's not that – I mean, sure, I'm disappointed, but I can live with it. I mean – oh hell, just shoot me." I was tempted to thud my head down on the bar, but I thought I'd done enough to appear pathetic for one evening.

"Do I make you nervous?" Monique teased. She lifted her large breasts up onto the counter, just in case I'd been looking in completely the opposite direction and therefore hadn't noticed them.

"I guess I'm still not used to a place where one can be so open about things – and more to the point, where the women are so sexy and so willing. A guy tries to act all suave and take it all in stride, but there's only so long one can fake that."

"Honey, you don't need to play any parts here. Just be you, and let us worry about playing the roles you want. Speaking of which… I think your party just arrived."

I turned in the direction she indicated, and was immediately glad I hadn't just taken a drink, because I'd have choked on it. Justine and Bianca had just walked in, and instantly grabbed the attention of everyone in the place. Both were decked out in some seriously sexy goth gear, black and shiny, with lips and nails to match.

Justine had gone for vinyl, a tight top that looked painted on her body, with silver points over the nipples. The top was connected by chains to a pair of barely-there ripped denim shorts, also black, and pulled up high enough to threaten the revealing of pussy lips on either side. Her stockings, black of course, looked like they had been attacked by a tiger, and her platform-heel black vinyl boots went up over the knees. Around her neck was a silver ankh. Her red hair had been teased up to give her the appearance of a cat.

Bianca wore leather, a black motorcycle jacket open to show only cleavage; if she did have anything on underneath it, I couldn't tell. Her low-cut pants were also black leather and fit tight. The jacket was short and showed that the pants only barely covered her bottom, where Justine's hand rested. She wore a black leather Harley-Davidson hat, and her boots were polished leather and steel with stiletto heels.

They strutted up to the bar and slid up to either side of me, pressing their bodies against me though they never glanced in my direction.

"Tequila," Justine ordered in a low voice that was practically a growl.

"Give us the bottle," Bianca added.

Monique served it up. "Who pays?" she asked nonchalantly.

Justine looked at me then, with a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk. "Buy us a drink," she commanded me.

"I'll cover it," I said quickly.

"Bet your ass you will," Bianca said. The girls took the bottle and three shot glasses, and went to a table across the room. I watched as they both took a shot, then without further preamble began to kiss each other hotly.

"They didn't get the third glass in case one of them breaks," Monique pointed out. "Go on, make a move."

"How?" I asked, momentarily disoriented.

"Doesn't matter," Monique pointed out. "They're both a sure thing, you know. You can't get shot down; say whatever you want and they'll still fuck you tonight. They've just set up a little game for you to play. How you play it is up to you."

I stood up, feeling intimidated despite Monique's entirely truthful words, and went to go sit with my girls. They continued to make out as I approached, black lips sucking at red tongues and hands stroking over leather and vinyl-clad bodies. I was standing practically over them before Bianca happened to look up and notice me there. She nudged Justine, and the redhead opened her eyes and saw me as well.

"What the fuck do you want?" Justine asked, a sneer on her lip.

"That's no way to talk to a man who just bought you a drink," I said, trying to slip into an appropriate role. "Besides, you two seem like interesting company, and I'm in the mood for a little adventure tonight."

"Trust me," Bianca said with a shake of her head, "you couldn't handle us."

"Try me," I challenged as I sat down.

The girls looked at each other, smiled with narrowed eyes, and turned back to me. "I know you were watching us make out," Justine said. "Is that what's got you feeling all… adventurous?"

"And who said you could watch, anyway?" Bianca asked, just before she traced the tip of her tongue up Justine's neck to just below her ear.

"Are you saying you don't want me to watch?" I asked.

Justine pursed her shiny black lips at me. "That depends on what's in it for us," she said.

"What did you have in mind?"

Justine looked sideways Bianca, who was still tonguing her earlobe. "Tell me, Bianca… are you a bad little slut?"

"You know I am," Bianca said without hesitation.


"Because I love to fuck deep and come hard," Bianca purred.

"Does your pussy want to come right now?"

"My pussy always wants to come."

"You," Justine said, glaring at me. "Get over here."

I did as I was told, sitting next to Bianca as she indicated.

"My slut lover is going to spread her legs for you now," Justine said, "and I want you to reach into her panties and pet her kitty until she comes."

With black-rimmed doe eyes locked on me, Bianca did as Justine told her, spreading her legs wide and opening the fly on her tight leather pants, zipping down past her crotch and up under her bottom. Her panties underneath were silver with black lace, so tiny as to almost not be there. Her pussy lips emerged on either side of the thin strip of satin, shaved perfectly smooth.

"Come on, get started," she cooed. "Give me what I want, and maybe I'll be a good slut and give you what you want."

Swallowing hard, I reached over and slid my hand over the top of her tiny panties, gently brushing her exposed lips on either side. She squirmed just a tiny bit and exhaled slightly, spreading her legs just a bit wider to encourage me further.

"I said inside her panties," Justine warned me. "Go on, touch her clit."

The next stroke of my hand went under her panties and I felt the warm wet of Bianca's sex. She sighed with pleasure as I touched her, and leaned her head back to enjoy the sensation. I slid my fingers up and down over her pink lips, moistening them in her own secretions as I gently massaged her clit out of its hood. Her sighs turned to soft moans.

"You love it, don't you, slut?" Justine whispered into Bianca's ear.

"Yes… I love the way it feels…"

"You want him to penetrate you?"

"Oh God, yes…"

"Then beg for it, bitch… beg for it!"

Bianca opened lusty eyes and pleaded with me, "Please… please go inside me, I need to feel it, it'll make me come and then I can be your whore…"

"You want to be my whore now?" I whispered, getting into the part I was playing.

"I want it so bad, I want to be your slut-whore, I want you to fuck me and use me, just make me come, please… I need to come!"

I slid two fingers into her wonderfully warm and moist pussy, holding my thumb over her clit. She shivered and arched her back, making her jacket part down the middle. I saw for the first time that her breasts were not uncovered, but they might as well have been – only an inch-wide black satin band stretched from her waist and around her neck, covering each nipple on the way but revealing a bit of aureole on either side.

"I'm coming… oh fuck, I'm coming hard!"

I felt her pussy tighten around me as she gasped out all her breath in a rush, her hands grasping at my shirt on one side and Justine's chains on the other. With teeth clenched and eyes squeezed shut, Bianca rode out the throes of her climax and finally relaxed, still breathing hard, her eyes glazed and unfocused.

"You made her come good," Justine said with approval as she reached down to take my hand from Bianca's pussy. Raising it to her lips, she sucked one finger gently and smiled. "Yes… you made her come very, very good. Now she's your slut."

"Yes, I'll be your slut," Bianca whispered. "Fuck me any way you want, just make me come again and again…"

"I know a place where the three of us can be alone and fuck each other," Justine said. "Come on, let's go."

Justine helped Bianca close up the fly on her pants and the two girls stood up, Bianca still breathing hard. They each took my hands, and together we made our way across the bar to a door behind the DJ booth. I saw that the other guests were into making out with their companions, and wondered if they had been as involved as I was and perhaps hadn't even noticed what had been happening at my table. Even so, though, I preferred the suggestion of our own room.

The girls led me down a short hall and to a door marked PRIVATE, which they flung open. I stumbled inside at the front of a gentle push, and all was pitch dark until Justine hit the lightswitch on the wall and flooded the room in red.

The floor was covered in a thick shag, and most of the room was taken up by a bigger-than-king-sized bed with dark red sheets – or so they looked in the light. The walls were stone, and in places there hung shackles and cuffs. On a high shelf that encircled the room were lined any number of phallic toys and other devices the purpose of which I could only guess at.

"Are you sure you can handle us?" Justine teased.

I turned to look at the girls, who seemed more exotic than ever in the red glow. Bianca approached Justine from behind and cupped the redhead's tits in both hands, rubbing and squeezing, feeling and groping. Justine's eyes showed her pleasure.

"You have one slut," Justine said. "Now, how will you earn the other one?"

"I don't think I'll need to," I said confidently. "I think you'll want to earn me."

I loosened my belt and let my pants drop, allowing my rock-hard member to spring from its confines. Justine's eyes locked on it instantly.

"Ooh, I want it," she whispered. "Is that what I get if I'll be your fuck-bitch just like her?"

"Deep inside you," I said.

"Mmm… I really want to fuck you good… but wouldn't you like to taste me first? My pussy is very sweet."

"Oh, it is," Bianca agreed. "Come on, let's both lick her hot cunt."

I liked the idea of sharing Justine, so I let Bianca lie her down on the bed and slide her shorts off, leaving behind only the shredded stockings which were ripped right down the crotch to leave her pussy exposed. Then, Bianca tossed her jacket aside and zipped something apart on her pants that made just the top part come off, leaver her with leather leggings and those tiny panties. She approached Justine's sex from over the top, leaving me to kneel down between her spread legs.

"Taste my lips first," Bianca purred, and I did so, letting her tongue slide into my mouth. We kissed deeply over Justine's wet and waiting pussy for a long moment, and then turned our tongues together to the redhead's sweet sex.

I let Bianca show me how, and in moments we had Justine moaning and arching her back high above the bed. "Oh God, that's so fucking good…" she hissed through clenched teeth. "That's it, lick my cunt… love my cunt… make me come…"

Of course, by now I was throbbing for release as well, and it was a great effort not to reach down and start stroking myself as I licked Justine's pussy and Bianca's tongue in turn. Bianca, fortunately, could see in my eyes that I was ready.

"She likes it from behind," Bianca whispered. "Let me go under her so I can lick you both while you fuck her sweet cunt."

With a little urging, Justine rolled over on top of her lesbian lover so that they assumed a hot sixty-nine position, and her legs opened over Bianca's kissing, sucking mouth. I stood up and put the head of my cock right up to Justine's wet lips, letting Bianca lick it from below as promised.

"Fuck me like a whore," Justine begged. "Come on, fuck my cunt, I need it…"

With an easy thrust I entered her and slid all the way inside, giving her my full length. Justine cried out in pleasure and rocked her hips against me, sliding me in and out while Bianca continued her oral ministrations.

"Take it, bitch," I whispered.

"Fuck yeah, give it to me," she answered back. "Make your hot bitch come."

Suddenly, Bianca's tongue found a very sensitive spot right at the root of my thrusting cock, and with a fierce rush I shot my load into Justine's hot pussy. Her cries of pleasure were muffled as she buried her face between Bianca's legs, but I could feel her spasms and the tightening of her pussy around my shaft. When we were finally spent, I backed my cock out of her and let her roll to one side. Bianca was beside her instantly, kissing her deep with black lips and red tongue. I couldn't resist joining them, and for several long and delicious minutes indulged in the pleasure of three-way kissing.

We spent the next hour or more pleasuring each other's bodies in all kinds of ways, sucking tits and rubbing naked flesh together. I watched the girls do each other with shameless abandon, crying out their pleasure as they made hot lesbian love. I climaxed one more time with them, into Bianca's mouth as she and Justine sucked my cock together, and the girls shared the cream in a hot kiss before lying down with me for a well-earned rest.

* * * * *

I left the girls sleeping in the red room, wanting to retire upstairs in my suite instead. The only way out was through the bar, and I ran into Samantha, the hostess.

"Having fun?" she asked.

"A very good time," I replied.

"Good," she smiled. "I'm pleased to hear that my girls are treating you well. Tomorrow being your last full day here at the resort, do you have any special requests?"

I shrugged. "I had rather hoped Monique would be available, but I'm told she's not," I said.

"Is there anyone else who might please you? I don't mind telling you, all my girls who haven't had the pleasure of your company yet have been asking me what your availability is. You seem to have made quite an impression around here."

I wasn't sure what to say to that. "Um… that's good to know."

"Trina still pleases you, I take it?"

"Very much, I'm looking forward to seeing her tomorrow."

"I'll make sure she's in your room when you wake up. Have a good sleep."


Note: Safe sex is good. Using condoms when engaging in casual or for-hire sex is imperative. This is a fantasy, where no one has STDs or gets accidentally pregnant. The fact that there are no rubbers in my story does not mean I wouldn't use them in real life.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
I can not believe it

why have people not commented on your story before...... i find them very sexy

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