Hired Help

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You take what you can get.
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{An old Greek man told me once that real love comes with marriage, and babies. I think sometimes there is truth to that, and it is what gave me the idea for this short tale.

For some less blessed than others life can be difficult, something I personally happen to know about quite well.

This is not really erotic, nor intended to be.}


Henry sat in his wheelchair going through the mail while he waited for the person from the home care center to arrive.

The mail had the usual ads for things he would never want or buy, but one was the statement he received periodically from the insurance company.

Henry was always interested in that one, the company billed medicare and his co-insurance for the full amount. The government paid nowhere near anything close to the billed figure, then the company authorized a figure that looked like less than 30% also and paid it.

He saw that this last billing was for the woman that came in and helped clean his house, put things away, it was for 3 hours once each week, billed at $64 per hour by the agency that sent them. For some reason they paid that one in full.

He also knew that the workers were paid just $12 per hour, like always, the government got taken in the end.

Of course the person sent by the agency did more than just clean, they also went through the motions of taking his blood pressure, asked the same questions and then filled out the little report.

Pretend nurses, maybe? Henry never asked.

Henry knew damn good and well he could hire someone to do that job for far less than $64 an hour, but after all, this was the government.

What he was hoping for was that the person sent this time would be better than the last one.

After the last one, a well overweight woman whose ethnicity he had no idea what it was had left, Henry noticed that about half of the bottle of fairly expensive wine he had been saving for his 50th birthday was gone.

A quick look around found she had also discovered his bag of snacks, it had been opened and some of that was gone. His little tin of peanuts was gone, too.

She never took any of his jar of change, though. Probably because it was behind his chair and she never cleaned anything back there.

Things like that just pissed him off!

Henry reached down and tugged on his right leg, lately he spent a lot more time in the wheelchair than he did upright because the damned thing hurt.

Only 46 years old, he hated the idea of being disabled, but disease doesn't always wait until the very end of life.

The left metal leg's cup wasn't too bad, he could make that work all right by using two of the padded socks the government got charged $50 per pair for.

No way on his new right one, even three socks didn't take up the slack, the stub pressed fully on the end no matter what he did. That just made it too painful to walk.

One would think the things would fit, since he happened to know they were several thousand dollars each time he got a new one.

It had taken him a month to get the first legs fitted properly, laboriously scraping it with his pocket knife and a sanding block.

That pair he was getting around pretty good with, but then came the time for the new ones.

"I want it just like this one!" Henry had told the young lady doing the fitting.

No such luck there. Now the old one didn't fit because his leg had shrunken some, the new one didn't either.

Fucking government.

"Come on in!" Henry yelled when the doorbell rang.

"Hello, I am Carmen, are you Henry?" The woman asked, pushing the door open slightly and looking in.

"Yea, come on in." Henry was mildly surprised, this one appeared to be about 30 or so and on the cute side.

No extra fat that he could see at least. Sort of pretty in a way, she had the usual roundish face that he had seen in Hispanic women before.

The accent sounded that way also.

She glanced down but didn't change expression as Henry released his right leg and pulled it back off. It was already beginning to sting and he had no desire to end up with another of those sore spots.

The last time had been two dozen trips to the hospital, IV drips.

Being Diabetic just was not something he would wish on anyone, it was a pure pain in the ass.

He remembered that day they told him why he felt like shit all of the time, and why the toes on his right foot suddenly began to turn sideways. In his entire life up to that point he had never given illness a second thought, that shit always happened to someone else.

Barely 40 years old when Henry got the bad news, he told his wife Lee that evening what the test results were. She got a sour look on her face, but then he had almost expected that.

Married just four years, Lee had demonstrated clearly her ability to spend money and more than half the time she was gone somewhere anyway.

That turned out about like he expected, she was gone in less than a month.

Lee had been willing, even eager in the bedroom when they first started dating. He did notice that she looked around carefully when he brought her home the first time to his house.

She wanted to know everything, too, and he explained the house was paid for, so was his car and truck. His job managing the warehouse paid a good salary, also.

There was a fairly nice little bank account, considering his salary it was more than one might think.

A broker he had talked to years back, just a kid actually, suggested buying some stock in Suburu, a car company.

Henry would never have thought of that on his own.

Suitably impressed, Lee said yes when he asked her to marry him.

It only took about two months for the changes to begin. His sex life had devolved into solo sexuality, Lee sometimes would give it up once a month or so, but always acted like it was a chore to her.

She was long gone the day he went in for the surgery.

So was one very large chunk of his assets.


When he was in the followup up therapy sessions, the older nurse had been working with him on the new steel legs, her hands all over him.

He had gotten an enormous erection, not a thing he could do about that. He had turned bright red at that, but she had just grinned when she saw the very tip of him sticking out the legs of his baggy shorts.

"Well! Now that is different, usually with your disease things don't work very well." She grinned at him. Then she continued with the session like nothing was happening, but Henry noticed she kept looking down there. He kept trying to tuck it away out of sight without a lot of success since the thing was a good seven inches long when it came up full blown.

He had not even thought about that when he put on the shorts, which were just a pair of slacks he had cut the legs off of with scissors.

The next session Henry had with the nurse he wore underwear, even though he hated those and always had. Being equipped with a sort of big set of balls and that thing that hung down even when soft was OK when in use but a pain in the ass to keep put away.

He did notice the nurse kept glancing down there anyway, almost like she was hoping to see it again?

But she never said anything and neither did he.

That was as close to anything sexual Henry even had after Lee packed her bags. There were a few times later when he remembered that and wondered what might have happened had he been perhaps a bit more aggressive?

Probably he would have gotten himself clocked up side the head, but it was fun to fantasize about.

No legs, no job, living on disability? Henry was resigned to his fate, his sex life was over.

No woman would have an interest in a man in his situation, he knew that.


Henry watched as Carmen busied herself around his apartment, her hands moved briskly and efficiently.

He had a bad habit of letting anything he happened to drop or knock off a counter just lay there. Getting down to pick something up was not easy, getting back up without something to use his arms on was even harder.

Sure, he could reach the ground from his wheelchair, but the damned thing was big and didn't fit into a lot of places around his house.

Deciding she might be all right, Henry rolled himself into the small living room and clicked on the TV.

He rubbed the sore stump idly while watching some news program.


A soft voice gently woke him up, Henry looked up to see Carmen standing there.

"I need to fill out the report and do a few tests, OK?" She asked.

"OK." He sat up straighter. She placed a blood pressure cuff on him, took that. Then she produced a wooden stick and used that to press his tongue down, glancing into his mouth.

Henry's hand was idly rubbing his leg at the time, he often did that now without thinking.

"Your leg, it bothers you?" Carmen asked.

"Yea, the new one don't fit good at all."

"Let me see if I can help you with that, sir." She told him. From somewhere she produced a tube of some kind of ointment. Then she knelt down in front of him and began to rub his stump out.

Henry lay back with a sigh, that felt wonderful, far better than he could do himself. Carmen reached down and pushed the cutoff pants leg far up his thigh and rubbed there, also.

Henry was glad he was wearing the tan pair this day, he had cut the lower legs off of a few pairs of regular pants because lately he had been putting on and taking his leg off so much.

Easy access, he kept a big soda bottle next to his chair when he needed to take a leak and all he had to do was tug himself out the leg of his cutoffs to do that.

Those pants he kept sort of short.

He only had two pairs of the tan baggy ones, which meant he spent every other day washing them unless he could get the home health care worker to do it.

Fat chance of that with most of them.

Then he was surprised when she pressed up the pants leg on the other side, reached down and expertly tripped the catch to remove the other leg.

She began to rub it out also, that felt just as good so he leaned back in his chair and relaxed.

He was almost asleep when he heard her quietly giggle. Not sure what that was about, he opened his eyes and looked at her.

Then it hit him! He had developed an erection!

Henry flushed furiously, stammered an apology.

"No problem, it's perfectly all right." She smiled, appearing to be not the least bit concerned.

Henry was unhappy to see Carmen leave that day.


For the next two months Carmen came in once each week, did the light cleaning and reorganizing, took her report along with his blood pressure and filled out the little notebook.

She even gathered up his discarded clothing and washed them.

Then she would stick his finger and read his blood sugar. He didn't mind that any more since he was doing it himself daily.

Finally she would kneel down and rub out his legs.

The two of them talked quite a bit during those sessions. He found out that she was divorced with a 2 year old daughter, and had gotten some training from the government to help her get a job.

She mentioned her husband and how he couldn't find work, then one day in frustration he had gotten on his motorcylce and left them.

She used what little money she had left over to pay for some classes, with plans to become a registered nurse someday.

The conversation was almost as good as the rubbing down of his legs. Henry found himself looking forward to her weekly visits, which now often ran four, sometimes as much as five hours.

His place was looking about as good as it ever had, too. Carmen even changed the bedding in his spare bedroom, even though no one ever used it.

One day she asked him about the stool he kept in the shower.

Henry had a plastic stool in there, he had to take both legs off to bathe, then after he had to dry himself carefully since he didn't want to get his leg's boots wet.

It was always a terrible struggle, reaching some areas with no lower legs for balance or bracing himself made it extremely awkward.

Things most people take for granted are completely different when one has no legs to counter balance their body, so washing his behind properly was a real pain.

"I can help you with that...If you want me too?" Carmen said.

"Really?" That surprised Henry, he had gotten some bed baths when he was in the hospital but none of the other care takers had ever even mentioned it.

He couldn't even get most of them to run a single load of laundry, but Carmen did every time she was there.

"Yes. I don't mind, I know how difficult that must be for you." She smiled up at him.

Carmen waited politely outside the room while Henry undressed and got himself positioned on the stool. He placed a small towel over his privates, not wanting to offend her.

He very nearly fell off his stool when Carmen pulled back the curtain, she had on a tiny black bikini.

"I did not wish to get my clothing wet." She told him, noticing his reaction.

"My God! You are beautiful, I haven't seen a wo...." Henry shut up, his face flaming.

"Hush now, Henry. It's just a bath." Carmen grinned at him and went to work.

"Lift up some, OK?" She asked when she was rubbing his back and got to his buttocks. Henry lifted as best as he could, she reached under and washed him, repeating that on the other side.

By then Henry was making a rather nice sized lump in the small towel and he was completely aware of it.

"I see you are shy, I need to...?" Carmen said, glancing down at the towel.

"I'm not, not really, I just didn't want to offend you."

"Oh. Ok then. Do not worry, I have washed many men before." Carmen reached down and removed the towel, using the wash cloth she had in her hand to quickly wash his testicles. Then she reached for a bar of soap, briskly rubbed her hands to make some suds, then spread it on his erection.

"I am trying to do this quickly, OK?" She had a mild laugh in her voice.

"Don't rush because of me." Henry wise cracked, getting a titter from her.

Carmen reached up and shut off the warm stream of water, grabbed a towel and dried herself off, then with a fresh one she began to dry him.

"Thank you, but why did you do that for me?" Henry asked her as she prepared to leave.

"I have several clients I must bathe, they are all in bed or handicapped, there is no difference." She smiled at him and left.

From then on, Carmen bathed Henry every week. It was never more than just a bath though.

Just once her bikini top slipped slightly, he saw her naked breast with it's pretty pink capped nipple and that excited him even more. Carmen simply readjusted her top and went on with the bathing.

By then, after Carmen left each week, Henry was pleasuring himself. That was a wonderful improvement in his life, he now had fantasies of her in his head.

He realized he really liked her, so he was now concerned about his appearence. He was being careful with his diet and had lost quite a bit of weight.

He knew he was being a foolish man but Carmen had become an important part of his life.

He also had gone through another fitting, and the new legs felt much better than the other set had.

The real positive was his careful diet meant his insulin requirement had dropped, he was now using a little more than half the amount he had needed before.


The day the change came found Henry standing in his living room, waiting for a knock on the door.

Up until then, he had always been in his wheelchair when Carmen arrived, he wanted to surprise her.

She was about 10 minutes late when the phone rang.

"I will be an hour or two late today, something came up." Carmen told him.

Henry assured her that it was OK, then he went and sat in his chair to watch TV.

His mind drifted off to Carmen, what she looked like in that black bikini, and the few times he had seen her in a pale red one.

He felt himself stiffen, so he reached down and unzipped his pants. He actually had a reasonably good erection, which got stronger as his mind drifted to a fantasy of Carmen touching him, her hands stroking over his length.

"OH! I am sorry, Henry!" Broke him from the mental haze. Carmen stood in the doorway, looking at him.

"I..Oh, God. I'm so sorry, I didn't expect...." Henry quickly covered up.

"I knocked, but I guess you didn't hear me." Carmen said.

Henry struggled with buttoning his shorts, Carmen saw his now flaming face and smiled.

"It's OK. I know about men, I am glad you can..Do you want me to leave while you...?" She asked.

"No, it's OK." He told her.

Carmen seemed to relax, then she just went about her normal duties. Later, after she had done the usual cursory medical checks, she asked him if he wanted a bath.

"I..I guess so." He said, his mind flashing back to her catching him like that.

In the shower, Henry removed his legs and set those outside, placed a towel over his lap like he always did.

Carmen came in, she had on the pale red bikini. She began the usual, except she was a lot more quiet than normal.

When she got to his legs, kneeling down in the warm spray from the shower head, she hesitated.

"May I? I interrupted you, I am sorry. I would like to...help you." She smiled up at him. Without waiting for an answer, she reached under the towel, letting it slip to the floor. Her hands went busy on his shaft, which had not yet expanded to it's full size.

That did not take long. This was amazing, Henry had never really dreamed that she would actually do that, but now she was. He was even more amazed when she let go of him with one hand, reached back and tugged the tie on her top.

The cups fell forward, baring her breasts fully to him for the first time. Then she reached up and tugged the tie at her back, letting the small garment slip to the floor.

"I see where you look, so perhaps this will help you. Is it OK?" She smiled.

She still had one hand on his penis, Henry reached down and cupped one of her bare breasts.

He halfway expected her to stop him but his hands had a mind of their own.

Her upper body shuddered at his touch. She glanced up, looking him in the eyes.

"I..shouldn't, but...It has been so long for me now that..." Carmen stood up, reaching over to the sides of her hips, she slipped the ties there. That garment also dropped to the floor, she knelt there gloriously naked.

Her pubic hair was very full, very black.

"I want you to...Is it all right?" She began.

Henry reached out and pulled her onto his lap, one leg slid alongside each side of his body

"I have wanted to for a long time, this will be our secret, OK?" She grinned, pressing her hairy pussy against Henry's now solid member.

"OK." Henry answered, reaching down to find her opening and spread it with his fingers. Carmen tipped her head back as the tip of Henry's penis invaded her. She looked amazing like that, naked with the water streaming down and over her.

As he felt himself slide effortlessly deep inside her, Henry leaned forward and suckled one nipple into his mouth.

This was amazing, Henry had long since given up on the idea of ever having sex again. After all, who would want a man with no legs, no income but government disability?

It was quite a bit later, Carmen had carefully dried them both off, and helped him to get dressed.

"That was very nice, but it is also very much against the rules. We should not do that again. I could lose my job, so you will not say anything?" She asked.

"Of course not." Henry told her.

"I do not know why, Henry. I..it just seemed right."

"You are wonderful." He told her.

She half beamed and half blushed at that.


The next several times Carmen came by were like the beginning, she did her job, even took the time to bathe him, but the wash cloth he used for modesty was back and she was rather quick about cleansing him.

Henry understood, or at least he thought he did. That was just something that happened in the heat of the moment and she just did not dare continue to take risks like that.
