Hidden In the Snow Ch. 01


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A case full of alcohol? Julie thought.

"Case full of alcohol?" Her mom spoke out loud, as if she was reading the script in her mind.

Krystal laughed, a little uncomfortably. "Oh, Bailey exaggerates," she said, flushed. "It's not a case full of alcohol! It's just a wine bottle or two and a few champagnes for us girls. After all, we are on vacation."

"You see Mom, why can't you be cool like Aunt Krystal?" Julie said, teasingly.

And Krystal was indeed cool. Her mom would never think about brining booze to the family trip. Hell, Julie could hardly remember the last time she saw her mother drink. Aunt Krystal bringing booze on the other hand, that came as no surprise. She had a much more brazen personality than her mother did, and that definitely rubbed on her daughter, who was as cheeky as they come.

Julie watched her aunt as the little guilty smile she wore over her face quickly faded, while she turned her head down and looked a little bit nervously at the pile of bags. It was strange, but for a fragment of a moment, Julie had a notion in her head that her aunt was hiding something more secretive than a bag of booze. However, she quickly dismissed this idea. After all, it's just her Aunt Krystal, what on earth could she be hiding?

"All right, all right, we'll have a toast later on today," Debra said, "but first let's put the bags in the rooms, drinks in the freezer, food in the fridge. Come on lets settle quickly, I want us to reach the slopes before sundown. Oh, and Jules, would you please crack a window, before we all suffocate in here."

An hour and a half later, they were already skiing.


The cool night fell peacefully over Stowe.

Infinite amount of stars stretched all over the dark skies like cold bits of diamonds.

Soft winter breeze whispered silently through tree crowns.

In the distance, the snow was creeping down the mountain sides in bright white stripes.

Inside Julie's family lodge, the fireplace was burning, making a sequence of crisp crackling sounds. The voices emanating from the living room's television were only secondary to the delirious laughter and babble of the four vacationers. Half empty boxes of chocolate were tossed heedlessly all over the floor. Perched on the coffee-table were two open bottles; one of Merlot, the other of champagne.

It was movie night at the lodge. For the last hour the girls were watching a dopey comedy film, which Bailey brought on DVD, even though they all lost interest in actually watching the movie somewhere around the second round of drinks.

Julie looked into her champagne flute, watching the way the bubbles crawled up the side of the glass. She felt the heat from the fireplace tickling the tip of her nose. It seemed to her that no one in the room was particularly drunk, but everyone was in good spirits. Even her mother was on her second, going on third glass of wine.

Krystal walked back from the fireplace, where she had just tossed a fresh log, and picked up her wine glass from the oval-shaped coffee table. Her dark hair was hanging wild and loose around her face and neck. Bright red lipstick accentuated her rounded lips. She was standing in front of the television, clad in jeans and a powder blue sweater, blocking the screen from everybody's view. But it was well established that no one was watching the movie anyway. They were all too busy having what the women in Debra's hair salon fondly called "Girls Talk".

"So Julie," Krystal said, and took a sip from her wine. "What happened eventually with this Jason guy?"

A glass of wine was all it took for Debra to dish out all the juicy dirt on her daughter's love life. She told Krystal and Bailey about Jason, whom Julie had dated for a period of six months before they broke up.

"I mean, it just didn't work out, you know," Julie replied, staring down at the drink in her hand. "We just butted heads way too often. I think when it was time to break up we both kind of knew it."

Krystal circled the table and walked over to the bark brown couch, where Julie was sitting. She took a seat right next to her; close enough so their thighs squeezed up against each other. She gave her an affectionate smile and tenderly stroked her hand over her niece's lap.

"Well, that happens sometimes, sugar. Believe me when I tell you, you're such a beautiful kid, you'll find someone in no time. And a good one this time."

Julie lightly nodded her head. The sweet fragrance from her aunt's perfume was pleasantly engulfing her.

Bailey, who was sprawled on the couch besides Julie, brought a glass of champagne to her lips, paused, and then emptied it in one draught. She was looking at the TV, trying without success to flow the movie's baffling plotline.

Krystal removed her hand from Julie's thigh and placed it on top of her young niece's head. She softly ran her hand down the length of the long raven hair. She pushed a strand of dark hair from Julie's forehead and uncovered her brilliant blue eyes. They were almond-shaped slanted eyes, almost catlike. There were plenty of things people liked about Julie's well-toned and athletic body, but it was always the eyes that people fell in love with.

"You really are beautiful, kid," Krystal said again in a voice that sounded a lot like a whisper.

Julie, with her vision fixed on a pair of bubbles in her champagne glass, could tell that her aunt was looking intently into her eyes. She tried to avoid reciprocating her with a look in return. She wasn't sure why, but it felt a little awkward to her. And why is that? She wondered. She certainly had no reason to feel this way.

Debra, sitting on the small mini-sofa next to them, observed them with solicitous eyes. She swirled the wine in her glass, and finished her drink with one big swig.

Julie closed her eyes and took a sip from her near empty glass of champagne. The close presence of her aunt felt strangely intimidating. When she finally spoke her voice gave a low croak.

"I know, Aunt Krystal. I'm none too worried. With all the school work I have to deal with these days, I really don't concern myself too much about --"

Suddenly there was a weird tiny sound in the background.

"Ohh fuck'n shit!" Bailey cried, and cupped a hand over her nose and mouth.

"What was that?" Krystal turned alarmed to Bailey.

There was a hushed moment of silence, before Bailey suddenly laughed herself into hysterics, all the while squeezing and rubbing her nose with both hands.

Julie, Debra and Krystal all looked at each other with a dumb expression on their faces.

"I'm s-sorry I just... I snee-he-he... sneezed and..." Bailey wiped tears with the heels of her hands as she laughed uncontrollably. "Bubbles... the bubbles... they crawled up m-ma-my nose!" she managed, her face turning red.

"Bubbles up your nose..." Krystal said with a sigh of relief. "Jesus, Bailey, and I thought --"

Then Julie started laughing. It started as a small school-girl giggle but quickly turned into a full-fledged howl. She clutched her stomach with both hands, as she went off into gales of laughter.

Debra looked at the girls, both at the point of tears, and started chuckling herself. It was a little silly, she thought. Yet, it was impossible to resist. She buried her face under the palm of her hand as she felt her cheeks turning rosy-red, and her laughter getting stronger.

"Oh, you're laughing too, Deb?" Krystal said, and a smile broke on her face as her laughing muscles began to loosen up.

"Ss-sorry," Debra covered her mouth and tried to stifle her laughs, but it was a losing battle.

And then Krystal released a hearty chuckle, as if the laughing virus that spread all through the lodge finally reached up to her as well and bit her straight in the funnybone.

Ten minutes later, all four of them were still suffering from a severe case of the giggles.

Above them on the wall, the clock struck midnight, signaling the end of a long and tiresome day that seemed to stretch on forever.

When the movie's end credits started rolling, it was a good enough sign for Julie to call it a night.

"Well, I'm beat." She got up from the couch and stretched her arms far above her head, inducing a few crackling sounds from her bones. "I think I'll turn in for the night."

"Yeah, I think we all are, honey," Her mother said, also looking like a person in a dire need for a good night sleep.

Krystal was cleaning up the little mess they did, picking up chocolate boxes and candy foils from the floor. She seemed tired as well.

Julie looked at Bailey, already snoozing on the sofa. There was a tiny piece of chocolate crumb on the edge of her lip. They were all scarfing down chocolate bonbons while watching the movie, but Bailey, who was always the sugar junkie, was definitely eating more than the rest.

Julie noticed that Bailey's cell phone, which Bailey fiddled around with earlier in the night, was placed precariously on top of her heaving breasts; going up and down with each breath she took. Even in her weary state, Julie was still impressed by how large her young cousin's breasts had become.

I guess that's the second thing she took from her mother, Julie thought. If the first thing was her brazen personality, than the second thing must be that large natural bosom. Her mother also has that one. Her mother... my aunt... who told me how beautiful I was earlier tonight. And why, then, did I find it so strange; after all, she was only trying to make me feel better; that's what family does.

Julie shook her head as a large yawn forced itself out of her mouth, making her jaw click. She was done for the night.

"Good night, everybody," she threw a heavy hand up in the air, and crawled her way up the stairs, and into her bedroom.

Outside, the night was quiet and uneventful; it was the complete antithesis of things to come.


When she first opened her eyes, Julie had the type of puzzlement that is typically common when waking in a foreign bedroom.

Then it all came to her an instant -- she was in Vermont.

Spit traveled down her dry throat like sawdust. Two tiny hammers were beating on the sides of her temples. It was the fallout of the little drinking binge the girls had before she went to bed.

Although the room was very dark, enough starlight came in through the westward-facing window for Julie to see the foot of the bed, where her backpack was thrown on a small plastic chair. She remembered she kept a water bottle in there, yet when she reached for it she discovered it was empty.

"Oh, shoot," she muttered in the darkness.

She grabbed her cell phone from the nightstand. It read: 3:05

Oh, wonderful. I barely had two hours of fucking sleep.

She put her phone back on the nightstand, feeling more parched than ever. It was obvious to her that she needed to get some water before going back to sleep. Feeling heavy, she tossed her thick blanket aside, and replaced the warmness of her bed with the chill of night. She was wearing a black tank top that stretched across her chest and her skimpy pair of shorts. Immediately she felt a cold rush run through her body.

Cautiously she closed the bedroom door behind her.

The light in the hallway was turned on, draping the dark corridor with a dim orange glow.

Debra's room was the one closest to her. Krystal's and Bailey's room were at the far end side of the corridor.

She quietly walked over to the stairwell, hoping not to wake up anybody, when she suddenly came to a halt.

There were audible noises coming out of one of the rooms on the far side. Moving a little closer, she was now positive there were sounds coming out of Bailey's room.

But listening closely, she realized, they weren't any sounds. When she did recognize the sounds she was hearing, her heart began to rattle in her chest. It sounded like cries of pleasure, it sounded like the meeting of flesh. It sounded like sex!

Julie frighteningly looked over her shoulder, much like a thief in the night, and made sure no one was watching her. The door of her mother's bedroom was closed. She then looked further down the hall, to Krystal's bedroom. Door also closed.

What in the hell? Who in hell she got in there? Her thoughts were frantic. She got a boy in her room? Who? She doesn't know anyone here, does she?

Julie carefully pressed her right ear against Bailey's door, trying to get a better read of things. Maybe she was wrong, maybe she wasn't hearing right. Maybe--

But those were moans she was hearing. Those were Bailey's moans; the type of moans Julie used to make when she had sex with Jason. Secret moans of pleasure that no one was suppose to hear, except for you and the person you shared that private moment with. And that thought forced her to take a step back from the door.

I should go, I should leave. Go back inside my room, close the door, count my stupid sheep, and go to sleep. I'm not even thirsty anymore. I don't want to hear it.

She took another step backwards, followed by another two.

She was very close to actually walking away, when she noticed something that sparked a flame inside her head.

The window...

Between the second and third room (Julie's room and Bailey's) there was a small intersection that was about seven feet deep and four feet wide. A small, round, rustic table was placed between the walls to fill in the void. What did grab Julie's attention was the fact that there seemed to be a small window high above, almost near the ceiling, looking into Bailey's room.

Most likely the window looking into the adjoining shower-room, she thought.

If there was ever a risky thought, then it was the one crossing through Julie's mind at that moment.

What if I... looked inside...?

Spying on her cousin having sex; just the thought of it sounded grotesque in her head. She wasn't really willing to see it.

The room is probably so dark I won't see a thing even if I try...

She looked at the small window again. Then she looked backwards over her shoulder, and then over each side, and then back to the window.

She pulled nervously on the edge of her shirt and contemplated her next move. There was some unexplained eagerness pinching her at the bottom of her toes, drawing her to that narrow alley in the corridor, under that fabled window.

A look. Just a quick look. I'll see if she is okay, and then I'll turn away. God, What if she met some stranger at the slopes today? What if it's someone dangerous?

As things began to rationalize in her head, Julie quickly found herself standing underneath that small window. It was high, too high to reach from a standing position. Thankfully, that old rustic table was there, and if it's steady enough, it could give her a nice boost. Julie gave the table a little shake-test; it was old, and dusty, but it looked strong enough to hold her.

She climbed on top of it.

Julie grabbed the small curvy handle, which slides open the window-glass.

The window is looking into Bailey's shower room. The only way I could look inside the bedroom, was if she left the shower-room door open. The chances are too slim. I won't see anything...

With a shaky hand, Julie slid open the window. Her face was white and stiff like ivory.

The shower-room door was in fact open, and Julie got a clear view of the inside of the bedroom. There was no darkness to struggle with as a tiny night lamp provided a dim light all over the room. When she finally realized what she was seeing, all the color drained from her body.

It wasn't a strange man she saw with Bailey, nor was it any other man.

Inside the room, on top of the twin sized bed; she saw her aunt Krystal on her knees, her body naked and shiny of sweat, with a tight leather harness wrapped around her waist, and a blushing pink dildo attached at the crotch. Her child, Bailey, was under her, on her own hands and knees; her eyes shut, her mouth open. Krystal was rocking her hips and the phallic toy attached to her waist disappeared inside her daughter.

Julie watched the inconceivable act with total disbelief. Her heart triphammered inside her chest, her eyes like hot marbles, her legs numb. She closed her eyes shut and turned her head away as if she saw an eclipse. Her wobbly legs almost lost balance on the table, and she had to spread both arms across the side of the walls to keep from falling. Cold sweat poured from her body.

It's not real... I didn't see that... no, no, no. it's impossible.

Her hand was pressed against the left wall of her chest, trying to keep her heart from bursting out. She took a deep breath, feeling uncontrollable shakes in her body as she inhaled, and turned to the window again.

If this was a dream, than it was a nightmare, and one that wouldn't end, because inside the room the unfathomable act was still going on.

Krystal had her young and only daughter on her knees, like an animal, as she continually thrust her pelvis back and forth, shoving a big looking rubber cock in and out of her pussy. From time to time Krystal leaned forward and kissed the sweaty back of the young teen; her ample breasts falling on the small of Bailey's back, her nipples, pink and raw, poking at her daughter's tight skin.

Bailey balled her hands into two blood-red fists, grinding across her bed sheets. Her teeth nibbling at her pillowcase ferociously, spit foaming up at both sides of her lips. Her face was glowing with pleasure and intensity.

Astonished, Julie watched them with wide eyes. Her breath caught in her lungs, and her trembles grew stronger. She could feel her spine gradually morphing into slick rubber. It was a shocking sight. Obscene. But there were more feelings than just shock washing over her. Oh yes, much more. There was a growing appetite in her crotch that drooled at the sight, even if her brain forbade it from doing so. Some uncontrollable eagerness that swelled in her belly like a hot balloon, which made Julie feel that familiar pleasurable twinge in her pussy. That tingling void.

This is wrong, this so wrong. This is inc... inces... the word was trapped in the deepest folders of her mind, almost refusing to get out. She felt repulsed of even thinking of that criminal word.

Inside the room, the steamy passion was shooting through the walls like hot cream. Bailey knelt in front of her mother's spread thighs, and she was giving oral pleasure to the pretend cock. Her mother, much like the most perverted male at a dimly lit brothel, raised her pelvis up and down; making sure her child's throat accepts every inch of her member. Once the fellatio has ended, Bailey brought her lips to her mother's and they exchanged a kiss so slippery and wet, that Julie could see, even in the gloomy light of the room, the shiny wads of saliva and female juices that rolled between their tongues.

Looking at the kiss broke Julie's spirit more than anything. It was the most lascivious act of love she could ever imagine seeing, and it came from the most disturbingly unlikely pair.

Bailey kissed her mother on the neck, licked her way down to her chest, and then settled her mouth on one of her breasts; sucking it with her young lips. Krystal was moaning, it was clear, and Julie could hear her aunt's heavy moans in a much more lucid way than she expected or wanted.

"Oh, yes... suck on it, baby.... you're wonderful..." Krystal cooed.

You shouldn't be looking at this, Julie. Dammit, walk away! Julie's mind was at turmoil. She tried to fight it before the mental bruise in her head got any deeper.

"Lick my pussy, baby. You're killing me here... lick momma's pussy!" Krystal cried with lust.

Julie, without notice, was slowly thrusting her hips against the wall. It was that tingle in her pussy that grew the more she saw. She had to relieve it.