Emily's Home - Ginger's Out Ch. 05


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"Did you get the license plate of whatever it was that just destroyed me, Ginger?" I smiled, got up, found a clean glass, filled it with cold water, and brought it to Mo. I held her while she sipped, slowly. She lay back on the bed. I hurried to the kitchen, grabbed some plastic garbage bags, and went back to the bedroom, throwing things in the bag. Another bag opened, then to the bathroom, shoveling whatever I could find into it. I opened every drawer, checked all the cabinets; grabbed a few things from the shower. Back to the bedroom, opening drawers, checking under the bed -- every loose item went into a bag. I didn't bother with the kitchen. I didn't have anything there I needed to bring with me.

Mo was dressed when I got back to the bedroom. She smiled her understanding. I had had my interlude and needed to get home. The harsh reality sucked. Mo had ducked into the bathroom to splash some water on her face and make herself somewhat decent -- pretty funny word, given the givens huh? I held my arms out to her. The kisses were soft, loving and poignant. No words needed to be said. I said them anyway. "I love you Mo. I don't understand it, I just know I do. I hate it and I love it. And it kills me to be with you like this and run home to a woman that I love." I shook my head.

"You might be the first and last woman I'll ever say this to Ginger. I'll take whatever I can with you, whenever and if we ever can. I might be a fool to say it, feel it, and do it. Whatever it is we have -- I love it and hate it as much as I think you do. And I'm every bit as helpless in the face of it as I sense you are. Please be safe Ginger, please. Think hard about this gun thing and do what feels right. Call me when you need to. I won't call you at night. I promise." Her eyes were wet with tears. I couldn't help myself. Aren't we a sight to behold? We hugged each other, cried a little, kissed some more, and left. Mo opened the door, led the way down the front stairs and to the cars. Her hand was in her pocket, her eyes swept from side to side. She nodded. I clicked my doors open, blew her a kiss, and threw the bags on the floor in the front seat. She waited till my car doors were closed and the ignition turned before she got into her car.

I waited a few minute then called Lily and told her I was on my way. She was already at the restaurant; I was maybe fifteen minutes away. I pulled into the lot and headed in. I saw my dark haired lover's wave. Her smile was radiant; her eyes were chilly. I would have to figure this out quickly. I sat down after giving her a brief, warm kiss. Our server came to the table. I ordered whatever wine and entree Lily had. I really didn't give a shit about either.

"So Ginger, it seems Mo did get some of your stuff." Blunt - just part of why I love her like I do. "Is everything out of the apartment?"

"Lily, Mo wanted to know how I was. I told her about us coming back to the house last night, about the gun and the rest of it. I told her about Jim's phone call. She was shocked that he called and that I talked with him." Lily nodded her agreement. "She gave me her thoughts on guns. We spent a lot of time talking about you and me. It was hard. I won't lie about that. There's this aura about her ... at least there is for me. She is, for want of a better word, irresistible. Having my period solved a myriad of potential problems. I used my fingers to make quote marks in the air. No sale; cool brown eyes weren't buying a word of it. I went for broke.

"Something happened today at lunch with Tammy." Her eyes were slits. I could read her mind: Another one? "She asked me what it was like -- making love with a woman. I got her off that by talking about date night with her husband. I think I made some headway there. But it's what happened in the garage. As we walked to the elevator I told her, 'We will never be lovers Tammy. I'm with Lily, I love her, and I want to marry her.'" Lily went deathly pale, then flushed.

"You so did not!"

"I so did!! I have no idea where that came from, Lily, but it did. She gawked at me much like you just did. So did I. My hand went over my mouth like I was trying to push the words back in." Lily smiled at that! I shrugged. "And I swear I can not remember having a single conscious thought, ever, about marrying you. But it had to have been in there if I said it." I looked at Lily and smiled. "I guess my Freudian slip was showing or something."

"And what about Mo?" I slumped in frustration.

"Lily, I don't know about Mo. You're right. The woman has something that is undeniably alluring to me. I never felt anything like it when I was married and haven't since meeting Julia. I love you Lily; I mean love you!" I shook my head. I reached for my lover's hand and kissed it. The food and wine had been served as we talked. I had a couple sips of wine and ignored the food. Lily had managed for us to be in a corner, facing the corner, so our words wouldn't carry very far. How she does that I still don't understand. I had a thought and asked, "Have you ever had a 'Mo'?"

My beauty smiled that smile and nodded. "Yup, her name is Elise. She is gorgeous, sexy, body from hell, lover like no other. She had me at hello as the saying goes. She was a drug; I was an Elise junkie. She's married with two kids; we still see each other now and then. My jaw dropped. Wait! Julia and me. Elise and Lily. Huh? No, I was as much a fling for Julia as ... is Mo a fling? Or is Mo my Elise? There was never a shred of doubt in my mind that Sheri and Julia were rock solid as a couple. I was beyond confused. Lily's 'lover like no other' comment -- should I be insulted or should I understand -- given how I felt about Mo. Oh god! I nearly typed Nora's name; in fact, I started to. I shivered.

This isn't a soap opera, people. It's life. Scary, real, conflicted. I had managed to dodge questions about Tammy with the pronouncement about marriage. I laughed. It took me three tries to spell it correctly. Nervous? Me?

Lily fussed at me to eat. I did. The food was wonderful and I was a wreck. "Just say it Ginger. I know it's killing you not to and every bit as much to do so." Christ on a cracker. If I want her to be my wife, and I did, then I had to do it.

"She walked into the bar Lily and I about died. What did they call it in Star Trek -- a tractor beam? That's what she is to me. Something deep inside me is drawn to her like a magnet. I can't figure it out. Was Elise your Mo?" I looked at her, desperate for some sort of answer. She smiled.

"It sounds like it, yes. Every time I see her I am helpless; and that's not meant to demean you, Ginger. I love you. I was stunned at your talk of marriage, but it also warms me. I like the sound of it. We'll have to see how it all plays out." I nodded and smiled. I kissed my honey; she tasted so sweet. I slipped my fingers in her hair to hold the kiss. She jerked away ... oh yeah. I insisted on paying; it was my turn.

We left, each in our own car. I followed her home. The garage door opened, she pulled in, and I rolled up on the other side. She got out of her car and clicked the doors locked. I got out of my car and followed her into the house, the garage door closing behind us. I locked the door and tucked the chain into place.

I kicked off my shoes. Both of our coats were hung up. Lily asked if I wanted glass of wine. God yes. She smiled, got two glasses, and poured one for each of us. She sat next to me on the couch. She clinked glasses with me. "Why did we clink glasses, gorgeous?"

"We clinked to being two women in love, darling." I felt my eyes tear up. How lovely. I nodded and smiled.

"I will most definitely drink to that, my love." I did, then reached and put the glass on the table in front of us, stood, and reached for Lily's hand. She stood, I put her glass down, put my arms around her, and we danced, nice and slow, to unheard music. It was sweet. Lily's eyes were warm and a bit wet. The smile on her face radiated with contentment. She put her head on my shoulder as we moved together. All thoughts of the day and everything else were forgotten as my honey and I slowly moved to the rhythm of love. I winced as a cramp hit. Damn.

A nice hot bath sounded good; a nice hot bath with my honey sounded delicious. Clothing was shed, the water was run, and we slipped into the tub, me first, Lily in front of me, her back to my breasts. We brought the wine. I spoke to Lily about Mo's thoughts on gun ownership and the matter of confrontation. She didn't interrupt me once, nodding several times. The water was getting hotter and the tub was filling. Lily shut the water off. I kissed my lover's neck and shoulder and my hand slid around to the front of her, around her waist. Lily leaned her head back against my shoulder and turned. I kissed her. "Charlie Tobias, the guy at the range, is ex-military and a retired cop. He's told me much the same as Mo told you. I'm not unaware. Why did you change your mind about going?"

A small smile crept across my face. "I have to admit, Lily. I didn't like the idea of you having a gun. I don't like them. But when I held it -- something happened. It didn't happen right away and I'm not sure if you had asked I'd have been able to verbalize it. But I realized I had gotten some sort of rush out of holding the damn thing. I thought a lot about what you said. I'm not sure if I'm going to own one but I ought to learn the proper way to shoot one -- from someone who has real life experience." Phew, that kind of snuck up on me. I'm actually not sure I would have been able to say it even a few hours before with Mo. There was something about her eyes and her voice that struck a chord deep inside. I knew she was right. I would learn to fire a pistol.

Lily was quiet for a time after I spoke. "Emily: Every Minute I Love You." She giggled; we kissed. "It took me some time to get the right words together for that. Do you like it?" I did and I affirmed, vigorously, just how much I did. The water in the tub didn't slosh over the edge too much. My fingers and tongue managed to coax a pair of very nice spends from a very spent brown haired woman. She sagged against me while I cuddled her. My breath was warm in her ear as I whispered my love. She shivered as my tongue delivered an exclamation point. There were little red marks on her neck, shoulders and back where I had demonstrably demonstrated my affection and passion for my honey. My fingers had been quite busy under water. So lost in it all was she that she threw a leg over mine to give me better access. It, umm, did. I think I don't mind getting my period. In fact, I might look forward to next month. Wink!

We cuddled in bed afterward, me in panties and a pad, her, umm, limp. This after a couple more ... no, no, no. We just plain cuddled. It was lovely, really. I didn't want a place of my own. I wanted a place with my honey, right here in our bed, in her house. Shh! She gets upset when I say it that way. We had turned the lights off in the bedroom. That was smart. We whispered (I have no idea why) about things. Just things. Oh all right! Did I really want to marry her? Yes, I think so. Did I know when? Good lord no. What did she think of the whole idea? She smiled, snuggled even closer, a full eighth of an inch I think, and kissed me. For a long time. Which lead to ... that couple more. She begged me to stop. I laughed. She called me a heartless bitch. Yup, your heartless bitch. She barely had energy to breathe let alone enough to slug me in the arm. I feigned protest and bit a nipple lightly. She giggled. No fair, you say? I nipped at the other one. There, now they can both complain. We giggled a lot. I love being in love with Lily!!

The morning sun woke us Tuesday morning. Well, it woke me. Apparently Lily had been rendered rather unconscious from my loving. I smiled as I watched her sleep. She is so beautiful, so sexy, so smart. And to think it all started with an afternoon romp in a motel. Who could have guessed? Tonight she would meet Kathy, my fabulous, gorgeous trainer. I was looking forward to an hour with her. I really missed it! It was a good thing I had those Saturday appointments. I shivered; I think that was what woke Lily up. Our good morning kiss was lengthy and delicious. I heard her stomach growl. I offered my breast. She fed on it, umm, them, which was delicious. Warm, sleepy, sexy Lily; that girl of mine sure is nice to wake up to.

Oh yeah -- the security company was coming tonight. That should be okay; Kathy is at six. We kissed goodbye and headed to our respective jobs. The day went smoothly. No complaints; well, my cramps, but that's just kind of a shrug.

Tammy, for some reason, whispered when she told me, "I put date nights on the calendar for the next seven weeks." That got her a hug. "The first one, this Thursday, includes a visit to a lingerie shop." Big smiles from each of us.

"Good for you Tammy."

Oh yeah, she had dreamy, soft eyes this morning. She blushed when I mentioned it. "I found that site you recommended. Jeffrey had himself a mighty good night." I giggled and told her about our night. Not bragging, just explaining. She can't help herself; she gawked. I smiled and I told her of Lily's 'Emily' anagram.

She beamed, "That is so cute!!"

In between all of this we actually got a lot of work done. In fact, all the chatter and such seemed to make the day fly by. It was close to five. I had to hurry to get home, changed and ready for Kathy at six. I did. A call from Lily on the way; her best guess was that she would be home before my appointment ended. Cool.

I washed up a bit, put on a fresh pad, again, and dressed in my workout gear. The knock came right on time. I smiled and hugged my tornado as she breezed in. She smiled, but it wasn't the usual hundred watt variety. We talked for a few minutes about Saturday. I thanked her again for saving my life.

In answer to my question, "The police did call and took another statement." She knew Nora was out on bail. "No Ginger, I'm not worried one bit." I told her about the call from the fiancé. "Wow! That's a surprise. Where's Lily?"

"She'll be home soon; I can't wait to have you meet her, Kathy. I've told her so much about you." She smiled. Enough chatter; we got to work. Actually, we had started during the chatter. Kathy makes sure of it. No idle time on her time. It was about 6:45 when I heard the garage door open. I was on the last of the four routines. Lily came in the house with a smile. I made the introductions as I did my set. Lily and Kathy shook hands. Lily thanked her profusely for her part in Saturday. Lily bent and gave me a light kiss hello.

"The security company is coming at seven. I guess we'll go out for dinner afterward." That sounded good.

"Kathy, why don't you schedule me for the rest of the month? I'm in this for the long haul." Lily nodded. Kathy was attentive the whole time, reminding me to bend just so, not to bring my knee all the way to the ground. Every little detail reinforced. I like it and I like her. She could tell that I was making progress. I looked at her, questions in my eyes.

"Yup, you're gaining strength. You may not notice it but I do. It's kind of funny in its own way. To you it may not seem like much but I can see your posture in each of the routines get a little better as you gain strength and tone." That last got a smile from Lily; I stuck my tongue out at her. Kathy laughed. I paid her, she said goodbye to both of us, and left.

"Wow! She's every bit as gorgeous as you said she was, Ginger. I can see why you like her. She's really good at keeping you on track and pays attention to detail." I was smiling and nodding the whole time. The door bell rang a few minutes later. "Why don't you go ahead and change. I'll get started with the appointment." Okay, that would work. I went into the bedroom, closed the door, and stripped off my workout clothes. I rinsed off in the shower and changed into casual clothes for dinner. I headed back to the living room. Some dude was droning about this and that, selling to a professional sales woman. It was comical. I saw the smirk on Lily's face. I walked over and kissed her. That was interesting. The dude turned about ten shades of red. I sat next to Lily on the couch; we held hands.

We both took the guy on a walk through of the house. He had some schematic thing on a tablet. The most vulnerable areas were obvious: front door, garage door, patio door. Motion detectors, window sensors, door sensors, a light on the patio -- all were discussed in detail. There was already a light, operated by a switch in the bedroom, for the patio.

I asked, "Could it be set up to turn on if the door was breached?"

He paused a moment. "Yes, I think so. But I'm not absolutely sure and will check."

"Is it a good idea to have some sort of motion detector on the patio?" Yes. The monitoring service was included. We would each be given safe words to use. I looked at Lily; I was hungry.

He ended the ordeal with, "I will send an email tomorrow with an estimate and the answer to the question about the light switch. Installation should take a day." Lily asked if they could do it on a weekend. "Yes, we do work on Saturdays."

I'm not sure who wanted him out of the house more - him or us.

We hurried to the restaurant. We were both hungry and ordered quickly. We talked about the security company. Neither of us was impressed with the guy or the service. Lily asked if I had any thoughts. I suggested that perhaps we consider checking with a locksmith to see about getting sturdier locks for the various doors. She brightened considerably at that. It might not be as good but it was an option she hadn't thought of. Thankfully the food came quickly. I was going to order salmon until Lily ordered the Greek chicken. That sounded delicious and it was very good. We attacked the food. Lily kept on about Kathy to the point I decided to tease her.

"Am I going to have to worry about you and my trainer?" She blushed and shushed me. Like I had room to talk; Lily knew I had given Kathy a kiss Saturday. We laughed about it all as we ate. I told Lily about Tammy, her date night and the adventure she had planned for her husband. She smiled and marveled at how good I was with Tammy. "She loves her husband. I just offer suggestions." I told Lily that I'd shared our bath story and how Tammy just gawked; more giggles.

"Am I going to have to worry about you and your co-worker? I laughed.

"Tammy surprised me with the story of her affair, in college, with a woman. She admitted to having a crush on me; I made it very clear that we would not be lovers." All of that warranted nothing more than a shrug from Lily. We finished dinner, paid the bill and headed home.

We took a few minutes with a glass of wine, relaxing. I loved this part of a relationship and missed it. The comfort of being with the one you love, doing nothing but enjoying her company. Lily put the glasses in the dishwasher when it was time for bed. I checked all the doors, turned out the lights and we headed to the bedroom. After trips to the bathroom, we lay in bed together. Soft caresses, light kisses, whispers, warm body to warm body. Simply marvelous, nothing erotic, and I felt the tingle all the way down to my toes. I felt a deep sense of satisfaction as I slipped into sleep.

Wednesday roared in with a vengeance. Early spring snow; yuck. Like a lot of other things you just deal with it. It takes a little longer to get from point A to point B. I was more worried about Lily than about me -- she was out and in her car often during the day. "It's why my car has all wheel drive honey." Duh! Did I know that? I think so; I just don't pay a lot of attention to that sort of thing. We kissed, said our goodbyes, and headed out. It took me a few extra minutes to brush the snow off but it also let the car warm up. The drive was okay. The work day was fine.