Dyther Pt. 01

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Woman is thrown into the world of the gods.
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This story isn't based on Earth. There are different names for days of the week, months, and of course I created my own gods. I'm sorry if it gets confusing. This is also a work in progress. I will add more as I write more. Maybe uploading it on here will give me incentive to write. There will be sex, don't worry. Just not in this first part.


My fingers strummed the lute as more people entered the tavern, more to get drunk and celebrate their recent pillage against a small town about half a league to the west.

A mug flew passed me and hit the wall.

"Sing wench!" Lakai shouted at me.

"Etagor waits for you Lakai!" I shouted back.

"As long as I have a belly full of mead I don't care!" He grabbed another pint and began to down it.

"With all that mead you are sure to burn." I muttered. I began to hum a song.

"Something happier!" Another mug flew at me and I ducked as it smashed against the wall.

"One more mug Lakai and I will shove this lute up your ass."

"I'd like to see you try." He seethed at me and the tavern laughed.

I made a movement to walk forward.

"Kyline!" My head turned to Araes, my only friend and owner of the tavern. "Outside!"

"He started it!"

"He's a paying customer."

"Fine!" I walked up to Lakai and he looked down, smiling at me. I admit he was handsome and strong, but an arrogant asshole.

I smashed the lute over his head. "I quit!"

The tavern burst out laughing and raised their mugs to me as I walked out into the night air. I went around the building and sat on a barrel. I looked up at the stars and sighed. It was going to be the fields for me.

Lakai came around with his hands clenched into fists. The slight breeze sent blonde hair into his face. His dark eyes were angry and his eyebrows were furrowed. I stood up and faced him.

His fist slammed against my face and I was knocked back.

"Really?" I said angrily as I got my composure back.

"Did I tell you that you could quit? Do you not remember the money your family owes me?" He slapped me again. "Now you have no source of income. Now what will you do?"

"Lakai, you will be paid back."

"My father took your mother and sisters in after your father died and this is how you repay him?" He went to hit me again but I grabbed his wrist. He grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. "I guess I will have to take it out another way."

"No you will not!" I said and pulled a dagger from one of his sheaths. He grabbed my hand as I went to plunge it into his neck. I put all my weight into it but he was stronger than I was. He kicked me back and I fell down. The dagger was still in my hand and I threw it in a last attempt.

He put up his gauntlet and it just bounced off as he advanced on me. I scooted back on my elbows. My head bumped the tavern wall behind me and he came up to me and went to his knees. He pinned me down and I bit him. His fist connected with my jaw twice and my vision swam. He lifted up my dress as he unlaced his trousers. He ripped open my chemise as a hand moved down my chest.

"Get off me!" I screamed.

A dark figure appeared behind him and a wine bottle smashed over his head. Lakai stood up to face his attacker when he was suddenly thrown to the wall with a single punch. He fell to the ground not moving as I sat up and covered myself.

"Thank you." I said to the man.

I stood up and the world swam. A hand steadied me and I looked up at the man. He was taller that Lakai, who was the tallest in town.

"Are you all right?" He asked. His voice was deep and reverberated against my head.

"Yes, kind sir." I told him.

He took off his cloak and put it on my shoulders. I wrapped it around me and fought off a shiver. It was Panael after all, and the frost had settled to stay until early Kochbar. The snow would be coming soon and we would be shut inside for almost three months.

"Let me take you home."

"Thank you, but it is not needed. I am fine."

"He just hit you with an armored fist more than once. You are not okay. You are hurt."

"He's done worse." I told the man.

"Do you want me to kill him?"

"No, that my kind sir, I will do myself one day." I spat on Lakai as we walked toward the street.

He kept his arm around my shoulder as we walked through the small town. I kept my head down as I saw neighbors looking out their windows at me. I'm going to love what they're going to say tomorrow. I could just see it now. Kyline, the whore. But not one of them would stand up to Lakai, so a stranger had to.

"Thank you, kind sir." I said as we went to my door and started to take off the cloak.

"Keep it. It will keep you warm in winter." He said looking at my house. It was almost falling down and small. It had two rooms, but it was just enough for me.

"I have nothing to give you in return." I looked at him questioningly.

"Perhaps there is something." He said with a smile. "I haven't eaten in a few days and I am without coin, would you possibly have anything to spare?"

A weight went off my shoulders. I had thought the worst. "Of course! I have some rabbit stew I made this morning and bread I made yesterday. You're welcome to it." I opened my door and invited him in.

I went and lit two lanterns to give some light. He looked around the place and I could see him deep in thought.

"It isn't much, but it's all I have." I said.

"Where are your sisters and mother? I heard that boy say something about them."

I stirred the rabbit stew as I spoke. "When I was thirteen, my father became ill with something the medicus didn't know about. They tried every treatment possible. It drained what little money we had. The fever eventually took him one day and we had nothing. We were starving. So my mother went to Lakai's father who is the richest man in town. She did things she wasn't proud of to make sure her daughters stayed fed and dressed. After seven years of what she went through, she killed herself. With my sisters being only fourteen right now, I sent them to the capitol to work and get an education. What money I get is sent to them. Being the heir to my parent's estate, there was nothing but debt to Lakai's family." I got a wooden bowl and poured some stew into it.

"I was supposed to marry Lakai but I couldn't bring myself to marry that abusing pig. Much less sleep with him. I gave his father my parent's house and livestock, everything that wasn't nailed down. Lakai's father had sent word that I was to speak with him, but he died before I was able to. I went anyways hoping that it was a letter of a debt repaid. It was. But I watched Lakai burn it when I refused to marry him." I handed him the bowl and a spoon.

"Such a life." He said. "Did you pray to the gods to help?"

"Every day. Until one day I just stopped. I realized that the gods didn't care about mortal affairs and if I wanted something done, I would have to do it myself. In a way I stopped believing in them." I told him and poured myself a bowl.

I grabbed the bread from the stove and put it on the table. "I'm sorry, I don't have a knife. Just tear what you want off of it. I'm going to change into something proper." I said.

I went to what I made the bedroom and grabbed my only other dress. I put it on and looked at the other. It could be mended but it would take what I didn't have. I sat down across from him and he smiled at me.

In what little light I had, I saw that his hair was black, so black that it had blue and purple highlights in it. His eyes were a shade of blue I had never seen a person have. A light blue so bright it reminded me of the sky when the sun was at its highest peak in the summer time.

"So you know about me, how about you? What is your name for starters?" I asked.

"Jundall. Yours?"

"Kyline." I answered. "You're name after the moon?"

"Yes." He said and dipped a piece of bread into the stew and popped it into his mouth. "I come from a place far to the west of here. It is a very beautiful place. Mountains, waterfalls, hot springs, and lakes so clear that you could see to the bottom."

I smiled trying to imagine something like that. "It sounds beautiful." I told him and poked at a piece of rabbit meat. "When will you be going back?" I asked, imagining myself swimming in such a clear lake. If I knew how to swim. There weren't any lakes around here and the river's current was too swift to allow play. It claims about four lives a year.

"Tomorrow." He answered. "It takes a few weeks to get there on horseback."

"I wish you a safe journey." I smiled at him.

"Thank you." He said and then lifted up the bowl and emptied the remains of the stew down his throat. "It was delicious." He said and went to stand up.

"You said you were without coin. Where do you plan to sleep?"

"I have a small camp just a mile from here." He answered.

"You can stay the night here if you wish. I have to go beg for my job back. I will probably be gone most of the evening. I insist."

"Do you think it wise for you to be out where that boy can get to you again?"

"I'm sure he's passed out somewhere with a wench."

"If you insist." He said.

"Right through there." I pointed out the other room where the bed was. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go beg for my job back."

I smiled and bowed my head out of courtesy. I went out the door and down the street. I could feel the swelling in my jaw and I rubbed it tenderly. What a sight I must be. Damn Lakai. To think, I used to think I loved him. When I was a teen, he was gorgeous, and I knew he would be my husband. Mine alone. I would have been a Lady in this town. Lady Kyline. I spent many nights dreaming about it.

Until I heard about ten different women he had slept with, two he had beat, and four he impregnated and refused to claim as his. Bastard children of Lakai would be the death of this town if they ended up like him.

I knew, that once I had heard, that he would never be mine. That lecherous swine no longer had a place in my heart. Once I turned on him, it made him want me more for some reason. He turned abusive towards me.

I prayed to the god Adeaneli to send me someone worthy in my eyes. I prayed to Mizar the goddess of healing to heal my broken heart. I prayed to Dyther to bring destruction to Lakai. I prayed to Baillino for luck. I prayed to Elemen, the goddess of the night and dreams to make my dreams come true. I prayed to Xykn, the goddess of Justice, that Lakai would meet the fate dealt to him, swiftly. I prayed to Fliakn, the god of wisdom, to show me the path that I was truly headed on. Lastly, I prayed to Inax, the mother of seasons and time. ,The mother of humans and Inax, which the land is named after her. Maybe this one last time, they would answer my prayers.


I sat on the edge of her bed. Her scent all around. I closed my eyes and could hear her prayer. It was unfortunate what she was about to go through, but Adeaneli and Mizar sent me here to get the Phoenix.

I heard her screams and I opened my eyes and stood up. I grabbed the cloak that I had given her and walked out the door after throwing the lanterns and igniting the place.


Dawn came on the horizon. My arms had lost all feeling from being tied above my head to the post all night. I was freezing. I stood accused of the murder of Lakai. He was last seen with me, so therefore I did it. Had to love justice. At least Dyther and Xykn answered my prayers.

I had found his head on a post in the middle of town. The rest of his body was nowhere to be seen.

Of course I asked why wasn't I covered in blood? Where was the rest of his body? I was then deemed a witch. No getting out of this one Kyline.

I sighed. I did the only thing I could think of to pass the small amount of time I had left. I sang.

"Lips, ripe as the berries in Hyrune. Red the rose, red the rose. Skin, pale as the light of the moon. Gently as she goes. Eyes, blue as the sea and the sky. Water flows, water flows. Hair burning like the fire in the night. Gently as she goes. Gently as she goes." I couldn't finish the song.

"Stop singing your spells." The Vicar said coming up and smacking me in the face with his staff. I tasted blood as the town gathered.

I saw the kind sir on horseback near the back of the crowd. He was in full armor with the sigil of a black dragon. Only the followers of Dyther were allowed to wear that.

"You stand accused of murder and witchcraft. How do you plead?" the Vicar asked.

"Not guilty." I told him. "I was on my way to see Aeres when I stumbled upon his head."

"You were known best in this town of your hatred for Lakai. You must have put a curse on him and summoned your demons to do your bidding. You are a whore of Etagor." He spat at me and hit me again.

"Hit the woman again and I will shove that rod up your ass." Jundall said loud enough that his voice echoed.

"Who are you?" The Vicar sneered.

"I hold claim to that woman. Free her at once and no harm shall come to this town."

I could see storm clouds forming behind him and taking the light of the sun. Instead of lightning it look like fire.

"Demon!" Vicar shouted.

"I am Dyther, god of fire, war, destruction, and dreams. Jundall is my heavenly steed. Release the woman or you will all die."

The Vicar hit me again with his staff and I saw stars. "Make your demon go away." He sneered.

I blinked and Jundall was standing in front of me stopping the staff from hitting me again.

"Close your eyes Lady Kyline. I wish you not to see this."

"I am no Lady." I told him. "Far from it."

"So be it." He said and punched the Vicar.

The corrupt priest hit the ground and I did turn my head. I heard a horrifying scream that stopped short. The crowd started screaming and panicking. Guards surged forward and I turned my head to the self proclaimed god. No I didn't believe that he was Dyther.

A wall of fire erupted around the platform and Jundall pulled out a dagger and cut my hand down. They fell to my side painfully.

"Can you move them?" He asked as an arrow whizzed by his head.

I tried to lift them but it caused extreme pain. My fingers were blue and cold. He caught the next arrow that came right at me.

He lifted a sword which then ignited into flame. My heart hammered in my chest. Was he going to kill me too?

"Put your hands into the fire."

"Are you crazy?" I shouted at him.

"If you are who you should be, it won't hurt."

"And if I'm not who you think I am?"

"You'll burn to ash and be none of my concern any longer." He said it plainly like I was really nothing.

I thrust my hand into the flames, waiting to spontaneously combust. Nothing happened. In fact, it tickled. I looked at my hand and the flames around it were blue. I pulled it back and put the other one in. The same happened.

"Good." He said and he began to grow.

Scales started to form on his body and shadows surrounded him. He became larger than the largest building in town. I jumped away as the platform smashed under his weight. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. Arrows whistled passed me as I weaved. I didn't dare look back at the dragon god. Now I believed he was Dyther.

I managed to make it through the line of trees and weaved through them, slowing down just a bit, scared that I would run right into one.

I could hear footfalls behind me. An arrow buried into a tree next to my head. They were getting too close.

I saw a tree that was somewhat climbable. I spent my days as a child climbing trees, it didn't take much to come back to me. The archers walked below me with their arrows drawn, searching for me.

"Come out witch." One said.

"You know, just yesterday you were asking me to sing for you." I said and jumped down. I landed on his shoulders and heard a deafening crack. He wasn't getting back up. I grabbed the bow and dodged the arrow that shot at me. I swung the bow at the other archer and managed to hit him in the face.

They weren't expecting me to fight back. Good. I used the limb and the string to strangle the other archer, the string cutting into his neck and he tried to claw at me. I still wasn't feeling my arms very well, it barely hurt.

I felt pain spread throughout my back, followed a second pain in my shoulder. I couldn't keep my grip and the man fell forward gasping for air. He rolled away from me quickly and kicked at me.

Another pain and I dropped to my knees. My body was on fire from the pain. I couldn't breathe passed it.

I heard a man scream and then a snap. The scream stopped. The man in front of me eyes widened and pure terror was the last thing I saw as Dyther in human form snapped his neck.

"You know, there are less painful ways to die." He said turning to me.

I couldn't speak through the pain. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't do much of anything except think about the pain.

"Mizar!" He yelled out. "I know you're watching. I know you are all watching. I need you."

He was calling a goddess. If I wasn't in so much pain I don't know if I'd be excited or scared beyond words.

A humming bird flitted by us for a few seconds before mist wrapped around it and a beautiful woman appeared before us. She had flowing brown hair that moved like water and eyes the color of chestnuts.

"Dyther, how lovely to see you." She said. Her voice was like a song. "Is this the one that mother spoke of?"

"Can you heal her?" Dyther asked.

"What do I get in return?" Her eyes narrowed and she smiled.

"What do you want?" He inquired.

"A favor, whenever I ask for it. No questions asked."

"Deal." He replied and took her hand.

Mizar came up to me with that wicked smile still on her face. Since she was the goddess of water and healing, I always figured her to be kind. I thought wrong.

She walked around to my back and yanked out each arrow and I let out a squeal with each.

"She will be scarred unfortunately. They used boomslang venom."

I gasped and looked up at Dyther.

"She should start bleeding any moment now."

I started coughing and tasted blood. Soon I was on my hands and knees vomiting it.

"Heal her!" He demanded. "Now!"

Darkness ate at my vision as I kept vomiting blood. All I could see was red. My entire body was wracked in pain. I wanted to die.

"She's giving up so soon." I heard her say.

"Damn it Mizar! Please!" Dyther begged.

"I like it when you beg. Do it again."

I slumped forward, blood still coming from my mouth, eyes, nose, and ears.

"Please, I beg of you."

"Heal her Mizar." I heard another voice say. "Or I will hold you on murder of a mortal."

"But it wasn't I who shot her full of boomslang." Mizar retorted.

"You are in full power of healing her, yet you are playing. Heal her now, or face the consequences." The other voice said. It was a woman's voice. That was the last I heard before the darkness completely took me.


Xykn's sword appeared in her hand and Mizar let out an agitated growl. She leaned down and put a finger to Kyline's forehead. The bleeding slowed and then stopped. Mizar turned back into a humming bird and flitted away.

"She's angry because this human has your favor." Xykn said.

"This human is what mother asked for. It doesn't mean that she has my favor. And I believe it was your goons that killed that boy that tormented her. You answered her prayer."

"As did you and Adeaneli." She smiled.

"She prayed to him? For what?" I asked and picked her up from the ground. She seemed so small in my arms.

"That is between her and Adeaneli." Her smile got larger. "Maybe she can put some fire in those ice eyes of yours." She vanished with a black feather falling behind her.

My horse came trotting up. He lowered his front legs so I could climb on easier with her in my arms. She would be out of it for a few hours. I needed to find shelter from the coming snow storm. If it were just me I would change into my dragon and fly above the clouds, but it would still be too cold for her. She would freeze to death within moments. By land it was until the storm passed. I couldn't vanish with her like Xykn does. It was not one of my powers. I had to travel to get where I was going.