Finding Love Ch. 02


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"She's been thorough a lot," Holland replied. "Did you see the shock on her face when you described your parent's relationship? Damn it, no one should have to grow up like she did."

"She told me that her father was in such a rush to get her mated he didn't do the Rite of Passage. Her wolf must be nearly insane with the need to be free for the first time."

"That bastard," Holland hissed quietly. "So, what are you going to do about that?"

"Have it, of course. Only it'll be her new pack that welcomes her wolf. Seems fitting."

"You need to have your mom talk to her, too. Ivy needs to understand that we don't use our fists to settle an argument with our women," Holland said.

"I think she knows; it'll just take time," Daylon sighed. "And seeing how the other woman act will help. Man, I never dreamed I'd feel like this for someone. I want to see her smile, laugh..."

"Welcome to the wonderful world of being mated," Holland smirked. "Or so I've heard."

"Laugh while you can, man," Daylon said. "Your day is coming."

"Yeah? Well, I wish she'd hurry up and put in an appearance," Holland said.

"She's out there, you got to have faith," Daylon said. "How much longer before we're home?"

"Well, since we're not driving like we have the hounds of hell on our heels... about forty minutes," Holland replied.

"Good," Daylon laughed. "I can't wait to see mom's face."

"Oh, I imagine word got to her. You weren't exactly quiet when leaving earlier."

"She's going to freak," Daylon grinned. "Then haul Ivy off to pamper her and I won't see her for hours!"

"Good. Something tells me that girl needs a little pampering in her life, my friend."

"It's on the list, Holland." Daylon said. "First off.

* * * *

Ivy was still asleep when they arrived at Daylon's village. He shook her shoulder, smiling slightly as her eyes fluttered open. Pushing her hair out of her face, Ivy sat up.

"We're home, Ivy," Daylon said.

Before he could continue a loud knocking on the tinted windows caused Ivy to jump, making Daylon grin.

"That's my mom," Daylon said. "I imagine she wants to meet you."

"Oh lord, I look like I've been pulled through a keyhole sideways!" Ivy gasped. "How would she know about me anyway?"

"I... ah, well. When I figured out who you were, and what was happening-Sam told me that you were about to be mated-I lost my temper."

"Is Sam the one that I saw in my room? That shadowy man?"

"Yes, it was. I knew something was wrong, Ivy. I could feel your despair. Sam is telepathic and he followed the link from me to you."

The knocking came again.

"Dude, your mom is going to break the glass if you don't open the door," Holland said.

"That's pretty much everything that happened, I promise. And he's right; I need to open the door. She's going to love you, sweetheart," Daylon said. "Don't be afraid."

Daylon opened the door and got out. Ivy slid across the seat and stepped out of the SUV. Holding Ivy's hand, Daylon turned and reached out to his mom. She was a bit shorter than Ivy. Her honey brown hair was heavily streaked with gray and piled up in a bun with a few lazy wisps working free.

Large sky blue eyes, just like Daylon's, stared at Ivy. Happiness danced in those blue eyes. It took Ivy a minute to decipher what she was seeing. It was an emotion that never showed in her mom's eyes. She was slightly plump, what men would call generously curvy.

A man stood behind her who was nearly as tall as Daylon. His long black hair, with white sprinkle through, was held back with a leather tie. His eyes were the color of dark chocolate. Daylon was a beautiful mixture of his parents.

"Mom, Dad, this is Ivy O'Farrell... my mate," Daylon said, making the introductions. "Ivy, these are my parents... Rigor and Kiara McCloud."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Ivy said.

"Oh honey, look at you! You're as pretty as a picture," Kiara exclaimed.

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Oh heavenly day, she has manners! Did you hear that Rigor?" Kiara was grinning from ear-to-ear. "Maybe she'll rub off on you brutes."

"Now Kiara, you've always said you like us just the way we are," Rigor said. "Isn't that right, son?"

"There's always room for improvement," Kiara smirked.

"How about a little help here, Daylon?" Rigor asked.

"You're on your own, Dad," Daylon laughed. "I know better than to comment on that."

"There may be hope for you yet, Son," Kiara said. "Now, would you like something to eat, Ivy? I bet you'd rather have a bath, wouldn't you. Knowing these brutes they just hauled you off. Tell you what, why don't I get the water running while Rigor scrounges up a quick snack for you. You just come with me and they can bring it upstairs."

Rigor shook his head. "Can't get a word in edge-wise. Welcome to the family, Ivy. My son is very lucky to have you."

"Thank you, sir. But I'm the lucky one."

"Oh lord, girl. You'll have his head so swelled he won't be able to get through the door. Now, you go on with Kiara and us men will hunt and gather."

Kiara noticed Ivy flinched at the word "girl" and made a mental note to find out why. Kiara was a loving mother that would take on a grizzly bear to protect her pup, but when her 'mother's instinct' was triggered she wouldn't stop until she knew what was wrong. She wouldn't interfere, but she would get to the bottom of things. And Ivy had her instincts screaming loudly.


The uncertainty in Ivy's eyes nearly killed Daylon. He couldn't imagine what Dolmas had done to her these past two days that crushed her spirit so. He wanted to see the Ivy he met in the dream and was determined to do whatever it took. Something was bothering Ivy, and he needed to find out what it was and fix it. There was something lurking in her eyes' and it worried Daylon. He was sure he didn't have the whole story of what happened these past two days.

"Go ahead," Daylon said. "Dad and I will grab you a snack. We'll be up in a minute."

"Okay," she said.

Ivy and Kiara walked upstairs, leaving the two men. Daylon went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

"Damn, I don't even know what she likes," Daylon mumbled.

"There's fruit, some slices of honey ham, crackers, and some cheese cubes. All finger foods and easy to get together."

"Okay. Thanks dad."

"Now, what the hell is going on?" Rigor asked. "Her father is Dolmas O'Farrell, right?"

"Oh yeah."

"I've met him, you know, at one of the yearly meetings. A more egotistical, self-important, and chauvinistic man I have yet to meet."

"You forgot abusive."

"Well, shit. Is he the one that put those bruises on her?"

"Him or his sons."

"Daylon? Where did you bury his mangled body?"

"He still lives, as does his eldest. The quick version is I dreamed of Ivy. Sam used his powers to locate her because I had this feeling of... despair. I interrupted the mating ceremony and claimed Ivy. Her father called death challenge and used his punk-ass son as his champion. Dad, he wouldn't fight me himself. I didn't kill Kern, but it was close. I took Ivy and left immediately. She has nothing with her, nothing at all."

"I have to congratulate you on the control you showed, son."

Daylon assembled the food on a tray. "There's still something going on. In my dream she was untried, but adventurous. Her spirit was strong, dad. Now... she's withdrawn. Something happened and it's nearly broke her."

"I can tell she's strong; she'd have to be with a father like Dolmas. I can sense something is off, too. Whatever it is, she'll pull through with our help. Now, get that up there so she can eat. It takes forever for that damn swimming pool that your mother calls a sunken tub to fill."

"You built Mom that thing, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... What's a mate to do? Damn large ass tub."

* * * *

"The men should be up here in a minute, so why not sit down while the tub fills," Kiara said. "And call me Kiara, honey."

"Wow, that has to be the biggest thing I've ever seen," Ivy laughed.

"Rigor built it for me. Granted, I got a strange look when I told him how big I wanted it and I wanted it sunken, but I love it."

Neither woman said anything while they watched the tub fill with water.

"Ivy, do you have any clothes with you? I didn't see any suitcases."

Ivy's skin flushed. "No, nothing besides the clothes on my back. And I hate this dress."

"It's a pretty dress."

"It was what my father chose for the mating ceremony he planned. Daylon interrupted it."

"Oh my, bet that was something to see," Kiara said. "Well, don't worry about it. I have lots of clothes you can choose from until Daylon takes you to get yours."

"You don't mind?"

"No, honey. Matter of fact I have a wonderful emerald green dress that will look great with your eyes."

Daylon walked in with a tray full of finger foods. "Here sweetheart, I didn't know what you liked so I got a bit of everything."

"It looks good," Ivy waited until Daylon put the tray down. "Thank you and I love everything that's there. It's a very sweet-I'm really touched that you-"

"Ivy, there is nothing more satisfying to me than to see you eat what I brought you; to know that my mate is well fed by my hand, to know that I provided for you," Daylon said softly. "Now, I'm going to go so you can enjoy your bath. After that, if you're ready, we'll do the Rite of Passage. I'll see you shortly."

Daylon left and Kiara stood up, shutting off the water. "I know your mother. Well, not personally. She seems like a good woman that has her fair share of burdens. I'm not going to ask why the Rite hasn't been performed yet, nor why it wasn't done with your pack."

"My dad-"

"And that tells me everything I need to know," Kiara said. "I'm going to make a few calls. I'm assuming we're going to do the Rite here, tonight. We will stand for you, as your parents should have stood for you, and celebrate your wolf. We will take you into our pack as a beloved member and mate to our Alpha, Ivy. This should be a joyful occasion, and I'm going to try my damndest to make it such."

"Oh god," Ivy said, her words strangled as tears started to fall.

The fear, desperation, and sorrow finally overwhelmed Ivy and she broke down. Everything came to a head, and exploded out of her. Sobbing, her body shaking, Ivy let go.

"It's going to be okay," Kiara said, holding Ivy. "Let it go. You'll feel better once you get this out of your system."

Ivy cried for a full ten minutes until the tears began to dry up.

"Relax and enjoy yourself in there," Kiara said. "I'm going to lay out that dress I told you about. There's make-up in the top drawer. Use whatever you want, then meet us in the kitchen."

"Thank you, Kiara," Ivy said. "Thank you so much."

"Honey, before the night is done, you'll be my daughter-in-law. You have no idea how long I've waited for this, and it's an added benefit that we get along! Now, you enjoy yourself in here."

* * * *

"Please tell me her father, and I use that word loosely, is buried six feet under," Kiara said as she sat down at the table.

"And you wonder where he gets his blood-thirsty nature from," Rigor laughed.

"Right, don't try to tell me you haven't already asked that same question," Kiara said.

"He lives," Daylon said. "Dad can explain it to you later. Is she okay?"

"Tired, emotional, and she's got things on her mind; but other than that, she's okay," Kiara said. "I need to call everyone so we can get the Rite done, and done correctly."

"I already started," Rigor said. "Nearly all the pack will be there."

"Thanks. I want this to be a happy memory for her," Daylon said.

An hour later Ivy came downstairs. The emerald green dress fit her perfectly. It was a straight dress with a slit in the front that showed her leg when she walked. Her arms were bare again. Her hair was wavy from the heat of the bath, and she used a little of the make-up Kiara pointed out. Her brown sandals' went nicely. Daylon stood up, moved around the table in a daze and came to stand in front of her. Brushing a loose hair out of her face, he leaned down and kissed her lips.

"You ready?" Daylon whispered.

"Yes," Ivy nodded. "My wolf knows; I can feel her waiting."

"Just remember to stay calm and let it happen. It doesn't hurt even though it sounds awful."

The Circle of Stone was made of large boulders that were rectangular in shape and stood straight up. Along the top were more stones that connected the standing boulders. The boulders were in a circle and the top stones stretched from one boulder to the next, making a circle, also. It was a five minute walk to the circle.

Ivy stepped inside the stones, Daylon with her. Both Kiara and Rigor stood outside. Ivy was shocked to see so many people; it looked like nearly the whole village was in attendance. Night had fallen and the moon's light casted the circle in an unearthly, silvery light. Ivy shivered slightly; her wolf was excited.

"Hand me your dress and shoes, my beauty."

Daylon unzipped her dress, and Ivy let it slip off. Stepping out of it she handed it to Daylon. Holding his arm, she undid her sandals, handing those to Daylon, too. She wasn't ashamed of being naked; this was as natural as breathing to a wolf. Daylon's eyes caressed her; the hot promise in his eye's telling her if the transformation was successful her virginity would be no more by the end of the night.

A light blush, not from embarrassment, covered her skin. Moving backwards, Daylon watched Ivy standing in the pale moonlight. The second he stepped out of the circle a wave of heat swept through Ivy, blurring her vision for a second. Power raced through her body, driving her to her knees. Blackness edged her vision. Suddenly her wolf appeared in her mind's eye. Tears ran down Ivy's face as she looked upon her.

A scratchy tongue darted out, and licked her tear stained cheek. Calmness settled over Ivy. Her coat grew quickly, her snout lengthened while her tail formed. Then the sounds started; loud snapping noises as her body assumed the shaped of a wolf. It reminded Ivy of being in the dentist's chair. The sound of the drill was loud and there was pressure, but no pain. The fog began to lift and Ivy noticed that everything was sharper and clearer.

In the middle of the circle sat a small, delicate dark brown wolf that had red highlights in her coat. Ivy was small, even for a female, but her carriage was regal.

"Dear god, she's magnificent," Daylon breathed.

Raising her head, Ivy called out... the sound carrying into the night. At once the pack answered. Daylon's wolf answered the strongest. Straining on his leash, fighting the man for control, his wolf wanted near his mate... now.

"Go to her, son," Rigor whispered.

Daylon barely had time to strip his clothes off before his control snapped. Transforming quickly, the huge, black wolf stalked toward the circle. Ivy sat, waiting patiently as Daylon entered and moved toward her. Less than a foot away, she stood up, lowered her chest to the ground and wagged her tail. This was the spirit Daylon first saw, the playfulness.

Again he howled, and Ivy answered him. Sniffing her, he rubbed his head against hers. Lifting his left paw he batted at her, wanting her to play. Ivy jumped around, dropped her chest to the ground again, growled lightly... and jumped him! Both of them rolled around on the ground, play fighting until Rigor clapped his hands, bringing the games to an end.

Laughter floated around the crowd, and smiles greeted them as they changed back. Daylon dressed quickly, the man now reacting to the woman. Ivy slipped into the dress, and hand-in-hand they left the circle. Many of Daylon's pack gathered around, welcoming Ivy.

"How do you feel?" Daylon asked.

"I feel great, not tired at all."

"Good," Daylon said, a wealth of meaning in the words. "Let's say good night to Mom and Dad and go to my place. I want you in my bed, now."

A few hasty good-byes-along with more than one knowing smile-and they were at Daylon's front door.

"You can take the grand tour tomorrow, sweetheart," Daylon said as they entered the house.

"Something tells me I'm not going to get out of the bedroom tonight," Ivy whispered as he led her through the darkened halls.

"You damn sure got that right," Daylon growled. "I'll be careful when I make love to you. It'll hurt some, but I'm going to have you so hot for me, you'll hardly notice."

Moving behind her, Daylon pushed her hair out of the way. His warm breath on the back of her neck made her shiver. Chill bumps raced up her arms. Ivy jumped when his lips feathered across her nape, making the hairs on her neck stand up. His hands massaged her shoulders as he sniffed her neck, the small puff of air making Ivy quiver.

"Sweet Jesus, you smell like heaven," he groaned.

"I can smell your scent, too," Ivy said. "It's spicy, strong... male."

"Kiss me," he whispered, his breath warm against Ivy's neck.

"Mmm, yes."

Turning her around, Daylon leaned toward her. His lips descended, tasting, while holding her loosely in his embrace. Little nibbling kisses covered her lips, encouraging Ivy to open to him. Ivy was unable to stop the moan that slipped from her mouth. She knew he could see her hard nipples standing up against the fabric of her dress.

Daylon slid his arms around her back, pulling them groin to groin. The hardness Ivy felt prodding against her stomach proved she wasn't the only one affected. Again his mouth slanted over Ivy's, urging her to respond to his kiss. Moaning into his mouth, Ivy felt his shaft rubbing against her.

Daylon's mouth skimmed along the column of her throat. Ivy tilted her head back barring her neck to him. He eagerly rubbed his cheek against her throat. Stepping back, he looked at her. Awareness swept through her from what she saw in Daylon's eyes. Not just desire, but something more.

"Ready to take that off?" he asked, motioning to the dress.

Turning so he could unzip it, she shivered when his hands touched the warm skin of her back. Easing it off she turned, waiting with nothing on but her sandals. Daylon started at the tip of her head, caressing her with his eye's, and didn't stop until he reached her feet.

"You are truly the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"Please Daylon, let me see you, too."

Daylon undid the buttons on his shirt. She was fascinated by how his muscles flexed when he removed it. She ran her hands over his hard, muscular chest, traveling down until she reached the top of his jeans. Daylon helped her unbutton them, then sat down to remove his shoes. Throwing them off to the side he stood up and stepped out of his jeans. Ivy swallowed when she saw that he went commando.

"Oh good lord, you're the beautiful one, Daylon!"

His body was ripped, all hard angles and soft back hair. A small smile played around his lips at her words.

"I guess men aren't called beautiful, huh?"

"You can call me beautiful any time, Ivy," Daylon said. "Don't be nervous. Why don't you sit on the bed, my beauty?"

Ivy sat down. A slight nudge on Ivy's shoulder urged her farther back. Propped up on her elbows she watched as Daylon lifted a foot, unbuckled the sandal, and dropped it to the floor. He kissed the inside of her ankle, making Ivy flinch.

Holding her ankle, he looked at her. "Do you like this?"

"Oh yeah, I wasn't expecting it to feel so good."

Daylon nibbled up her leg until he reached the inside of her knee. Gently he nipped her there, then rubbed his tongue over the small hurt. Ivy gasped; surprised that such an inconspicuous spot on her body could be so arousing. Ivy dropped flat on the bed, on her back. Gently he opened her legs more, settling in between them.

"I'm going to taste you, sweetheart."

She was wet, and lord have mercy, that small tuff of dark red curls at the junction of her legs was driving him crazy. She looked so soft, and pink, and he was dying to have her juice in his mouth. Bending his head he lowered his lips and caressed her clit. Ivy jerked on the bed like someone pulled her arms and legs at the same time, moaning loudly.
