Family Planning

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Who says we're dysfunctional?
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/14/2018
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My nephew Danny started coming over to my house once a week to mow the lawn and to fuck me. Lately, the weeds have been growing in thick and I wake-up to his enormous cock jabbing between my thighs. Things have gotten a little bit out of hand in the last few months, when I have become his alarm clock, slowly arousing him from his slumbers by performing oral sex on his mammoth tool. His total control and domination over my mind and body has reduced me to a willing participant in my own sexual subjugation.

It began about a year or so, ago. My husband whom I refuse to name, and may he roast in hell, divorced me and lit-out. I say good riddance, and my lawyer secured a nice settlement and I got the house. He was an asshole and nobody liked him. At about the same time, my sister Ruth was being divorced from her husband, too. Jimmy was an okay guy and we all liked him, but of course we sided with Ruth. Truth is, she could be a bit bitchy and difficult to get along with. It was particularly hard on their son Danny. He was just struggling to finish high school and wasn't prepared for college. What structure he had, and an upstanding male role model, had now vanished. Leaving him bitter and building a hidden impulse to dominate women.

Our other sister Claire, had just recently moved back to the neighborhood because her hubby travelled so much, that she had grown bored and lonely. He was a good provider but had apparently been spreading his affections around. She was starved for appreciation and emotional support.

My name is Victoria, everyone calls me Vicci. I am the eldest at 41, then clingy Claire and bitchy Ruth. We all have dark eyes and dark hair, Ruth's is cut short. She also got the big boobs. Claire and I are modest C-cups, Ruth is a firm Double-D. Claire has long, muscular legs and a slim waist. I'm a little more rounded but most men ogle my curves.

Danny is just past twenty now. He also has long black hair that is often swept back in a short ponytail. He has smoldering, liquid brown eyes and a dark complexion that turns to the color of chocolate milk when he works bare-chested in the yard. His broad shoulders and thick, sinewy arms are a reminder of the baseball player he once was. He has a finely chiseled jaw and a shadow of black stubble on his chin that would have looked great on a trading card. And the wiry patch of coarse, dark curls that peek above his gym trunks, often had me fantasizing about the mystery hidden beneath. His solid thighs and size-twelve shoes led me to some erotic daydreams when he wasn't aware that I was studying him.

After his parents divorce, which he took hard, things were strained between he and Ruth. He lashed-out at her and stormed around the home. Since I had just inherited this big house, it was generally agreed that he would spend a little more time with his Aunt Vicci.

At first, he mostly did yard work but I found that he was good with his hands, (a skill that we would soon put to the test.) He was not shy about expressing his opinions and he actually looked for chores to do. And as I couldn't do any sort of manual repair, I soon came to rely on his presence and his help. He told me that any time spent with me, rather than at home, was a more pleasurable experience. He seemed shy and brooding at first, but I took that as adolescent angst. I wanted to draw him out. And to make things around here comfortable for him. And I spoke with him as an adult, I think he warmed to being on equal footing. Our talks often touched on intimate subjects, and sometimes after a few adult beverages, we would discuss our sexual frustrations. One night, he confessed to me that spying me in my skimpy shorts or bikini is what kept him lingering around.

I hovered over him initially. When he mowed the grass, I always hurried-out with cold drinks and would sun myself in the yard so that he wouldn't feel alone. Doing odd jobs inside, I would sit with him and talk about anything. I didn't want him to feel like a hired hand. And he is my only nephew. It had not occurred to me then, that I was dressing pretty casually or that our talks had become so sexually charged. It was summer I reasoned, that's why I showed so much skin and it was the heat that made me perspire so much. As for the erotic energy in the room, I thought that was only in my head.

I would lounge in the sun talking about the family divorce situations or ask why he didn't have a girlfriend. He countered, that with my "sexy figure" I should still be out there husband-shopping. We asked what qualities each other preferred in the opposite sex and occasionally even dropped hints of what we found to be stimulating or sensual. I enjoyed the way his warm eyes scanned my body when we talked. It made feel alive and sensuous. And I found myself more and more, wondering what type of lover he would be.

On scorching summer days, I leered from under smoked glasses, as his tanned torso glistened in the sun. He wore only shorts and boots, a blue bandana wrapped around his dark, sweaty brow. At every movement the lean muscles shone through like a wild cat's. My skin needed a little more care, I did not have his European roots. I sometimes asked him to apply oils or creams to my shoulders and back.

We both felt a tad awkward when a grown, lusty man rubbed lotion along the nearly bare flesh of a lonely, seductive woman. But I was more than twice his age, and he was my nephew. I did not ever want him to feel embarrassed, and I had no inclinations towards him, sexually, other than in my fantasies. Perhaps, I overcompensated. After a hot work day, we usually took a dip together in the pool. Around the house I was normally bare-legged. My skimpy tops could be revealing, but I did not want to come-off prudish, and it was my house. Unintentionally, we were seeing a lot of each other's bodies. And often after he went home, I scampered upstairs and put my vibrator to hard use. Lingering desires of a lewd, taboo tryst planted itself in my brain...and my vagina.

For two days in the middle of a heat wave, the power went out. The house was pitch-black and the temperature soared. He stayed to help out, running for ice, buying flashlights, and making certain I wasn't afraid in the oppressive darkness. We were practically naked and sweaty the entire time; alternately jumping in the shower (separately,) drinking cold beers, and sleeping "cowboy style" on the cool patio. That was when I started to really obsess over his lean body and subtle, sexy manner.

He was now basically staying with me, Ruth didn't mind, infact she hardly seemed to notice. Things had gotten so casual between us that we had become like roommates. And on those days when he was not here, I missed him and wandered about this big empty house in a daze, wondering if another woman had caught his eye, or if he was bored with his old aunt. He had a key so that he could come and go as he pleased, and so that he could make messy or noisy repairs while I shopped or visited with my sisters. If he ever let himself in while I was still in bed, he would turn on the television so that I knew it was him downstairs. If I had earphones in or was in the shower, he would flash the lights to get my attention, so that I would not be startled. It turns-out, he revealed to me later, that he often snuck-in on me when I was asleep or in the bath, just to try to catch a glimpse of me in the nude. It was an eerie thought but I found it frighteningly sexy.

That's what led to our first intimate encounter. We were in the yard. He was digging around the plants and I was laying by the pool. His body glowed under the blistering heat. Every sinew and tendon of his taut body was straining and damp with sweat. His back rippled with each shovel of dirt and his firm chest heaved as he lugged the heavy bags of topsoil. I was wearing dark sunglasses and lounging in a chaise, my body oiled and my tiny yellow bikini was loosened to allow the tanlines to darken. I tried to appear nonchalant as I exposed as much of my flesh to him as I could mange without seeming a harlot. I noticed him stealing glances in my direction and an obvious bulge outlined in his sweat-soaked shorts.

My nipples sprouted and my breathing came in halting gasps. He dallied nearer to me making tighter circles as he hovered. The hot, moist feeling percolating in my lower abdomen had nothing to do with the sun. I knew the situation was growing tense, so I was forced to excuse myself and head in for a cold, cold shower. I left some beers in a bucket of ice on the counter for when he finished, and darted upstairs. In the security of the bathroom my breathing calmed and my pressure dropped. With the stereo playing and the shower running, I sat down to wipe the oil from my slinky, naked body before climbing into the stall. My mind floated-off to an erotic, fantasy world where the tender, exploratory hands sweeping over my supple body were not my own. I was adrift in my lusty, sensual dream. The towel fell from hands but I continued to rub them along my inner thighs slowly and methodically, working their way towards my lush triangle. The palm of my right hand pressed hard on my exposed clit and with the tips of two fingers, I penetrated the soft lips of my pussy. My left hand snaked it's way up my rounded belly to the fleshy globes on high. I pinched at the pink nipples and squeezed the soft skin. I knew this madness had to stop but I seemed powerless to control my lust. I gathered-up the plush towel and laid it across my lap. I ran a brush through my long locks and cleared my mind, slumping resignedly on the stool. I wanted it and I needed it, but could I ever go through with it? I sat there with my head in my hands staring at the floor.

After a while I noticed a shadow creeping over me and could sense his presence in the room. It seemed the pheromones were stinging my flesh; and the earthy essence of cut grass and freshly turned dirt, mingled with body heat and lust. The small bathroom was filling with a soothing, moist mist and I could feel the warmth from his body behind me. A moment of indecision froze me. The light flicked off and for a few brief seconds the only sounds were the steady tapping of water on the tile floor and the soft jazz in the background. The thumping of my heart was banging like a cymbal in my head.

Then I felt his strong fingertips playing gently on my tense shoulders. He brushed his fingers through my long, raven hair. And his soft gentle lips, with the smell of hops and barley, caressed my neck sending shivers down my spine. Those strong, black hair- covered arms, reached around my ribcage and his rough hands delicately cupped the soft undersides of my heaving breasts. Goose-flesh rippled through me and my nipples hardened as he gently kneaded my full mammaries. All the while, he was silent and I was shaky. I was lost in this passionate embrace. In the utter darkness of the still room, I was trapped within my senses. The soft drumming of the warm water and the smooth lilt of a saxophone lulled me into a dreamy stupor. The mist surrounded me as if in the heart of a rainforest and I felt the comforting pleasure of a powerful force taking hold of me. I melted into the warmth of a mysterious blanket. My head reclined against his thick, hairy chest and my quivering legs parted when I perceived the approach of his wandering hands. If I kept my eyes closed and only listened to the tranquil sounds, experiencing my body tremble under the light touch, I could forget that this was my nephew Danny bringing me to this blissful fantasy.

I had always (and most frequently) imagined a strong personality overwhelming me with the impetuosity of his passion. Taking charge of me and ordering my actions. The incestuous nature of this activity could not blunt my ecstasy. But my guilty mind could be eased if convinced that I was somehow powerless to resist. If I were forced to submit to this pressure, I could be forgiven any sin. This argument went on in my head and was quickly resolved.

His left hand continued to fondle my breast while with his right, he slowly traced a path along my sweaty, shivering body, down to the wiry, black curls unfolding before him. The cold sweat I had felt, now boiled to a heated enthusiasm. His fingers found the puffy hood of my clitoris and he strummed the delicate folds. I felt his tongue on my earlobe, and his lips along my neck. My entire torso began to quake. He whispered that he intended to fuck me, and my vision was clear. I wasn't giving-in I said to myself, he was going to take me.

I knew it was Danny, I knew it was incest, and I knew that I was going to fuck him. My body quivered with the thrill of a tremendous, growing orgasm and I reached behind me and found his solid, pulsating cock. My grip instantly tightened around his firm pole, my stubby fingers barely touched as I circled the circumference of the engorged pole. I let my hand glide repeatedly up and down it's slippery length. He squeezed my breasts and bumped his erection against my bare backside. I moaned and squirmed appreciatively. He asked me to say, that I wanted to fuck him. I resisted, but rubbed his cock faster. He repeated his request. I shuddered and swallowed, I couldn't say those words, I could only nod.

As I stroked his huge cock, the disturbing consequence of incest coursed through my mind. I was certain that I would be made to pay the piper. But the torrid sensation in my yearning pussy and the insistent throbbing of his demanding erection clouded my judgement. My pussy ached for him. The stark blackness of the room began to fade as our eyes grew accustomed to the feint light seeping in from a small, frosted window. I watched intently as my nephew's long fingers plunged to the webbing, into my sopping wet cunt. The volcanic pressure in my loins rose to a fiery explosion and the climax was exhilarating, no man had ever brought-out such a wondrous feeling in me.

I shrieked and writhed in erotic ecstasy. My entire body shook. The muscles in my abdomen went into spasm, my thick thighs flexed and rocked, and my toes curled into the small rug trying to gain traction. The fire in my labia was only quenched with the roiling flood of my orgasm. A whirlwind of conflicting emotions took hold of me, but my trembling pussy argued loudest. I fell back limp and sated. I needed this badly and I knew I would do anything to get more of it. When the shaking subsided and my senses recovered, I reached again for his magnificent cock. He spoke quietly in my ear, "Are you ready for me?" I could only mumble in response and growl deeply, while I scrambled to my hands and knees. I guided his battering ram to the soggy entrance of my wanton snatch. The big mushroom head tickled my swollen clit and the tip was soon slick with my creamy wetness.

Even thoroughly lubed and gliding-in easily, it was impossible to disregard the intense pressure. Nothing of that size had ever entered me. The enormous head of his thrusting cock was lubed by my own dew, and now burrowed forward into my steamy tunnel. My body jumped at it's entrance and I tried to ease the sensation by somehow stretching my torso. But his rough hands held me steady and he pulled my hair, driving further inside. It took a minute but soon we formed a rhythm, our combined bodies working in unison with his bucking hips plunging into my welcoming orifice. It was wonderful and I was delirious. If the room had remained in total darkness, we could have hidden in our anonymity. I could have made excuses to myself and written this off as a one-time, necessary yet regrettable occurrence by two lonely souls. But as our eyes came to focus in the haze, I spotted our reflection in the big mirror. In there, my nephew yanked my hair with his huge cock drilling me from behind. And my double was down on her knees, her floppy tits banging together with the pumping motion, and one hand between her thighs rapidly rubbing her clit.

"I'm going to fuck you Aunt Vicci," he grunted into my ear and slammed that big cock inside me. His teeth clenched on my neck and shoulders. His hands spanked and poked my wobbling ass. "Can you feel my big cock ramming into your luscious pussy, Aunt Vicci?" His repeated use of the title "aunt" cut into me. I saw now that I had given in to the taboo sin of incest, and for a brief minute I felt terribly embarrassed and ashamed. Then with an animal grunt, I felt the warm flood of liquid deep inside of me. I answered with hungry moans of my own and knew that Danny was responsible for this magic. And that this was absolutely consensual and completely wonderful. I was developing the notion that this would not just be a one-time happening, nor would it stop with his solid cock in my warm pussy.

"Danny, honey," I began to ask, "please don't call me your aunt right now, I'm just Vicci for the time-being." I seriously needed for the awful guilt to subside so that I cold enjoy the magical thrill of his hard cock between my thighs, and a strong young man ravishing my mature body. "It's just us now, two people drawn together and who want to enjoy the moment."

"Oh we're going to enjoy it Aunt Vicci," he emphasized his words by ramming his raging erection up to the hilt, in my molten snatch and tugging my sweaty mane of raven hair. He pulled my hips into his, filling my hungry pussy with his meat. "You're my aunt and I'm going to fuck you hard and deep. And after I fill your hot cunt with cum, I'm going to shove my big prick into your sweet mouth. Then I'll teach how I want you to suck my cock. And you'll service me for the rest of the year." I knew instantly that he meant what he said. And I could also feel the heat building once more in my uterus.

He was explaining to me that he now controlled my sex life. Also, by using the title "Aunt," he left unsaid that he held me by the standard of a societal norm, that I could never reveal to others. My degradation and surrender were complete. He would be my new master and we both understood that fact. On the plus side, the dynamic was exciting and so far, the sex was terrific. I was actually looking forward to more.

The fucking hadn't stopped and I could sense that his enormous tool was enlarging in my cunt, filling the moist cavern and plunging ever deeper. His firm hand spanked my bare ass and I both heard and felt the thudding of his hairy balls smacking against my wet outer lips as he plowed into me. Those big hands tightened on my hips and I felt a few more violent thrusts. He grunted in to my neck and the weight of his body forced me to the floor as he emptied a hot load into my waiting cavern, (young men are amazing!) My tired body shook and spasmed like never before as I climaxed continuously for the next several minutes. The orgasms enveloped my entire frame and my body felt electrified from head to toe. When he finally pulled out of me, a stream of sticky bodily fluids seeped down my thighs and my spent body lay completely drained, in a puddle of milky liquid. It was the best feeling that I had ever experienced and I was ready to snuggle in his arms, curled in a contented ball. My nephew had other ideas.

I'd forgotten his none-too-subtle warning. "Suck it Aunt Vicci," he commanded. And my drowsy eyes opened to the sight of his enormous, slime-covered penis wedging it's way into my mouth. His right hand held the base of his slick cock and his left hand gripped a thick strand of my sweaty, tangled locks. He held my head back forcing open my mouth, saliva oozing down my chin, and my eyes bugging out. He had twisted me to my knees while he hovered above me naked and raw. His lean, chiseled body looked magnificent and his cock cast it's shadow on my face. I was forced to stare up at him looming three feet above me, and I saw the foreboding shape of his steely rod aimed menacingly at my lips.

"Stop," I pleaded. "Wait please. I've never done this before. I don't know how. I don't know what to do." It sounded sort of ridiculous, even to me. But I honestly had never sucked a cock. And it was also a bit silly since it wasn't a difficult act, and I was willing and almost anxious to try. I just needed a moment to collect my thoughts and draw a breath. I knew I was about to suck my nephew's big cock. My submissive body was naked and kneeling at his feet. And no form of sexual abasement is complete until you have a massive cock shoved down your throat. Danny was in total charge of me. He had already fucked me and he could see that I enjoyed it from the many orgasms that shook me to my core. He smiled at me and his tone softened. He lightened the grip on my hair and replaced his guiding hand with mine. He firmly helped to glide my hand over his swollen member, then he instructed me to kiss and fondle the large veiny tool.