Goddesses 02 Pt. 04


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Alessia took it within her mouth, and she shut her eyes to savour the taste of her goddess' seed rolling out against her tongue. She wrung her hands up and down, wanting to milk out every last drop, in disbelief that she'd withstood her massive sixteen incher. The connection between she and her goddess had become stronger than ever.

When finally it seemed Gaia had run dry and the hardness had begun to leave her Alessia let go. She smiled up to her dreamily, speechless and completely in love.

Chapter 17

With a wearisome sigh Don Greco sat down in front of the Sheriff's desk.

"Hello Mr. Greco. Did they offer you any coffee, tea, before you came in?"

"Cut to the chase Ash."

"Alright," the Sheriff said. He took off his Sheriff's cap and ran his thick fingers through his silvery buzzed hair, then leaned back in his creaky chair, displaying the slight bulge of his belly. "I suppose you already know why I've requested some face-to-face."

"Yes, I do. Word travels fast around here."

"It sure does. A town this small is kind of like a big family, a clan, when you get right down to it. So, like if I were your cousin or something, I want to make this easy for you, and private. This doesn't have to be any harder than we let it be. What do you want us to do?"

"I don't believe it. I won't believe a single thing that boy Benji says, especially if it's about my Alessia. She, she would never..."

"Now Don you know relations with the goddesses are a very serious crime, and we don't take accusations of such lightly. No-no we don't, and as such we don't consider them without real evidence of the foul. Especially when it involves a girl with such potential."

Don Greco nervously shifted in his chair, becoming more uneasy as the Sheriff built up his case. "And so you have evidence?"

The Sheriff closed his eyes, and his voice hushed slightly. "Yes. You don't have to... see all of it... but we need, we need you to confirm that it's really her."

"Show me."

The Sheriff pulled open one of the wild purple drawers of his desk and out came his tablet, one of the armoured types law enforcers carried, and set it in front of Don. "Okay, watch closely. Here goes."

He'd seen the clip enough times and didn't care to watch it again, and instead studied the reactions on Don's face. He was looking for a tell, in case the man would choose to protect his dear daughter.

My Alessia with a goddess? Just outrageous, Don thought to himself. He was having trouble believing there even was one in Mu, considering the controversies that had happened with them ten years prior. Annoyed that he had to watch a film of some tart whoring herself out to an immortal demon, he pulled his reading glasses out of his breast pocket and leaned into the desk to watch. His mood started to change when he saw the delicate tanned legs of a girl very much like his daughter, splayed out beneath a girl that looked very much like Gaia. That strange little girl from elsewhere. He was starting to lose his confidence in what he was seeing. It can't be... but, my Alessia has changed a lot this summer. Grown a lot more than a girl should by her age, and only in 'that' way... Oh, god. Please, don't let it be true.

The Sheriff watched disbelief turn to fear, to anger, and then to complete dejection. "Oh no Don, please, keep watching. We need you to confirm that it's her.. There'll be a clear shot of her face in a minute. Here, let me fast forward through all this scrambling the boy did in the dirt..."

As Don watched the Sheriff of police focus his eyes on the tablet and command it to advance to the final critical scene, his heart sank low. He already knew it was Alessia and Gaia, his daughter and the goddess he'd been deceived into letting his home. It had stolen his Alessia. It was happening again.

"There? You see it? A clear shot of her face," he said, as the tablet froze the image. The goddess was poised on the brink of piercing Alessia. "Now Don... is that or is that not-"

"Yes, it's her," he breathed. "That was my daughter." He rose from his seat, "excuse me Ash, but I-I have to go now."

The Sheriff reached out and clamped his big hand over Don's wiry tanned forearm. "Whoa, no I can't let you do that Don. Now that you've confirmed the footage this is an actual case, and this is an actual police interview. I'd recommend you stay just a little longer."

Don slumped back down into his chair, his eyes beginning to bulge. He looked like he was about to explode.

"Okay, okay. Now we're in business. We're going to find this goddess and prosecute it to the fullest extent of our law. Your daughter will be returned to you and the village. You of all people should know how powerful the immortal species can be, that we will have to proceed with strategic force."


"Do you have our permission to proceed as such, even if your daughter is present?"

"Yes. She needs to know this is no game. This is her life she's thrown away. I... ugh, god dammit it all!" He punched the sheriff's desk.

"Alright Don, alright," the Sheriff said, fanning his hands at the incensed man. "That's really all I needed from you. That will do."

Don Greco sat back, looking down at his shoes in a daze of embarrassment and sorrow. "Yes... Yes, I-I'll see myself out."

"Thanks Don."

Without another word spoken Alessia's father got up and left. His daughter, his world, had been taken from him, just as his wife had been ten years before.

Chapter 18

Ever since the risk they'd taken in the fringe Gaia had been wary about coming into town. Her young girl's disguise was no longer enough for her to feel safe around the humans, whose distaste for her true nature she wished not to provoke. Alessia was sure it must have been paranoia or a trick of her senses, like perhaps a piece of refuse blown by the wind had startled her into picking themselves up and running safe into the wild. Her senses, incredible and far reaching as they were, were after all only affective within the wild, and the fringes, save for occasional purple scrubs mingling with the Earthly tall grass, weren't wild at all. It was in the woods where her perceptions were great, where the very touch of Alessia's toes upon the soil could awaken her awareness.

Gaia was a goddess, but not one of Earth. She was unique, a true creature of Eva. Alessia had slowly come to understand that. The amazing things she did, the powers she wielded, were the domain of no creature from the human homeworld.

One of those amazing powers had been keeping them in contact, even without her staying as a girl within the village. Alessia opened her closet and dug her beautiful green orb out of the corner. It was wrapped in an old sweater, which she slid it out of, and held it up close to her face. The beautiful stone, filled with naturally formed latices and fractals, was excellent at reflecting and dispersing light into fantastic shapes. But when Gaia wanted her near, that wasn't the only thing it could radiate. It was warm - almost hot, in fact.

Alessia held it against her cheek, feeling the smooth glassy stone hot against her. That meant she was wanted in the woods. She kissed the hot stone and slid it back into the sweater, then replaced it in her closet.


Gaia sat nude on a large rock, facing the entrance to her grotto. Her Alessia was coming. Nearer and nearer by the moment, she could feel her footsteps padding down upon her soil. Her humanoid ears could already hear the faint brushing of her feet in the leaves. In anticipation of her arrival her member was filling out heavy and long, lying along the curve of the stone like a sun basking viper. She hungered for her beautiful little human's touch.

As Alessia emerged from the brush she was pulling her top off, and her cascade of long brown curls were gorgeously tumbling back down from within it. She tossed it and the rest of her clothes, already removed on the way there, to the ground and approached.

"Mmm... thank you for coming to me Alessia," Gaia said softly, her eyes thirstily scanning the ever developing body of her young worshiper.

The girl smiled softly at Gaia, her gaze then in graven desire tilting lower. She dropped to her knees before her goddess. Lifting the base of her shaft, the rest arced back down to rest against the stone. She set some kisses at its base, where it joined her lower body. As her her tongue played across skin her hands squeezed and massaged, and Gaia's tool began to awaken and rise from its resting place.

"Ah..." Gaia smiled down at the beautiful sight of her human, who was closed-eyed as she traced kisses along her awakening shaft, her little hands insistently stroking life into it all the while. As it straightened out Alessia lifted off from the ground to stand on her knees, keeping herself level with its rise. Her kisses traveled upwards slowly, with her taking her sweet time to adore every growing inch as Gaia's soft skin became taut around her steely throbbing tower. Once fully straightened she let the hardening bulb fill her mouth, while her hands bumped into a resting place at her base, so far below now.

Alessia moaned a sound of primitive lust as the heat and stiffness of Gaia's power began to fully express. It was huge, it was gorgeous, it was her greatest desire. Only briefly did she suck at the tip, and her hands gave a few priming stokes to the now burning shaft, before she rose to her feet. She turned away from Gaia and backed up, carefully aiming herself to descend upon her burning column in reverse cowgirl. She groaned with pained delight as it parted her.


"Alright, I'm picking up something down below now. Signs of heat."

"Is it our goddess and girl?"

"Well it's certainly two people, that I can confirm."

The pilot leaned hard to look at the other officer's screen, where the blurred shapes of two heated bodies were seen glowing orange against a blue and purple background. Their vehicle was silently hovering, just a few feet higher than the treetops. The two officers, garbed in body and armour and camouflage, were riding up front while four more of the same sat in the back. They were armed. "I'll take us closer in."

"So I've heard some rumours about this goddess, based on the video that kid took."

"Oh yeah? Like what."

"That it has special powers, to disguise itself. They say it used to come and go freely within the village, because it was able to transform itself into a little girl."

"I aint never heard of a goddess doing that."

"It's on the video. She starts as the little girl, and then 'fwoof', she becomes this big dirty beast of a woman. So it's some sort of super-goddess."

"Well, sure, I dunno." With a tilt of the wheel the pilot lowered the vehicle between two treetops. "I've got visual confirmation now. Switching to visible spectrum."

Now in plain sight on their viewscreen they saw a young woman of outstanding physical beauty. Her lithe body was a storm of passion as her hair and hypnotically sloshing chest reacted to each mighty impalement from below. The goddess, pale and long limbed, had its massive cock surging in and out of her. The girl was completely gone, seemingly on another plane of existence in her state of complete coital bliss.

"My god."

"Holy shit..."

"Alright," the pilot said, turning back towards the men sitting in wait behind him, "prepare to disembark; we're going in!"


The vehicle landed in the lot outside of town hall, with its main door already pointed toward the entrance, ready to unload its crooked freight. Word of whom they'd brought had traveled quickly, and a small crowd was gathering to see if it was true. The suspense was palpable as the bay door clicked, its internal latches disengaging, and the people of Mu crushed in to catch a glimpse of the shamed young maiden and her forbidden defiler.

Up the door went. It was dark inside. First to step out were two armed men, who placed themselves at each side of the doorway, their weapons at rest. Next came Alessia, who was nude save for a towel wrapped around her body. Her head was down and her hair had her face hidden, but the occasional glimpse would reveal that she'd been crying. An officer had a hand on the small of her back and was guiding her away and toward town hall, from where she likely wasn't to be seen for a while.

The three remaining men were arranged in a triangle around Gaia, and their guns were held ready as they went. It didn't seem necessary however, for she was willingly moving at pace with them without the slightest sign of emotion upon her perfectly beautiful face. The crowd, who for the most had never before seen a goddess yet had heard so much, were agog. She was naked, tall, and so powerfully steeped in potent sexuality - a sight they would never forget. She too was led into the town hall.

"Kind of makes you wonder what else is going on in those woods, huh? Are there any more of them in there?"

"I'm never going to let my girls go outside again."

Don Greco was amongst the crowd. At that moment, feeling their judgmental eyes upon his daughter, he just hated them. He turned away and made movements back toward his vehicle. It was all too much to deal with, and his head was pounding with a hangover at the sound of their excited talk.

He didn't know what he would do when the police released Alessia, but it was too soon to swear her out of his life. She'd still seemed human during the summer months of her secret degradation, unlike his wife. He just hoped some shred of the daughter he once loved was still within her, that it wasn't just an act.

He was sure there was no hope of totally salvaging her - she'd already drank too deeply of the immortal's poison - but maybe she would still be able to relate to lowly humans such as himself. Maybe she would be able to rise above her twisted desires and continue to do work on the solar arrays in the fringes. If not, it was away to terminal isolated rehab for her. It was brutal, but it was also the only thing Mu had left for a young woman so far twisted.

As for the goddess? The laws were strict. To set foot unauthorized upon Mu's soil was already a serious crime, but to have also done the things it had done with his daughter promised it the most severe penalties, case closed... And he wished for it the very worst.

As he approached his car it detected him and the transparent bubble-roof lifted away. He clambered inside and was soon contained within. Already he was relieved to have the sound of the chattering others muted. "Take me home," he said hoarsely, "so I can sleep and then awaken from this nightmare."

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GeneraZGeneraZover 3 years agoAuthor
re: anon

Sorry if it's not totally clear what's going on, I try to go for a narrative style where things are revealed instead of simply explained in literal terms, and my success with that can be mixed.

Here's basically what's happened:

During a moonberry trip Eva ejaculated on some wild soil at her orchard. The spirit of the alien planet detected this and became curious, so it pulled her into the soil to examine her. It made a copy of her mind to keep so they could communicate within a mental world of its creation, while meanwhile in the physical world it eventually released Eva, who woke up in the hospital.

Eventually the copy of Eva's mind within the spirit's mental world wants to return to the real world, since it thinks it is the only Eva and wants to go home, so the spirit agrees by creating a physical creature that is alien in nature but based on Eva. This is Gaia.

Gaia meets Alessia, who is a human from Mu. On this planet humans and goddesses get along fine, except for in Mu, the smallest nation of the three, where goddesses are disliked and humans have chosen to be free from them. It's unfortunate that this is where Gaia meets her human friend but that's what happens, and so a lot of drama ensues as the people of Mu find a goddess that looks exactly like Eva has been breaking their laws by seeing Alessia.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
While interesting it's not as good as the first story.

This was an interesting story but not as good as the first one in the series. I didn't understand the whole part about Gaia and I found it hard to understand exactly what had happened to Eve. You took the time to go into detail about a man who had lost his wife and with that detailed information I started to view the quote on quote goddesses as demons and understood why the people of this continent would have such strict laws about dealing with these creatures. It was an interesting addition to an already great story and I would like to see some sort of conclusion about the fate of the creature that was captured as well as whether the young lady was able to return to civilized society.

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