Grandma's Breast Massages

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Grandma and grandson follow doctor's orders.
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Dr. Rebecca Smith had Beverly roll up her shirt. The naughty doctor used both hands to "examine" Beverly's breasts. The woman had a huge pair of tits which looked almost cartoonish on her petite frame. Beverly was a 65-year-old grandmother, but with the exception of her gray hair, looked younger than that.

Dr. Smith noticed a young man in the lobby with Beverly. She asked the older woman about him while continuing her very thorough breast examination.

Beverly smiled. Her nervousness at being touched like this began to fade. "He's my grandson. His name's Billy. He's spending the summer with me. He drove me here."

"That's nice," Dr. Smith smiled. "I'm glad you're going to have a helper this summer, Mrs. Allen. It should make treatment a lot easier." Dr. Smith finished up with the kindly woman's big breasts and allowed her to cover up again.

"What kind of treatment will I need?"

Dr. Smith loved engineering raunchy escapades for her patients. The more taboo the better. "I'm afraid the circulation in your breasts is severely lacking."

"Oh dear," Beverly said worriedly.

"I recommend regular massaging to get that blood flowing again."

"How can Billy help?"

"I expect he can do the massaging," Dr. Smith told her with a straight face. "His strong, youthful hands are going to be much more effective than yours at improving circulation. It would be a job for Mr. Allen if he were still with us. How long has it been now?"

Beverly self-consciously folded her arms over her impressive chest. "Three years. But, but Billy could never do that. He's my grandson!"

"Has there been anyone else in those three years?"

Beverly blushed at the personal question, but she didn't question it because Dr. Smith was her doctor. "No," she said softly.

"Three years is a long time to go without knowing the touch of a man. Now you will and it's going to be for your health."

"Billy wouldn't go for this. It's too crazy. He's eighteen! He doesn't want to be touching his grandmother's big, old breasts."

"Why don't we get him in here and find out? You might be surprised. I think he'll understand when it's your health that's at stake." Dr. Smith leered at the older woman's stupendous rack and imagined the daily workout she was about to arrange for those big balloons.

Billy was standing in the doctor's office next to his grandmother a few minutes later. "Are you excited to be spending the summer with your grandmother, Billy?" the doctor asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Are you going to help take care of her?"

Billy looked at his grandmother and then back at the doctor. "Is she okay? Is there something wrong?"

"Don't worry, honey." Beverly wrapped her arm around her grandson.

"Well, Billy, I found some circulation problems during my examination of your grandmother. There's a good chance she's going to be fine but it would help her chances a lot if you'd be willing to help her with her treatment."

"Well, okay. Tell me what to do and I'll do it," Billy assured the doctor and his grandmother.

"Your grandmother needs to be massaged regularly to bring back that circulation. At least once a day. Twice would be better. Thirty minutes or an hour. The longer and more often you can do it the better it will be for her health. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Billy nodded his head. "I can do that."

Beverly smiled looking up at her grandson, but then her face turned serious. "It's more complicated than that, Billy. Dr. Smith says I need to be massaged in a certain place that, uhm..."

"It's your grandmother's chest, Billy. Are you willing to massage her breasts?" The doctor asked.

Billy's eyes wandered down to his grandmother's large bosom. He began to blush. "Her... her..."

"Yes, Billy. That's right. Are you up to this?" Dr. Smith stood up and approached them.

"You don't have to, sweetheart. I know this is weird and if you're not comfortable with it you don't have to do it." Billy's grandmother reassured him.

"Can you do it if it's for your grandmother's health?" the doctor pressed. She noticed the young man stealing glances at his grandmother's chest.

"I think I could," he answered tentatively.

"Have you ever felt a woman's breasts before?" Dr. Smith asked him.

"There- there were a couple girls at school," he answered, uncomfortable to say so in front of his grandmother.

"It's okay, darling. Don't be embarrassed," his grandmother comforted him.

"All you need to do is pay attention and do what I do," Dr. Smith said. She grabbed Beverly's breasts through her shirt and squeezed them. The older woman gasped and turned red, but didn't object or interrupt. "Massage them just like this, Billy. Gentle, but firm." Suddenly she took Beverly's nipples between her fingers and pinched them. Beverly moaned despite herself and then turned redder. "You can work the nipples every so often to turn the heat up and boost that circulation. Think you're up to this?"

Billy watched with parted mouth and wide eyes. He rolled his tongue back into his mouth and nodded his head. "Yes, I think so," he said.

Dr. Smith released the older woman's breasts. Beverly breathed heavy. She folded her arms once again across her impressive rack. She glanced at Billy and then quickly glanced away.

Dr. Smith opened a drawer and pulled out a bottle of cream. She handed it to Billy. "Apply this healing cream to your grandmother's breasts for the massage. Use this tube and only this tube. Call me when it runs out and we can discuss further treatments. Got it?"

"Okay, got it."

The good doctor looked over at Beverly. "And you can forget about wearing a bra for a while, Beverly. Bad for the circulation. You're going to have to let those babies play free for a while."

The older woman replied shyly, "Yes, doctor."

Dr. Smith walked the both of them out and then asked to speak to Beverly privately for a moment. Billy couldn't hear what was said between them, but he saw his grandmother nod her head and thank the doctor.

They drove home quietly. Neither knew what to say. Every time Billy glanced over at his grandmother he took a peek at her bosom and then looked away nervously. They arrived back at the cozy two-bedroom home Beverly and her late husband had shared for thirty years. Beverly made them a small dinner and they ate a cordial, though quiet meal at the kitchen table.

"I'll clean up here and then I'm going to take a shower. After that... do you want to try a massage?" Beverly felt awkward asking about it.

"Yes," Billy answered quickly. "But you've done enough, Grandma. I'll clean up."

"Thank you, Billy." Beverly smiled. She squeezed her grandson's shoulder tenderly before leaving the room and getting ready for her shower.

Beverly unclothed and hopped in the shower. Soothing, hot water poured over her body. She lifted her breasts to the spray of the water and took a deep breath. Beverly could still feel the touch of Dr. Smith's experienced fingers on her breasts and she knew she would soon feel Billy's. Beverly worried how awkward this might be and was thus determined to limit Billy's embarrassment and discomfort during it. She smiled thinking of what a wonderful grandson she had to agree to do this for her.

Beverly turned off the water and dried off. Tiptoeing into her bedroom she could hear Billy finishing up in the kitchen. She spent a few minutes in her bedroom before calling out to her grandson, "Billy, come in my room when you're ready, dear. Bring that healing cream the doctor gave you."

Billy felt both a sense of forbidden excitement and deep anxiety. He got the tube of cream and approached the door to his grandmother's bedroom. Billy turned the knob to the door and walked inside. The light on Beverly's nightstand illuminated the area around her bed. His grandmother laid on the bed in a bathrobe with the sash done loosely.

Beverly gave her grandson a gentle smile. "Hi, darling."

"Hi." Billy stood in the middle of the room with the tube of cream in hand.

"You're going to have a hard time massaging me from all the way over there. Come here and sit next to me on the bed, Billy." Beverly patted the spot on the bed next to her.

Billy sat down next to his grandmother. His eyes drifted toward her breasts. The robe split open across her chest revealing a few inches of big, soft tit flesh. He looked away quickly, but it was apparent that Beverly had caught him staring. "Sorry," he muttered.

"No sorry. You're going to be seeing a lot of them. I know how uncomfortable this is making you." Beverly patted her grandson's hand warmly. "I want you to know how appreciative I am that you're doing this for me. John's been gone so long. I don't have anyone else."

Billy assured her, "I'm always here for you, Grandma."

Beverly grinned looking up at Billy's handsome, young face. She undid the sash on her robe and uncovered her breasts. Billy gawked at them nervously. His grandmother's tits were huge, heavy and round. Stark blue veins adorned the beautiful orbs. Her nipples were puffy and pink. Billy felt a lump in his throat and another one developing in his pants.

"The healing cream, sweetheart. Start by rubbing it in."

Billy squirted a big glop of it into his hands. His heart was pounding and his hands froze. Beverly looked into her grandson's eyes. She calmly took him by the wrists and placed his creamy hands on her tits. "You're doing great, baby. Now spread the cream."

Billy's fingers dug gently into his grandmother's breasts. Warm and soft. Billy found them enthralling, they were like priceless jewels he couldn't look away or tear his hands from even if he'd wanted to. Billy lathered his grandmother's big melons in the cream, leaving them with a distinctive, oily shine. It looked indecent and too beautiful for Billy to form into words.

Beverly's grandson began the massage. He kneaded the silky skin of her breasts. He pushed them together and then pulled them apart. He rubbed every inch of them. His hands stopped rubbing when he glanced down at his own lap. Beverly followed his eyes and looked too. She saw her grandson's big erection pointing skyward.

Beverly feared Billy might be too embarrassed and try to run off. She put her hands over his and held them in place atop her tits. "It's okay, Billy. It, it's okay, darling."

"Damn it," he whispered, "I'm so sorry." He wanted to run and hide, but without the use of his hands he couldn't even hide his boner.

"No cursing, young man," she told him. "And remember I said stop with the sorry. You have nothing to say sorry for, darling. Dr. Smith said this would happen. When she pulled me aside when we were leaving. She said it was natural that you would become physically aroused touching a woman's breasts. It's okay. You don't have to hide it. Okay?"

Billy's face was so red, he didn't know to react. He stammered, "I- I... uh..."

"We can stop if you want. That's okay too." Beverly frowned. "I'm the one who should be apologizing for putting you in this embarrassing situation. It's my fault. I can't bear the thought of this making you feel bad."

Billy slowly started to get control. With his hands still planted on his grandmother's breasts and her hands still holding him there, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I love you, Grandma. I'll keep going. I want to keep going," he said.

Beverly released his hands. "I love you too, Billy. Thank you so much. You're the most wonderful grandson."

Billy continued to caress her beautiful breasts. He kneaded and manipulated her flesh vigorously. He did everything from gentle caresses to rough groping, his cock painfully erect the whole time. Billy's strong hands worked his grandmother's large udders with no signs of stopping. The young man's tireless fingers began to focus on her nipples. He recalled the doctor telling him to give them some extra attention and he was only too happy to oblige. Billy pinched and played with his grandmother's nipples.

Beverly moaned, causing Billy to stop massaging and ask worriedly, "Did I hurt you?"

"No." Beverly blushed. "You didn't hurt me. It feels nice. Please don't stop."

"Oh," Billy smirked. "I won't stop then." He rolled her nipples between his fingers. "Do you feel the circulation coming back?" he asked.

"Mmmm... yeah," she replied in the midst of a soft moan. Her breathing increased. Her breasts rose and fell sharply. They were hot to the touch and her nipples were stiff. Billy thought he could feel them throbbing. They looked so heavenly in his hands. He never wanted to let them go.

By the time either of them looked at the clock nearly ninety minutes had passed since the massage began. "Should we stop? Should I go?" Billy asked, feeling a sudden sense of guilt.

"Just a couple more minutes, darling. I think this is really helping."

Billy felt his guilt alleviate. He didn't feel like such a pervert playing with his grandmother's boobs if it was helping. A couple more minutes turned into fifteen more minutes. Beverly's breasts were quite sore, but it was a pleasant soreness, when she closed her robe. She tried to disregard the warmth she felt between her legs that had been missing for years.

"Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you."

"Love you too. Goodnight, Grandma." Billy kissed her cheek and received a tender kiss on his cheek in return.

Billy got up and left his grandmother's room. Walking was difficult after sitting so long and especially with his dick so painfully hard. Billy went to his room determined not to masturbate. Doing so seemed wrong, but his cock refused to go soft. Billy resisted and resisted until he couldn't any longer. Beverly's devoted grandson fantasized about her big tits while blowing two huge loads into his sheets before finally falling asleep.

The next week followed a similar pattern. Billy gave his grandmother a breast massage in the morning and then again at night. A couple of the days they even snuck a massage in during the afternoon. The rubdowns usually lasted an hour or more and they were always antsy to do it again.

Beverly was able to hide her arousal at the end of a massage with more success than Billy could hide his big erections. She tried to make him feel at ease by acting completely comfortable around those erections. It didn't help matters that Dr. Smith had directed her to forgo bras. Billy couldn't escape his grandmother's huge jugs even if he'd wanted to. He ogled her and felt guilty for it. The way they shook when she walked, the way a cool breeze stiffened her nipples eating breakfast on the patio, when they crushed against his chest during hugs.

Beverly became much more affectionate with Billy. She hung on her grandson like never before, which meant those big tits of hers were always mashing against him, teasing him, begging him to touch them again. Friday evening they queued up a movie and got cozy on the couch together. Partway through the film Billy laid his head back on the end of the couch. Beverly soon followed, snuggling against him with her heavy tits pressing into him.

"Do you mind? Is this uncomfortable?" Beverly asked.

"No," Billy asked. In truth, it felt too good. Billy's cock stirred between them, but they managed to settle back into the movie. Despite that, more and more of Billy's attention was being paid to glancing down the front of his grandmother's shirt. He didn't know what came over him when he picked his hand up and placed it on her breasts. Beverly changed positions slightly, but she didn't say anything, so he left it there. They finished the movie with his hand resting on her tits.

It was when Beverly put the local news on after the movie that Billy's hand began to cup her breasts. "Can I massage them?" Billy asked.

Beverly had shut her eyes to enjoy the gentle pleasure of his touch. She opened them to say, "Yes. Please do." Billy hurried and got the healing cream while Beverly threw her shirt off. An especially passionate massage was what followed.

Panic set in the next morning. No cream would come out of the bottle. Billy took a scissors and cut the bottle in half. He reached into the tube and collected the very end of on his fingers. Grandmother and grandson were able to squeeze in just one more lengthy, loving tit massage out of the bottle.

Beverly called Dr. Smith's office directly afterward. The office didn't have any hours on Saturday. Beverly was desperate. She couldn't wait until Monday for the next massage. She finally reached Dr. Smith on a personal number.

"Dr. Smith, I'm so sorry to bother you. We've run out of the cream you gave us."

Dr. Smith grinned on the other end of the phone. "You two have gone through the whole bottle already? The treatments must be having a positive effect."

Beverly's cheeks turned red. She was glad Dr. Smith wasn't there to see them. "Yes, doctor. I think it's helping a lot. Do you know of any over-the-counter cream we can use instead?"

"No, I'm sorry. You'll have to wait until Monday to come into the office and get another bottle."

"Oh dear. Well, if that's what it has to be..."

"There's another treatment I could suggest. Something to tide you over until you can come in on Monday."

"What, doctor?" Beverly asked.

"How would you feel about letting Billy nurse on your breasts?"

Beverly laughed nervously. "What? Breastfeed my eighteen-year-old grandson?"

"It's not like you'd be producing milk for him. It would do wonders for your circulation. The massages have no doubt awoken all those sensitive nerves in your breasts. If Billy could stimulate your nipples with his mouth that would help the process along even more." Dr. Smith started to get hot herself just thinking about it.

"Are you sure that would be appropriate, doctor? I'm worried this could be going too far."

"There's no such thing as going too far when it comes to your health, Mrs. Allen. It's either this or you wait until Monday. I don't want that boy so much as laying a finger on one of your breasts until then. Without the healing cream to apply it could undo all the progress the massages have made so far."

Beverly's big breasts still felt so loved and satisfied after the earlier massage. She didn't know how long they could stand the absence of Billy's adoring attention. Two days would feel like torture. "He's my baby, but not that kind of baby. He won't want to nurse on my breasts like one. How could I even get Billy to agree to this?"

"For the same reason he gives you the massages. Your health, of course." Dr. Smith smiled to herself.

A couple minutes later Beverly stood in the kitchen ready to give Billy the news. Billy sat at the table wih an anxious expression. "What did the doctor say?" he asked. Unable to help himself, he now stared openly at her magnificent bosom anytime they were in the same room together.

"She said no massages without the cream and we can't get the cream until Monday."

"Damn. This sucks."

"Watch the language," Billy's grandmother reminded him. "She did give us another option..." Beverly mentioned slowly.

"What is it?" Billy asked.

"Dr. Smith said... you could nurse on my breasts. She said that would help with the circulation. I know how absurd this sounds. I'm perfectly prepared to drop the subject and wait it out until Monday if that's what you want to do." In actuality, Beverly didn't even want to have to think about having to go a full two days without Billy's touch.

"You'd be willing to do that if I am?"

"Yes, honey. But I don't want you to feel like you have to. We can have a pleasant weekend and my breasts can make it without treatment until Monday if you have any doubts about it. I know this isn't what a grown young man wants to spend his time doing with his grandmother. You're an amazing grandson to be putting up with any of this."

Billy's eyes inevitably strayed back to her breasts. He needed them bad. "When can we start?"