Gardener's Eyeful

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A peeping tom gets a lot more than he could have hoped for.
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At forty years old, Steve Archer thought of himself as being over the hill. This was not entirely incorrect because he had run into a series of setbacks, such as losing his job and getting dumped by his wife and his future was far from bright. He had found another job, working for a gardening contractor and tending to some of the big estates near where he used to live but the money was only a small fraction of what he had been earning a few years earlier.

However, there were some unexpected fringe benefits to his new job. Many of the rich men who were his clients had younger wives whom they could not or would not satisfy sexually and these women would turn to the nearest man to take care of their needs. Sometimes that man was Steve and, being as horny as they were, the women provided some of the greatest sex he had ever known. Even when they had no interest in cheating on their husbands, they liked to swim and sunbathe in the nude and, when they did, they provided him with the most delightful visual benefits.

When Steve was really lucky, they did both. One of the most memorable times was an accidental encounter with Michiko Brown, the wife of a retired Air Force major who had gone on to become the president of a highly successful regional chain of stores. Michiko and her husband had met ten years earlier when he was nearing retirement age and she was 25 years old and working as a hostess in a bar next to the base in Japan where he was stationed.

She was also a part-time prostitute, frequently taking bar patrons home after closing time and, for a price, tending to their sexual needs. She loved this part of the job because her needs were probably greater than that of most of her clients so they were being taken care of and Michiko was getting paid for their mutual pleasure. The major was one of her favorites, not because he gave her the greatest sexual time, but because he was a widower who made good money and liked to spend it on her. Shortly before he was to return stateside and retire, he asked her to marry him and she saw this as a chance to live a dream she had even before becoming a hostess.

However, like most dreams, there was a big drawback. In Japan, the major's sexual abilities had been barely adequate for Michiko and, ten years later, with him nearly impotent and her hornier than ever, they didn't even come close. Masturbation helped some but not enough, especially because she was not getting her pussy eaten, something she had learned to love having done by her bar clients.

As luck would have it, one of Michiko's horniest days happened to coincide with Steve working on her garden. She liked to bathe in a certain bathroom and that was what she was doing that morning. Right next to the tub was a big picture window that looked out onto a thick patch of shrubbery. The window was equipped with blinds but these were not usually used because the tub was hidden by the thick stand of plants. Michiko could soak there or masturbate and not worry about being seen and, even if somebody happened to look in, she was enough of an exhibitionist to let him or her get a good eyeful.

On that day, Steve was the person getting the good eyeful. When he came to work that morning, the major had instructed him to thin that particular patch so more natural light would illuminate the bathroom. With his clippers and rake, the gardener started on one end of the row of plants and set to work. Just as he began trimming the second of the shrubs, he saw a sudden flash of pale skin through a window he hadn't even noticed was there. Seconds later, he saw much more than that, because the lady of the house finished removing her robe and stepped into the tub she had just partially filled.

It wasn't filled all the way because Michiko had something she liked doing in her tub besides bathing. She slid her needy body under the tap and turned on a hard stream of warm water to pour down onto her swollen clit, while one hand fondled her pussy lips and the other tweaked her erect nipples. It felt good and, after a minute, she was able to feel pleasure coursing between those three points. The horny housewife sighed, but partly in frustration because what she was feeling was a pale imitation of what a tongue and a man's hands would have done for her.

Steve was feeling some frustration too. He had seen the sexily plump woman toss her robe aside and had admired the way her breasts swayed. However, once she was in the tub, he didn't have much of a view of anything. He could see and hear the water was running and could guess what that was for. He was able to see movements of her arms and was sure she was playing with her big breasts but he couldn't see any actual contact.

"Damn," he muttered to himself. "I gotta get closer and get a better look."

Trying to move quickly and quietly, Steve crept toward a particularly bushy plant, confident he could crouch behind it and be unseen but get a better look at the woman while she played with herself. When he reached this shelter, he stared raptly at the clit being stimulated and the nipples being tweaked. His cock stiffened at the erotic sight but he decided against masturbating until the sexy woman's bath was through. He would just enjoy the sight until then.

Almost bored with what she was doing, Michiko happened to glance out the window just as the man there changed his position. Knowing there was a man watching her, she smiled to herself and continued with her play. Masturbating by herself was better than nothing but the same stroking and fondling while being watched was a far bigger turn-on.

But not big enough. Michiko wanted and needed more and she knew what was inside the man's pants and mouth could give it to her. However, she wanted to avoid scaring him away by confronting him through the window, nor did she want to him to get bored and leave if she got out of the tub and walked away. She needed to do something so she chose what she considered the best way to keep the man interested and hoping for more.

Slowly, she climbed out of the tub and, with her legs spread, bent over to select a bath towel from the lower shelf of the rattan caddy, providing the unknown man with the best view she could of her shapely ass. Michiko dried her legs and hips, then turned to face the window while she finished her toweling. While reaching back to dry her shoulders and lower back, she stood with her chest thrust out, giving the best view possible to the man who was only a few feet away. After drying that part of her body, she finished with her arms, hung up the towel and walked away, leaving her robe. She hoped the unknown man would see that and stay where he was in hopes of her returning.

Things worked out just as she wanted. After donning a different robe, one that was in a guest room next to her favorite bathtub, she left the house by the small side door and walked the few feet to the stand of shrubs and bushes where Michiko hoped the man would still be waiting to see more.

He was. "Hey!" she announced. "What are you doing?"

Caught! Steve decided to act innocent in hopes he could brazen it out. "I'm just trimming these bushes, like your husband said to do. Just taking care of these bushes."

"These are the wrong bushes. That one in front of you isn't the one that needs your attention." Michiko eyed the swelling in the man's crotch and continued. "This is the bush you should be taking care of," she informed him while she grinned lewdly and opened the front of her robe, giving him the best view yet of her sexy, pale body.

While Steve gawked, the object of his desire stepped forward, grabbed him by the front of his pants and started to lead him toward the door she had just exited, which was still ajar. "Your name is Steve, isn't it?" she asked while leading him. When he nodded his head, she said "My name is Michiko."

Through the door and to the guest room she led him before she stopped beside the bed. "Are you ready to get to work on the bush that needs it?" she asked him, with a lascivious grin on her face. Without waiting for an answer, Michiko lay on her back with her legs spread and head nestled in a pillow.

Without hesitation, Steve followed her, kneeling between her legs and gazing raptly at the lovely pussy before him. But by now, being eyeballed wasn't even close to being enough for the horny woman.

"Well, are you gonna just look at it," she chided him. "Or are you gonna get your face in there where it belongs?" To encourage the latter, she raised her legs for him.

Eagerly, Steve ducked under the shapely limbs and wrapped his arms under Michiko's thighs, lowering his face to just inches from the bush he was going to be servicing. The running water in the tub had washed away the pussy juices as they were produced but they had already been replaced by fresher nectar in anticipation of what she was then expecting to have happen. He breathed in the delectable fragrance and started to discover for himself that her juices tasted even better than they smelled.

The fresh nectar didn't stay there very long. Steve greedily licked the delicious treat from the insides of Michiko's thighs and from her crotch, bringing his tongue all the way up her pink slit to be sure to get it all. He raised his head and grinned at the way her sexy body was already squirming in pleasure and returned to start licking one of her lush outer lips.

"Oooh, yeah, that's what I like," she murmured softly.

Michiko said nothing else intelligible because she had no wish to start any kind of conversation with the man whose head was between her legs. Talking would have been a waste of time for him for there was something much better for both of them that he could be doing with his mouth. She placed her hands on her breasts, partly so she could tweak her rigid nipples and add to her sexual joy and partly to watch the progress of the man's head as it moved slowly up the side of her pussy.

Everywhere that head traveled, bolts of delight shot through her body in its wake until Michiko's clit formed the familiar three-way connection with her nipples. Currents of pleasure coursed through her body and she let the man know he was pleasing her.

"That's the way, Steve! Keep working on that bush."

He smiled, but only inwardly. His mouth was too busy giving himself and the lady intense pleasure to do anything else. Moving slowly because he knew there was no hurry, his tongue traveled up that first lip. The woman's husband would be gone all day and his supervisor never checked on him so they had hours in which to enjoy themselves.

And that's what they were doing. Michiko watched the gardener's head as it slowly meandered is way up her pussy, radiating waves of exquisite pleasure in its wake. Involuntarily, her body started writhing and her pussy fucked up against the face between her legs. Besides her movements, she let him know verbally how great it felt.

"Ooooo, yeah, that feels so good. Keep doing that. Yeah! Yeah! Lick me there," She urged him when Steve's tongue reached her swollen clit.

He did, but only for a few strokes of his tongue. From there, his mouth kept traveling up to her Mount of Venus, where he kissed her before licking off her fresh juices and starting to caress her other outer lip with his tongue. Although slightly disappointed that he had almost skipped her clit, Michiko murmured in bliss, nestled her head in her pillow and let the currents of joy sweep through her body.

Those currents were emanating from where the gardener was eating her pussy. She had been eaten like that at least a thousand times by bar patrons in Japan and Michiko had come almost every time but none of them had given her as much fun as the man whose head was between her thighs that day. She could feel her climax mounting and knew it would be a thunderous one, one of her best. Her body was pitching and tossing under the man's face and her pussy was ramming against his mouth but he clung to her legs and continued licking until he had reached her mons again.

Once again Steve feasted on the wealth of juices that had been produced. "This is some great pussy," he told himself. "And she's almost ready to come." To bring about that glorious event, he placed the tip of his tongue against the edge of the pink hole that had produced what he found so delicious and started to lick slowly upward.

"Yes! Yes!" Michiko exhorted him. "Keep licking me there!"

Steve obliged her. He probed his tongue under the lips and against the edge of the pink hole that was steadily producing the nectar. Michiko is very sensitive there and her high level of arousal was sending currents of joy into all parts of her body. She was aware of the touch of the probing tongue under her inner lip and every time the agile giver of joy crossed from one side of her pink hole to the other.

Finally, she could stand it no longer and grabbed the man's head and moved it to the place it was most needed. "My clit! Suck my clit!" she demanded, and held firmly to his head so he would not be able to move away.

He had no objection to that. Steve had been enjoying himself so much he had licked the lady's pussy to the point where she needed to come, rather than just wanted to. He wrapped his lips around the swollen morsel and started sucking wile licking the engorged sides and top and was highly gratified at how her movements and her exhortations became even wilder and louder.

No more than a few seconds after seizing the initiative and Steve's head, a great blast of joy swept through Michiko's body as she started coming. She tightened the grip of her hands and squeezed with her thighs while bouncing up and down on her ass and swinging her legs from side to side. He knew what was happening and clung to her thighs, continued licking her clit and enjoyed the ride. When she climaxed, her back arched and she rammed her pussy into the man's face for a final time.

After her orgasm, Michiko released her grips and collapsed back onto the bed. Her arms were sprawled at her sides and her legs remained draped over the man's shoulders. Steve greedily licked all the delicious juices from her thighs, belly, lips and everywhere else they had splattered. When he had devoured them all, he backed away and let the lady's legs fall onto the bed but he hoped they were not through with their carnal fun. His cock was rampant and he needed to fuck as badly as he ever had in his life.

He stripped off his shirt and, before removing his pants, reached into the front pocket and removed a condom. Ever since the first time a horny woman wanted him to fuck he had made sure to be prepared. After removing the wrapper, which Steve put back in the same pocket, he rolled the protection into place and finished undressing, including his shoes and socks.

By the time he was completely naked, the lady of the house had opened her eyes and saw the stiff cock that was ready for her. She smiled lewdly but said nothing, just raised her arms in welcome. Steve responded by kneeling between her thighs again, this time holding his cock to guide it. Michiko reached down between her legs and spread her pussy lips. He had licked off most of her natural lubricating juices but she was already producing more in anticipation of getting that big, hard dick inside her.

Steve was at least as eager as his hostess and didn't make her wait any longer than he could help. He leaned forward, supporting his weight on one hand and rubbed the end of his cock against the hole he would soon be stuffing. Michiko squealed in delight at the sensation and continued to hold herself open. With everything ready, Steve made a firm push forward and the head of his cock wedged into the wet pink place where it was so badly wanted.

"Yes! Right there," Michiko urged him.

Being as horny as she from eating her delightful pussy, he didn't really need any encouragement. Seconds after the initial penetration, he thrust forward again and over an inch of his hard shaft burrowed its way between Michiko's fingers and into her pussy. She said nothing this time, just sighed happily and let herself start her trip to Paradise.

The journey continued as the gardener drove his cock more and more deeply into her. Every thrust was met by moans and sighs and other sounds of joy. When his entire shaft was buried inside her and his brown pubic hair was mingling with the bush he was working on so expertly, she spread her legs as far as she could in hopes of getting another fraction of an inch inside her eager pussy. Once again, she raised her arms in an invitation which Steve accepted. He lay full-length atop her with his arms curled under Michiko's shoulders and she wrapped her arms around his body. For almost a minute, they lay like that with waves of intense pleasure sweeping through their bodies.

When Steve started to move, it was to slowly draw his cock most of the way out of her, pause and start to drive it back into her pussy. When Michiko felt the big shaft surging into her, she flexed her legs and pulled herself forward until their bodies came together with a satisfying "smack" and her juices splattered on them both. She moaned in joy and asked for more.

"Ooooooo, do that again!"

Steven was glad to oblige because her pussy was one of the nicest places his cock had ever been. Over and over, he plowed into Michiko and she fucked back to meet every thrust. Her hands were active too, stroking his back as she admired his muscular body. She could feel her excitement mounting and knew her second orgasm of the day would be even better than the first.

The man who would soon be bringing her to that splendid circumstance didn't worry much about that. He was more concerned that he might come too early because he was also highly aroused from everything that had been happening that day, especially from eating Michiko's juicy pussy. He believed nice guys finish last and that was his goal. He also knew it would be more fun for both Michiko and him if he could control himself well enough to do that. Steve kept fucking slowly and felt her body moving under him.

As he continued driving his cock in and out of her, the lady's movements became more erratic. Besides thrusting her pussy back to meet him, she started rocking from side to side and back and forth while her hands continued their stroking of his back and sides. Her hips were responding too, swiveling under him and thrusting her legs out and back past him like a pair of pistons.

Michiko knew she was on the verge of coming and badly wanted it to happen. As Steve drew back, she slid down slightly on the bed so his cock would plow into her pussy from a slightly different angle. On the next stroke, his hard shaft raked across her clit both entering and leaving. An extra strong bolt of pleasure crashed through her body and she knew she would climax from just a few more thrusts like that one.

"Give it to me, Steve. Make me come," she begged him.

He was more than happy to do what she wanted because the different angle was also having its effect on him. He started plunging his cock into her at a faster pace and her movements, although wild and seemingly uncontrolled, stayed in the same rhythm as his.

"Oh god!" Michiko cried out as her climax started to overwhelm her. She wrapped her legs even more tightly around Steven's hips and her arms tightened their grip on his back. She stayed with his movements, riding up with him as he drew back and, when he thrust forward, felt his cock drive even more deeply into her. Her hips continued swiveling but her legs did not move so she was tossing his body from side to side. Completely undeterred, Steve kept pounding his cock into the incredible pussy under him.

Michiko continued in the throes of coming for the next five minutes until her back arched, she rammed her pussy up against Steven's body and howled something joyful in Japanese. Steve didn't understand what she said but he knew she had just reached her orgasm. After that momentous event, Michiko's arms flopped at her sides; her legs loosened their grip on the man above her and she collapsed back onto the bed.