For the Whored: Stormwind Ch. 20

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Chrissy spends the day with Elunara
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Elunara swept the front porch, whistling to herself.

"You've never struck me as the domestic type."

Elunara grinned back at Chrissy. "We all pull our weight around the house."

"Okay, I can imagine even less, Grogek sweeping..."

"Honestly, not on his list of things to do. Plus, I kind of enjoy it."

"Aside from that... are you terribly busy?"

"Nah, I don't have much to do today. What's up?"

"Can... can I just spend the day with you?"

"Oh, Chrissy..."

Tears began to roll down her cheeks. "Damn it, I said I wouldn't cry again."

Elunara sat her broom down and walked over, wrapping her arms around the woman. "You cry if you need to."

Chrissy curled up against Elunara. "It's just... everyone else I know," She coughed. "Either has babies, or is expecting babies." She hiccupped. "But, I don't want to be alone right now," She shuddered. "And Gerald has to go to work some time."

"I'm here for however you need me, little love."

Chrissy sighed. "Gerald didn't want to leave me, but I threatened him with you."

Elunara laughed. "Yeah, he's seen the edge of my fury before."

She pushed away. "I just wanted to spend some time doing something other than thinking about it."

"Come on, I'll get you the second broom and you can help me sweep my house. I find sweeping is a good way to let your mind wander."

"You know..." Chrissy leaned against her broom. "When Gerald and I were first dating... all of the women I knew, were SO jealous of us. After we got married, I had a couple of them try to tell me, that the only way a nasty little thing like me could keep a man like Gerald, was to get knocked up, so he felt obligated to stay with me."

"Oh, Chrissy, if that's why..."

"No! No." Chrissy went back to sweeping. "I thought it was funny. In fact, it made me more determined to not think about babies. I knew the naughty little secret that made Gerald want me. If those little prissy snots had ANY idea..." Chrissy giggled.

"Well, first they'd have to dislodge that stick up their ass to even let him in."

Chrissy cackled. "I love that. Anyway, they knew that he used to be yours, and they knew that I visited you with some regularity, so when you gave him to me..."

"Let me stop you. Gerald has never "been mine". He was my spotter in the SI:7, and then he was my friend. We have only had one session together. After that..." She shrugged and put the dishes in the cabinet. "Gerald has always been his own man. He was not mine to give."

"Really?" Chrissy blinked. "He told me it wasn't like that... but I thought he was just trying to downplay the relationship so I wouldn't be jealous."

"The two of us spent so much time lying for the SI:7, that we tend to be more honest than normal people. It's not our fault people believe what they want anyway."

"Huh." Chrissy blinked and looked around.

Elunara stooped down with the dustpan. "Let me."

Chrissy swept the dirt into the pan. "Anyway, that was the perception at the time, so then I heard catty remarks about how I wouldn't be good enough in bed to compete with you."

"Why do you hang out with these freaks?" Elunara tossed the dirt out of a window.

She smirked. "When I figure it out, I'll let you know." She handed the broom back. "Yeah, sure, Gerald met me because I had a preference. Yeah, sure, he liked me because of this preference... but Gerald loves me. Every little bit of me."

"I'm changing the sheets today." Elunara hefted a basket.

"Yeah, OK." Chrissy followed Elunara into the downstairs bedroom. "Oh, wow. Those pictures are amazing."

Elunara dropped the basket. "Yeah." She yanked the sheets off of a bed. "That's Bradly and his dad."

"That's always so sad." Chrissy sighed.

"You know, the orphanage always has kids that need some love."

"Not sure I can... Not the love part. The... being faced with the fact that I'll never have my own."

"Bradly is my own. Just something to think about. Strip that bed will ya?"

"Yes, of course." She yanked the sheet off and tossed it into Elunara's pile.

Elunara tossed her the replacement sheets. "You were going somewhere with your Gerald praise?"

Tucking the sheet on the bed, she paused. "I'm not sure I was... Oh! Anyway, those same bitchy women are all having babies, and at first I didn't care, because that wasn't where we were in things. We enjoyed each other plenty, why worry about babies and children and all of that mess?" She sighed.

Elunara tossed the pile of sheets out of the door and jerked her head to the staircase.

"You have stairs in here?"

"Makes it easier to deal with sleeping boys. They can be hauled quietly, with minimal doors."

"I like it." Chrissy followed behind Elunara. "But then I saw them with their babies... and I started to want one for myself." She sighed. "Hell, even Mayby has three, why can't I have just one?"

"I'm pretty sure... at this point," Elunara tossed the basket on the floor of her room. "That Mayby says to Tonas "make me pregnant" and it just happens."

Chrissy laughed. "Gods, I can see it." She looked around. "Geez, that's a big bed."

"That's mine and Grogek's. You can help me change the thing. It's normally a pain in the ass by myself."

"I can see why." She tugged at one end. "Who's is that one?"

"That is Tulani's. I'll change it, just because I've always promised her that no one but me and her will ever touch it."

"Where does Jordan sleep?"

Elunara jerked her head. "Next door."

"He has his own room?" She blinked. "I kind of figured you all just dog piled in a room."

Elunara tossed her the other end of the sheet. "The three of us have always been together this way. Grogek and I are the original couple. When Tulani first came, she had horrific nightmares, and couldn't be away from me. Grogek's massive form terrified her when she was in the throes of a nightmare, so she had to sleep separate. Due to her terrible past, her bed is a sacred place, and only she and I are ever in it. EVER. Jordan was last to it, so he got his own room. Even though he's more incorporated into us now, he still gets his own space. We don't always sleep together in the same pattern. I sleep where I fall, so to speak, and everyone has their own space besides."

"Fascinating." Chrissy tucked the corner. "Do you ever...?"

"Have all of us at once? Plenty. Admittedly, Tulani stays out of the crazier stuff, but yeah."

With a laugh, Chrissy tucked the other end. "None of this should work."

"But, it totally does." Elunara made short work of Tulani's bed. Scooping up the pile of discarded linens, she stepped out of the room. Grabbing the near empty basket, Chrissy followed shortly behind. "You know, little lovey, you shouldn't hang out with people that are mean to you." Elunara brushed Chrissy's hair out of her face.

Chrissy sighed. "Sometimes, I think that if I didn't, I'd have no one to hang out with at all."

"Well, you have me at least. Tulani wouldn't mind. In fact, Tulani can't get pregnant either. Slavers... well they destroyed her ability to. She loves babies, so she did most of the raising of Darguni, because I was lost as hell."

"Poor Tulani..." Chrissy rubbed her own empty belly.

"Zelinnia and Jenny would be nice to you, though Zel has two babies, and Jenny has one on the way... I know Zelinnia would appreciate the help, and you can get your baby fix there." Elunara pushed the door open to Jordan's room.

Chrissy flushed as she stared at a rather inappropriate picture of Elunara on the far wall.

Elunara grinned and stripped the bed. "That was Jordan's last birthday present."

"You give interesting presents."

"I just can't help myself."

Chrissy perked up. "Can I do something like that for Gerald?"

"Let me finish this up, and we can put out the sign and get to work."

Elunara rolled her eyes. "Sweetheart, if you don't stop giggling, you're going to make this more difficult to do right."

"I just keep imagining the look on Gerald's face."

"You're going to get the shit fucked out of you, prooobably literally, you know that right?" Elunara grinned.

"Ewwww." Chrissy giggled. "Oh, Gods. I can't wait. How long do you think it'll take?"

"I'll have it prepped, and to you by the end of the week." Elunara tapped her pencil on her board. "If you want, I seem to have a popular request of women who want me to put small ones in their husband's pockets."

Chrissy jerked up. "You think I can?"

"Back into position, sugar. Yes. I can do a copy, or a variety of poses. I have one lady who's gotten eight pocket pictures, all different. She said her sex life has gone bonkers."

"Oh, I want to do that. I do like your suggestion of the first position we ever did. This one is going on the bedroom wall."

"I'm glad you're in a better mood, sweetie."

"Who'd have thought I'd enjoy myself doing chores?"

"I make my own fun." Elunara laughed.

"It feels good, though. Having someone who understands me."

"Don't I know it, sugar rump." Shaking her head, she sighed. "Ok, you're free."

"Oh, let me see!" Chrissy bounced over. "Oh! Oh, wow. Is that me?"

She ran her hand down Chrissy's ass. "Yes, my dear. That is you. In the flesh." She winked.

Chrissy tugged on her front. "It really looks like that?"

"Have you not taken a mirror down there? I'd figure as endlessly curious as you are, you would have."

"It never occurred to me."

Elunara stood up and sat her board down. "Go, sit."

"Does it need adjusted?"

"Sit, you'll find that position has multiple uses." Elunara dug out a hand mirror. "Now, prop your leg up on this part here. Lean back like this, this foot in this hold right here..." She handed her the mirror. "Go for it."

Elunara popped open her board and began to quick sketch.

"Well, this is just fascinating." Chrissy tilted the mirror this way and that, using her fingers to move things around. "I knew there were other parts... it's kind of gross and pretty at the same time."

"I have to admit, you have one of the better ones." Elunara's eyes flicked up and down.


"They don't all look like that. I mean, they DO, but there are always differences. I'm learning that one myself. Just like dicks, they can all look different, while still being the same thing. Those inner lips can get really long and weird looking. Course, some guys like that. Yours are fairly even, well filled out, and a nice color." Elunara shrugged. "That's just my professional assessment."

"I have... no idea how to take that."

Elunara shrugged. "Take it how you want to."

Chrissy sighed. "I feel weird asking this..."

"This is me we're talking about."

"Which is the ONLY reason I'm asking..." Chrissy blushed. "Can... I see yours?"

Elunara closed her board and stood up. Taking off her pants, she sat back in the chair, legs spread.

Chrissy looked in the mirror and back at Elunara. "Huh. I see what you mean."

Elunara picked up her board and continued her work.

"You're ok like that?"

"Sweetheart, if I could walk around naked all the time, I'd probably be pretty happy."

Chrissy went crimson.


"I... Well, my brain wants a closer inspection..."

"I'll have it noted, that I don't mind, but if you get me going, we're going to have a different discussion."

"Well, I..." Chrissy blinked at the chiming. "Is it that late already?"

Elunara listened. "Yes, yes it is."

"Shit." Chrissy jumped up, and yanked her dress over her head. "I should have started dinner already."

Elunara grinned. "Why not give him a different sort of meal?"

Chrissy grinned back. "You know... I've been in such a depressed state lately..."

"Go get him, girly."

Gerald rubbed the back of his neck and sighed at the door. He loved his wife, and he desperately wanted to help her... but he was at a complete loss. Maybe he'd visit Elunara, get a new handle on the thing. Well, for tonight, he'd just cuddle her, and hope for the best. He pushed opened the door and frowned. It was the first time he had walked into their house and didn't smell her cooking. Now, he was near panic as he looked around. "Chrissy?"

"In here!"

He bit his lip with worry. Taking a deep breath, he walked in the bedroom. Blinking several times, he wondered if he was hallucinating. "Chrissy?"

She sat in a chair, in the center of the room, completely naked, her legs spread out. Holding an object in front of her crotch, she grinned. "I have been informed... that I actually have a fairly decent looking pussy. Care to back up this claim?"

He put a hand over his mouth. "By who?"

"Elunara." Chrissy snorted. "Who else?" She held up the mirror. "I've spent quite a bit of time looking at myself... but I want your," She gave a lazy shrug. "HONEST opinion." She grinned.

"Oh, praise Elunara." Relief washed over him. Gerald knelt in front of Chrissy. He ran his palm over her soft curls. "The prettiest I've ever seen." He breathed.

"How pretty?" She whispered, running her fingers across his cheek.

"It's gorgeous."

"I..." She held up the small mirror. "I want to watch you."

He brushed his cheek against her thigh. "Anything you want; is yours." He kissed her thigh.

"You. All I want is you." She held the mirror against her other thigh.

He ran his fingers through her soft curls to the folds below. He was pleased find she was already soaking wet. Slipping his fingers through the folds, he began to lick at the folds in between his fingers. He slipped one into the hole and rubbed at the bottom of the opening, while his tongue explored the lips. One of her hands came down, and slid through his hair. Turning his finger up, he rubbed at the top of her center, and the next finger went in.

He ran his tongue all on the outside, before he began to suck on that soft nub at the top. His tongue slid around her inner lips as he pumped his fingers in and out. He adjusted again and slipped a wet finger into her ass, before slipping a new finger into her wet. He pumped his hand as she groaned.

"Gerald, please... Please, fuck me. I... I still want to see."

He stood up and shoved his pants to the floor. He lined up, and slipped in. She shifted the little mirror, as he began to pump his dick in and out of her. "Gods, Chrissy..." He grabbed her legs and rocked against her.

Dropping the mirror to the floor, she held up her hands. "Gerald."

Reaching down, he grabbed her around the middle and hauled her up. From standing, he pumped her up and down on his dick. She wrapped her legs and arms around him. She shuddered against him and he groaned into her shoulder. As he finished, he wrapped his arms around her body.

"Sweetheart, I've been so worried." He murmured. "I didn't know how to help you."

"Apparently, I needed to help Elunara with her chores."

He leaned his head back and blinked. "What?"

"It's... a long story." As she released her legs, she laughed. "Sorry, I didn't feel like cooking."

"I didn't want to be... one of THOSE guys, but with how much you love cooking, I was kind of terrified when I came home and you hadn't."

"Let's hit Tippy's and I'll explain on the way."

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