For the Whored: Stormwind Ch. 43

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Gerald stood on the porch, fidgeting.

"Well, come in."

"So, uh, its Chrissy's birthday next week and I wanted to give her something special."

"Alright, I have a number of opt–"

"I want one of your pictures." He blurted. "Of... me." He blushed.

"Oh, Gerald... You're so damned adorable, I could eat you up."

His eyes went wide.

She waved a hand. "Oh, I know, I know. But, I do have a number of new options now."

"You do?" He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Come with me." She led the way up. Pushing open Jordan's door, she gestured to the picture above his bed.

"Ok, first... I never wanted to see Jordan like that." Gerald made a face. "Second, can you make ME look like that?"

"Of course." She jerked her head and went down stairs. "Now, there are a number of poses we can do and a number of different sizes..."

"Can I have one like that?" He jerked a thumb. "Multiple poses and stuff?"

"Certainly." She picked up her board. "I have a number of options."

He held up his hands. "How about... I pose, you draw, and you figure the rest out? I trust you completely."

She grinned. "Of course. How's daddy life treating you?" Once she was comfy on the couch, she began to just draw him as he talked and moved around the room.

"Oh, man. I never thought it would be so cool. I mean, it's not really a thought I had in my head until Chrissy. Even then... it was just something she came up with. But, I love the hell out of that little bugger. He's so tiny, but then the next day you wonder where he changed, if he changed, and he's freakin cute..." He stopped and looked over. "And you're drawing every damned thing."

"Just getting a feel for my client." She winked.

He shrugged. "I guess we both have a lot to thank you for."

"Eh, don't worry about it."

"You're sure no one is going to come take him?"

Elunara shook her head. "Ina couldn't find a single identifying thing about the woman. She had nothing on her, other than the clothes on her back. Goldshire only knew that she was traveling from point A to point B and stopped there to rest. Aside from the fact she was headed to Redridge..." Elunara shrugged. "Nothing is known about her."


"I've convinced Mathias, for your sake, to look into the woman." She grinned. "He put one of his best on it."


"His words were "He's one of my best agents, and I'm glad he returned to the service"."

Gerald flushed. "I... that just feels weird."

She waved a hand. "You don't have to explain a thing to me." She returned to her work. "In any event, if someone came to claim him, I'd fight tooth and nail to help you keep him."

He seemed to relax significantly. "Thank you."

She stuck her tongue out. "I don't give presents just to have them taken away."

The next day, she laughed. "Back so soon?"

"Are you kidding? I say "Elunara" and they just jerk their thumb out the door. No one questions a trip to you."

"It's a wonder I don't see more of you loonies."

Gerald shrugged. "Where do you want me?"

"We'll start with some standing poses. Strip and I'll get you set up."

Elunara prepped her board.

"Sometimes, you'll get a smart ass who claims he's coming out here... and then slacks off instead. I mean... not everyone wants to take a trip down your throat." He snorted.

She cackled. "And they say my descriptions are ridiculous." Sitting her board on the counter, she adjusted his stance.

The door to Tulani's studio popped open. "Hey, Elunara." Tulani froze and blushed. "Sorry, you didn't put the sign in my studio up."

"Sorry, Tuly." Elunara winced.

Gerald had turned several shades of red and held his hands over his crotch.

"Oh, don't mind Tuly. She won't tell."

"And you forget I've seen Grogek and Jordan." Tulani snorted. "Anyway, now that I've embarrassed someone... can I borrow Lulu?"

"Yeah, she's upstairs asleep."

Tulani jogged out. "I have the most adorable design in mind, but I need her exact size." She jogged up the stairs.

"I am SO sorry I forgot Tulani's sign. I don't do that normally."

Gerald smacked his face against the post. "Well, I guess that's revenge for South Orchard."

"Sorry! Sorry!" Tulani ran past, baby in her arms. "I won't tell a soul." She started to close her door, but thought better of it. "It's really not that bad... for what it is." She scooted back. "You know... a penis." She closed, and locked, the door.

Elunara laid her head on the counter and just laughed. "I'm so freaking sorry."

"For a penis, she says." He muttered.

"Keep in mind, my darling wife is a female set."

"Not. Helping."

"Oh, I feel so bad for Gerald. He's having the hardest time meeting my gaze." Tulani sighed.

"It's my fault; I should have remembered your door."

"Well, at least I didn't have my own client behind me."

"He'll get over it." Elunara shrugged.


She got up to answer the door. "Alright, fine, I'll talk to him."

"Thank you."

She blinked. "Mother?"

"I know this is a bit of a surprise... but I was hoping to speak with you."

"Yeah, sure, come in."

Tulani stood and bowed. "Ma'am."

"Oh, don't get up on my account. You certainly don't have to bow." Tyrande smiled.

"Tulani does that to everyone." Elunara winked.

"Elunara, I've come about your books."

"Oh? Finally decided to read them?"

"I..." She flushed and fidgeted. "I would like copies of them for the Library. I'm not sure we'd have such an opportunity again."

Elunara just stared. "Uh, maybe you should read them first..."

Tyrande shook her head. "It's come to my attention that," She fidgeted again.

"Mother, I prefer blunt honesty, so spit it out."

"How else would we learn about the ascent of a goddess?" She blurted.

Tulani choked and Elunara just buried her face in her hands.

Tyrande sighed. "I knew you wouldn't take it well."

"How did YOU get sucked into this mess?" Elunara looked up with a sigh.

Tyrande fidgeted again. "I had a vision... from Elune herself."

Elunara balled her fists. "ELUNE!"

"Oh, hush, or you'll wake your baby."


Elune waved her hand. "It's time you owned up to your position, little sister."


Elune sighed. "Something bad is coming. I cannot interact with your world like you can. The more people believe in you, the more power you will have. You know this, you cannot deny it."

"Fine! Fine, whatever. I'll protect them, yadda, yadda."

"Good girl."

Elunara tossed her hands up. "FINE! She wins."

Tyrande clapped her hands together. "Wonderful!"

"But I have a condition."


"You must read every book, in order, and to completion. You cannot skip any pages. If you decide that a book should NOT be in the Library, then we will skip that book and leave a notation that the book in question is so skipped."

"Why ever would I leave anything out?"

"You will see when you read them." Tulani said quietly.

"I do not censor myself, I'm not sure I even know how. Everyone who has taken time to read my books has called them very dark and disturbing. I'm giving you the option to leave only what YOU want known about me. I, for one, do not give a shit. I never have and never will. I accept everything I have recorded as just who I am. If you cannot handle them, I will not blame you."

"Even I have not read everything." Tulani smiled sadly. "What I have read... broke my heart. Grogek is the only person I am aware, who has read all of her books and been able to stomach them."

"You're forgetting Zelinnia. Well, and that twit Duchie, but he started skimming shit."

"Oh, yeah. I did forget about Zelinnia, but I'm not entirely sure she understood it all." Tulani put a hand to her cheek.

"No one but Zelinnia can answer that question." Elunara shrugged. "You know how she processes things."

"No I don't. No one does. Even Renwa can't tell you how she sees things."

"I meant her spreads and charts and things. How she cross references every damned thing."

"I accept your terms."

Elunara sighed. "How many do you want at a time? I recommend five."

"Give me your first twenty."

Elunara stepped outside. "Just bring them back to me however you want. In fact, I can do a recall and exchange. Just, tuck one of these notes into each book and leave it on a table. After you've done this, the book will come back to me. Feel free to add your own notes to the ones I've given you. When book twenty is back, I'll do a transfer."

"It's fascinating how you know how to do these things."

"Stolen magic."

The pair of Rylaks dropped down on either side of Elunara. She reached out and scratched their many heads.

"We wish to hunt." Sasha bounced. "The spiders are delicious." Tasha licked her chops.

"That's fine. I won't be joining you today."

"Ah, a shame." Sasha sighed. "Who is the powerful one?" Tasha cocked her head.

"My mother."

"Fascinating." They both said.

"I follow SaTa." Argy crooned.

She scratched his heads. "You are free to do as you please."

After a couple of bounces, they were sky born.

"You... understand them?"

"Yeah, it's complicated."

"You never cease to amaze me."

Elunara pointed at the bag of books. "Wait until you read those."

The next day, Tyrande laid her head on the table and softly wept.

"My love, what is the matter?" Malfurion rubbed his hand on her back.

She held up a book.

He took the book from her, and began to read through it. "Is... this hers?"

"Yes." Tyrande whispered.

Sitting down heavily, he stared at the contents of the foul thing. "She can't be serious." He whispered.

"This is only the third one..." She whispered in horror. "What does the rest contain?"

"You can stop this. Just because Elune suggested it, doesn't mean you have to do it."

"At this point, I do. I made an agreement with my daughter, and now I realize how much I've never known about her."

He sighed and sat the book down. "Don't over tax yourself."

Tyrande went for the next book. "There is a lot of dark in this world, and I must face it." She opened the cover. "She not only faced it, she lived through it. How strong am I, if I cannot stomach what she had to suffer through?"

Elunara made her way to the training yard and gestured to Gerald.

"You're done already?"

"Nah, I need a couple more sessions. I came to find out if you're ok."

"Ugh, I'm fine. It was just embarrassing."

She searched his face and was satisfied with what she found. "Alright, but Tulani feels terrible."

"Wasn't her fault." He glared.

"I said I was sorry." She rolled her eyes. "Accidents happen."


"Anyway, I want to get you in two more poses and then I'll arrange the composition."

"As long as no one else gets a sudden view of my manhood." He snorted.

"Oh, be mad at me. I'll live." She flopped down and started drawing the scene.

Whistling to herself the next day, she swept the porch.

"Hey, Elunara..."

"Oh, hey, Jine. Come in."

"Nah, I'll... stand here."

"Uh, ok." Elunara shrugged and sat her broom down.

"I have..." Jine sighed and raked a hand through her short hair. "Do you remember Magister Bernard?"

Elunara froze. "That's the stupidest question you could have asked me."

"He was my nephew."

Her fingernails dug into the banister. "Is that so?"

Jine sighed. "Listen, I have a confession to make."

"I'm listening."

"You see, my sister came to me, in complete and utter hysterics. She claimed that her darling little boy had been set up. That he was perfectly innocent of his charges, and she needed MY help clearing his name. That perhaps, if I got her the information... she could prove he was set up. So..." Jine winced. "So I helped him escape. I knocked out the guards and took him to a safe house. I..." She sighed. "I handed him your file." She buried her face in her hands.

"You..." Elunara's throat locked down.

"I didn't know you; you were too new, too green. I bought her story that you set him up to improve your status. I had NO idea he'd do what he did!" She began to plead. "I didn't! I felt so horrible, that when you next came around, I vowed to do anything to help you. After awhile, though, it seemed like you were unaffected by... the event. There was something in you that frightened me. However, when you returned to Stormwind, you were SO different and so loving... that I began to wonder... if that hardness I saw in you before, was a direct result of what was done to you. It's been eating at me."

"Eating at YOU?" Elunara whispered. He nails dug holes into the banister, and her breathing rapidly increased. "IT WAS YOU?" She shrieked. "ALL THIS FUCKING TIME?"

"Listen, I'm sorry."

"NO! NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed. She bolted in the door.

All around the city, the echo of her voice was heard. Grogek and Jordan dropped what they were doing and bolted. Renwa left Zelinnia standing there. Gerald and Mark looked at each other before running.

SaTa and Argy dropped to the ground, screeching. Yoona and Savage dove out of the door, fangs bared. Soon, everyone surrounded the area. Jine stared in amazement, as she was surrounded by people. She vanished and ran.

Jordan made it in the door a moment before Grogek. "Baby?" He found her in Lulu's room, clinging to the baby and weeping. "Baby? What happened?" He scooped her up.

"It was Jine all along..." She buried her face in Jordan's shoulder.

"I don't understand."

"What happened to her?" Grogek frowned.

"She... she helped him escape." Whimpering, she clung to Lulu. "She gave him my file." She whispered.

Jordan's eyes went wide, as it sunk in what she was talking about. He looked up. "Find Jine, don't let her escape!"

Grogek turned and jumped over the banister, landing on the bottom floor, and heading out the door. The group was still standing there, confused. "FIND JINE! FIND THAT BITCH!" He growled.

They scattered.

Jine found her way to Mathias' door.

"Hello, Jine. It's been awhile."

"I've come to confess." She whispered.

Renwa knew that the best way to stop an agent, was with an agent. He made his way to SI:7 headquarters, and was surprised to find Jine being led out in chains.

"You know, Renwa..." Jine sighed. "I am forever amazed by how many people leapt to her defense."

"Because you know nothing about her." He sighed.

Mathias stepped out. "For years, I have tried to find the person that did that to Elunara... and it was Jine all along."

"Did what?" Renwa frowned.

"It is hers to tell." He turned and went back in the building.

Elunara shivered as she lay curled up in Jordan's arms.

"Come on, Baby. Let's get you in bed. Should I take Lulu?"

"No. She... helps." Elunara whimpered.

"Alright." He'd already taken off his armor, and he scooped her up and carried her to the big bedroom. Climbing in the bed, he tucked the blanket around her and the baby.

Grogek came in, his gear already taken off. "Jine turned herself in. Mathias has sent her to the Stockades." He brushed his fingers across her cheek. "What did she do to you, my love?"


Renwa walked into the room. "Lu?"

Tulani came in after. "What's going on?"

"Oh, Gods, I didn't want to tell Tulani." She whimpered.

Tulani knelt by the bed. "Please. I have to know why you're so upset."

"But, I don't know what it will do to you." Elunara ran her hand on a horn. "I couldn't take it if I hurt you."

"I have to know." She repeated, quietly.

"You told me..." Jordan sighed. "That you have to tell the family so they can help you. Let us help you."

"It was twenty... almost thirty years ago." Elunara sighed, as she began the tale.

"That filthy bitch." Grogek growled.

Renwa slammed the side of his fist into the door frame. "All this time, and she knew."

Grogek frowned at Jordan. "You don't seem surprised by it."

"After my bit with Cindy... she told me."


Tulani was curled up against Elunara, quietly weeping. "I can't..." She shuddered. "I can't believe your strength."

Elunara sighed and ran her hand on Tulani's back. "I did not tell you, because I dare not risk your nightmares returning over me. Over something that happened so long ago."

"And yet, it bothered you more than you realize." Grogek said quietly.

"The incident, I got over, as I always do. Jine's betrayal was something different altogether."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Love this story.

I would suggest only one thing extra to benefit the story. A table of characters would be very helpful to remind people who everyone is. A story so beautifully complicated I have not read in a long time.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
the threat

I am thinking either a reborn Sargeris leading the full burning legion to azeroth or a threat from alternate azeroth that ran differently due to how things in draenor went way differently from what happened in the original timeline.

TJSkywindTJSkywindalmost 9 years ago

Can't. Stop. Reading. Must have next installment. Have the jingle jangles.

Seriously, enjoying the daily read. Thanks!

LunarLilithLunarLilithalmost 9 years ago
Questions and Answers... Again

Once again, you manage to answer one question (who in SI:7 betrayed Elunara), but at the same time, you open up so many more questions. What terrible event is on the horizon that will take a goddess to stop?

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