Greg's Awakening


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Greg made his was into the back and put the code in on the old push button locks in the back. 3 4 3 2 Greg felt the buttons moving the mechanics and was assured access that he did not slow down as he turned the knob to enter. The promptly bounced off the door as the handle unexpectedly did not budge. Greg heard the snickering from the other side of the door. Normally he'd laugh it off and go with the joke. However Greg had to take a step back as he felt the urge to foot stomp him the door. The urge was close enough to manifesting the greg found he had to put is right foot back on the ground. 3 4 3 2 Greg tried again this time the door opened and Greg was now behind the receptionist counter and small offices.

All three ladies were having issues and the tier one mentioned the network in the area was down. Greg went to station 1 and the user just needed to restart her computer. Station 2 was a simple application service restart. Finally station 3 was a printer issue. The other ladies at the other two stations chimed in too. Greg was somewhat frustrated because so far none of the issues that he was called out here for needed his physical presence. They were all simple issues that could have been handled at his desk. Greg walked over to the printer and his mood instantly returned to frustrated. The problem was obvious. Greg could see it five feet away. The cable attaching the printer to the network was laying on the floor. Greg plugged the printer back in. Since Greg was onsite he could not leave until he had hit every department. So now two and a half hours were wasted for less that 6 minutes worth of work.

Greg was ready to leave but could not, as since he was off site, he had to visit all of the departments and verify no one else had issues before he could leave. Greg faux walked the site. It was a giant square. He looked the workers in the different departments and did not talk to them but made his presence known. He was hoping that they wouldn't flag him down. Just as Greg wrapped the last department he went to leave and Gena stopped him with one foot out the door. With a simple issue where she accidentally hit the num lock button and turned it off, so none of her numbers were showing up and the cursor was bouncing around the screen. However to resolve it Greg had to go all the way back through the two doors to get to her desk.

Greg left somewhat relieved to finally be done with the day. Greg was normally a very security minded individual. He carried a 45 semi automatic pistol in his car as he had not gotten his concealment permit yet. He normally kept his eyes up and scanned the areas around him for threats. Greg did none of these things. He was too angry and distracted to see the three guys spread out in the parking lot. Greg didn't see the closest guy signal to the other two. He didn't see the guys slowly moving towards him using the few cars left in the parking lot to conceal themselves.

Greg was almost to his car when he heard a young man's voice. "Excuse me Sir." It was said with such an intent that Greg turned thinking something was wrong. When Greg turned to face the young kid. The kid was in his 20's. Greg looked in the kid's eyes and then scanned him face to foot. The outfit, voice tone, and stance of this kid set of alarm bells in Gregs mind. Unconsciously Greg felt for his side pocket where he would keep his pistol for practice. Greg's alarm bells further went off as he had both hand occupied and did not have means to easily get his keys out to arm himself.

"Yes." Greg said solely focused on the kid in front of him.

" I was wondering if you could help me out with some cash for gas? I need to get home." The kid said. Greg knew this kid was lying. He wasn't not acting like someone who was stranded. He showed no signs of distress, frustration or desperation. Fuck Greg thought he went to take a step back towards his car. Then he heard the movement nearby. Greg swiveled around just in time to react. A man probably an inch taller than Greg was approaching him quickly Greg saw the guys' intention on his face. Greg was now in a two on one fight.

Greg's training kicked in. the man coming at him was running and was practically standing. Greg instinctively lowered his shoulder and drove forward catching the guy at the waste. The man folded over and was unprepared. Greg wrapped his legs and lifted the guy then threw him to the ground. Then attempted to keep going and run to his car. There he could at least arm himself. Greg went to take his first step and glanced back at the younger man that had distracted him.

He was a few feet away now he must have run up when the other guy jumped him. When he saw Greg look at him he stopped and got in a lazy fighting stance. Just as Greg went to take step number two the third guy ran into Greg from behind and hugged him up. The guy was trying to push Greg down but Greg bent his knees and stubbornly stayed on his feet. Greg was about to get a hand free when the younger guy took advantage and started hitting Greg in the head. The Punches were did not have any sort of form behind them so Greg was not knocked out. But Greg was not going to win in this situation.

Greg got a hand free of the guy holding him and twisted his body, placing his hand under the guy's armpit that was holding him from behind. Greg pressed as hard as he could on the nerve under the armpit. Greg felt the guy loosen his grip from the pain and used the moment to get the man holding him between him and the young kid. Greg shoved the man he had a hold of towards the young kid and started running for the car. However The older guy was back up and in his way. The older guy was ready for Greg so when Greg barrelled right into the guy, trying to push past him, the Guy got his hands underneath Gregs chest slowing Greg. Greg tried to spin off of the guy but at the same time the other two guys caught back up and the punches started coming from all directions. Greg finally took a shot to the head that knocked him off of his feet.

Greg got into the fetal position and froze. He did is best to pretend he was knocked out. Greg felt the guys dig his wallet out. He felt another guy spit on his face. Greg heard the guys cussing at him and but Greg was soley focused on staying awake. Greg felt them grab his keys and walk over to his car.

Greg reality was waning but a fire deep in him welled andl a stark reality hit him. If they got his pistol Greg knew he would not survive this. Greg was in a rage now. This entire day had driven him to the point that he was already at his breaking point. However now Greg was out of control. Greg was so mad that something in him, in his mind just let go.. Greg saw himself get up and charge the guys at his car. Greg grabbed the closest guy the young kid who had just opened the back passenger door to Greg's car. Greg caught him unaware and, as he went to look in the car, Greg slammed the door on his head. The guy just slumped over unmoving. The noise stopped the other guys. They were on the other side of the car looking in. They just saw the guy slide awkwardly out of the car. The guy who just had his head disfigured by the door was start breathing strangely with an audible wheeze.

" you okay cuz?"

Greg heard one of the two remaining assholes say, but the sound was off. The guy was only a few feet in front of him but his voice sounded far away. One of the guys walked around to check on his friend while the other started casing the car.

Greg ambushed the guy as he made his way around the back of the car. Greg grabbed the guy but felt a lot lighter than he should have. Greg had him around the waist and lifted him. Then Greg rolled his hips and lifted the guy up over his head. Then kept going up and finally all the way over and the guys head ended up smacking the concrete. Greg heard the pop and guy number two was now down and out.

"What the hell " Greg heard. The last guy left was the older dude who grabbed him earlier. He heard the cracking sound and Greg gavie it to him the guy was smart enough not to walk around the car instead he decided to investigate before running around the car. The last assailant laid flat and looked under the car. He saw the guy that had his head slammed in the door. Greg recognized the panic in his eyes. The guy did a push up and started to walk away. Greg ran up to the guy from behind. Greg was approaching so fast that he just jumped past the guy, cupping the back of his head he pitched the guy forward as Greg passed him. Greg's hit the ground and kept his momentum going while he pushed the guys head down as hard as he could. This viciously slammed the guys face on the ground. The guys head hit the ground hard enough to shatter his nose but not enough to knock him out. However Greg kept pressure on his head as Greg's and the assailants momentum caused his face drag several feet across the asphalt. When they came to a stop blood was pouring from his face and pooling around him. Greg felt adrenaline rush through him. He let out of visceral roar. Greg had conquered.

Then Greg saw something that messed with his head. He saw himself lying on the ground. The shock of seeing his own body on the ground freaked him out. He saw the bloody mess that he was. The world around him shifted quickly as he was back in his body instantly. Greg was hurting bad. Greg made himself sit up and looked around. He expected to see his car gone and the visions he had just be dreams. However there before were the three guys laying on the ground near his car. And now there was a new sensation it was like he could hear his own mind and could perceive things that he had not before. Greg walked over to the guys on the ground and in his mind he thought it would be funny to take their wallets and then leave them there to rot. However as he said it he could sense his thoughts leaking out. Greg to surprise all three of his former attacker started reaching into their back pockets and then their socks. They pulled out cash and their wallets and dumped them on the ground. Greg could hear and see the thoughts of them saying please take it don't kill us please. This was insane two of those guys were barely conscious. Greg realized that he did not hear anything but perceived it from the thoughts coming from the injured men.

Greg took the money they tossed out. Greg walked over and took their wallets and , cash, afterwards Greg checked them for id. They did not have any but there was some phone numbers and addresses. He was going to write them down but realized it was not necessary. Greg didn't know what was going on but he touched his face and felt the warm blood coming from his wounds. Seeing his own blood reignited his anger and catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror with a swollen eye and blood everywhere made him more angry..

"Fuck you get out of my sight." Greg said yelling at the guys on the ground. His voice was nothing compared to the shockwave he sensed fly out from him during the outburst. Two of them were way too messed up to get up and walk but they tried. The guy that had been door jacked wheezed louder as his body slowly inched away his toes and his fingers barely strong enough to move him. The guy he'd tossed likely had a broken neck rolled over. Greg nearly threw up as the guys neck was for certain broken and his body did roll over but his head did not move with his body. The guy was paralyzed instantly and his body fell back flat. His head was flopped over unnaturally. Greg walked over and turned the guys head and did his best to realign the head the guys body was completely limp save for his breathing. Which was cut off by the crazy angle his head was. Greg got the head approximately where it should have been and the guy was able to breath. However he then started trying to move his head.

"Stop." Greg said and the guy instantly froze.

The guy that attempted to run off was able to get up was stumbling away he walked around the side of a building a block away and was out of sight. There was an obvious blood trail. The guy that had the door slammed on him had made it about 3 feet before he started seizing. Greg pulled out his phone and dialed 911. Called the operator and the next two hours were a blur. The officers approached him guns drawn. Greg was starting to get dizzy and barely stayed conscious long enough for the police to replace him and keep the guy with a broken neck from dying. Greg's mind still felt wide open and despite almost losing consciousness , Greg was awake. He could still sense the going ons around him. Like a stream of thought was constantly flowing from the outside world into him from the outside world.

Luckily the cops listened to his pleas and believed his story. The cops put Gregg next to a squad car and were treating him until the ambulances arrived.. Greg did his best to relay what happened. The Cop chalked his story up to shock. Greg watched as the guy with a broken neck was moved to a gurney with a massive brace. Greg saw another ambulance leave from up the road where the guy with a messed of face ran from. Lastly the guy who Greg had door jacked was smashed in was pronounced dead. Greg felt sick went he heard the news.

The story the cops told was the most plausible one. I hadn't been knocked out, I was by my car and got the jump on them after playing possum. I was doing everything I could to keep them from getting to the gun in the car and had to resort to extreme measures to protect myself.. Greg was at the scene for a long time. Greg ended up being treated by a fireman as they made it to the scene before the 4th ambulance arrived for him. Greg even saw a news reporter walking around holding interviews. The cops would not let the reporter get near Greg.

Greg's mind was in two places though. He could see the chaos around him, but that other sense was still flooding his mind. He absentmindedly looked at the reporter interviewing an officer. He could sense the reporters excitement and the officers nervousness. He could see and feel their emotions and their thoughts but not clearly. Greg also had a hunch that could interact with the stream of thoughts coming from them. Like a back seat driver with a gas pedal and a brake pedal that worked. Greg, as a test pushed a though in his mind out. The though "I wonder what she looks like naked". Greg could see his though moving but with the push he gave it was a like a tidal wave compared to the streams coming from the female reporter the cop and the pedestrians gathering near the scene. Nor was Greg though wave well aimed the thought hit the cop, reporter and cameraman. When it did The reporter immediately stopped speaking and looked over her shoulder in Gregs general direction, so did the cop, both were shocked and confused. It took a good six seconds for the reporter and police officer to be able to resume their conversation. Greg part hoped that this was all coincidence but the devilish side of Greg hoped that this was just the beginning.

"We need to take you to the hospital now." A paramedic said from behind him. The officers have released you to go to the hospital. Greg was thinking how to respond. He was thinking he really wanted to go home.

"Look sir I know you probably just want to go home right now, I can tell but you really should come with us to get checked out okay." The sincerity and emotion from the woman hit him double fold. He realized to his horror that whatever was going on with his mind he could now tangibly see emotion and also that what he sensed was a two way street. He could see her affecting him mentally. He tried to turn it off or ignore it but he couldn't his brain was stuck open. He realized that if other could easily affect him right now.

"I feel fine." Greg said.

"You have 102 degree fever." The paramedic said. "You need to get looked at."

The woman's concern hit his senses hard. He could feel that she was nervous. Not like a mother is concerned about her child. But like a trained professional running through a list of what could come next. The apprehension of what she was preparing for hung on him.

"Yea okay fine. " Greg said for the first time looking at the paramedic. Greg was pleased to see a Young woman with blonde hair, green eyes that seemed to glow. She seemed to be a little on the short side. Greg couldn't see much of her body thanks to the baggy clothes she was wearing. Greg was eased back down on the gurney in the ambulance. Greg's attraction to the woman made her blush deeply as his sensations appeared to be beaming into her head. Greg realized his streams were more like torrents. Her reaction back to him though wasn't reciprocated. The feeling coming back was more like thanks for the compliment but you're fat. Which being on the high side of 260 pounds will do that to you. Then it all got awkward. I was pretty good about taking the fat thing in stride. Binge Eating Disorder had slowly taken his good looks away. It was his own fault but the mixed emotions on this two way link were causing some serious issues.

I felt like I was having a wordless conversation I couldn't read her mind but the context of the visual and emotional conveyed more information than words. Greg could see a tear forming on her eye as his wounded pride dredged up everything he hid well and pushed in to the outside world. Greg tried to turn it off in his head. Right about that time he felt a cold compress on his face. Greg's face had started to swell. For the first time Greg looked down and noticed the sheer amount of his blood on his shirt.

"Damn they got me good." Greg said.

"Sweetie you got the better end of the stick on this one." The Paramedic said. "Usually the good guys are the ones leaving in body bags not the other way around. That was some serious kung fu though." the paramedic said.

"Yea I didn't know I knew all that stuff. Myself." Greg said as he tried to keep the wide open link from raising suspicions.

"It looks like you have a future in the MMA just saying." The Paramedic said. "Most of the time I say don't quit your day job but this time I am saying you might have a shot."

Greg laughed. " That's funny you see how fat I am right. I can't afford to lose this figure."

"Why is that?" she asked trying to see where he'd go with it.

"I work in IT, and the part of IT I work in, fat = prestige. Seriously no one trusts the attractive looking guys with their computers. You can thank Hollywood for that. So when the fat guy comes around everyone just assumes. 'He must be the computer guy' " Greg said with a smirk.

The paramedic was laughing now. "I don't think your wrong." she said.

"So look I have made you laugh so I atleast need to know your name so I can make my wife jealous." Greg said feeling at ease for once since the day began. At least for the moment the overwhelming flow was dialed back some. Focusing on being witty helped keep his out of control thoughts at bay.Suddenly Greg felt a cold ice pack on his face it was a lot colder than the compress. Greg liked the cooling sensation on his face but not the intense pressure he felt.

"The name is Aeden and you just relax we have a long ride since your insurance doesn't take Methodist we are running you over to the Baptist Hospital."

Greg suddenly felt her hand on his chest. Greg just thought she was checking for wounds but the sensation felt good. It put Greg in a slight trance. Greg forgot about the link and now he was stuck in a feedback loop. The pleasure he felt started bouncing off Aedens mind and the naughty pleasure she felt fed back into Greg's head which just enhanced the feelings Greg was sending off pushing back on Aeden's mind.

Greg could not see Aeden but she was suddenly dealing with a nagging need to touch this guy. Aeden at first just placed her hands on his chest. Expecting to check him out. But it felt good...too good, no unnaturally good. Greg was not a looker but he was a good guy Aeden could sense that. Greg gave out an exasperated hum. She could tell he enjoyed it. She liked he enjoyed it and the nagging feeling would not go away. She already was uncomfortably excited for the situation. Adena found herself moving her hand lower. She covered his face with a cold pack and checked to make sure the driver was not looking back. Gregs pants had tented.
