Drooling Genius Ch. 02

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I put a spell on my girlfriend's friend.
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 11/04/2017
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~This story contains reluctance, manipulation, lesbian, anal, bisexual, and mind control themes. All characters are 18 or over.~


Hypnosis is often an excuse. It is permission to act strangely without judgment. The subject thinks it's okay to act on their desires. They have no responsibility over their actions. Or at least, they think they don't.

Ginny had an old friend Lilly. Despite her occasional rebellious nature she was a Catholic girl with strong inhibitions and beliefs. Apparently, Lilly didn't approve of Ginny's relationship with me. They had a fight and were now no longer speaking to each other. I hate being in the center of these things, and despite my study into mind control I found myself at a loss when it came to solving drama like this.

"Can you believe it?! She called me," Ginny stopped herself, "I don't even like using the word. It's not weird that we do all this stuff without being married right?"

"Don't listen to her. You can find better friends."

"But I've known her for so long, and I really wish she would just apologize and," Ginny sniffed, about to cry again. "I mean, I'm sure she wants to. We talk about sex and stuff all the time. I thought she'd understand. I think its pressure from her parents."

"I wish I could help." I scratched my head. Ginny gave me a raised eyebrow. "What?"

"Well," She rolled her head innocently. She was always a few steps ahead of me with these kinds of things, but was terrible at hiding it. Sometimes I wished she would just get to the point. "What I'm saying is, she seemed very suggestible."

"You want me to hypnotize your friend?" I asked.

"Just a little bit!" She held her hands together in a pleading motion. "Please?"

"I don't know," Half of me was anxious about the idea, the other half knew she'd start offering something good if I abstained long enough.

"You want something?" She asked, hand on her hips. Her breasts bounced lightly as she huffed with judgment. "You've dug into my study time enough as it is!" She knew me too well.

"I don't even know if I can!" I said honestly. "Only willing subjects, remember? Besides, it's one thing to use it for fun, and another for evil, I guess." I shrugged.

"Evil?" Ginny rolled her eyes in a smug manner. "You're just letting her do what she wants to do anyway, right?" I was silent. It was obvious that I was still uncomfortable with the idea. "She's really hot." Ginny continued. "And if she is jealous," She paused with thought, "Well, it might be worth it to let her have a piece of you. I guess."

I was dumbfounded by the suggestion. Ginny awkwardly added, "I mean like, not too far or anything! And only if you want to I mean!" A flush of pink was traveling up her neck and over her face. "And only if she's into it too!" she looked away. "And," She gulped, "And only if I can watch." She looked back awkwardly again, "Just so I can make sure it doesn't go too far!" She quickly added.

"I didn't know you were into this sort of thing." I settled on a response.

She squirmed, "I-I'm not! I just want everyone to be happy!" She calmed down a bit a muttered, "And I kind of like the idea of knowing she's just as bad as me."

"What? Hey, you're not bad or anything." I held her. "Don't let her pressure you." I thought about it hard and sighed. "I'll see what I can do."

She seemed delighted. It was time for me to push my limits. I made my preparations and went to the next Sunday mass at Lilly's church. Her description was, "Tall and thin with short black hair and bright blue eyes." I saw her quickly and sat at the pews behind her. It was strange being in a holy place like this. I tried to put on my best rule follower face as I reviewed the target.

She had her hair cut to her chin, though the ends naturally flayed and pointed out at about ear level. Skull-stylized earrings and black lacy clothing showed a mild, but not overwhelming gothic style. Her fingers fidgeted and showed signs of being overly and irregularly trimmed. She was a nail biter. She had an anxious and obsessive personality. She was tall compared to Ginny, but slightly above average for a woman. If she were shorter her womanly proportions would seem average, but she still very feminine. She had a mood ring and eyeliner. A silver cross dangled from her neck.

As the sermon closed the pews began to empty. Time to make a good first impression. I began, "Excuse me," I grabbed her attention as we both stood. "If you don't mind me asking, where did you get those earrings?" She paused. "You look great in them. I was hoping to get some like that for my girlfriend." I added. Best to be as non-threatening as possible.

"Um, at the mall." She nodded, a small smile appearing on her face. "Thank you."

"Sorry if that was awkward, I just wanted to say something for the last fifteen minutes."

"That's really nice." She nodded happily. "Are you new to the area? I haven't seen you around here before."

"I'm actually-" I interrupted myself, "Oh, is that what I think it is?" I pointed to the symbol and words on her shirt. I had no idea what it meant but it must have been important for her.

"Son's of Metatron, yea, it's my favorite band!" She smiled. Her fingers stopped fidgeting. She was relaxed. "I don't know anyone else who likes them."

"I only knew a few songs actually." I lied. "What are some of your favorites?"

"The whole first album is really great." She seemed interested. "Oh, I'm Lilly by the way!" She stuck out a hand. I introduced myself, shaking it. "Hmm, wait, that name..."

"Oh yea, I'm Ginny's boyfriend."

Now for the fun part. The Cognitive dissonance. Which way was her brain going to go? Was I the cool guy who likes what she likes, or the asshole corrupting her friend? She would not be able to entertain both ideas at once, and she was already seeing and hearing a friendly guy in front of her, so that should be the dominant idea.

"Wow, you aren't what I imagined," She still seemed defensive, but I knew I had hit the jackpot. This was far better than being primed to see me as a bad guy for a first impression. Lilly was in her safe zone. She was relaxed. She felt in control, and she was with a friend. No need to hold on to a distant, vague sense of negativity right now. It was hypnotism 101.

"That's why I came here. I actually came to apologize and see if I can help smooth some things over, I know Ginny probably went a little overboard."

I framed Lilly the victim. I was on her side. Lily seemed more than willing to believe this presented reality. "Thank you. I sorry you had to get involved." She still seemed confused. I saw her hands start fidgeting again. "I'm sure it was all a big misunderstanding." Her doubts were back. Good first impression, but he needed more.

"I was going to buy both of you dinner at the Italian place down the street." I continued. "Just so we can talk. I know you probably don't want to go, but I'd really like it if we could make it up to you somehow."

She hesitated. "Maybe."

"I already reserved a table for Monday at six." It was time to see if she would take the bait. It was neutral ground.

"Okay." She said nervously, as if forced. "Alright. See you two then."

"Thank you so much!" I patted her shoulder softly and looked into her eyes. "It was great meeting you." Then I turned to leave. Once I had gotten back home I did some research on her favorite band and album. Despite her religious upbringing, there were a number of occult themes. She seemed interested in the mystical, curses, spells, and similar. I could use that.

Dinner started fine, that is, until Ginny was asked to apologize. We were just about to finish our meals. I knew she'd dislike the idea.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" She insisted. "Lilly called me a-"


She did so. Lilly was flabbergasted when Ginny went limp in her seat, her eyes stared forward in a daze. All three of us were in a booth. The restaurant was almost empty. "What did you," She started.

"You must have heard of what I can do." I continued. "She told you, right?"

"That's not possible." She shook her head. "You're just making excuses for her being a slut."

"You're right." I agreed. She was stunned by the response again. "I told her it was hypnotism, but you're right, there is no such thing. But do you really think Ginny would do this on her own," I looked to Ginny, scanned the room quickly and said, "Show your tits." Ginny lifted her shirt without hesitation. Her breasts cascaded out like two waterfalls and bounced pleasantly in the open air. Lilly was speechless and looked around in fear. "Cover them." She put her bra and shirt back on. "She is under my complete control. She has no say in anything she does. This is not a trick of the mind or scientific invention. I think you know exactly what this is." I stared at her. She was breathing heavily. "Say it."


"See? You know it to be true. You feel it. Already you feel the magic in you too. You were compelled to come here because I forced you to. You feel that too, you didn't want to come, but did so anyway. It is becoming harder to ignore me isn't it? You're body should be heating up by now. That is my doing. From the moment you touched me you have been feeling anxious. It's been getting worse and worse and yet you still came here. The more you resisted the stronger it got. You will try to resist, and as you do, my spell will become yet more powerful. Already you feel you body beginning to weaken. But don't be afraid. I see the fear in you, but it was pass. You know the fear will pass because you want this. You want this because you haven't left yet. Any sane, good girl would have left by now, but you can't. You wont. You shouldn't. You don't want to."

Lilly stood, her legs shaking. "Stop it!" She said under her breath. "This is crazy. You are crazy!"

"I couldn't stop it even if I tried. Neither can you." I continued. "You're body is weak and shivering because you still resist. And every time you do it gets stronger and you get weaker. And as it gets stronger your will begins to break. Now, I command you," I stared into her eyes for effect, "Leave here. Leave here and wait. As you do the spell will grow stronger and stronger, and your will shall grow weaker. In one hour I will have Ginny text you a location, and you will go there. You might still resist, but you will still go, because by then your will shall be completely broken."

"Why?" Lilly asked, fear in her voice.

"Because I said so."

I let the words linger in the air before she stormed out of the restaurant with a grunt, "Fuck you".

When she left I sighed in relief and took a drink of water. I'd say my chances were maybe 50% on this one.

"Hey Ginny, do you think she'll bite?" I asked. Ginny didn't respond. I had forgotten she was still in a trance. "Oh, uh, tell me it will all work out."

"It will all work out." Ginny said in monotone.

"Well, at least I have your support."

I paid the checks and we both returned to my place. I sent the text and waited. I kept Ginny in a trance, half for fun and half to see how long it would last. She would be a little confused, but I'd done stranger things in the past.

I heard a knock at the door after several minutes. It was always surprising when these things worked out. I answered the door and saw Lilly there with her gothic attire. Her body was tense and her stance was ridged. She looked anxious and out of breath. "Come on in." I ordered and she obeyed reluctantly.

"What are you going to do with me?" She asked once I had rejoined Ginny on the couch, both of us looked towards the new arrival. "Are you going to make me like her?"

"I was going to teach you a lesson." I responded. "First," I motioned to the coffee table. On it was what looked like an ordinary glass of water. "It looks normal, but once you taste it you will become completely under my control." I explained. "It's different for everyone, so I can't tell you how it will taste, but you will lose all abilities to resist me. Then, I shall have my revenge for your insolence."

"Please, don't." She shook her head. "I swear I'll apologize and everything. This is getting too freaky for me. If my parents found out,"

"Drink the potion." I commanded. "You have always wanted to lose control. Everything that happens from now on is my own making. You are just a weak willed mortal. A poor woman seduced by dark forces."

She knelt at the table clenched her fists tight. She touched the glass with both hands shaking and brought the edge to her lips. She gulped before quickly inhaling what I knew to be entirely normal tap water. "Ahh!" She hugged herself, the glass falling to the carpet. "I'm sorry!" She said to no one in particular.

"It is done." I announced. I was starting to have a bit of fun. "Arise my servant." Okay, I was starting to have a lot of fun. She stood ahead of me, looking down with guilt and shame. Her baby blue eyes looked close to tears. I didn't want to push her too much. "When I awake Ginny, you will follow her orders as if they were my own. Do you understand?"

She nodded. "Yes Master."

What was it with women and calling me master without my orders? Oh well, I wasn't complaining. "Awake."

I tapped Ginny and she awoke. "-Slut!" She shouted. Then she blinked and looked around. "Wait where am I?"

"Back at home. Lilly's all yours." I shrugged. It took her some time to get her bearings. "She's, uh, under my dark spell." I winked at her. "So, keep orders thematically appropriate."

Ginny liked the sound of that. She stood and grinned at her friend turned slave. "Lilly, I think it's time we settled some things." She puffed out her chest. "First, I want to hear an apology."

"I'm sorry. Ginny." Lilly almost whispered.

"For what?"

"For calling you a slut."


"And being so judgmental." Lilly rubbed her forearm.

"Why did you say those things?" Ginny asked. Lilly paused. "You have to answer. Were you," Ginny bit her lip. "Jealous?"

Lilly seemed shocked by the question. "How did-" she shook her head. "No, I guess it was obvious. Yes. I just didn't want you to know. And if my friends or parents knew I was thinking about those kinds of things," she paused and didn't continue.

"Well," Ginny wiggled anxiously. "I have actually been giving it some thought and maybe," She looked at me, and then Lilly. "Maybe we can-"

"Wait." Lilly interrupted. "I'm sorry, I just didn't want it to happen like this." Lilly gulped. "I mean, I've been hiding these feelings for you for a really long time. I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. I lied to you about wanting to be just friends for so long and this is my punishment."

Ginny gulped "Uh." She looked to me awkwardly. She wasn't expecting that.

"Right." I agreed with Lilly. "Right, this is your punishment." I motioned for Ginny to play along. "Sinful thoughts and lying to your friends. How terrible you are."

Ginny joined me back on the couch and whispered, "I'm telling you ahead of time, I'm not into girls, so I'm not sure what you're going to-"

"How about in a trance?" I asked under my breath. Ginny let me continue, "I let you two do things in a trance you don't even have to be a part of it. Or I can make you think she's a guy or something. Or hell, we'll just see how this goes."

"That's," She looked to Lilly, who was waiting diligently. "Alright, fine, I'll try it, Just because you always seem to make it work out. But it better work out alright!"

I stood, "You know it always does." I looked to Lilly. "It is time to come clean Lilly." She tensed. "Confess everything." I ordered. "Only then can I determine the correct punishment for your deeds." She was taking too much time to answer. "On your knees!" She fell to her knees as if pulled.

"Okay!" She said, pleading for salvation, "I, I have had sinful thoughts about my f-friend Ginny." She gulped and refused to make eye contact. "I called her lots of bad names and lied to her for a long time. I-I looked up porn on my fathers computer once. Ever since I always think of blowjobs when I'm on my knees to pray." She was blushing profusely, "I stole two hundred dollars from my mother's purse to buy shoes a year ago. Last week I was angry at my friend Sarah and told her she'd been gaining weight, but she's actually been doing great on her diet-"

"I think that's enough." I stopped her. She was silent.

Ginny looked like she was about to start giggling. "I've never seen her like this!" She looked down at her friend with a domineering glare. "I think you should-"

"Sleep." Ginny's limbs went limp. "Lilly, stand." She did so. She covered herself as if she were already naked. "After this session, you will be cleansed of these sins." I commanded, "No one but you and I will know exactly what happened here, so your secrets are safe." That seemed to make her calm down a little. I added, "If you want, you can leave now. I will drop my spell and you will be free to return to your normal life." This was the final test. I had already won the battle for her soul, but this would make it official. If she left it was no big deal. If she stayed, "However, if you want to continue, I promise you, you will feel better than ever before, and I will remove the guilt that you feel every day. You may even be able to be with the woman you dream about." Lilly seemed far more calm after the exchange. "You are free to stay or go as you choose. Choose now, and choose honestly, as there will be no way to go back from this."

"I want to stay." Lilly seemed shocked at her own answer. "Please," her eyes relaxed, "Punish me."

The spell worked wonderfully.

"Ginny, Strip." I ordered. Lilly's eye's widened she her friend slowly remove her own clothes. "Lilly." She turned to him. "Take off your shirt."

"C-Can I just lift it up?" She asked meekly, her hand rubbing down her sleeve.

"Sure. Lift up your shirt and remove your bra." Lilly did so slowly, her eyes darting to him and to Ginny. Her pale skin was blushed with embarrassment, a red coloring appearing across her chest. Her breasts were small but perky, piercing out like cliffs on a mountain side.

"No one has seen me naked since I was a kid." She admitted bashfully.

"On your knees." She sank to the floor again as Ginny finished stripping. I took a moment to distract myself with her before turning to Lilly. Her pale face and dark hair was inches away from my growing erection. "Ginny wants to see you with me. How do you feel about that?"

"It turns me on." Lilly covered her mouth in surprise, "I-I mean-"

"Ginny, get on the couch and spread your legs. Then wake up."

Ginny followed her orders, her already glistening, red pussy on display. She blinked open her eyes and seemed distressed by her sudden change in dress and the two pairs of eyes on her daring pose. "Hi," She bashfully covered herself and brought her legs together. "Wait, are you two," I could almost swear I saw the hairs on her head stiffen she saw her friend at my feet . "W-Woah,"

"I was going to have her practice on me. How do you feel about that?" Ginny responded by slowly widening her legs again and running circles around her clit. I unzipped my pants and released the force inside. Lilly seemed nervous. "You've thought about it a lot right?" She nodded. Her eyes met mine as I opened her mouth by squeezing her cheeks and softly thrust into her. I put both my hands in her hair and tilted her head so I could keep looking into her eyes. Lillys hands found her own nipples and she twisted them delicately. She groaned with a look of guilt and powerlessness on her flushed face.

"Fuck her face." Ginny murmured as she began to quicken her pace. "I want you to rough up that bitch."

I hadn't realized the rivalry was that strong, but I obliged. "Lilly, relax your body and throat. Like you need to clean the back of your mouth with a toothbrush."