Employee of the Year

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A thieving employee is blackmailed into debauchery.
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Percy Seaton, A tall handsome man, in his 30s, clearly successful, dressed in a dapper suit sat back on his office chair behind his large oaken desk. Behind him was a large window that gave an impeccable view of the entire sprawling metropolis. Art pieces that projected wealth and power adorned his walls. A full bar of fine liquors was to the left of him and to the right was a leather sitting chair.

His cell-phone rang and casually Percy answered, "Percy Seaton Investments, this is Percy."

After briefly listening, and smiling Percy replied, "Excellent, the background check is complete, bring me the dossier at once."

After hanging up the phone, Percy put his feet up on his desk and leaned his leather chair backward, daydreaming about days gone by.

Percy remembered growing up in Dullsville, yes that was his hometown's actual name. It was, predictably a standard midwestern town, just about an hour and a half from Capital City where he now ran his investment firm. Back in Dullsville Percy was devoid of any friends, it wasn't that Percy was small, ugly or unintelligent, he was just different. Percy didn't participate in sports, which seemed to be a Dullsville requirement if you wanted to make friends. He didn't seem to really make too many emotional connections with most people, this much hadn't changed. Percy was considered odd, and if it wasn't for his wealth he would still be considered odd. Because of this fact, he did not date much in high school. This is why Percy found it odd that the head cheerleader, who was stereotypically dating the highly scouted Quarterback seemed to take an interest in Percy. Her name was Danielle, and despite the fact that Percy found almost nothing in common with the cheerleader, he couldn't deny her attractiveness. She was tall, blonde and physically fit, her normally aloof nature and arrogant attitude made most of the boys in her high school class pine for her simply for the fact that she was unattainable.

It wasn't until after Percy was strong-armed into helping Danielle with calculus work, that Percy got to know Danielle, still, Percy was surprised to get an invitation from Danielle to go on what seemed like a date. Of course, Danielle insisted on going to the town's most illustrious restaurant, a steakhouse called "Imperial Steaks" and after spending an exorbitant amount of money on Danielle the two parted ways. Percy did find the date odd and didn't particularly find any connection with Danielle, but he felt as though the date went well enough. Percy left the situation, expecting a second date, Danielle said as much.

The next day Percy was confronted by Danielle's boyfriend, the highly recruited quarterback, a letter jacket wearing jock named Chaz. It was then that Percy was insulted for going on a date with Danielle and punched in the gut with such force that Percy urinated himself in front of his classmates. Percy realized as he was crouched over recovering from both the pain and humiliation that Danielle had intended this to happen from the start. Her wicked smile and stare permeated Percy's soul as he watched her put her arm around Chaz and walk off laughing as Percy crouched down in pain and humiliation. Percy would learn later that this was a favorite trick that Chaz and Danielle played on classmates they deemed odd or nerdy, a similar humiliation had happened to at least five other classmates.

Although Percy did endure teasing afterward for his unfortunate reaction to being punched, he left the situation with more curiosity about Danielle than he had before, the act of sadism was quite brutal and unjustifiable and therefore very puzzling. Percy realized at this point that he indeed did have something in common with Danielle, although Danielle did not seem to know it. Percy, like Danielle, was not terribly concerned about other people. Percy would use this trait to eventually become rich, investing in securities, shorts and various companies and projects that many investors stayed away from for "morality reasons." Percy never thought twice about breaking the law, if he knew he would not face consequences

Percy ended up attending prestigious schools and eventually ended up getting his MBA, he rose up as a broker through various companies, before he acquired enough capital to create his own firm. Now in his early 30s, Percy was rich, and he heard that he was a minor celebrity back in Dullsville. He had made it into some financial magazines, which always seemed to mention the fact that he was a handsome bachelor. Percy had gotten contacted by many women back in Dullsville that claimed to have been his friend, but he had no recollection of. They all seemed to want to date him, some even seemed like they just wanted to fuck him.

Through Percy's journey to his own fortune, he had all but forgotten about Dullsville and its citizenry and he ignored his admirers back home. His daydream only recalled Danielle because she had re-emerged in the form of a prospective employee. Danielle had a weak resume, but since Percy was familiar with her and still curious about her nature he invited her to an interview. Danielle, was as beautiful as ever, the normal weight was put on, that would be expected, she, of course, did look older and in some ways sadder. Yet that devious beauty that she used to possess still existed, and she clearly put an emphasis on her looks, Danielle made sure to present herself as stunning as possible during the interview. Her personality was still hard to grasp, she still presented as the unattainable beauty of her youthful days.

Danielle never mentioned the incident in which Percy was struck by Chaz and referred to Percy as an old friend, clearly, Danielle wished to gain employment through her past connection with Percy. Percy could tell that Danielle wasn't above using sex to get what she wanted and wondered if Danielle's ulterior motive was to sleep her way into Percy's money. Percy did not ask her any questions about her personal life and interviewed her just like he would have interviewed any other applicant. At the end of the interview, Percy explained to Danielle that he would be performing a background check and would call her back when it went through. All common things that prospective employers tell their prospective employees. This wouldn't be any ordinary background check, however. Percy's background check would be a private detective by the name of Dan Reagan, who would follow Danielle and collect any and all information on Danielle for the next two weeks. This was the contents of the dossier that Dan Reagan was couriering over to Percy at this very moment.

In fact, Dan Reagan knocked on the door just as Percy finished his recollections, Percy quickly let Dan in. Dan was holding a thick folder, he dropped it on Percy's desk before sitting down on the leather chair and wiping his brow. Percy sat down and simply said, "Give me the scoop." Dan wasted no time, Dan was direct and to the point.

"Okay Percy here's the deal, let me just go in a linear fashion, I'll start after high-school. Chaz and Danielle went to different schools. Danielle never had the grades and went to community college, dropped out after two semesters, she always banked on Chaz making the NFL and making her rich. Chaz, he went to one of those big southern colleges to play football, the competition was too much, he was never more than second string, but he partied like no tomorrow, probably cheated on Danielle and had to drop out of college after year two. Remarkably Danielle and Chaz stayed together, Danielle got a job with Imperial Steaks, Chaz worked for his dad's car lot, as a salesman. The two of them bought a house, way more than they could afford, even now it's barely furnished, but it looks immaculate from the outside, they seem to be big on appearances. Danielle got caught stealing from Imperial Steaks, stealing A LOT, they slapped a felony on her, she got probation, I don't know if you want to hire a felon?"

"I am generous, I'll consider it," Percy replied and motioned for Dan to continue.

"Okay, it kind of went downhill for Danielle and Chaz after that, Danielle hasn't worked since the steakhouse, she hasn't been able to get employment on account of the felony, she even got a few more shoplifting-misdemeanors. Chaz, he gained a lot of weight and started working two jobs, he also works at a sporting good store, the guy's got to work 60-80 hours a week, but still, it's not enough, they don't pay utilities all the time, they borrow money from their parents still. Yet after all of this Danielle, she doesn't want to move, she want's to maintain this facade that she is keeping up with the Joneses. Danielle blames Chaz for their problems, the house even has had three DV calls, each time with Danielle being arrested, of course, Chaz never presses charges. I heard her screaming at him from my car outside their house. Nothing that fat ass does is good enough for her. Danielle is stuck in the past, puts no blame on herself and says that Chaz should have tried harder way back in college, or that he should be more ambitious.

"Jesus, a husband beater!" Percy said smiling, slightly laughing. Dan shook his head and continued.

"Jesus, you're sick, this shit ain't funny... On top of all of this, Danielle cuckolds Chaz regularly, she parties going to local bars and picking up men, usually married. She's got no respect for her husband, there doesn't seem to be any intimacy between them. Look this lady, she's unstable, I am sure she present's well, but that's just because she is obsessed with putting on a good front for people, her personal life is a wreck. Neither she nor her husband can suck it up and leave each other, these people are obsessed with their image. Look, man, if you expect this lady to be a reliable employee that comes to work on time and doesn't steal from the considerable amount of money she will have access to working for you, you are going to have another thing coming. My recommendation is to stay away from this powder keg as far as you can."

"Thank you, Dan, I'll keep your recommendation in mind," Percy said as Dan walked out the door. Almost immediately after Dan closed the door Percy pulled out his cell phone, he dialed Danielle.

"Is this Danielle" Listening Percy smiled and then replied. "Congratulations, you're hired!"


Danielle arrived twenty minutes late on her first day to work, she knocked on Percy's door.

"Come in," Percy said with a crooked smile.

Danielle walked in, her normal 5'8" stature was heightened considerably by her high heeled shoes. Her black business suit stopped right above her knees, the skirt and her jacket fit tightly around her curves. Her face was well made up, she forced a nervous smile, even now her blue eyes conveyed disgust. Her blond hair was shoulder lengthed and meticulously styled.

"Sorry, I am late, it's a tough commute from Dullsville," Danielle said as she stood in the doorway.

Percy was sitting back, his legs on his desk, his free hand playing with a wooden paddle and ball. One of those toys that have an elastic string attached to a wooden paddle, Percy stopped bouncing the ball off his paddle and addressed Danielle.

"It's okay, let's get to work. Percy walked outside of his office and told Danielle to sit at her desk.

"This is your desk, that is your computer and your phone. The job is pretty simple, you and I share a calendar. You get a call, you schedule an appointment, make sure to schedule me in a slot where I don't have an appointment already. See that thick book there, read that at your leisure, it has a bunch of details about my investment firm. If someone has a question and it can be answered through information that is in that book then you answer it. If the question is not in the book then I expect you to transfer the call to my office. The second part of your job and the most important part of your job is to transfer money from one bank account to the next. It's a simple process, all it is is transferring from the gains account to the investment account, you do it once a day before the markets close. Again directions are in the book, read the instructions and by the end of the day, make your first transaction. I'll be in my office, have a good day, call me if you need me."

Danielle put one finger up as to ask a question, but Percy ignored her and went back into his office and continued to play with his ball and paddle.

Over the next few weeks Danielle proved herself to be an awful employee, she missed two days unannounced, came in clearly and completely hungover twice, was late every day, scheduled overlapping meetings and was unnecessarily rude to callers. Danielle tried and failed at least a dozen times to flirt with Percy and through her failed attempts to flirt seemed to grow resentful towards her boss.

The one thing Danielle did not do was steal from Percy, everyday Percy monitored Danielle's transactions and every day she seemed to transfer the right amount of money. Percy wanted to fire Danielle, she was an insufferable employee and he had every right to do so, yet Percy had a plan, he wanted to catch Danielle red-handed, as a thief, so he could have leverage over her.

More weeks passed, Danielle became even less of a consistent employee, her scheduling got no better. Percy even tried to explain to Danielle in more detail how to do her job. Danielle visibly rolled her eyes and snarled as Percy tried to explain to her how to do her job. Danielle clearly had become resentful of Percy and had grown disaffected from her job. Percy was just about to fire Danielle when he realized that she had been taking money from his accounts all along.

Percy smiled as he saw the pattern. Danielle was depositing the gains five minutes before the stock market closed and then depositing some of the gains made in the last five minutes some mysterious account. Now, usually it wasn't much, not by Percy's standards. It was approximately 50,000 dollars. Danielle thought she was being clever and got away with her little scheme right under Percy's nose, Percy partially respected that. Yet it was enough money to land Danielle in jail for a while and worse yet for her, get her mugshot plastered all over the Dullsville newspaper. Percy printed out all of the evidence he needed, carefully composed himself and called Danielle into his office.


As Danielle entered Percy was playing with his paddle and ball, effortlessly bouncing the rubber ball off the paddle. As Danielle entered Percy put down the paddle and took his feet off his desk.

"Sit down, on that chair over there."

Danielle rolled her eyes, clearly perturbed by Percy's order.

"Fifty-thousand, one-hundred and eleven dollars and thirty-two cents," Percy said in a serious tone.

Danielle swallowed and looked down, her face almost immediately turned ghostly white.

"You've been stealing!" Percy said sternly

"No, no I...I have not!" Danielle uttered

"I have all the evidence right here, it's going to your personal account!" Percy picked up the stack of paperwork and turned it around, showing Danielle the evidence.

Danielle put her hand over her mouth and seemed to go into some sort of panic.

Percy then put his hand on the phone and stated angrily, "I am calling the police! You're going to jail, I'll make sure your face is in the paper. You'll never work again!"

Danielle quickly replied, "No...no...no!" Wide-eyed and panicked Danielle stated, "I'll suck your cock!"

Percy was momentarily shocked by the quickness of Danielle's proposition. He then relaxed and stared at the shaking Danielle, "Say that again!" Percy stated in a commanding voice.

Danielle couldn't make eye contact, but she did repeat the phrase this time as clear as could be, "I will suck your cock."

Percy stood up and angrily ripped the rubber ball off of his paddle. "No. You are not sucking my cock, not right now. You better strip naked unless you want me to call the cops right now."

Danielle in a panicked state started fumbling with her buttons, in moments notice her skirt and business jacket were on the floor in a pile. Danielle stood shaking in a lace bra, and panties, her pantyhose clad knees shook in her tall high heeled shoes.

"I said completely naked!"

Danielle unclasped her bra and let the bra cascade onto the floor. Danielle's breasts were exposed, medium sized and round, slightly sagging, her nipples medium sized and erect most likely from being exposed to the air. Danielle took a deep breath and took off her panties, to reveal her shaven pubic area. She stood naked, with only her pantyhose and high heels on. Danielle ran her hand through her hair and put her head up trying to remain composed as she exposed her naked body to her wealthy employer.

Danielle's confidence was again shaken as Percy sternly stated, "Completely naked!"

Danielle swallowed and sat down, her large pert ass pressed down on the cold leather, which gave her goosebumps. She placed one high-heeled shoe to the right of her and then the other. Danielle shook as she slowly rolled off one panty leg and then the next. Danielle stood up, completely naked trying and failing to not look nervous or afraid.

"Okay Danielle, unless you want to go to jail unless you want your mugshot plastered all over the paper, you have to do what I say."

Danielle nodded, again she nervously ran her hand through her hair. Danielle periodically tried to cover herself and then stopped herself knowing the uselessness of the action.

"What happens to bad girls?" Percy said with a tinge of sadism in his voice.

"I don't know?" Danielle said meekly, clearly not liking the direction of the questioning.

"Take a guess," Percy said staring directly into Danielle's eyes.

"Ummm, they get punished?" Danielle said looking away from Percy.

"Very good! I'll take that answer, more specifically, however, they get a spanking." Percy picked up his paddle, that used to have a rubber ball attached and tossed it to Danielle, Danielle fumbled with the paddle but ended up catching it. As Danielle looked at the paddle quizzically Percy spoke again.

"I want you on your knees, on the leather chair, your ass facing me, I want you to spank yourself until your ass turns beat red."

"Come on! That's humiliating!" Danielle said with a strained look on her face.

"That's the entire point, do what I say."

Like a petulant brat, Danielle rolled her eyes and stomped her foot. Then Danielle complied and got on her knees on the large leather chair. From Percy's perspective, he could see every part of Danielle's backside. Percy put his legs up on the table and put his hands clasped behind his head, Percy was going to enjoy the show.

Danielle knew that she wouldn't get her ass cheeks as red as Percy wanted them by lightly spanking herself, so she struck her own flesh harshly right off the bat. The stinging pain shocked Danielle even though she herself as doing the striking. Danielle struck herself, letting out grunts of pain in between swats, she rotated between her right and left ass cheek.

Danielle curled her toes that dangled off the edge of the leather chair as she continued to strike her own ass. Danielle felt her face became flush with embarrassment. In a moment of despair, Danielle realized how far she had fallen from her halcyon days of her youth. As the pain and humiliation radiated from her body, Danielle realized what her life had turned into. She had once been certain that she would be living a decadent life filled with status and luxury. Instead, she lived with an overweight man with two shitty jobs and a house she couldn't afford. She had tried multiple times to leave the marriage by dating wealthier more attractive men, only to find that they were married and unwilling to leave their wives, or uninterested in commitment. She was unemployable, due to her own greed. All Danielle had now was her beauty as she aged that would surely fade as well. Danielle fought back tears as she continued to strike her own ass with a toy paddle. The indignity was bringing her to tears. Danielle's mind wandered further. As Danielle struck her own backside she started to believe that what was occurring was what she deserved. Danielle started to slightly sob as she realized her own mistakes. She had put all of her hopes and dreams into her husband's career and treated him horribly, scratching and hitting him while drunk because he failed to meet her expectations. Danielle couldn't work in a satisfying career because she never got any type of education or job skill, instead, she tried to take the easy way out and stole. Danielle's grunts became louder, as well as peppered with tears as she continued to strike herself.
