Good Hunting

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In another galaxy, hunting is not quite what you'd expect.
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She slowly opened her eyes.

She was -- outdoors. She could tell that much by the blinding sunlight and the breeze wafting across her face. She could hear seagulls squawking and smell the sharp, salty scent of the sea. So, she was at least near the ocean. She saw, as her eyes adjusted, grass and flowers surrounding her, and as she slowly stood she could tell that it was very tall grass and wildflowers. She was almost hidden in the growth. She felt a bit chilled, and looked down to see she was -- naked! She had no clothing, no shoes, nothing but a bag that, when opened, revealed stones. What was she to do with this? She slowly tied the bag around her waist anyway; it was at least partial protection in case of predators.

She suddenly heard, "Hey! Here's another new one!" and whirled to see a group of men, weapons drawn, running toward her. She panicked for a second and then realized that the men had not yet seen her -- it was another panicked, naked woman a bit further toward the beach. She watched as the other woman pleaded for her life -- and then the arrows started flying.

They were very odd arrows, though. They appeared to not pierce the skin, but when they hit the woman's body, she could see the woman get disoriented and her steps unsteady, little by little. She ran, but didn't get very far before a golden cage-like net appeared around her body and she fell to the ground.

She crouched down and slowly moved closer to hear what they were saying. She didn't have far to go, as the wind carried their words to her clearly. "Hardly worth the effort," one was saying, prodding the woman with his toe as the other men lifted the net and bound her wrists with cuffs attached to a chain.

"She is very sexy though -- she could be fun to fuck," another man argued. The first man looked at the unconscious, though reviving, bound woman and nodded.

"Such a pity though," he growled out, looking around at the area. "I like a little more chase, a little more sport in the whole thing."

"There were two other women," a third man spoke up. "They must be around here somewhere. Maybe they'll be more sport for us."

At that several men grinned. She didn't like the sound of that or the looks the men were giving each other. As quietly as possible, she began to creep backward, trying not to make any sound. She was almost clear when she stepped on a stick; it was dry and snapped. She gasped, partly in pain and partly from surprise at the loud crack! the stick made as it broke.

The men's heads jerked up at that, and she knew she had lost any chance to disappear quietly. Stealth was no longer an option; speed was now of the essence until she could find some good concealment. She stood up and ran as fast as she could, ignoring the pain in her feet -- she had never gone without shoes before, and her tender soles hurt terribly -- in the quest to find safety.

She heard the leader bark out to some of the men, "Stay with this one and take her back to the camp!" Then he whirled around and hollered, "To the chase!" The men cheered and ran after their leader, who was in turn chasing the naked, defenseless woman.

As the bag hit her leg, she realized she was not defenseless after all. If she had to, she could lob a rock or two at the men. As she thought that, an arrow came very close to hitting her, whizzing by her head. She redoubled her efforts, sprinting away from the men and gaining a sizeable lead. Thank goodness for being a track star in high school and keeping up the discipline in college!

She had been trying to find a suitable hiding place as she ran, but the area she was in was mostly scrub, grass, and wildflowers. She could see some woods in the distance, and she aimed for them, hoping they would provide her the cover she desperately needed. She wove back and forth slightly, hoping to knock the hunters off with their shots; at least none of the arrows had hit her yet.

In her peripheral vision, she could see a couple of men flanking her on the right and a couple more on the left. "Stop her -- from getting -- to the woods!" she heard the leader shout; she took comfort in the fact he sounded winded. Then, as she looked like she was free and clear to the woods, the worst thing happened: she got a cramp in her calf. The pain was excruciating. She slowed down a little, but it was enough. A couple of the arrows hit her, and she began to feel weaker and a bit dizzy. She kept on running as fast as she could, though, and was able to make it to the woods with only a couple more arrows hitting her. That, though, with the cramp made her much easier pickings.

You need to find shelter NOW! her mind screamed at her. RUN! But the voice of panic was a bit harder to hear. She weaved a bit more now, from the effect of the arrows, not on purpose, but it worked in her favor, oddly enough. No more arrows hit her. The problem was, no more needed to. She was about to give up hope when she saw a ravine to her right. She headed down it without hesitation. The trees grew more thickly along its sides, and she was sure she could find something to hide her until she could recuperate ... at least, she hoped she could recuperate. If the drug or whatever took too long to wear off, she was in deep trouble. She assumed, from the reaction of the other woman, the disorientation wasn't permanent. Thank goodness for small favors, she thought sarcastically.

She almost missed it as she ran by -- a small clump of bushes that might provide a small hiding place. She had, in fact, run up the ravine's edge as she saw the end of the ravine was in sight, assuming that the men would of course have some of their number there to trap her. She ran back down along the path she had taken to the top of the ravine and managed to get herself into the bushes -- but not without a lot of scrapes and welts along her naked, tanned flesh. Surely, she thought to herself, they would assume she would pass this by. Wincing at the pain, she went deeper into the bushes -- and saw a sight that, at that moment, looked like a miracle: a small cave-like entrance that ran through the ravine wall. She crawled into it immediately.

It was, of course, shallow and ended abruptly after a couple of feet or so. It was enough, though, for her to curl into and wait out the men. Oh, but she hurt! Her feet felt like ribbons of lacerated flesh, her arms and legs ached, and all over her body she had enough scratches and welts to make even the most dedicated masochist beg off.

She took the time, listening for the men all along, to assess what was happening to her. She had no idea how she had got to where she was, wherever it was, or how she arrived in this condition. She knew certain facts about herself, like she had gone to college and ran track, but other things, like her name, were elusive. She also got the impression that, despite being an athlete, she was a bit pampered and soft in her former life. She certainly wasn't used to running around barefoot, escaping men with strange weapons!

She stilled herself as she heard voices approaching. "Where did she go?" a male voice rumbled out, irritated. She grinned to herself -- so she wasn't making it easy for them, was she?

Another man came up and reported, "I think we've seen her tracks go up the ravine -- she may have eluded the team at the top and exited the ravine early."

The first man grunted and then said, "Okay, we go up to the top and look for her. Go two by two and search everywhere."

"What about this clump of bushes?" the second man's voice weighed in. "She might have ducked in here."

Her heart began to race and she had trouble breathing. Then the first man said, with a chuckle in his voice, "If you were naked, would YOU duck into this?"

The other men laughed, covering up for her the leader murmuring into the second man's ear. All of the men dispersed in twos to look for her -- all except the leader and a couple other men. They hunkered down behind some trees in the ravine and waited.

She got her breathing under control and realized, as the effects of the arrows wore off, her wounds healed. By the time she felt like herself again, her scratches, her welts, even the lacerated soles of her feet -- all were healed. Interesting, she thought to herself. She was good as new! She waited a bit longer, though, just to make sure the men had moved off. She straightened slowly, then eased herself as quietly and painlessly as she could out of the bushes.

As soon as she was out of the bushes, the first arrow struck. She whirled around, confused, to see three men leering at her, huge grins on their faces. She screamed in anger and frustration and ran, scrambling up the bank. The three men were able to shoot her quite easily, and she was soon captured and subdued as the other woman had been.

"This one," the leader said with satisfaction as he groped her naked, semi-conscious body, "is mine first. She was quite a prize - we've not had to work so hard for prey in a long time." There were grumbles from the other men, but those were silenced as the leader looked at them very long and hard.

A shout from one group of the men let the leader know the third woman had been captured quite readily. "Alright," he said as he picked up the slender form of the reviving woman, "let's get back to camp." He strode off and his men followed along behind, looking around as they did so - just because they had captured the women didn't mean they'd get to keep their prizes. They flipped a switch on their weapons, and the arrows became much more menacing-looking. The men were lucky, though - they made it to the camp without incident.

This place was a high-tech 'hunting ground.' The planet made a lot of money selling packages for the galaxy's bored, super-rich men - all titans of industry, nobility, land barons, etc. The only requirements were that the purchasers have enough money to pay for all the 'expenses' of preparing for the hunt - including the kidnapping, drugging and mind-wiping of the women both before and after the hunt - and were willing to sign waivers indemnifying the owners from any lawsuits or charges in case of accidental death or serious injury.

The men were allowed to hunt as many women as they were willing to pay for, then once they got the women, they were allowed to do anything they wanted to the women, short of murder or mutilation. There had been some talk about allowing that, but so far the owners hadn't decided yet. It would also involve kidnapping a different class of women, so the owners were holding off on a decision until they researched it further.

The men got back to their camp - more like a medieval stronghold - and took the three women to the pens, a group of cages inside the inner courtyard of the castle-like structure. The three women were unbound, their bags of rocks removed and a collar placed around their necks, then shoved into the cages along with about a dozen other women, all around college age to mid-thirties. Some were sobbing, some staring blankly ahead, but all had the look of the defeated about them.

She sat up as the effects of the arrows and bindings wore off and looked around her. Her mouth tightened. Like hell she was going to give up! She tugged at the collar and found it was impossible to remove with the bare hands. She growled deep in her throat. If they were going to do anything to her, it would not be with her cooperation!

All too soon, the men came to the pens and began to drag out the captives. Some went quietly if not willingly, most screamed, and one fought like a hellcat - she had vowed not to be a willing victim, and she was going to make them pay dearly for treating her this way! She kicked, clawed and bit, causing the man dragging her to the leader to drop her. "Damn bitch!" he spat out and made as if to kick her - until the voice of the leader cut through.

"Let her be - I'll make sure she pays for that and more," he said, smiling with his lips - but the smile never touched his eyes. She shivered on the ground, scared a little despite her bravado in fighting earlier. The leader made her uncomfortable - she knew he prized her because she had fought. Was fighting actually playing into his game? Then her anger boiled up in her. Fuck that! She was fighting anyway -and maybe she could make him pay for his stupid desires!

He grabbed her arm and dragged her away with him, to a private room deep in the stronghold. He opened the door and shoved her in; she fell on the furs on the floor and turned to attack and maybe escape - but by the time she scrambled to her feet, the door had shut and the man stood in front of it, arms crossed and an evil smile on his face.

"Bed," he said, simply. She couldn't believe her ears. Had he just ordered her to get into the bed?

"Fuck you!" she shot back ... and just then, a horrible pain shot through her body. She saw the box in his hand, and his finger pushing the button. The pain shot through her again. Oh GODS! It hurt like nothing she'd ever felt! After he stopped pushing the button, she was curled into a fetal position, sobbing softly.

"That was just the first setting," he informed her as he grabbed her arm and hauled her up, depositing her on the bed. "Want to try for second?"

Her mind whirled. Still, she knew that she never wanted to feel that pain again, so she shook her head minutely.

His finger hovered over the button. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear that. Again?"

She growled but answered softly, "No. I don't want to try for second."

He grinned and started stripping off his clothing. Soon he was naked and climbing up by her on the bed. He pointed to the bed posts at the top of the bed. "Put your hands up there and leave them there."

Puzzled, she was about to refuse - and then his finger hovered over the button again. She did it, but reluctantly. Suddenly, her wrists were caught in restraints and she howled in angry denial. He just laughed, knowing she was well and truly caught. He placed himself in between her legs, admiring her shapely body, the perky c-cup breasts topped with dark rose nipples that were hard and proud in the cooling air, the dark pink petals just peeping out from the thin strip of dark blonde hair between her legs. It would be a pleasure to plunder this one's treasures, and his cock began to twitch and rise in expectation.

She watched in horrified fascination as his prick rose and rose, getting harder and thicker, right before her eyes. She wasn't a virgin, but she hadn't had a lot of experiences either. This looked like it would rip her in two! She struggled, but it was in vain. All it did was make her breasts jiggle and provide tantalizing glimpses of the wet jewel box at the joining of her legs. He obviously appreciated her show, as the moans coming from his throat would testify. His hands came up to cup her breasts and pinch and twist her nipples until she cried out, begging him to stop. She tried to kick him, but she couldn't get her legs into position to be effective.

He left off one of her breasts so that hand could slide down her body to her pussy; his fingers explored her slit until he found her clit and began to pinch and twist it as well. She screamed, thrashing around in her attempts to get away from the torturing grasp. Oh, this was wonderful! he thought to himself. He didn't think he could get any more aroused, but to watch this beautiful, captive young woman be totally at his mercy was hotter than anything he'd ever seen.

His fingers thrust into her cunt as hard as he could shove them in, and he enjoyed watching her arch her back to try and get away from his fingers. He pulled out his fingers and put them up to his nose, exaggeratedly sniffing them and saying, "Mmmmm...lovely fragrance!" She turned red and tried to kick him even harder. He just laughed at her futile attempts and opened her legs wider, thrusting his cock into her fast and hard.

She screamed, loud. Oh gods, the pain! She kept trying to scrabble away from him, her heels sliding on the sheets as they tried in vain to find purchase on the bed. She finally just gave up when the man laughed and informed her in a smug voice, "Even if you get away temporarily ... how far will you get with your wrists in these?" and he jiggled the restraints. She wished looks could kill - he would be dying right then in agony.

He could not believe how tight she was and how sexy it was, even though it hurt a little. He pulled out slowly then plunged in deeply and quickly. She kept crying, something that turned him on even more. He felt even more triumphant as her hips began to move against his and occasional moans escaped her lips. He of course had to point it out to her and the distress and anger on her face made it all priceless. He kept plunging in and out, slowly at first and then harder and harder as he felt his balls tighten and the seed rush up his shaft to shoot inside her, over and over. It was the best orgasm he'd ever had.

He climbed off her, noting there were several hours yet. He walked over to the tray that had been left in his room and poured himself a drink. He heard her sigh as if in relief and he laughed another nasty laugh as he stroked his cock back to hardness. "Oh my dear, we've got a lot of fun yet ahead before you get taken back ... and I've just begun."

His laugh echoed out in the room in counterpoint to her sobs. Oh this will be fun, he thought, as she thought, How do I get out of this?...

(the end?)

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

This was disappointing, she seemed to be putting a fight but as soon as they caught her, you had her lose all agency. I kept wishing she'd do something like bite the fuckers cock off.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Can't wait until it is someone one of the rich stupid hunter know that is kidnapped. It is just a matter of time since they take privileged smart educated women.

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