Femans in a Universe Far Far Away


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The Marounzay, now known as the Zoue (see my first story on Literotica, "Laraloubaye"), being ever prolific, continued to multiply, soon numbering beyond most people's capacity to enumerate (See NOTE 3). They were now present on hundreds of thousands of worlds.

Meanwhile, throughout the Buwile worlds, the Zoue had undertaken considerable social and economic change and evolution, starting with the collapse of the tariff-free trade and market-based economic system.

Money, greed, materialism and exploitation had all been eradicated; along with poverty, war, disease, and geopolitical demarcation (the end of tribal and artificial national identities).

The Zoue had facilitated radical spiritual, political and economic revolution amongst all they were now weighing cultural suzerainty over.

Amidst this, there was surprisingly little change in the old Buwile out-lying worlds (known as "outmarch" worlds), in which the populations of the Zoue affected such changes to its society long before, largely with the establishment of the Communal Lordships of the Zoue in the metro-pole.

This was coupled with Herculean advances in, as well as integration of, organic technology, thus enabling them (the Zoue) to expand far beyond the Tivian Miasmic Crest, and colonize, annex and completely terra-form some 70,200 worlds. Thus was born the Grand Imperium of the Zoue.

Such expansion was more than these Zoue were able to maintain. Trade disputes with annexed worlds developed which resulted in the worlds that they annexed being wealthier and more powerful than those Zoue worlds in the Tivian Crest itself.

War commenced between the Tivian Zoue and many of the Commonwealth Zoue - who now were more populous than those women of the Tivian Crest itself. Though the "Tivians" (as they were conveniently called) defeated their enemies' military hardware, it was biological warfare (poison being a traditional Zoue method of warfare) that destroyed the Tivians, whole.

A quarantine and embargo was placed on and against the Zoue Tivian worlds, while other Tivians attempted to find a cure for the plague. There was no cure, and approximately 83-percent all the Zoue women of the Zouarum metro-pole (the ancestral home-world) died off - approximately 13.5 billion Zoue were killed by other Zoue.

When they died off, so did the plague, which had served its purpose.

Though, the Tivian-based Grand Imperium collapsed, it spawned off quite a few other entities - one of them, the Zoue Outmarch Dominion. Deciding to stay politically unified, these colonial worlds formed their own commonwealth - the Zoue-Nandi Outmarch Commonwealth.

Throughout the cosmos, other polities and identities were formed by the larger populations of the Zoue who – after freeing themselves of enslavement by other life-forms – sought to unify their immense numbers (usually in the tens-of-billions) against hostile populations.

(This is the time-frame that my older story "Laraloubaye" takes place in - Author)

Various empires, vassal dominions, colonial unions, republics, unions, federations, confederations, alliances, tribes, paramount clans, royal domains, paramount chieftaincies, states, nations and the like, have been risen, have fallen, have unified, separated, warred against each other, united to war against others, spied, conspired, and traded with and against each other; and continue to do so.

Yet, for as many of the Zoue who counted themselves as living in a coherent polity, there were equal numbers of uncounted women from the jungles of the Zouarum who still existed and survived as feudal and communal nomads, traders, mercenaries, pirates, thieves, smugglers, businesswomen, madams, pornographers, slave traders, criminals, contract killers, religious fanatics, and spiritual zealots, etc.

Some live in small colonies on worlds where they number as few as hundreds and in some worlds there are colonies of the Zoue, of various organizational structure and coherence, where they number in the millions.

On some worlds they have taken over whole continents, while on others they have been, and continue to be, persecuted, driven away, discriminated against, forcibly moved, enslaved, or any combination of the aforementioned.


During these years, specifically from 91475689912 through 91475690020 (a period roughly about 70 years) physical anthropologists came to understand that these women who were commonly known as the "Zoue" or "Zuar" were more than just a human-descendent society; that there was enough essential genetic and physiological change in these women that survived and thrived in different climates and atmospheres to be considered a new species of humanity.

Whereas humans and human-descendants had changed genetically from their earth-bound ancestors to adapt to the myriad of different climates and atmospheres of the many worlds humans colonized, the fact that these women who originated in the Zouarum and who were forcibly dispersed throughout thousands of worlds did NOT mutate genetically or physiologically meant that here was the first human evolution of a new species (See NOTE 2).

In 91475690022, at the gathering of that year's Pan-Sentient Congress of Physical and Exo-Anthropology and Paleontology, it was voted on unanimously to officially classify those women who called themselves Maronzay, Zuar or Zoue, whose ancestors came from the Marounzay jungle, and those women who carried the genetic modifications present in all Zoue as either Homo sapiens effeminatus or Homo sapiens Zouara.

Well before this official dual classification though, many of the stellar nations, as well as the Zoue themselves, were referring to themselves and were and are referred to as "feman".

Just as in any society, culture or species where there exist national, racial, linguistic and ethnic identities, yet all the members of any given society will still identify as either human or human-descendant.

The same holds true for the Homo sapiens Zouara (femans) and so it is that there are numerous nations and empires that are feman (the more well known being Sweet Pussy, Laral, Saybelles, Neubeale, Blue Lotus, Oshun, Ife, Marumba, Kush and the Slink).

During and after this classification, scores of scientists and researchers studied the changes and differences between the femans and humans. The femans became the most studied species in space.

Feman researchers started studying themselves and recognized differences between themselves and humans. What has been documented and is commonly known is that femans have longer life-spans (averaging between 700 and 750 years). Their fertile cycle can presently last up to 380 years, with each pregnancy cycle lasting up to 10 months. Theoretically, each woman can produce thousands of offspring, all female, during her life-time.

The chromosomal change in femans that has them only giving birth to females is permanent and does not change with the relocation of a feman to another world.

There are differences in height (average feman height ranges 3 to 5 meters), average strength level, mental ability (femans use both sides of their brains whereas humans are mostly one-sided) resulting in higher IQ and superior memory and information recall.

Feman bio-technology has fully unified artificial intelligence (AI, or "computers") and the brain, and the resulting superior intelligence; their neuro-chemicals have been extracted and re-produced to be used as computer storage modules.

Femans can physically merge their brains with AI because the chemicals that power the computers and their own neuro-chemicals are one in the same.

This merging of the feman brain and AI/computers gave rise to Mind-Extension Multiple Reality Matrixes (MexMRM), the same MexMRM that Laraloubaye uses to upload erotica on.

Due to the extreme tropical climate of their ancestral world, the ancestral Maroons gradually shed clothing to the extant they became nudists.

As the Maroons evolved into femans, they continued to be nudists and their bodies evolved naturally secreting moisturizing and insulating oils that protect the bare flesh from climatic forces as well as protect it from harmful bacteria and other harmful agents.

Femans also have documented higher sexual drives and evolved sexual organs that heightens both the desire for sexual pleasure, and greatly enhances sexual pleasure.

Medical anthropologists – feman, human and human-descendent – understand that the feman increased desire for pleasure serves a practical purpose. When stimulated, feman pleasure receptors in their brains facilitate chemicals that allow them to attain extra-sensory perception; helps facilitate REM sleep; and those same neuro-chemicals enable powerful visions and dreams (enhanced by a variety of psycho-tropic herbal drugs).

It is no surprise then that ecstatic trance is a common trait amongst femans. The physiological evolution of feman sexual organs includes the evolution of 2 and 3 clitorises, more pronounced physical characteristics, the most common being immensely pronounced buttocks that seems to be a universal trait amongst all femans.

Of course the most obvious and glaring difference with femans is that this species – "femanity" if you will – that is mono-gendered.

There are no male adult femans. It is estimated that only one out of every 100,000 births are male. Those who are born male evolve to females by no later than 25 years of age. The paucity of adult feman males leads to how femans procreate, and it is suspected that this is a reason for the evolved prolongation of the feman life-span. It is evolutionary allowance of time to find a male with whom these women can be impregnated by.

Feman researchers and non-feman researchers have and continue to document that there are dominant and subordinate femans; two semi-genders of femans who are impregnated by other femans (through direct vaginal and clitoral contact).

This may explain the evolution of their multiple clitorises, the second and/or third one being just exposed from the labia and long enough to be inserted in the vaginal canal of the other woman through which fertilizing cells are deposited from the dominant to the subordinate.

In feman societies, the one who carries and bears the off-spring is considered dominate. Though not certain, there is proof in some feman societies of this dominate/subordinate semi-gender in that dominant is generally taller and physically stronger that the subordinate. What is known with certainty is that the femans do interact with humans and human-descendants on various levels – economically, culturally and intimately.


Femans are communal, whose instinctive predilection is to live in immense groups in enormous spaces (palaces being the ideal feman artificial habitat ) where they sleep crowded all over each other, eat communally and bathe and have sex communally as well.

Unlike humans and near-humans who live and govern themselves under various and eclectic forms of governance, femans almost universally organize themselves into hives, not unlike those of honey bees with an absolute monarch (a queen) not so much ruling over them, but guiding them.

Just as in the bee-hive there are the queen and her protectors/enforcers, the same holds true for femans. Called "Lords", "Royal Lords", "Great Lords", "Paramount Chiefs", "Queens", "Great Queens", "Vice-Queens", "Empresses" and the like – all these monarchs are absolute in their power whose only bureaucracy consist of the monarch's "police" – those who protect and defend the queen and the queens "hive" (her people, or those women who identify with any given queen) from both external enemies and internal threats (those who seek to overthrow from queen)

In feman societies, aside from the queen and her police/enforcers (commonly referred to as the R.P. – Royal Police) there is no other government.

Feman societies are more or less anarchic and freewheeling. Any feman can do, say, think, write or act any way she pleases. The only crime that exists in many feman societies is the physical attempt to overthrow a queen.

Criticism and ridicule of a queen is freely permitted, just do not try to physically overthrow her. When it comes to external threats to a feman nation, all those who know it is in their best interest to defend themselves, their sisters and the queen mobilize.

When faced with external threats – all femans become the military. There is no demarcation between military and civilian in times of feman war.

It must be mentioned that all femans identify themselves first and foremost as "feman". Any and every other identification (whether by nationality [or lack thereof], planetary residence, religious belief [or lack thereof]) is secondary. The presence of their sisters is only what is important.

Femans have little in the way of territorial-based identity, nor have they ever had one; even though they had territorial-based identities were imposed on him by their enslavers. Femans have no preference for climate, atmosphere and society. Their own presence and those of their sisters are the only way they identify themselves.

Amongst many sentient life-forms, when the word "feman" in all their respective languages, is mentioned, other beings respond with a nearly instinctive amalgam of scorn, hate, envy and lust.

This paradoxical mix hate/envy and lust extends largely from the fact that femans refuse to be enslaved, and have been and still are violently (yet deceptively) rebellious against any form of coercion; this, in addition to their alliance with, and support of, oppressed beings throughout the cosmos that are persecuted and mistreated by other life-forms.

In essence, femans are recognized as universal advocates of the liberties and freedom of any and all other life-forms, especially those who cannot defend themselves against those who are stronger and technologically superior.

To feman nations, empires and worlds dominated by femans come many-a life-form who seek refuge from persecution, oppression and enslavement. For this defense of the weak and the oppressed, femans are even more so despised by aggressors.

During the present time of Laraloubaye, femans number well in excess of 800 trillion, and the core of feman societies live and thrive on approximately 107,000 worlds spread throughout the Tivian Miasmic Crest – worlds beautified with exquisitely fluid and naturalistic architecture, that makes up cities of endless pleasure palaces, love temples and communal baths along with numerous libraries, salons, baths and basilica – all of whom are dedicated to their passions.

Throughout the universe, it is estimated that femans are present on about 4 million worlds and over 12 million artificial constructs.

As stated before, there are numerous feman nations of varying size and population. Femanity is a patchwork of royal domains; various spiritual/religious sects numbering in the millions that venerate ancient gods, goddesses, religions and philosophies as well as newer religions (ranging from the erotic to the asexual) that have evolved and continue to evolve.

Various priestesses, seers and many other clerics of the sort, as well as various and sundry queens, empresses, princesses, madams, etc., constitute a cacophony of numerous bureaucracies. It may seem chaotic to outsiders, and indeed is chaotic, but it works for femans.

Slavery is not the only means by which femans moved to other worlds. Many voluntarily left and continue to relocated to establish communities in other worlds including their ancestral world –Marounzay.

On Marounzay and in many other human and human-descended societies, femans have become peaceable members of their societies – intermingling and intermarrying with whomever they fall in love with. Non-femans (such as the Ozool, who are human-descendants) regularly associate with femans intimately with the full understanding that any and all offspring of a sexual union with a feman will only result in the birth of another feman.

To further their procreation, there are femans who settle in worlds with the specific purpose of building their renowned ornate Love Temples where many males are lured to have sex. Most femans do not use money. Many do not even believe in money.

Many femans are semi-ascetics for whom the accumulation of money and material wealth as a means unto itself is irrelevant to the purpose of life. Far from its complete rejection, femans view money and other materials as tools to obtain contentment, enrichment of the spirit and the intellect and to enhance pleasures of the physical.

Even such worlds and nations where femans are an immigrant population, these women do not wear clothing. Total or near nudity (meaning not even pubic hair) is the ideal for them, but they are also aware that it is shocking and taboo for many other people. They know their bodies are sexiest in the nude, and flaunt it as such.

Femans get a rush from shocking others with their nakedness. It is as arousing for them as it is for others to know that everyone is seeing their most intimate parts, and femans make every effort, and are intentionally as crude as they can be about it, to display their most private of bodily parts. It is quite common for them to pleasure themselves and have sex with each other in public.


Femans are massive in scope and are massively endowed. They have heads of gloriously woolly hair like that of a lamb, styled in ways unique to each woman. Some bejewel their manes with medallions and/or talismans of gold, silver and bronze. Other than head hair, femans are completely hairless.

Femans are effortless contortionists who have extremely flexible cartilaginous skeletons (composed of resilient hard cartilage, which is far more flexible than bone and allows for a wide range of physical movements limited only by their fancy.) Their arms are thick and heavily fleshy, yet they are not un-feminine. Their shoulders are quite narrow with thick, meaty arms and deceivingly gentle hands with long curved nails that are both utilitarian and seductive.

The average strength of a feman is actually immeasurable and non-quantifiable, but whatever it may be, their ability to use it with subtlety is inculcated in children from their earliest awareness. Femans ritualistically train their bodies through weight training, calisthenics and ritual dance. Such regimens enable them to physically manipulate any object they wish to dominate.

Femans have fat plump lactating breasts (of varying size with ever-erect thumb-sized nipples from which lactates chocolate milk), disproportionately thin waists that literally explode into bouncing, round and/or ovate, ripe, steatopygous bubble and melon buttocks that are twin orbs of buoyant, wobbling and hanging flesh and muscle that bobs shimmies jolts and bounces with such voracity that it can cause quakes and rifts in the fabric of existence.

The cheeks of their wildly loose ends sway up and down as with the slightest movement as if the derriere has a soul of its own. Indeed, their derriere is their soul, their government.

These women's inordinately large dimpled and melon backsides and oval hips are their undisputed and inarguable central core aspects.

All femans are conspicuously amoral and ill-mannered, barely contained coalescing of raw sexual license. Femans' backsides are like two ovate cantaloupe melons crunched against each other along their sides, and which appear to nearly burst like water balloons when they are quivering against each other, and even more so when they shake their bodies, or just by sashaying through their palaces.

Joy and arousal is so deeply felt during frenzies of dancing when millions of femans gather in temples and erotic divination sanctums throughout all of their worlds to shake their backsides, and to watch each other bouncing and rotate their hips, while they pleasure themselves to relieve their arousal.