Flight Delay

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A story of reluctance on a story winter night...
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This was written at the request of a lady I met on Lit. Hope it is what she wanted!!


Lucy sat at a table by the window in the almost deserted hotel bar. As she sipped a glass of Chardonnay she glanced out the window at the blowing snow on the nearly empty street.

"Just my luck," she thought, "My flight home cancelled due to weather and now I am stuck here another night."

She should have been halfway home by now and headed to the arms of her man, but instead here she was alone and feeling sorry for herself. As she glanced around, she saw that there was one couple at a table on the other side of the room, and a couple of young guys in suits seated at the bar.

As she took another sip of her wine, she noticed that the one young guy seemed to be checking her out. She quickly averted her eyes and wondered why a 30 something would be looking at someone who was over the half century mark in her life. Not that she was in bad shape or anything, far from it. She kept herself in good shape and she knew she had a great set of legs that the guy could obviously see from where he was seated. It was flattering that she still got the odd look from guys and it made her down mood lighten a bit.

She saw the fellow talking to his friend, and then saw the other guy turn and look in her direction and smile. Again, she averted her eyes, but a smile came to her lips and her mood brightened even more.

A few minutes later, the waitress walked over to her and put down another glass of wine. She was about to protest that she hadn't ordered it when the girl said, "Compliments of the gentlemen at the bar."

Lucy looked over at the two who had now swivelled around in their chairs and were holding their glasses up to her in a toast. She smiled at them and held hers up in return.

Lucy glanced back at the window and saw that the wind had picked up and it was almost a total white out now. When she looked back, she saw the two fellows from the bar walking in her direction. As they approached, she smiled as she thought, well, a little company on this miserable night might brighten things up.

"May we join you?" asked the taller of the two men, "You looked a bit lonely all by yourself."

Lucy nodded and the two men sat down at the table with her. The taller of the two introduced himself as Rob and introduced his friend as Ryan. Lucy gave them her name and said, "Yes, I was feeing a bit lonely and stranded here with this storm."

As they chatted and got to know each other a bit, Lucy couldn't help but feel pretty flattered that these two young handsome guys had chosen to approach her. Rob was tall, probably 6'2 or more, with a slim body, dark wavy hair and beautiful brown eyes. Ryan was around 5'9" with a more muscular looking body, red hair and green eyes that seemed to twinkle when he spoke.

She found out that Rob was 31 and Ryan 29 and they worked as investment counsellors for a large bank. They had been in the city for a conference and like her, their planes home had been cancelled. She smiled when she heard their ages and thought to herself, "I'm old enough to be their mother."

Both were fun loving guys and their banter made her laugh. Another round of drinks came and although Lucy knew she was feeling a little tipsy, she thought 'what the hell' and took the third glass of Chardonnay.

Lucy loved it when the guys made flattering comments about her and her appearance. As the evening wore on, and more drinks were consumed, some of the comments became a bit more sexual, but by then Lucy was feeling pretty uninhibited from the wine and just smiled and giggled. She was enjoying this, it was making her feel young and desirable, something she rarely experienced.

The waitress, came by and told them that they were going to close the bar early so that the staff could get home before the streets were completely impassable. Rob suggested that they move up to the mini suite he was staying in and asked the waitress to bring a bottle of Chardonnay and some glasses.

Lucy, at first told them that she didn't think she should join them, but with the alcohol clouding her judgement, it didn't take much convincing by the guys to get her to change her mind. Rob paid the bar tab and the three headed to the elevator.

On the ride in the elevator, Lucy started having second thoughts about going to Rob's room with them and told them that maybe she should just head to her own room. But they were having none of that and again talked her into joining them for at least "one drink".

When they entered the suite, Ryan headed to the fridge and took out a chilled bottle of wine. Lucy sat on the couch, still a bit unsure about being here with these two young guys. Rob sat down beside her on the couch and leaned close and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. The kiss took her aback, she wasn't sure how to react. Both of the guys had been polite and respectful all the time at the bar and this little peck on the cheek certainly wasn't aggressive. Lucy just sat there without reacting and in a moment Ryan was handing her a glass of wine.

The three of them chatted some more, again the guys being flattering and occasionally a little risqué, but the wine had loosened Lucy up enough that she just giggled at some of their comments. Rob sat close, and when he spoke he liked to have physical contact, his hand on Lucy's shoulder or his fingertips against her forearm.

After a little bit, Rob leaned in and gave Lucy another kiss, this time lightly on the lips. Maybe it was the wine or maybe the flattery, but this time Lucy returned it. It was all the invitation Rob needed and his arms slipped around her and he kissed her long and deeply. It was the first time in years that anyone but her husband had kissed her this way and she found it exciting. Rob's lips were soft and his athletic body felt good as it pressed against her.

Lucy let herself enjoy this experience, thinking, "it is only a kiss."

She knew it was wrong and she should get up and leave immediately, but something inside of her made her stay. Her mouth yielded to Rob' and she felt his tongue play with hers. "God he is a wonderful kisser," she thought.

And then she felt his hand, sliding up her side, cupping her breast. Things were going to far and she needed to leave. She broke the kiss and pulled away, telling him that she had to leave.

"Oh come on, Lucy," Rob told her, "You enjoyed that kiss as much as I did."

"I might have," she replied, "but it is wrong and I have to go!"

"I think you should stay," Rob exclaimed with a grin, "It will be fun!"

Lucy pulled out of his arms and stood to leave. She was feeling so tipsy, but knew she had to get out of the suite right now.

As she turned to head to the door, Ryan stood in her way, holding up his iPhone so she could see the picture on its screen.

He has snapped a shot of her and Rob kissing, with Rob's hand cupping her breast.

"You wouldn't want your hubby to get a copy of this would you Lucy?" he said with a smile, "You wouldn't want him to start thinking that you fuck around every time you go out of town?"

"You, you wouldn't!" she stammered now in a bit of a panic.

Her husband was a great guy, but he had always been an extremely jealous type. And he had accused her of screwing around once before with a co-worker and even though she hadn't done anything, it had taken a lot of sweet talking on her part to convince him otherwise. And tonight she wasn't thinking all that clearly, the wine clouding her judgement.

"Just relax," said Rob, "It will be fun, and the way you kissed me tells me that you want some fun too!"

"Why did I let myself get into this situation?" Lucy thought as she pondered her options.

She moved toward Ryan, trying to grab the phone from him. "Delete that pic!" she screamed at him.

Ryan pulled the phone away. "Relax," he said with an evil smile on his face, "Just cooperate and you have nothing to worry about!"

Lucy was in panic, if that picture got to her husband or maybe her boss the shit would hit the fan big time. "Please," she begged, "Just delete it, I shouldn't have come here with you two!"

She sensed that Ryan and Rob weren't the nice guys she had thought, something had changed and they were set on getting what they wanted, and what they wanted was her. She was trembling, almost in tears, and when Rob tried to hug her, she pulled back, slapping his face.

"Oh, your going to be a feisty one are you?" he said as his strong hands grabbed her arms and held her.

"Just give us a little show and you can go!' he said with a smile, "I could tell from that kiss that you are a horny one!"

Lucy's head was spinning, the wine had clouded her judgement, she didn't want this, she didn't want anything to do with these guys, but they had that picture, and her business card that she had given them down in the bar. She knew they could find out more and somehow get that damning photo to her husband.

She tried once more to reason with them, but they refused to listen. "OK she snapped at them, I give you your little fucking show!"

Rob stepped back, giving her some space. She could feel their eyes on her and her hand trembled as her fingers moved to the buttons of her blouse. Slowly she undid the buttons, the lacy flesh coloured bra now exposed to their eyes. She almost said 'fuck it' and was going to head for the door, but she saw Ryan snap another picture and knew she couldn't take the chance now.

She pulled off her blouse and laid it on the chair beside her. Her fingers found the button and zip of her tailored skirt and she shimmied out of it, letting it fall to the floor. She knew that her dark bush would be visible through the sheer flesh coloured panties. "Maybe that will turn them off," she thought.

Ryan was snapping more pictures and Rob gave a low whistle of appreciation as she bent over to pick up her skirt from the floor.

"Will that do!" she snapped, "Have you seen enough?"

"No, we want it all baby, the full monty!" exclaimed Ryan.

"No, I think I am going to leave," she said picking up her skirt and blouse and moving away from the middle of the room.

"I don't think you are," said Ryan, holding up the phone again. "What would your hubby think of this one?"

Lucy looked at the screen and could hardly believe what she saw. There she was her skirt at her ankles, with what looked like a smile on her face. She knew it was a smirk of disgust but that wasn't how it would be interpreted by her husband. And to make it worse, the mirror behind her reflected the two guys in the room with her.

"Now put those down, and lets get on with the show!" Rob ordered.

She wanted no part of this, but what could she do. They had those fucking compromising photos, both that she had seen making it look like she was a willing participant. And she was afraid that if she didn't do what they wanted, they might force her anyway. She placed the garments back on the chair and moved out into the centre of the room.

"That's it, just do what we ask and we'll delete the photos after we're done."

She kicked off her heels, and put one foot on the coffee table as she rolled down one of her stockings. She glanced at the two men and saw them grinning as she continued undressing. The second stocking followed, then her garter belt. She stood there for a moment in just her bra and panties.

The men were smiling and obviously found her attractive. She didn't have big breasts, but her's were well formed and not saggy. Her legs and ass were her best features, her husband always had told her she had the legs of a thoroughbred.

Ryan kept taking pictures while Rob did the talking. "Turn around babe, show us that sexy ass!.. take off that bra!"

Lucy reached back and unclasped the bra, then let it slide from her body, baring her breasts to their eyes.

"Look at those big nipples!" exclaimed Ryan, making her feel like a piece of meat on display. "Now the panties!"

Her dignity was long gone, so she slipped her fingertips into the waistband of the sheer unties and slid them down her hips and off, leaving her standing naked and on display.

She saw the guys move close, and she shivered as they run their hands over her body. She closes her eyes, feeling helpless. She feels lips against her neck. She tries to pull away, but a strong hand holds her arm.

"You've had your show, guys, now please delete those pictures and let me go to my room!"

"Well now we have more pictures, lots more, so I think the ante has gone up, don't you?" Ryan says with a grin on his face.

"Yes, Lucy," adds Rob, "now you need to do some sucking and fucking to get us to delete them!"

Lucy's eyes widened at Rob's crass comment. "Oh my god," she thought, "they are going to rape me!"

She felt a hand slide over her thick bush, fingertips moving up and down her slit. She trembled, wanting to just flee, but afraid of the consequences if she does. These guys might be blackmailing me, but no one would understand if they saw those photos.

Lucy closed her eyes and whimpered as a thick finger entered her.

One of the guys had moved away, but soon was back, touching her and he was naked now as well. His erection pressing against her, his hands moving, exploring. She felt helpless, but knew that if she did not comply they might get rough with her, and she didn't want that. Her spirit was broken and she felt herself giving in.

Her hand reached out tentatively, finding the hard cock with her fingertips, moving them up and down its length. She opened her eyes and saw it was Ryan. Rob was a few feet away, removing his clothes as well. She had never been with more than one man in her life, and only with her husband these many years.

She tried one last feeble attempt to talk them out of it, but they were having no part of that, they wanted her, wanted to use her for their pleasure.

Lucy felt a strong hand on her shoulder, guiding her down, down to her knees, two erect cocks bobbing in front of her face. "Suck!" one of the men growled.

She took one of the cocks in her hand, bringing the head to her lips, opening her mouth, taking him in. She had not sucked anyone but her husband in so many years, and now far away from home in a stranger's hotel room she was about to suck two of them.

She was trapped, she didn't want to do this, but the consequences of her husband seeing those pictures would be devastating.

She felt she had to comply with their demands, and she hoped they would, after they were satisfied, keep their word and destroy all the photos. She would be their whore to save her marriage.

She began bobbing her head up and down on the first cock, swirling her tongue, just like her husband taught her, taking it deep into her mouth.

"She know her way around a cock!" she heard Ryan say, and knew it was him in her mouth.

Maybe they will cum quickly, she thought and she could get it over with. She pulled her lips back, keeping just his cock head in her mouth and she began sliding her fingertips up and down the shaft. She heard a soft moan and then, "Holy fuck she is good, you got to feel this!"

With that, Ryan pulled his cock from her lips and it was quickly replaced by Rob's. His cock was longer, but not as thick as the first one. She began sucking him, then felt his hands in her hair, gripping and guiding her. He was rougher than Ryan, fucking her mouth and almost making her gag. She was being used, treated like a whore.

As Rob's cock pushed in and out of her mouth, her feelings of anger and disgust were joined by a tingling deep within. Although she had been forced into this situation, some animalistic instinct was making her excited by what was happening and about to happen.

Rob gripped her hair tighter and pulled her off his cock, "You need a good fucking Lucy, you probably haven't had one in a long time!"

With that he directed her down onto all fours and moved in behind her, giving her bottom a slap as he spread her legs and then thrust his cock into her from behind. Ryan had moved in front of her and pushed his thick cock against her mouth, which she instinctively opened to take him in. For the first time in her life, Lucy was being used by two cocks, not by her choice, but by circumstances beyond her control.

Lucy's mind and body were conflicted. In her mind, she was disgusted by what was happening, being forced into sex by these two "punks". Although she it knew this was wrong, her body was reacting in a totally opposite way. Her nipples were taut and tingling, her pussy wet and slick as Rob's cock thrust into her. She was passing the point of any resistance and her will was broken, all she could do now was cooperate and let them use her for their pleasures.

Her lips tightened on the thick cock that was in her mouth, her tongue swirling around Ryan's hot flesh. She was sucking his cock in a way she had not done in so many years, even with her husband.

She pushed back against Rob's thrusts, feeling his cock sink deep as he fucked her. She felt his hand caressing her buttocks, then sliding around to seek and find her now extended clit. As he touched it, she moans around Ryan's cock, sending sweet vibrations along the length of it. Her hand moved up, finding Ryan's heavy sac, her nails running over the ridges of his flesh.

Then, the men moved, switching places and Ryan's thickness entered her, causing a loud moan to escape her lips before Rob's cock filled it again.

She could tell the men were nearing the edge, their movements quickening, deep growls of pleasure escaping their lips. Her own body was responding, as she too was enveloped by a wave of pleasure.

She heard a loud grunt and felt Ryan's hands grasp her hips and she knew he was cumming deep inside of her. She instinctively clamped down around his cock, as he pumped her hard and deep.

As Ryan continues to fuck her, she feels Rob's hands in her hair and she feels his cock pulse and ropes of his thick creamy cum shoot into her mouth. She tightens her lips around his shaft and tries to swallow as much of his big load as she can.

The two men use her until they are drained, and then their cocks slip from her and they lay back spent beside her.

Lucy's disgust for what they have done quickly returns and she moves away from them, gathering up her clothes and quickly dressing. Both of them just lay back, smiling at her.

"Well," she says indigently. "you've had your fun, now delete those pictures for me!"

The two men look at themselves and then at her and they laugh. "You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?" Rob exclaims, "We'll just keep those for now!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Sticky Fingers

I agree with the other comment that she was prime to submit her near virgin ass to these already wet dicks... this was hot, and I’ve taken two cocks like this. It’s so primal - the men bucking you back and forth, one set of hands on your hips and another gripping your head... mmm ... I’ve been pinching my clit, reading your stories and I have to say I love your rough touch too.. please tell me there’s a part two - describing the second round of cum dripping from this MILF, she’ll become the frat house cock sucker to stay satisfied when she gets bored with her husband...

CanadianMCanadianMalmost 9 years agoAuthor

Thanks for commenting on my story... As you can see I did leave it open for them to take further advantage of the "situation"..

cowbullscowbullsalmost 9 years ago
Need another chapter

Very god start but those two younger guys would be ready for round two almost instantly. I suggest having them take her again and this time they take turns in her virgin ass. A 50 year old long time married woman likely hadn't had her anal cherry popped.

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