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Free-loving Fiona turns to her boyfriend after school attack.
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Fiona snapped. "What is wrong with you? You've barely touched me."

"I've got a gardening tool up my ... well it's not very comfortable!"

"Well you should have got your parents out for the day. Send them to the cinema or something. We could have been at your house instead!"

Greg snorted derisively. "It's so easy for you." His naked lover turned to face him, pushing the long blonde hair from her face and scowling angrily. There was little room in the gardeners' shed, situated in the grounds of her exclusive public school where she had a scholarship, but the frustration etched on her face was evident.

"What's that supposed to mean?" The slender soubrette cried.

Greg gestured with his hands towards her. "You want to be on top, but there's nowhere for me to be without having something up my arse. Why don't we just go somewhere else?"

"'Cause there is nowhere else!" Fiona shouted. "And you've been away all week. I've been celibate since last Sunday. That's six fucking days. Or six no fucking days, more to the point!"

Greg sighed. "You could have, taken matters into your own hands," he teased with a smile as he disentangled his body from the gardening tools, and Fiona shrugged. "And I had to go away. It was a field trip."

"And now you need to make amends," Fiona demanded. "I did not choose to go out with you to be celibate. Now stop fucking around, and start, well, fucking."

"Can't we sneak into your room like last weekend? Surely Jenny's gone by now." Fiona sighed, and tried to look out of the shed window, but, unable to see much, opened the flimsy wooden door and stepped out into the cold, swirling wind to focus on the building in the distance. "Shut it, it's freezing!" Greg moaned.

"You girl," the naked Fiona taunted with a giggle. "The light in our room's off."

"Can we go there, then?" Greg pleaded. "Please. We can have a bed."

"A single bed."

"Yeah, and it's better than double rake," he snapped and scratched his hair. "Please ..."

"If I don't get laid today, you're in serious trouble," she shouted aggressively. "Serious trouble."

Greg reached for his clothes. "Has anyone ever told you that you are a nympho?"

"Yes," Fiona snapped as she reached for her underwear. "All my boyfriends, but who cares about them?" She cocked her head as she watched Greg get frantically reacquainted with his clothes. "Oh come on! Every guy wants to have a nympho as a girlfriend. And I was eighteen last week and I didn't even get an orgasm!" Greg grumbled in response as Fiona slid her long dress over her body. He laughed and she told him to "hurry up!"

"I'm comin'!"

"Bloody wish I was," Fiona mumbled and Greg sighed in mild annoyance; Fiona was the perfect girlfriend in many ways -- she was low maintenance, in a financial sense, and got on very well with his friends -- but she was incredibly demanding in the bedroom department!

"Will you stop moaning?" Greg pleaded as they pushed open to the door to the shed. It creaked closed behind them and Fiona straightened her clothes as they walked across the manicured grass lawn to the perimeter wall.

Fiona had escorted her boyfriend into her room many times before, and they followed the walled boundary into the deserted vegetable garden, before Fiona pulled out her keys and opened the door of the fire escape. "Best two pounds fifty I have ever spent," she said with a smile, as she softly closed the door behind them, and pointed up the stairs. "Cost to get a key cut. Bargain!"

Greg nervously tiptoed up the empty staircase in the imposing building. "Are you sure no-one's about?" He whispered. Fiona shrugged and bounded up the stairs energetically, her footsteps echoing throughout the concrete spiral. She stopped at the top of the stairs, putting her ear to the door.

"It's safe, I think," Fiona murmured to Greg as he reached her, and she slowly opened the fire door to look along the small corridor; her room was the closest to the fire escape, and there was silence.

Fiona tiptoed to her room, and unlocked her bedroom door, before eagerly beckoning her partner to join her. Greg darted into the girl's bedroom trying to be as inconspicuous as he could. The room consisted of two single beds under the window adjacent to each wall, with two wardrobes on the right of the room, and two desks on the left. He shut the door firmly and Fiona locked it behind him. "So we don't get disturbed," she promised with a smile. She pulled Greg towards her, and unbuckled his jeans.

"You don't waste any time," he joked and Fiona cocked her head.

"Yeah, well. You have a job to do and I don't know when Jenny is coming back." She pushed his trousers to his ankles and threw her dress onto the floor beside her bed. Greg hesitated and she gestured at the bespectacled teenager who folded his clothes neatly on the back of a chair.

Fiona pulled him towards her and giggled, pushing her hair behind her ears and her eyes tracing the body of her boyfriend. She licked her lips and rubbed her hands over his torso, her painted nails lightly scratching his skin as she stared into his eyes.

He whimpered expectantly and she smiled at his inflating cock, still damp from their aborted efforts in the groundsman's shed. Her hands glided over his skin and swept across his tummy and his thighs. He closed his eyes and Fiona took a step to his left, brushing her hands against his cock. She nibbled at his earlobes and stepped back as she slowly walked around him, pushing against his sides with her hands and gripping his erect penis.

"Tell me," she whispered. "I bet you've been thinking how you want my lips on this, haven't you?" Greg gulped and nodded as she blew gently on his neck and kissed it before murmuring again. "You've been playing with yourself all week, dreaming of me making you come, again and again, haven't you?" Greg simpered as her hands stroked his shaft and her bare bosom pressed against his skin. "You've been wanting this dirty little whore to come and make you come in her dirty, slutty, little mouth. Haven't you?" Greg sniffed and nodded, mesmerised by her intoxicating words. Fiona smiled to herself and groaned, pressing her body against the bare back of her boyfriend. "Ahh ... Greg," she gently cried. "You want it?"

"Yeah," he muttered breathlessly.

Her left hand rose up his body and gently rubbed Greg's nipple; he gasped in sensual anticipation. Fiona pulled at his body, jutting his waist forward, and her right hand circled her thumb over the tip of his glans, smearing the pre-cum over the sensitive head. Greg's legs trembled.

Fiona guided him towards the edge of the soft bed, and grinned at him. She strode over to the window, stopping just long enough to watch a handful of her peers run across the grass lawns. She smiled as she lowered herself to her knees and watched the desperate expression of her boyfriend, as her face moved forward and took the engorged cock in her teenage mouth for the fourth time in as many weeks. Greg groaned instantly as her lips slid firmly down the erect member and her tongue swished across the head.

Greg sighed; he gripped the side of the bed as the talented girl sucked and licked his cock with her tongue, and her hands explored his sensitive balls squeezing them gently. She felt his cock twitch; he simpered and squealed, panting and mewing into the dimly-lit bedroom.

Fiona ran her tongue around the tip of his cock, savouring his musky pre-cum, and his toes curled before gasping and crying out. Fiona pumped his cock with her hands, looking into his eyes as she withdrew her mouth from the glans. She watched him sigh, and squeal; she loved watching him writhe in pleasure and felt several spurts of cum land on her bosom. He pushed his lips together and screwed his face up, as Fiona smiled at him, giggling as bare breasts glistened with his deposit. She reached for a tissue and wiped it over her chest as her boyfriend took a few deep breaths.

Greg leant back on the bed, his hands behind him and supporting his weight as his glistening cock jutted impressively into the room. "Your turn?" He said with a smile.

"Of course my turn," Fiona snapped and raised her eyebrows. She threw herself backwards onto the bed and spun her legs over Greg, with her ankles missing her boyfriend's face by a couple of inches. Greg put his hands on the side of her thighs and pressed his face into her crotch but Fiona pushed on the top of his head and snarled at him. "Be gentle."

Greg snorted; he looked up and slowly nibbled her thighs. She simpered and pressed her body into the mattress, encouraging him to continue with barely audible mewing. She held her breath as her eyes watched him sucking at the inside of her milky thighs and she pushed her legs further apart.

Greg glided his hands over her firm, teenage body and squeezed her nipples with his fingers. She groaned and squealed as Greg roughly rubbed the firm points between his thumbs and forefingers, and the bespectacled lad pushed his tongue over the top of Fiona's slit and rolled it across her sensitive lips. Fiona sighed in expectation and she gripped the side of the bed, as Greg's tongue poked at her moist crevice.

Fiona ran her hands over Greg's hair and licked her lips. She pushed her hips further into her boyfriend's face and groaned as his tongue found her clitoris and flicked it forcefully.

Loud whimpers and passionate grunts filled the room as Greg lapped at her moist cunt and flicked her clit forcefully before circling her button with firm motions. Fiona squealed and panted, her body shaking as her boyfriend took her to the brink of an orgasm.

She gripped hold of the bed, and roared as she threw her head back and exhaled loudly, screeching as Greg's tongue passionately devoured her moist clit. She shuddered and her legs shook as she panted.

Fiona looked down at her boyfriend gratefully and smiled. She pushed his face away from her crotch and beckoned for him to join her on the bed. "Is that a good enough birthday present?" Greg teased. He wiped his wet face on the back of his hand and Fiona kissed him on the cheek.

He pushed her hips back onto the bed, and ran his hand down her naked body to her wet slit, sliding up against her clitoris and pressing gently. She writhed and closed her eyes as his finger made slow motions around her sensitive button and she sighed. She tried to kiss him again but Greg resisted and watched as the teenager's eyes twinkled with passion and lust while his fingers pressed against her crotch. Her breathing became more laboured and she kept holding her breath for a few seconds, suspiring loudly with every exhalation.

Her hands reached towards Greg but he pushed them back and slid further down the bed, so his fingers could probe Fiona's hole. She gulped and watched as his middle finger was eagerly welcomed by the lustful girl and he pressed against the slippery flesh of her soaking crotch.

The unmistakable scent of female arousal filled the air and Fiona began to pant and squeal. Greg's thumb massaged her pearl and his fingers rolled around her cunt, and he watched joyfully as his girlfriend screwed up her face and cried out loudly; she was always easy to get to a second orgasm.

Fiona's body shook as waves of intense pleasure swept through her and the young lady reached out and pulled Greg on top of her. He had to adjust himself but Fiona reached down to align her boyfriend's erect cock with her entrance and they both sighed.

She pushed her legs up and wrapped them around her partner's waist, as Greg thrusted his gleaming cock into her slick entrance. Fiona gasped and grunted, shouting encouragement into her lover's ear and staring into his eyes lustfully.

"You're a slut, aren't you?" Greg grunted and Fiona nodded. "Aren't you? A dirty, little fucking slut."

"Yes," Fiona cried and wrapped her arms around Greg, digging her nails into his back. Greg rammed his cock deeper into the teenage girl as he cried out in pain. His rhythm became faster and Fiona closed her eyes, savouring the sensations from her loins. She gulped and watched as Greg screwed up his face, withdrew his cock and squirted cum into her belly button with a satisfied groan. She gently ran her hands over his back. He gulped and reached down to kiss the young lady that he had covered in his semen twice.

Fiona passed him a tissue from her bedside table with a smile, and he cleaned up her waist. "Always the man that makes a mess," she teased and Greg lay down beside her after tossing the tissues into the waste paper basket.

"You're much less hostile when you've been laid," Greg teased and wrapped his arm around the blonde girl. "Perhaps you should get yourself some vibrating knickers and then you'll always be in a good mood."

"Or perhaps I should get myself a boyfriend who doesn't abandon me," Fiona replied. "And then I'd never be in a bad mood." He giggled and they heard a noise from the corridor.

Both eyes turned towards the door as a scraping sound of a key entering a lock punctuated the silence. "Fuck!" Greg cried as he looked towards the handle on the door opening. He reached for the duvet but the person entering the room was too quick and he froze as the dark-brown haired, slim figure of Jennifer Lever came into the room.

She shrieked and looked towards Fiona, frantically covering Greg with the thick duvet in the single bed. "Fiona!" She cried. "You promised me."

"I thought you were out!" Fiona snapped, and crossed her arms across her bosom. "Close the door!"

Jenny threw her bag onto the floor and shook her head. "Get him out of my room," she demanded. "You got five minutes!" Fiona screwed up her face and waited for the slam of the door and then swore under her breath.

"Fuck! I told you we were better in the shed," she moaned as Greg frantically tried to get dressed. "But you knew better."

He sighed. "You were the one desperate to get laid. I suggested going to the pub."

Fiona snorted and ran her hands through her hair. "Don't start this again," she warned and crossed her arms. "If I hadn't have just had some fun, you'd be in serious shit!"

Chapter II

"Has he gone now?" Jenny spat, as she burst into her room.

The half-naked Fiona opened her arms and gestured around her. "Can you see him?" Jenny's eyes narrowed for a moment, as Fiona opened the wardrobe door. "He's not in there, and he's not ..." She trailed off as Jenny stormed passed her.

"An hour, I was out for. An hour. And in that time you have to sneak another guy back into our room. You've got issues Fiona."

Fiona snorted and reached for her jeans. "Fuck off! I haven't got issues. Just because I've taken my genitals out of their plastic wrapping and use them once and awhile." She paused for a moment and cocked her head. "Perhaps if you got a boyfriend you might understand."

"I do not need a boyfriend," the scowling face of the dark-haired girl cried. She straightened her body and crossed her arms. "I've told you this. And it's not fair you keep bringing all your boys back. Four times I've caught you. And always with different boys."

"Men," Fiona corrected her. "All of them are eighteen. They are men. Well Lee did like dressing in girls' clothings but he was nineteen. And yes, Greg bitches like a little girl but I am working on that." She tried to force a smile out of Jenny but one was not forthcoming. "Jenny, I am sorry," she muttered eventually and sat opposite her room-mate. "I didn't think you'd be back to see us and his family spend all day at home. When we want to ... do things, we've got nowhere to go."

"Yeah well, perhaps if you asked me, I'd go out. But I really don't want to see it. He had ... stuff ... dripping from his ... thingy!" Fiona suppressed a laugh and she took a deep breath.

"OK," Fiona muttered and smiled at her friend. "I promise that if I want to bring someone back for sex I will arrange it with you first." Jenny's eyes flickered and she simpered. "I mean we could have a calendar on the wall and I could book nookie time and ..." Her voice petered out as the bedroom door opened loudly, and Jenny's best friend brashly entered the room. Fiona looked up at the tall shapely girl, and scowled. "Don't fucking knock or anything," she snapped.

Angelina focused on Jenny and coughed. "Heard the slut's been at it again," she said, casting a sideways glance at Fiona. "Me and the girls are going to get a drink if you want to get away from this ... harlot."

Fiona rose to her feet and advanced on her room-mate's friend. "What did you call me?"

Angelina laughed derisively. "So many things."

Jenny put her hand on Fiona's shoulder but the freshly-fucked girl pushed it off. "You should hear what I call you."

"Like I care what the underclass think," she barked. "Going to grow into a whore anyway and ..."

"I ain't no whore," Fiona shouted. "I don't charge." Angelina snorted and Fiona's eyes barely moved as her hand jutted out from her side and smacked her nemesis in the stomach. "The underclass ... they're rebelling," Fiona snapped and pushed Angelina out of her bedroom as Jenny watched on in horror.

* * * * *

"So that was it," Fiona cried as she watched her boyfriend pocket the black ball. "Little cunt said I'd be a whore."

"You'd never be a prossie," Greg said with a smile. "Whores aren't allowed to enjoy themselves."

"You never heard of job satisfaction?" Fiona asked as she grabbed the side of the pool table and slid the ball return out with a smile, before picking out the balls. "Course they can enjoy themselves." She shook her hair back and gently put the side of the pool table back in place. "Make this the last game," she told the two men standing above her. "I want another drink."

Fiona, Greg and Greg's friend, Hayden, had crept into the unused function room above the Hare and Hounds in the village for a free game of pool, but they could not keep going up and down the stairs to get drinks from the bar or else the landlord would realise that they had broken into the room and remove them from the premises.

"Sure," Hayden agreed and scratched his head, before talking about his ex. "My Sophia always said Angelina had problems with her going out with me. I'm sure that's why we split up."

"She's just a spiteful cow," Fiona snapped as she put the coloured balls into the triangle and then moved the balls to the correct location. "You're well rid of the vicious shit. Sophia's in the same circle as Angelina. I'm sure she's been going through my stuff. If I catch her, she's in deep shit. I'd love to pummel the face of that twisted pampered princess."

"Don't sit on the fence, love. Say what you think," her boyfriend teased and grinned as Fiona scowled. "So as I beat Hayden and you, I guess it's you two playing for the wooden spoon."

Fiona's scowl deepened and she picked up the pool cue. "Yeah, well I don't lose two games on the trot. And I normally annihilate you."

"Mind wandering," Greg taunted. "It's the sex. Well lack of it. You can't cope without it." Fiona threatened her playful partner with the wooden cue in her hand and he grinned. "Of course, you could make this Strip Pool."

Hayden glanced over at Greg downing his pint. "You what?"

"Strip Pool. Every time your opponent pots a ball you remove some clothes. Until one of you is naked. Fiona made me do it once, in this function room."

"Ahh yes!" Fiona cried as she remembered her victory. "But I want to know, why do you want to see Hayden naked? Is there something you aren't telling me?" Greg shrugged and his eyes turned to the pool table.

"If you don't think you can win," he muttered and licked his lips as a smile crept over his face. "That's OK."

"Yeah OK," Fiona cried. "You're on. Sanctimonious bastard!" Fiona looked up at Hayden and waited for him to nod in agreement. She leant over the pool table and running the cue through her knuckles, struck the white ball with a thud that sent the spotted and striped pool balls scattering across the baize. She watched as a couple of the balls rolled towards the pockets but did not drop and cursed as Hayden lined up two easy pots.