F2: The Golden Ring


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When everything is finally loaded, I roll down the door on my truck and head for the office. I give Jimmy hell about that every time we do a show here.

As I push open the door to the Men's room I see that like always he's pulled in a table and is cutting tickets, sorting fliers, stacking receipts and doing a dozen other things all at one time. I tap the table to get his attention.

"All packed?" he asks me looking up startled.

"Except for this table," I tell him with a grin. He shakes his head and starts stuffing his brief case bag with everything from the table top. "My pay," I say quickly before he can put the cash box away.

"Oh yeah sorry. Lets see." He pulls back out a sheet and I see the wheels turning in his head. He counts out three one hundred dollar bills to me then puts another one to the side of them. "That's got you and Erica."

"Money for diesel," I remind him like I always have to as he's about to close back up the box. Nodding he opens it back up and pulls out my fuel money to get my rig to the Omnni.

I pocket mine plus the fuel without mentioning to him it will cost more in diesel to get there than what he gave me. I'll pay out a bit of mine to help. One C-bill still lays on the table.

"One hundred for Erica?" I ask. "After how well the outside stuff with Sandy played I figured she would get a bit more?"

Jimmy nods.

"She should. I just don't have it. Cutting the ticket cost got us more people but we just barely covered cost." he sighs and takes out a twenty. "Here, tell her I'm a sorry and that I'll let her have a match with Sandy on Saturday night. Full pay. She did good tonight, just like you said she would." he closes the cash box with a finality of a bank vault closing. Before it's fully closed though I could see that there were only a few more twenties in it anyway.

"I'll give you call Friday night to make sure every things in place," he tells me as I fold up his table. "If those guys at the Omnni give you any trouble about parking the rig there over night... well tell them to call me. I'll get it straight."

"There shouldn't be a problem Jimmy. I got them to understand what's what last time." leaning the table against my leg I can't stop my hand from drifting up to touch the stitches in my forehead. I wince more from my shoulder though than from the five little threads.

"How's the head?" he asks concerned.

"It's just a bump," picking up the table I start for the door.

"Hey Ricky... damn good match tonight. You really brought it." The true sincerity in his voice hits me. With all his years in the ring then after he's seen some of the best in the business. The burn of pride drives away all pains.

"Thanks." I say almost blushing over the compliment.

He shrugs.

Carrying the nearly forgotten table out to my truck I roll up the back and slip it in somehow between pieces of ring and the sound and light boxes. Closing it up I give my face a quick slap as I walk to the front . The old Kenworth's sleeper is calling to me but as the saying goes there's miles to go before I sleep.

625 horses wake up with a thunder that rattles windows in the building next to me. Looking down the long dusty-blue nose I settle myself in as I check every gauge. Everything looks good except... I give the air pressure a tap and the needle on the gauge jumps to where it should be.

"Want me to drive?" I hear from behind me.

"Nah. I'm good for an hour or so then you can take it. If you would though..."

"Update the log." she says with a grumble. "Got you. I can go from valet to secretary."

"You got paid."

"Really? How much?"she asks.

"One fifty." I lie. As the brakes let off and I turn the wheel pulling us out I glance over my shoulder at her. Well at her chest anyway. The bounce of the cab makes her breast jump in such a beautiful way. When she sees me looking I smile."The rich bitch is buying dinner though."

"Is she? Do I know her?"

I chuckle as she hops into the seat next to me and flips open the logbook. I half watch her as she takes out a pen and starts filling it in all the dates, names, times and then carefully drawing the line in with her little ruler. I shift my way through the gears, the old blue beast waking up more with each one. By the time I get us to the freeway the W900 has all it's horse feed, saddled and ready to run. The quick shift through the gear as I easily climb the ramp leaves a shadowy cloud of black smoke behind us. The low weight of my normal load is hardly even a strain to the old truck. I glance behind me down the side of the trailer, my orange running lights highlighting the logo down the side.


In big painted on letters, ten foot tall, I don't have to look to see the rest. Independent Professional Wrestling spelled out in a blazing blue and white. Reaching forward I hit the switch and the lightning bolts of white rope lights I put on come on in all their cheesy glory..

As I take the next right I see the big arena up ahead. The massive mushroom of concrete glass and steel sits in it's own valley of lights.. As I drive past it I see the billboard flashing in the front. WWE 'Raw' taping live Monday night.

"All the current big names are coming. We're going right?" Erica asks me looking out the window.

"Yep. Jimmy's hoping that us having the Omnni on Saturday may pull some of this crowd down there for our show." I let my eyes find the blurred line in the road and keep me on it as my mind drifts to the show. "I told him I doubted it but who knows... maybe."

"I would rather some of the WWE's people come scout our show more so than the fans. It would be a real good chance for something like that," she says hopefully. "Us doing a show just five hours from them," she stuff the logbook back onto it's shelf. Then leans in next to my ear and breaths soft words. "Imagine, 'Ramblin' Ricky Rhodes coming out the back onto the ramp for Raw.'

The dream passes before my eyes as I feel her lips kissing my neck. For a brief moment I give it a serious look.

"They could bill you as Cody's cousin maybe," she says settling back down into her seat.

For that brief second it burns so bright and hot. I can hear the pyros going off, I can almost feel the heat of them. I can almost hear the crowd cheering, see the poster board signs. Then I have to shift gears and I feel it all die. Ten years wrestling the Indie circuit has that effect on all of us. We can see the top we can even jump for it. But like when you jump from the top rope the higher you go the more the crowd loves it but the harder you hit and the more it hurts.

I've jumped before.

O.V.W, two years ago. Tryouts for 'Impact' a year before that. Then there was the time I went out for the Tough enough competition. Figured I might could get in that way. The MIZ did it after all. Didn't make it onto the show though, they wanted nobodies not wrestlers.

Higher you jump the harder you fall, the more it hurts when the mat slaps you to let you know the truth. You're an indie wrestler. Do your dance, make your dollar, and pray for that finger from above to touch your shoulder.

Still this will be as close as I've ever done a show to one that the WWE is filming... maybe. Shaking my head I gear us back up and shift the big Kenworth into the middle lane. I watch the speedometer climb a bit as my anger pushes down the pedal.


I ease up and let the truck slow a bit.

"I'm okay Erica. Just a bit tired of the game."

She lets me sit and stew for a bit knowing that the best thing to do with me. She and I have been together for three years. I met her when I was helping to set up the ring in Berwyn, Illinois for Shimmer Women's Athletics. I had hired on there knowing I couldn't work in their show but just needing money to get me somewhere else. My diesel drinking home on wheels needed a part to get it moving again. The used big truck dealer pulled what I needed from an old wreck but he was just damn all proud of his parts. I had to work for three weeks in the area, doing every little bit of crap I could find, to buy it.

I was helping to set up the ring at the Eagles club when Erica walked in. Not a wrestler there yet just a hopeful trying to get noticed. It happens there sometimes. Beth Phoenix and Nattie Neidheart got their starts in Shimmer.

Not for Erica though. They cut her contract about at about the time I was getting the Kenworth fixed. I called Jimmy and ask him if he had anything for a woman wrestler. He had made a joke about putting me in drag if I needed a job that badly. She went to work for him, I went to O.VW. For a few months then they let me go. Jimmy needed me so...


"Yeah babe?"

"Do I get to wrestle Saturday?" she asks softly.

"Shit I'm sorry. Yeah, you have a match with Sandman."

"A real match?" she asks with a tone that says she doesn't believe it.

"Far as I heard, yeah a real match. Give Sandy a call and you two work it... see what you can come up with between then and now. If you two impress Jimmy maybe he will let you keep at it with us guys." I move the rig around a slower moving big Freightliner. He gives us a wave. I tap my lights as I slip back into that lane in front of him.

We ride quiet for several minute just the sound of the truck and the road filling the cab. Each of us a bit occupied with our own thoughts. I look over at her and see her watching the bill boards. Her face glowing and dimming with each one that passes. I smile in real pleasure at how incredibly beautiful she is and how lucky I am to have her . She looks over and see the expression. She give me a quirky grin.


"You look beautiful," I tell her as I reach my hand over towards her. Her strong fingers link up with mine for a quick squeeze. She smiles at me then winks.

"Flatterer, I know what you're after. You're just wanting some pussy."

I smile and shake my head.

"The idea of it sounds wonderful, but I think as bad as I'm hurting right now the reality would probably suck."

She chuckles, lifts her breasts in each hand and gives then a shake.

"Poor Ramblin must be getting old. He takes a few little bumps and can't give a girl satisfaction? Lord wait till I tell Wrestling news about that one," she moves a hand up and circles a nipple. "I would think that seeing me get to take on one of you big strong men would have gotten you hot. Can't handle the competition...Ramblin?"

I look over at little Miss Disaster. I wish I could pull out 'Ramblin' as easy as she can her persona. He need the cheering of a crowd to get me going.

"Oh, I think I can handle the competition just fine, it's trying to handle you that could be dangerous."

Erica leans over towards me sinuously wiggling.

"You better fucking know it, little man," her tongue comes out to lick at her lips.

I try to look at her seriously but the giggle just bubbles up. I see her pout for a second then grin. Reaching over I run my finger up her throat to her chin then stop it in front of her lips. She gives it a kiss and then sits back laughing.

"We're stopping at the Flying J right?" she ask seeing the Pilot billboard up ahead.


"Thank god. I need a shower. I smell like a French whore on Bastille day," she fans at her face. "You need to get the air working in this thing again."

Moving my hand over I hit the button and roll her window down down a bit. The scent of her gets blow over to me, all perfume and musk from her sweating earlier. I must say if that's what a French whore smells like it's not bad.

"The air works just fine. I just can't use it at night because it causes my lights to shut off. Somethings cross wired somewhere. I'll find it probably about the time it starts to get cold." I mindlessly hit my blinker to signal for the off ramp. "I mean I got the heater running just in time for summer after all."

"Yeah," she says with the sarcasm dripping off her lips.

* * * *

Pulling the door shut I drop my bag on the counter. Leaning into the mirror I get my first real look at the stitched cut on my forehead. Philip did a good clean job with the stitches. The skin looks a little bruised around the ends but not bad. I've had far worse. I let my hand drift over to the scar by my hair line. The memory of that ladder match flashes though my thoughts with a speed that I'm thankful for. That was not one of my better nights... though I must say it was one of my better matches. It's still getting hits on U-tube.

As I start to strip off my shirt I hear a soft tap on the door behind me. When I crack it open Erica's lovely face is framed by the doorway.

"Let me in."

"What are you doing?" I ask when I close the door back behind her and she starts to strip.

"Getting a shower."

"I thought your ticket was for the one across the hall?"

"It was," she say as she reaches around behind her back and undoes her bra. As that bit of lace and cotton falls away my eyes go to those two lovely dark wine nipples. Their silver barbells highlighting them without taking anything away from the natural loveliness. "I'm not trying to shower without paying I simply want you to be here when I'm naked and vulnerable."

My cock sits up with a "Huh?"

It I can ignore, the lovely tanned and toned body appearing more and more by the second in front of me I can't. Then I see the bruise.

"Ouch," I say in sympathy. "The chair?"

Erica looks over at the mirror and turns to look at her back. There is a large purple blue area by her shoulder blade with it nearly blue black in one place.

"Yep." she wiggles her back a little. "Looks worse than it feels. Just a bump. Come on get undressed I want to take my shower."

"And I need to be undressed for that why... Oh!"

"Yes! I need me a big hunky back scrubber." she steps over and wiggle her bare ass against my crotch, then looks over her shoulder at my face. "Why do you still have clothes on?"

I have never come out of a pair of paints that fast in my life! Male strippers would be envious of how quick I got them off and they get to use Velcro seams. My eyes watch the play of muscles across her back as she lean in and turn on the water. While she holds her hand under it I can't keep my eyes off her spectacular ass. The little curly vine tramp-stamp seems to almost grow from the two dimples to either side of her crack. Satisfied with the heat of the water she turns to look at me, her eyes dropping first to the rising lift in my cock, then slowly up to my eyes..


"No. I'm just breathing hard," I say with a grin.

"I'll have to work on that," she says all sultry. She steps backwards into the shower beckoning me to join her with one finger. The water rolls over her shoulder and neck and I see her almost wiggle into the water like it's a blanket. "Oh that feels so good."

I give my head a shake as she runs her hands across her breast spreading the waters shine across her chest.

"YOU... are such a fucking cock tease," I tell her as I step into the shower. Her hand moves quickly to curl around the length of me and pushes the skin back from the head.

"I'm their queen, little man," she says leaning her breasts against my chest. "Don't you know that by now? Little man."

"Does that feel little to you?" I ask giving my hips a thrust driving myself into her fingers. She tightens then, making it almost painful but wonderful at the same time.

"Well, it did at first but then you're still a growing boy after all."

Slipping my hands around her I cup her ass in both and pull her to me. Her hand leaves my cock and wraps around my waist as our lips meet. The hot water rains down as I taste the peperoni from her pizza on her lips. When her tongue fights it's way into my mouth her hand come up to seize my long hair. She pulls making he arch back my head. Her mouth moves to my chin then down my throat nibbling and kissing till she reaches my Adam's apple. Her lips enclose it and she sucks at it hard. Then she is sinking lower and lower kissing her way down my hairless chest. I let my face stay in the hot rain just enjoying every moment of sensation. Her hands dig into my thighs following lines of muscle up and down as she reaches around to my ass and pulls me forwards.

I moan as I feel her finger's tighten and push the foreskin back from the head of my cock. Her tongue then lashes the super sensitive head. Looking down at her I see her looking up at me. She leans in and places a kiss on the head of me. I have to reach over to the metal bar and hold on for balance as she parts her kissing lips and lets just a little of me enter. Then I feel her mouth open wide and those wonderful lips ride up and over the flared head and down, her teeth catching and push the foreskin down the length of me almost painful but it's a pain I've come to love from her.

Her hands move to the crack of my ass and pull me towards her, driving my hips into her. I feel her throat around the head of me as her nose is suddenly pushing into the shaved base. Then with a gagging sound from her she pulls back down the length of me her tongue lashing the bottom almost franticly.

Holding onto the bar with one hand I let my other one go to the top of her head. Her blond curls wet and silky tangle between my fingers as I push her back down. She moans down the length of me till her nose touches again then she sucks hard making me moan.

The warm water cascades down my chest washing past her face following the channels of muscles down my thighs to fall tickling to my feet. I clutch at her head as she settle in to work me with a will. I want to stop her I want to pull her up and turn her around, I want to press her into the tile wall and lift her, spreading her open with my fingers, then with my cock. I want to do all of that.

But fuck, her mouth feels to good to make her stop!

I can't help but to hunch myself towards her mouth trying to get even one more inch in between those silky lips. The need to cum is here now. I wish it would never end but at the same time I'm craving that end with all I've got. My fingers tighten in her hair as I feel the need building. She slips her lips from me and I look down into that beautiful face with those big dark eyes. Her lips purse in a sultry smile.

"Are you close?" she ask her voice husky.

"Oh hell yes," I say hardly a whisper, lust taking my volume away preparing for the primal groan when I cum.


In a rush she stands up reaches past me to the little shelf and picks up one of the paper wrapped ovals of soap. As I stand there blinking she tears the wrapper and drops the soap into her hand. Not believing what I'm seeing I watch her begin to lather up her hands. When she looks up at me she smiles at the growing look on my face.

"See I told you I was their queen."

My jaw hanging open I watch her start to wash under her arms then her breasts. Seeing the look on my face she just smiles sweetly and keeps bathing.

Unfucking believable.

"I am so going to fuck you silly when we get to the truck," I say shaking my head. I lean out and grab the other bar of soap.

"Oh promises promises," she turns under the water and pushes her wet ass back against my cock. "Wash my back for me please."

The desire to split those cheeks and drive myself into the hot as hell cunt that I know is hidden there is almost over powering. I can see from the look on her half turned face that she is expecting it to happen any second now. Wanting it to happen even but teasing me with her body at the same time.

Okay...two can play that game. I start to gently wash her back letting my hands work their way around the areas that are bruised. I soon have her moaning and leaning forward against the tile her hands pressed flat to keep her nipples from touching. But I do no more than that. As I wash her I can see the disappointed frustration building. I know from past experience that when we get to the truck she will be all but ready to attack me with her needs.
