Falling for Fae Ch. 03-04


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He smiled. "So, vampire, how do you want to handle this?"

Warren was shocked. King Alfendae was deflecting authority to a vampire.

"Sire, we can take care of this monster." Warren stated.

King Alfendae looked at the young warrior and smiled. "Oh, you will be there son, as will my army. But the Briar Demon hurt this man's mate. He needs to deal with him directly. I won't interfere, but I do ask this. Don't get yourself or my other son in law killed. Now vampire, what do you need of me?" He asked once more.

Gus stepped back and looked at Felicity. She had healed but was still down. "She needs to go home. You have guards, right?" He asked.

King Alfendae nodded. "My men go with you." He stated. Warren was ready to go. All his king had to do was say the word.

"No, my coven and I will deal with him. When he's gone, Fifi will come back to me. I will send for her once I have destroyed him." Gus stated.

"I'm not running. I won't leave you here to face him alone.'" Felicity sighed, "Don't make me leave."

"Fifi, he hurt you. He has gone too far and I swore on all that I am, if he ever... If he ever touched you again, I would rip him apart." Gus exhaled as people entered the bar below." Go home, visit with your mother. I know you miss her. I will send for you when he is gone."

"No, I fight with you Gus. You won't face him alone." Felicity insisted.

King Alfendae was about to speak when Rhyannon agreed with her sister. "Felicity is right. He hurt her. It was my fault, and I want to face him too. We are trained and we can fight. I'm not weak and neither is my sister. We will not sit at home, waiting for the big strong men to destroy the monster. I stand with Felicity. Let us fight."

"No, I have stepped aside and let you do as you please. I have watched you run from one scheme to another. But on this Rhy, I agree with the vampire. You and Felicity will go home." Warren was about to say more when someone knocked on her door.

Telling them to enter, seven of the biggest men Alfendae had ever seen entered the room. Gus however, was bigger than all of them. He stood and greeted his brethren. Swiping his hand through his inky black hair, he was trying to figure out how to protect his mate.

"Gustiban, it's just like a man to think he knows what's best. What have you learned brother? Always take your best fighters with you. She knows this monster, let her help you capture him. Besides, upsetting her is the wrong way to start a marriage and I want nieces and nephews." His sister, Valkyre laughed.

"I'm sorry. This is my family, my coven. This loud mouth is my sister, Valkyre. My brothers and my father, they usually frequent the bar." Gus mumbled,

Felicity blushed, "Um, hello. I'm glad you could stop by, but now is not a good time."

Valkyre laughed and moved to sit beside Felicity. "Pish posh, I have been after my bone-headed brother to introduce us for some time now. He is stubborn and did not think it mattered to you. But I know it did."

"Really, it's OK. I'm sure we would have met eventually." Felicity stated trying to appease her guest.

"So, when we destroy this monster we must catch up. I can tell you all sorts of stories about Gustiban when we were younger, and give you pointers on how to control him. You will have to train him you know. Men are such boys." Valkyre teased.

Felicity laughed. Gus smiled, her laugh was beautiful and it had been so long since he heard it. Since her sister arrived, she smiled more often. He wanted to hear her laugh again.

All of these years, she was jealous of his sister. His father was talking with King Alfendae, but took a moment to address both Felicity and Rhyannon. He moved to Rhy and kissed her brow. He then faced Felicity, "Young one, let us eradicate this demon. You, as a young girl tried to save my daughter. She was the catalyst that made you see him for what he was."

He smiled, "Like you two lovely ladies, she had the tendency to run off too. She snuck out one night and was gone for hours before anyone realized she was missing. We searched and searched. Gustiban found her but was too late. He saw the demon attack you. Somehow, you escaped and ran. He searched and found you a few months later. I don't know if your family knows all and it's not my place to say. But from that moment, Felicity, you came under our protection. You, brave warrior princess, risked your life to help one of us; let us destroy this demon so you and your family can be free."

Felicity gasped as her eyes flew to Gus, "The girl was your sister." She wept, "I'm so sorry. I should have gotten there sooner. I could have stopped him."

Gus moved to her, "He had not fed in months, and devolved almost fully into his demon form. He would have killed you but you managed to escape. He did hurt you, then and now, but not anymore."

Warren spoke. He stepped forward. "I'm going with you."

The vampires stood and faced Gustiban. "Fine, fairy. Are there others like you?" He asked.

Alfendae nodded, and many fairy warriors shimmered in place. Rhy started to speak when Warren kissed her. His lips were so soft, so sweet. Then he whispered, "I want you someplace safe."

Alfendae heard enough, "Vampire, I ask that you take command of this situation. I'm leaving my warriors to your command. They answer to Warren, and Warren, in my absence, answers to you. I don't believe in killing for sport, but if the demon leaves you no choice, then destroy him." He faced his daughters. "Call it the old man in me. But you two are reporting back to the forest. Together, you will await the outcome of this fight, after which, you and your husbands can discuss your futures."

"Father!" Rhyannon protested.

King Alfendae faced her, "Young lady, you have done enough. I will talk to you when we get home." He faced, "Felicity, can you fly, dear?"

She moved slowly and flew up to kiss her vampire. Then she and Rhyannon with a full guard headed back to the safety of the forest. Queen Fezira was waiting.

As soon as the girls flew in, she grabbed felicity. She held her daughter so tight, and never wanted to let go. "Momma, I'm OK. Stop crying." Felicity pleaded.'

"Your father said the demon hurt you," Come we will get Angie to make sure you are OK," the Queen stated.

Before Angie could come, Aria and Rue rushed in. They missed their oldest sister, and tears were shed once more. Felicity was happy to see she would be an aunt soon. She congratulated both sisters. Her mother sensed her sadness and sent, Your son is safe here. He is home.

Wait, you knew? Felicity asked.

Fezira smiled, and nodded to her daughter. We visit his grave often. Your father declared the spot sacred. It is bare because of the child's demon make up, but because he is yours we still cherish him.

Felicity cried. "Momma, thank you."

"I'm just glad you can finally come home. We wanted you to come home but the demon. We could not let him in here." Queen Fezira sobbed.

"Momma, it's OK. I knew that's why I stayed away. I wouldn't be here now, but Daddy made me come." Felicity whispered.

Then the Queen faced Rhyannon. "So young lady, what have you learned?"

Rhyannon was silent. Then she looked up. "I'm sorry Momma. I was wrong. I beg your forgiveness, but I understand if you can't. I never should have said those things to you. I was wrong, and selfish, and so foolish"

Fezira hugged her youngest daughter. Then she called all four of her girls. The five women embraced, and the queen laughed. "I can't wait until the two of you have daughters. I hope they are just and stubborn and willful as you two have been." Then she smiled at Rue and Aria. "Oh, and if your sons are anything like their aunts, make them babysit."

The girls laughed. Then the moment turned solemn. Their men were facing a dangerous creature, a demon. Like any war, there would be casualties; they just prayed that it would not be many.

All of the fairies reported to the throne room. The throne room was encased inside a two thousand year old Sequoia tree. It was beautiful. This clan of fairies called this area home for centuries.

Angie checked Felicity and reset her wing. She wanted time alone. Fezira let her go to her childhood bedroom. Felicity smiled. Her room was the same, the same pink and yellow motif. Her paintings and even her bed was still covered with her bears.

She smiled and for a moment she imagined her daughter having a room similar to this. She would be beautiful and willful. She wouldn't be able to help it, knowing who her parents were. Felicity did not know when she fell in love with Gus. She just knew he was always there. Tonight he was facing a Briar because the demon hurt her. She prayed that he was not injured because she knew Roedan. He was evil personified, and he fought dirty.

Someone knocked and Aria entered. She and Felicity were always close. She sat beside her sister, reminded her that she loved her. Sensing that they were needed, Rhy and Rue joined them.

Several other fairies found their way to Felicity's room. They had so many questions. The girls giggled and talked for hours. Queen Fezira was happy to have her daughters' home. She sat in the throne room with her husband. "The vampire, he loves her Fezira. It is the most pure thing I've witnessed in a long time. He is determined Fezira. He will stop that demon."

The Queen smiled. "All of our girls are home. Our people are fighting a war for our safety. Let's pray for their safe return."

King Alfendae wanted to be on the front lines. But he gave command to the vampire. The first thing he did was ask the King to go home. Then he explained his reasons.

They needed to be prepared for a possible penetration of demons. Gus was not planning to let any of the vile creatures live, but he wanted Felicity safe. And he knew the King would fight to protect his kingdom.


The fairies were sent out first. They flew and identified demons that watched the pub. They came back and gave a report. Warren was ready to fly when Gus stopped him and his crew. "Can you grow? I need to draw him out. He's hungry. He has not fed in a while. He might get sloppy. Don't fight him, alert me when he approaches. " Gus ordered.

"How? Can I call you?" Warren asked.

"Wait!" Slicing his wrist, He ordered, "You and your men drink." They did and Gus was linked to all five fairies. Roan was ready. This demon hurt two of their women. He needed to be dealt with. Gus looked at Roan. "Keep your emotions in check. He feeds on it and it will blow your cover."

Roan nodded. He and his friends flew to the address Gus gave them and shimmered. Using one of his cars, they drove to a night club and entered. They knew the demon the moment they spotted him. He sat with a human. Warren hated the man. This was the man, his Rhyannon lusted after.

Fairies, focus. Gus ordered.

Roddrick spotted them as they ordered.

"Excuse me, sweetheart," he whispered to his non-suspecting human meal. He would rather absorb a fairies life force. He knew they were here because of Rhy, and he'd probe their thoughts. Clear your thoughts. He's going to read you. We are outside. Gus sent. He nodded, his coven spread out. They wanted the demon.

Roddrick reached the bar, "Gentlemen, I haven't seen you here before?"

"We aren't from here. We're just passing through." Warren replied.

"Really, lately, a lot of new people have just been passing through. Where exactly are you going?" Roddrick asked. This fairy had blocked his thoughts. He could not read him. He tried the other two, and their thought processes where shielded just as tight. He knew something was up. Fee and her sister must have called Daddy. Roddrick smiled, and leaned over to one of Warren's men. "Your precious princess could not walk for days when I used her the first time. I should have killed the dumb wench then." Just as he hoped, the fairy reacted.

At that moment, Gus bust the door open. At the other entrances, huge vampires entered. The vampires surrounded the demon

Roddrick smiled, "Really, you want to do this here." He realized something and laughed, "Vampire, she does not belong to you. She is my wife, mine."

Gus grabbed him as Warren quickly threw glamour over the bar. Only the nonhuman creatures remained conscious. the humans slept, completely unaware. Gus ordered the fairies to guide them out to a secondary location. "You hurt her. It won't happen again, demon." Gus hissed.

Roddrick changed and attacked. His cult shifted and the vampires were surrounded. They were outnumbered as they realized, the humans were being evacuated. Someone got the humans out. They locked the door. Warren and Gus shared a look. They were not breaking their wives hearts. They were not dying tonight.

The demons attacked. The fairies were ready to fight, but alas were no real match for the evil demons. Then the Were animals shifted and knocked the monsters aside. The fairies were on even ground now and took flight, and with their arrows, they fired precise shots into each demon heart, destroying the monsters simultaneously.

With the help of the wolves, bear and cat shifters, the field was even. Gus had one goal, Get Roedan.

Warren wrestled with a demon that was determined to bite him. He was stabbing the sick monster in the heart and destroying it. He had to tune out the cries of the fairies and other animals that fell. He saw members of Gustiban's coven perish. He saw his men and women fall. However, the demons lost more. Soon, the fairies, and other creatures had the lesser demons on the run, and Gus was face to face with Roedan.

"Really, Vampire. You think she loves you. Fee is fickle. She only loves herself. That's why I wanted her." He bragged. "She was good. I was her only lover you know, and because she's fae, I will be the only man she ever knows."

Gus advanced. The other monsters were dead, and Roddrick knew he was in trouble. He did not expect his demons to be defeated so easily. It did not get past him that the vampire and the fairies did not fight alone. Other creatures joined in. He was weak. He should have fed before now, but that was alright, he'd kill this vampire and then beat his bitch of a wife to death.

Taking his true from, Roedan lunged forward, knocking Gus completely off of his feet. Warren moved and Valkyre stopped him. "He has to fight him and kill him. It is the only way to free Felicity from his hold."

The two men locked together. Gus punched the demon letting out years of anger, frustration, and pure hate. Roedan flipped Gustiban and got the upper hand. He covered the vampire. Gus devolved calling on the strength of the vampire. He toppled the demon. They struggled as his coven watched. Warren and the other fairies wanted to jump in, but Valkyre was right. The demon needed to die, and Gustiban had to be the one to destroy him.

In an unsuspecting move, Roedan pinned Gus. Extending his talons he laughed as he stabbed Gus with the razor-sharp claw. "Silly vampire, she is mine. When I kill you, I am destroying that clan and I will take her and her slutty sister as my concubines. She will bear me strong sons. Had I known she would hide from me, then I would have bred her ages ago. My children will burn her womb until it is barren and dry, and when she can no longer give me heirs, I will drain the bitch dry, and call my children to feed on their waste of a mother."

Gus flashed back to her heartbreak when her son died. She loved that child even though he was part demon. A new energy infused his body as he knocked Roedan off and pinned him. Gus said nothing else. Gus was done talking. Valkyre tossed him his blade and he stared that demon in the eyes. "You arrogant piece of shit, you will never get near her again. You tried to destroy her, but she is stronger than you ever knew. Even when she had to bury your son, she never gave up. My only regret is that she is not here to witness me sending your ass to hell."

Roddrick was snarling when the vampire words registered. Eyes widened on amazement, as is entire body went still. "Wait, I have a son?" He asked no longer fighting.

"Had mother fucker, had. And you can join him in hell." Gus swiped his blade one final time, and the demon's head rolled away from his body. Within seconds his body disintegrated.

Gus fell, His father ran to him. It was then they noticed that one of the demons talons hang from his chest.

"Oh my goodness," Valkyre cried out. Her father stepped forward. "He needs to feed to heal."

"Where are the humans?" He demanded. But they were gone.

Warren stepped forward; he took his dagger and ripped his wrist. Roan was right behind hm. "Gus drink." Warren ordered. When he grew weak, the other fairies stepped in. Fairy blood had magical property and combined with his vampire makeup, he healed quickly. Something else happened as well. Gus felt strange.

His father smiled, "Son, I never thought I'd see the day my son would join a fairy clan. Close your eyes son." Gus did, and his dad guided him, when he opened them he was the size of a fairy, complete with black wings and all black leather.

Valkyre laughed. Her brother was so small. She couldn't believe it. Her brother was alive. She thought he would die, but he lived. He was altered but still alive. She hugged each fairy and thanked them for their quick thinking.

Gus looked at everyone around him. He was a freaking fairy, and then he smiled. He didn't have to wait for her to come to him. He could g to her. His dad whispered, "Son, go bring my new daughter home."

Warren nodded to the other fairies and the troupe took off. Gus flew with them.


This is a story I wrote a while back. After reading HarryHill's story, The Chosen One, I've always wanted to write a story about fairies. I'm sure some mistakes were made and I apologize. However, please remember, that behind this story is a person, one that values your feedback.

Thank you. IR2R

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AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
The plot line is good but I got very confused.

I hope I'm not the only one who wondered where the professor went when Felicity came into the room; he had no dialogue and wasn't mentioned at all afterwards. I wanted to see his reaction after she left, but it was a little bit choppy and hard to read. Other than that I like the characterisation and the ideas.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Professor surprised me

After his behavior in the first two chapters, I pretty much figured out the Prof was not Rhy's mate. I dunno how she could have been so wrong and wonder what she ever saw in him. But any residual doubt was shattered when he tried to have sex with her - in school on a day he wasn't scheduled to be there. What could he have been thinking? I know Rhy was leading him on, but if he was caught, he'd be fired, possibly arrested - seems to me no professor would think of sex with a student in those circumstances. I understand why the King and Gus wanted Felicity and Rhy away from the battle with Roedan (especially since he just hurt her) but part of me wished for poetic justice that Felicity killed Roedan. Ah well, he's gone for good so everyone else can get on with their lives. Hurray!


Iread2relaxIread2relaxover 8 years agoAuthor
Great insight Anonymous

I wish I had thought of that. It's a great premise. Thank you for sharing the idea. Thank you for reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

The deal with the professor just seems like a superfluous plot device to get her to the surface and makes her seem like a bit of an airhead. How do we know she's actually sure about Warren now? It seems like you could have given her an adventurous spirit who wanted to live as a human and not have bothered with the vestigial plot of the professor

Iread2relaxIread2relaxover 8 years agoAuthor

This was intended to be a short story. Ch. 3 will post soon and is the last part of this arc. Thanks for reading, and please share your thoughts.

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