Elaine and James


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'Is this something that every man does?' I didn't want to tell her outright that her husband and lover were useless. After all Brian especially was still her husband and she may jump in angrily to defend him. Subtlety was required.

'No, it is not. You have to remember that there is no school for lovemaking. We all of us unless we are very inventive can only use our experience to learn. I was useless when I was married. But during those nineteen years I began to understand that something was missing. I had an affair with a wonderful lady who was also a good teacher, she encouraged me and showed me how to pleasure her so I learned. First of all the value of taking time. That is most important, then how to suck a pussy. That was also important, because when you give all that pleasure your partner is more inclined to open up. Allowing your lover those climaxes before you enter her means that how ever long a man lasts, you are not leaving her unsatisfied. From that point on you are going to allow new experiences into your loving, for the benefit of both of you. Again it comes back to what you give, you get in return. If I hadn't met this lady, I would probably still be a poor lover. I don't claim to be a good one, but I have managed to please a number of lovely ladies, those memories I treasure.'

'What other new experiences?'

'Do you want to know? It might upset you.'

'Yes tell me.'

'Well, there's sixty-nine, anal.' I didn't get any further.


'Yes. If both want that, and it is done properly, then there is a lot of pleasure to both.'

'That's what queers do!' Another of Brian's prejudices.

'Yes, they do. But it doesn't follow that because they do it, it is out of bounds to a loving couple. If Gays get pleasure from it, why should heterosexual couples not get the pleasure as well. It's the same as cunnilingus.'

I looked at my watch, the time was getting on.

'Elaine, I am going to get some lunch soon, do you want to have something to eat? I realised that there was a double meaning there but that was not my intention. Thankfully she didn't see it. She too looked at her watch.

'Oh Lord, I shall have to get off, I have some shopping to do.' She looked up at me. 'Do you think you could drop me back into Town?'

'Yes, no problem.' I dropped her off in a large car park behind the shopping centre. She waved goodbye and dashed off between the parked cars. I drove back to my home.

CHAPTER THREE Talking some more

I now saw Elaine pretty well every time I went to the Health Club. We said our hello's, asking after each other's health and worked out, apart from a smile that was all the contact we had. Until a couple of weeks had gone by. She came up to me as I was getting my adrenalin pumping on the treadmill.

'Do you think we could have another coffee?' She asked.

'Of course.' I answered. 'Shall I see you outside in twenty?'

'Great. I'll be there.'

It was a good feeling driving with Elaine. She was much more relaxed with me, and rather than sit upright in the seat, slouched sideways a little so she could talk easily. When we got to my home she went straight through to the conservatory and stood looking out at the garden. I called to her.

'Coffee or wine?'

'Wine please, James.' I got the bottle, collected two glasses and took them through to the conservatory. She shocked me rigid with her statement.

'My husband has left me.' My first thought; as I suppose would be the thought any man who met a married woman in private; was that somehow or other that he had discovered our meeting. Elaine then squashed that worry completely.

'He has been seeing this other woman for some time, now it would appear that he is moving into her home. Bastard!' she didn't seem as upset as you would imagine a woman would be with this situation. I was worried about her anyway.

'Are you going to be alright. I mean about somewhere to live and support?'

'Oh, that's ok. It's my house. It was left to me by my grandmother. I shall have to find myself a job though, but I have some savings so I will be able to manage for a while.' she paused and looked at me. 'I could always move in with you.' She grinned as she said it, knowing it was a joke. I followed up.

'Yes, well I do need someone to do all the cleaning and washing.' She laughed. I liked to hear Elaine laugh. She picked up her glass, and raised it in a toast.

'Well, here's to a new life.' I did the same.

'I hope it brings you the fulfilment you deserve.'

She looked at me as if she was trying to look into my mind.

'I enjoyed our talk the other week. You were talking to me, not at my body. You listened to what I said, and seemed to pick up on things I didn't actually say, but were there in my mind. Would you mind if I asked more questions?'

'Not at all, if I can answer them I shall.' She said nothing for a few moments, obviously trying to get her thoughts sorted.

'When you made love to your lover. How did you start?' I wasn't expecting that question. But the truth was easy.

'Very badly at first. After nineteen years of marriage and a child, I was still very inexperienced. I did try to go down on my wife, but she was of the same school of thought as your Brian. That was not something that a man would do to a woman. It was dirty. So when I met my lady I was a very poor lover. Looking back on it now, I am surprised she stayed with me. She was patient though, and coaxed me into things that I had never thought about. One lesson that stood out in my mind was never rush.' My memories came back to me with pleasure, and for a while I lost the reason for my starting to tell Elaine about it. Then I got my head together again. But before I could say anything Elaine interrupted.

'You must have loved her. I could see by your face that the memories are good.' I smiled.

'Yes, they are good. I loved her then and I have carried that love for twenty-five years, after we parted. It will never go away, but sits in a special corner of my mind.' Elaine had moisture in her eyes as she said.

'I wish someone could love me that much.'

I leaned across and put my hand on hers.

'Elaine, I am sure that you must have been loved by someone like that. Even Brian must have loved you at one time.' She looked sad and shook her head.

'No, I don't think so, but to tell the truth I doubt that I ever loved him that much.' She looked up at me. 'We grew up together in Barsfield. We always went around together as children, and later as teenagers. When my grandmother left me the house here, there seemed no reason for not getting married. After twenty years together you don't question your feelings, and then it suddenly hits you. I wasn't happy and neither was Brian. But we had got into the habit so there we stayed' I knew this feeling, after all didn't I exist in the same situation?

'I know how you are feeling, but I managed to change my life, not without hurting someone though. That happened almost forty years ago, so don't give up hope.'

I sat back and drank some wine. Getting my thoughts together. I realised hadn't actually answered her question yet.

'Every time is different, the reason for making love varies tremendously, so how you go about it varies as well. The worst thing that can happen is that it becomes a routine, same time, same place, same actions that is when boredom sets in.' Elaine was bursting to say something, and I knew what she was going to say.

'That's what it was like. Always Saturday nights!' It was not a surprise to me. So I painted the other side of the picture.

'Loving has to be spontaneous, and exciting, and sometimes a little dangerous. Sometimes we need it to be fast and even a little rough. Other times it has to be very slow and sensual. I prefer that. I liked to give my lovers a massage. It is very relaxing for both. But the real benefit of it is that very gradually a massage can turn from relaxing to exciting, as the touch moves from muscles to erogenous zones. It is best when you use scented oils. Sandalwood is best, but unfortunately you can't use it all the time.'


'The fragrance lingers, and will not shower off immediately. You can't have your lover going home to a husband who would notice that aroma. The other thing about Sandalwood is that it is a unisex fragrance, it's not out of place on men as well as women. A massage given with the hands is good to start, but when the senses are heightened, using the whole body is bloody marvellous. Slipping around each other's body, sharing the oil and the scent.'

'James, I am thinking that I have missed so much in my life.' I shook my head.

'No, Elaine. I was in my forties before I discovered my sensuality. Men go off quickly as they age, women keep their drives well into their older years. You have time on your side, and you will find the man or men to have the sex-life you deserve. Believe me.' I could see that Elaine was not sure about that, but I was confident that she would. Making yourself open to new experiences was the first step, and not letting your inhibitions hold you back.

'Could I use your bathroom?'

'Yes, of course. Up the stairs and turn left at the top. Would you like a coffee to go with that wine?'

'That's a good idea, then I won't be squiffy for the rest of the day.'

I set to, making coffee. The kettle had boiled and I was stirring the cups when Elaine came down. She was laughing.

'How many towels do you need in your bathroom? I grinned back at her.

'Well I use two as a rule, but I like the look of the various coloured towels around. Bathrooms in houses like this can be cheerless places, so I brighten it up.' She was smiling still.

'And you have two towelling robes up there. Is that for any special reason?' She was digging now.

'Perhaps.' Was all I would say, let her think what she liked.

'You are not going to tell me, are you?'

'Possibly, sometime.'

'Bastard!' She said, not with acrimony, but laughingly. We picked up the coffee and went back to the conservatory.

'You have a nice house. Mine is not as big as this, just two up and two down. I love this conservatory, it's so bright and cheerful. Have you been here long?'

'About eighteen years.'

'Did you move here after your divorce?'

'No, that was twenty-five years ago. I had another relationship for about four years. It was a disaster. When that ended I needed somewhere else to live, and found this. It's big enough for me, without loads of space I would never use. The conservatory was another present to myself when I retired.' She looked at her watch then.

'I shall have to finish this coffee and be on my way. Do you think you could drop me in town?' She hesitated for a moment. 'Can I ask one thing more before I go.'

'No problem.'

'When you were talking about the being spontaneous, you also said dangerous. What did you mean by that?' This brought a smile to my face. I knew the answer would probably shock Elaine.

'Making love outside, where there is a possibility of being discovered.'

'You're joking!'


'How? Where?'

'Well obviously not in the street. But out in the countryside. Go for a walk, and if the mood takes you find somewhere quiet, and make love. That's spontaneity. It's a message between two lovers that their desire for each other can overwhelm common sense.'

'And you have done that?'

'Yes, on more than one occasion.'

'But where?'

'Anderton Forest for a start. I was with my lady and we took a picnic to spend the day in peace and quiet. The setting seemed so conducive we started kissing and one thing lead to another. Eventually we were naked and...well you can picture the rest.'

'But you could have been seen.'

'We were. My lady told me after that one of the foresters walked by, about fifty yards away. He saw us, and she saw him. It excited her.' I could see by Elaine's expression that this was something that her first instinct would be never be able to contemplate, but at the same time there was a little shiver of excitement.

'What was her name?'


'Why did you split?'

'I left my wife for her, but she felt that she couldn't leave her family. She wanted to continue, but I felt that having made that decision, it would be unfair on her to go on.'

'And you never saw her again?'

'No. It wouldn't have changed anything. We had our moment. When it has slipped away, it's best to leave it in the past.'

'James, it has been another great chat. Can I be a real nuisance and come again?'

'Any time. I like the company, and you are good for my ego.'

'Why's that?'

'Well, it's not often that I get a visit from an attractive lady, so you give me a boost when you say you enjoy the time.'

'Am I an attractive lady?' I laughed at that.

'Put your rod and line away, no need for fishing.' Elaine laughed delightedly. I liked to hear that.

Just as we were leaving Elaine stretched up and kissed me. Just a quick kiss, but on the mouth.

'Thanks, James.'

CHAPTER FOUR Elaine gets a Kiss.

This whole thing felt somewhat strange to me. After all our age difference would put any close friendship out of bounds. Yet without realising it Elaine was starting to flirt, and I was responding. Was I in a most subtle way trying to seduce her? I didn't think so, but just acted on impulse whenever the circumstances dictated. Perhaps I should be a little more distant when next we met, or should I say if we met.

We did meet. A couple of days later Elaine asked me if we could have coffee again. I decided to make a little difficulty, just to see how interested she was.

'Sorry Elaine, I am going out today. If tomorrow or the next day suit, I would be happy to see you.' Did my eyes see a glimpse of disappointment in her face? I don't know as she seemed to accept. Perhaps that was wishful thinking. She thought and then said.

'Tomorrow then?'

'Yes. That's fine.'

It hadn't been my intention to go the club that day, but went along anyway. If I hadn't been there Elaine may have thought I was standing her up. Now that was another strange thought, I hadn't stood any girl up in over fifty years. I didn't see Elaine in the gym, but she was waiting for me in the lounge when I had finished my session. She was in her blazer and another patterned dress, bright yellow this time. She came to me as I came through and linked her arm through mine.

'Careful, Elaine. People will talk you know.'

'Do you mind?'

'No I don't mind, as I said last time you are good for my image. But you could mind.'

'They can think what they like. I enjoy your company.' That seemed to settle it.

When we got to my place I told her that I was going to have a shower and change out of my sweats.

'You are dressed very elegantly, and I am a scruff.' Elaine seemed pleased by my comment and then made the usual comments about my sweats not mattering, but she didn't sound too convincing. I quickly showered, shaved and dressed. A Pair of black slacks, and a cream dress shirt. Black socks and a pair of black moccasins saw me sorted. I came down to find that she had made the coffee, and was sitting in the conservatory. Elaine had taken off the blazer, and looked damn good. The dress had spaghetti straps, and her shoulders were enticing.

'Wow.' I said. She smiled and looked at me.

'Wow yourself. It's so good to see a man dressed nicely.'

'Thank you lovely lady. As we are both dressed so well, would you like to go out to lunch today? Unless you have something else that you need to do later.' After some thought she declined.

'Much as I would like to, may we just stay here and chat?' I shrugged my shoulders.

'Whatever you want. Let's just take a rain check on the lunch, as our American cousins would say, perhaps some other time.' I paused here not certain that I should say the next words. 'Or perhaps you might like Dinner at a restaurant one evening.

'Are you asking me out on a date? James.'

'Well we would have to make a date to do that, but it wasn't my idea that it would be a Date, date. Just a couple of friends going out for a meal. Or more probably a father entertaining his daughter.' Elaine smiled with pleasure.

'I would like that, James. But I will insist on paying half of the bill. And I don't think of you as a father figure either.' That gave me a lot of pleasure.

'Whatever you like, Elaine. I wouldn't embarrass you by making a fuss about it.'

'Oh I know you will never embarrass me. You are too much of a gentleman to do that. I haven't been out with a gentleman before. I think I shall like it.'

'We are not going out. Just two friends enjoying an evening meal together.'

We relaxed together, talking of many things. I could not recall half the conversation, it covered so many topics. I have often found that. Memory does not file the subjects of a conversation, unless there is a specific reason. One of the reasons I couldn't remember was the sight of Elaine looking so lovely across the room. She laughed and then got serious. She was animated at times and pensive at others. Whatever her mood, she was worth listening to. We didn't touch on the subject of sexual relations at all. This was more about building a friendship. Just before we got up for me to take her back to the town, she turned to me.

'James. I have never had such a chat before. No man has ever been so interested in my thoughts and opinions. Sitting here with you, I have become a person. Thank you very much.'

'Don't thank me, Elaine. There has to be two taking part in order for a conversation to happen. I should thank you for being an equal part in the dialogue.' She looked happy.

'Well, whatever I enjoyed it, and you didn't look at my tits once!' I laughed with a touch of shame. I had looked at her breasts, but very surreptitiously.

'They are breasts, Elaine. Breasts. Very beautiful ones I have to say, but never tits, except under special circumstances.' The compliment brought a blush to her face, and a smile.

'Thank you for the compliment, James. It was lovely.' She then looked archly at me from under her eyebrows. 'So you did look then.' I smiled like a schoolboy caught with his hand in the biscuit jar.

'Of course I looked, Elaine. What man wouldn't look at you.'

We got up to go, and as she stood she came close to me.

'Hold me, James, and would you kiss me properly.' Now what man is going to refuse that. I certainly couldn't. So I took her in my arms and as she lifted her face kissed her. My mouth was closed, and when she opened her lips and her tongue gently slipped across my lips, I opened as well. It wasn't one of those trying to drag the tonsils out type of kiss. Our tongues just flirted around a little, and I noticed her eyes closing, just for a moment. My arms were around her, and she moved slightly in my grasp so that I could feel her breasts against my chest. It was very nice too. I let the kiss finish, and opened my arms and stepped back.

'I think I will need another blood pressure pill.' She grinned.

'Will you survive until you have taken me home?'

'I think so....Wait a moment, do you not want to be dropped off in the town?'

'No. I have to get back. I have to fill in an application form for a job. Would you mind taking me home?'

'No. Not at all. I just wondered if you were happy with that.'

'Oh yes. The neighbours will see me, and soon it will get back to Brian. I quite like that idea. Me coming home in a Mercedes. He'll have a fit!' She chuckled. I liked the chuckle almost as much as her laugh.

'Come on then, Jezebel.'

Elaine lived on the far side of the town to me. She had described her house accurately as a two up, two down. An older type of terraced house. For all that it was well kept and tidy. She was bubbly on the drive, and only quietened a little as we drew up to the house. She didn't get out immediately, but turned in the seat after unbuckling the belt.
