Faculty Meeting


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"It looks great," I said softly.

She smiled around that thick mouthful and nodded as best she could. Sally was in no hurry to give up that tasty mouthful, nor was she in a rush to finish me off. Eventually, I felt that familiar tightening in my balls.

"I'm going to come," I warned her in a gentle voice.

"M-hmm," she replied, sucking the head harder. We both groaned as she nursed that third load out of me.

Dinner with Sally was just a fun experience. We were sexually sated and just enjoyed each other's company. We joked and smiled through the meal, totally relaxed and comfortable with each other. After dinner, I got dressed and went down to my car, retrieving the stacks of papers that I had to grade. Sally and I took up opposite sides of her dining room table and graded our students' work. There were several hilarious moments that only teachers would appreciate, when we would find the kid's choice of words particularly amusing.

After we had finished grading all of the homework, we once again made our way to her bed for another round of amazing, sweaty sex. She looked so beautiful in the afterglow of her orgasm, lying on her back and looking up at me. I had to kiss that face.

"I need to get a shower before I go," I whispered afterward. She nodded and smiled.

"Go ahead," she said, "I want to sleep with your cum inside me tonight."

* * *

It was dark when I arrived home. I checked on my sleeping children and gave them a soft kiss on their foreheads. Donna was tired, and she just seemed interested in getting to sleep. I lay next to her in our bed and was too exhausted to care about what I had seen that morning.

I took the rest of the week to contemplate what I should do about my wife. I made up a bullshit story about having contractors come over to look at the house during the day. There was some work we had talked about getting done, but I hadn't actually contacted anyone. I just wanted to make her nervous and throw a monkey wrench into her ongoing affair.

I contemplated divorcing her. With the video evidence I had, I certainly had the leverage if I wanted to kick her out...but I also knew that it wouldn't make me happy. Worse, it would really have more of an impact on our kids than it would me or her. I knew that our marriage would never go back to what it had been. My anger faded a little bit every day, as Sally and I fucked each others' brains out after school at her place.

Friday night, after I had filled her tight ass with another copious load, I lay next to Sally and studied her face while my finger slowly circled her hard nipple. She turned and sighed. Her eyebrows rose when she saw my expression.

"What are you thinking, Glen?" she asked.

"I was thinking about what I should do about Donna," I sighed. "I don't want to do anything to mess up what we have going here. I don't want to hurt my kids. I feel like I need to confront her, but I just don't know what to say." My eyes searched hers as she nodded her understanding.

"I love you," I blurted out. Sally's eyes went wide, but there was happiness in her expression. "If you weren't Donna's sister, I would divorce her and marry you in a heartbeat. But you are her sister, and that makes this a lot more...complicated."

Once again, she nodded that she understood. Tears welled in her eyes as she rolled to face me and her lips found mine again. There was tenderness and passion in that kiss, and her body trembled against my chest. When we ended the kiss, Sally swallowed the lump in her throat before speaking.

"I know you'll figure it out, Glen," she said softly.

While I appreciated her confidence, I was not nearly as certain that I would figure it out.

* * *

Over the weekend, I really did meet with four different contractors. It wasn't like our house was dilapidated, but it did need some work that we had put off for the past three years. I also met with a divorce attorney, just to make sure I wasn't overlooking something. I showed the guy the video I had taken of my wife, and all he did was nod.

"Why don't you want to get a divorce?" he asked when the video was done.

"It would hurt my kids more than it would help me," I replied with a shrug. "I just wanted to make sure I wasn't making a huge mistake."

He leaned back in his large office chair and looked thoughtful. "The video you have is strong evidence," he said, "but you probably ought to hire a private investigator to find out who this kid is and get you some more information. For all you know, this was a one-time thing. Certainly, if you had to go to court, her attorney would make that claim." Before I could form a protest, he waved it off. "I know you don't want to divorce your wife, but if she decides to file for divorce, you want to make sure your case is ironclad. Also, if you wind up confronting her, you want to make sure exactly what is going on before you do."

I thought that over a bit, nodding as the wisdom of his advice sunk in.

"Is there someone you'd recommend?" I asked.

I was surprised to meet the private investigator he recommended. I didn't realize until that moment what a stereotype I had in my mind of what a 'private investigator' should look like. Keira was a light-skinned black woman, who dressed like a professional businesswoman. Her hair was done up in a neat bun atop her head, and her light makeup was flawless.

She explained exactly what she would do, what sort of surveillance equipment she would use, and outlined her plan for following my wife and her young lover. Clearly, she was an experienced pro at this sort of thing. I nodded and wrote a check to cover her expenses.

I made sure to alert Sally that I had hired a private investigator, and I explained the lawyer's advice.

"You don't think I'm making a mistake, do you?" I asked her.

"No," she replied, shaking her head sadly. "He's right. Donna may just be dumb enough to try to divorce you to run off with this guy. You can't let her take the kids with her if she does." She looked thoughtful for a moment. "You know, we really need to be careful, Glen. If it was this easy for you to hire a private investigator, Donna might do the same thing."

I regarded the thick curtains of Sally's apartment as I nodded thoughtfully. Modern surveillance and spy cameras would have no trouble working around those. I also realized that the check I had written to Keira could alert my wife to the scrutiny she would be under, if she bothered to investigate it. I needed to take control of our family finances, and do so without alerting Donna to what I was doing.

All of that ran through my head as my eyes wandered up and down Sally's curvaceous frame. She shivered as I licked my lips. After tonight, we would not have sex until I knew it was safe. We would have to make it count.

* * *

It took me three days to work through our finances and really understand just how badly my wife had abused my trust. She had spent thousands of dollars taking her boyfriend out to restaurants and buying him presents. I was so furious with Donna that I wanted to strangle her with my bare hands.

It was Sunday night, and she had taken the kids over to Sally's apartment complex to use the pool before it closed for the year. I regarded my wife as she stood in the living room and addressed our kids. My eyes wandered over her legs and ass. Despite my rage, my dick still lurched in my pants. When she turned, I looked at her and realized that despite everything, I still loved her. I wanted to kick her ass, but I loved her still.

Two days later, I got a full presentation from Keira.

The guy's name was Mike. He was a manipulative slacker. He was twenty-three, lived with his parents, and attended college part time. At the rate he was going, he would earn a bachelor's degree in eight years or so. He did not work at all. Instead, he seduced married women and manipulated them into giving him money and gifts. My wife was only one of seven such women he was currently seeing.

The video footage was extensive, as were the audio recordings. Mike's bank statements indicated that there were many other women who had financed him over the past three years. I was outraged, of course...but at the same time I felt bad for Donna. I was certain she had no idea that she was being used by this scumbag.

At first, I thought about alerting the other women's husbands. If I passed all of this information along, one of them would probably kill Mike, and that would be the end of it. Then again, it would almost certainly end a bunch of marriages. I had a better idea.

"What?" Keira asked, when she saw my evil grin.

"I'm going to need you to give a group presentation of this evidence," I said. "I think these women all deserve to know what kind of guy they have been seeing. I'll pay for it, and I would prefer not to be there when you tell them—"

"Oh, this one's on me," Keira replied. Her grin was every bit as wicked as mine had been. Mike was about to be one unhappy guy.

* * *

I knew the date and time of that 'briefing' and knew where Donna was going when she lied to me nervously and got in her car to leave. Keira called me right after the last of the women left, to let me know that all seven of them had made it. Keira had given each of them a thumb drive with a copy of everything that I had seen. I made sure to get the kids to bed before Donna got home.

My wife was shaking visibly as she marched in the front door. She made a beeline for the kitchen and mixed herself a strong rum and coke. She almost dropped the glass when she noticed me watching her from the living room.

"Are you okay, Donna?" I asked. I kept my voice calm and low. Seeing her like this did not make me any happier. My heart was torn. At first, I had really wanted to hurt her. Now, I just felt bad for her. No physical torture I could have devised would have inflicted the kind of pain she was experiencing. Even though it was essentially the exact same pain she had inflicted on me...

"I just...I got some bad news," she said. Her eyes blazed then, and she snapped, "I don't want to talk about it!"

"Donna, come have a seat. We need to talk."

"I just said I don't want to—"

"I hired Keira," I said, cutting her off. "I already know everything."

Donna's eyes went wide, and she staggered. Her mouth worked noiselessly as she struggled to process this enormous bombshell.

"Come over and sit down," I said. My voice carried that authority I had developed as a naval officer, and she nodded and obeyed. When she took her seat facing me, I continued.

"I came home from work during my planning period two weeks ago. I saw you and Mike having sex in our bed." I felt my eyes narrow as I told her that, and watched her swallow nervously. "I was furious, of course," I continued, "but I had to get back to work. Fortunately—for all of us—I had a faculty meeting after school. Your sister saw that I was upset, and she insisted on talking to me about it. Sally knows everything, Donna."

Donna gave out a helpless moan at that revelation. Her little sister knew, and that would forever change their dynamic. I gave that a few seconds to settle in before going on.

"Sally talked me out of beating you and Mike to death," I said it with a nonchalant wave of my hand, making it that much creepier. "I did consult a divorce lawyer, but not because I wanted a divorce. I just wanted to make sure I was doing the right thing by our kids. He was the one who recommended Keira. Once I saw that—the same presentation she gave you ladies this evening—I thought that you all should know. The other women that were there...their husbands probably don't know. I didn't want to mess up anyone's marriage over this. Our marriage..." I shook my head. Then I looked intently into my wife's eyes.

"Our marriage will never be the same after this, Donna. You pushed me aside and took that schmuck into our bed. Let's face it, you've been pretty shitty to me over the years, and I've put up with it. This..." Once again I shook my head. I'm sure my expression was grim. "I don't want to divorce you, even though you deserve it. The ones who would get hurt the most would be our kids, and they have done nothing to deserve that shit-show."

Donna finally found her voice.

"I'm so, so sorry," she croaked out. She cleared her throat and shook her head. "What do you want me to do, Glen?"

I really didn't know what I had planned to say up until that moment. I had a bunch of not-nice things that I had considered saying to her over the past couple of weeks, but at that instant I had a brilliant thought.

"I want you to reach out to those other women," I said. "The seven of you have got more in common than just getting screwed over by Mike. Let's face it, there was never anything special about him."

She was probably unaware she was even doing it as she nodded in agreement.

"Our marriage had lost that spark that it had, and somehow he saw that and took advantage of it. Those other women probably had the same thing happen to them. If you put your heads together and talk it out, you can probably figure out how all of you can make it up to your husbands and save your marriages. If that is something you really want to do."

Her eyes watered as they met mine. "It is..." Her voice cracked, and she cleared her throat again before continuing in a near-whisper. "I do want to save our marriage. I do want to make it up to you."

I had thought that either I would never be able to have sex with Donna again—I was certain that I would picture her with Mike—or that I would just mercilessly hate-fuck her. That night, when she knelt naked in our bed and offered herself to me, I realized that I had been wrong. I still love my wife, and I love nothing more than burying my thick cock in her sensitive little asshole. It had been a long time, and she realized with a start that she had missed it too. My wife came like crazy with my cock pistoning in and out of her ass.

I took the next day off from work. We had a "family emergency" that we desperately needed to work through. I was balls-deep in my wife's horny asshole when Mike came to the house. That little shit had the nerve to barge in without even knocking. I gave him an evil grin as he watched me withdraw my thick shaft from my wife's asshole. His eyes were wide when he realized that he would never be the man that I was.

"What the fuck, Donna?" he whined.

"You need to pick your next words very carefully," I said in a clipped, even tone. "You are trespassing in my house. I could have you arrested. Or my wife might just get my service pistol and shoot you in the face."

The color drained from Mike's face when he saw Donna's hateful glare. She looked like that 'shoot him in the face' option was really appealing to her at the moment. I snapped my fingers to get his attention back on me.

"Every woman you have manipulated in the past three years knows exactly what you have done," I exaggerated, of course, but that little shit had no way of knowing that. "You really should consider going to another school, in another state. Things are going to get very uncomfortable for you around here."

"You ruined my life, old man!" Mike screamed at me.

That was as much of his shit as I was going to take. I opened my sock drawer and withdrew my service pistol. I had taken good care of it over the years, and it gleamed with that lovely, deadly metallic purpose as I held it in my hand. It wasn't loaded, of course. There were small children living in the house, so the ammunition was carefully stored in a locked case in a high kitchen cabinet. Again, Mike had no way of knowing that he was being duped.

"Donna, would you care to do the honors?" I asked.

"I would love to," she snarled at Mike.

After he panicked and fled the house, we both laughed for several minutes. Then we were kissing. Then we were fucking again, like we used to when I was back from several months at sea. It had the same feel to it. We were desperately in love and horny and could not get enough of each other.

Our marriage would never be the same, of course. My wife had to be nice to me and to her sister, now that she had transgressed and knew that we knew. Donna also had to share me with her little sister. If not for Sally's intervention, I would have certainly done something stupid that ended my marriage. Donna owed her, and the two of them have worn my ass out many a night. Not that I'm complaining, obviously!

Instead, it was Mike who did the stupid thing. He tried to blackmail a couple of the women he had been seeing. These women now had a strong support group, anchored by my wife. Mike went to prison. He's not doing well in prison...

Now, I said all that about my wife, but it's not entirely fair. She really has changed since that whole incident with Mike. For the first time in a long time, she really appreciates me. I think a lot of that arose from talking with her new friends, the other women who had been used by Mike.

They meet at our house. At first, the rest of the women seemed very nervous to have me present. Then my wife dropped the bombshell on them that I was the one who had hired Keira in the first place. They were all amazed at how calm my wife and I were as she explained what had happened. Donna blushed profusely when I showed the video I had taken on the morning I had caught them.

I was calm—far more than I expected to be—as I told them how angry I had been. I then explained simply how I felt about divorcing my wife, and about how it would affect my kids. I fixed each of them with a compassionate look as I explained that it was that reasoning that had led me to proceeding the way that I had, rather than having Keira meet with their husbands.

"It wouldn't have done any of you any good," I said with a shrug. "It would have just been mean and petty for me to do that to you. I realized that I was at least partially responsible for ignoring my wife, and Mike used that opening to worm his way into her life. He did the same thing to each of you. However, the way you feel now about Mike is the way each of your husbands would feel about you if they found out about this. You can still fix your marriages, and your husbands don't need to know why."

One of the women, Sarah, looked close to tears as she whispered, "Not me."

We all turned to regard her. She looked around the room at our sympathetic and curious faces.

"My husband is awful," she said. "I didn't realize it when we got married, but he is a self-centered, thoughtless prick."

Later, I would meet the guy. I have to say that her description was spot-on. This guy had my teeth on edge within moments of meeting him. Sarah was one of the women that Mike tried to blackmail. She had our full support when she filed for divorce, and when she testified in court against Mike, we were all there for her.

Christie, the other woman Mike tried to blackmail, had to come clean to her husband about her infidelity. We had her and her husband over to support her as she confessed. Coincidentally, her husband's name was Mike. He seethed when Christie dropped the news in his lap, but then I took him aside and showed him the video of my wife that I had taken.

"I wanted to drop-kick that little shit all the way to the ocean," I said as the video concluded.

"Why didn't you?" he asked me.

I shrugged. "I had to go back to work. Also, I had a ton of 'damage control' training in the Navy, and that kept me calmer than I would have been in this crisis. I talked with a divorce lawyer, but even though I was pissed at Donna, I knew that the ones that would really get hurt would be my kids. I didn't want to do that to them. When I found out that Mike was just using my wife—the way he was using yours—I felt bad for her. Also—" I looked around to make sure nobody was in earshot. Mike automatically did the same.
