Home for the Summer

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A boy returns home and does some work for his Dad's friend.
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Damn, it was good to be home. I really enjoyed my first year of university but severe homesickness was beginning to set in, and I was pleased to see the summer roll around so I could spend a couple of months back in the comfort of my own home.

I'd only been back a couple of days when I heard the familiar sound of my Dad's booming footsteps coming up the stairs. Luckily I wasn't doing anything untoward, just lying on my bed arguing with my girlfriend over text. It seemed all we did these days was argue and if I was honest, I was pleased to be away from her. As I hit send on a message, in walked my Dad.

"It's lovely having you home David," he began, "but me and your Mam have been talking and we're going to have to charge some rent."

I wasn't too shocked at this news. My mother had recently been made redundant so there wasn't much money coming in.

"I was talking to Jeff down the Black Bull the other day - you know Jeff? Was a boxer when he was younger? You met him at your Aunty Paula's wedding?"

"Oh yeah," I replied. I only vaguely recalled Jeff, but I didn't want my Dad to waste more time explaining how I knew him.

"Well he says he's got a few oddjobs round the house, and if you're interested he'll pay you. It's just stuff like mowing the lawn, and I think he wants his bathroom painting. Gets you some money and saves you the hassle of getting a proper job. Should I tell him you're interested?"

A job wasn't high up on my list of priorities for a relaxing summer, but with the financial situation I couldn't really say no. I told my Dad I'd head round Jeff's in the morning, and that was that.

The next morning came, and I threw on some old jeans and a t-shirt. It was probably a size too small for me now, I'd gained some muscle from using the uni gym since I was last home, but it was fine for a bit of manual labour. When I was dressed, I hurried off to begin the ten minute walk to Jeff's.

It was a hot day. Really hot. The type of hot day in Britain where the smell of barbecue is rife anywhere you go, and the sound of children splashing in paddling pools fills the air. It was so hot in fact, that when I arrived at Jeff's, he was sunthing in the front garden.

Jeff was an imposing man. He was about my Dad's age, early 40s, but kept himself in much better shape. As he was sun-bathing, his top half was exposed, and he was still as ripped as I assumed he would have been in his boxing days. His big arms were covered in tattoos and the six-pack on his torso showed no signs of wilting with age. His chest was coated in black hair, which continued up to his neatly trimmed beard. That was the end of the hair however, as his head was clean shaven.

"Bloody hell, is that David!?" Jeff said, lifting his sunglasses up and standing up out of his seat. "Last time I seen you you were stick thin son!"

I chuckled and entered Jeff's garden, before walking over and shaking his hand. "Aye," I replied, "Got the university gym to thank for this," motioning down to my arms and torso. I was nowhere near the size of Jeff, but I was still chuffed at the compliment.

Jeff reached over and gave my bicep a little squeeze and a rub. "I'm impressed son!" He said, slowly moving his hand away. "Very impressed indeed."

The older man went silent for a few seconds as he stared at my body, which sent a tinge of embarrassment shooting through me. He must have caught himself quickly, as within seconds he'd opened his door and invited me inside.

"Right. First job for you son." Jeff reached into a pantry in the side of the room, and pulled out two tins of white paint. "Bathroom needs painting. Do the walls with the emulsion and the radiators with gloss. You've painted before haven't you?"

I nodded. I'd helped my Dad plenty at home and was confident I'd do a good job. Jeff got me a glass of water and told me where the bathroom was, and before long I had begun.

It was hot in the bathroom. Like, really hot. Hotter than outside. I'd only been painting for maybe 15 minutes but my shirt had soaked through with sweat, so I decided to take it off. I assumed Jeff wouldn't mind, after all, he was shirtless too, and we both knew how boiling it was. I used the shirt to wipe my brow before tossing it onto the floor.

As I carefully began painting the skirting boards, I heard the door swing open and Jeff walk in. Without saying a word, I heard the zip of his denim shorts undo, and then the unmistakeable sound of piss splashing into the toilet.

"Oh, I'll er, wait outside," I muttered, dropping the brush in the paint tin.

"Don't be silly!" Jeff said. "I'm only having a piss! Keep going, I don't mind."

I shrugged, and did my best to concentrate on the skirting board, but it was difficult with Jeff pissing like a race horse three feet away from me. It was even harder when he began to speak again.

"Not surprised you've took that shirt off. Fucking roasting in here!"

I chuckled, and nodded in agreement. I still felt quite awkward being in the same room as him, knowing he had his cock out and was pissing.

"Will you just pick it up off the floor though mate? Just hang it on the towel rack or something, that'll do..."

Not wanting to offend Jeff, I quickly spun round to pick up the shirt, not realising it was right by Jeff's feet. Hesitantly, I tried to reach past Jeff's imposing frame, only for him to stand on the t-shirt as I grabbed it, before slowly looking down at me.

"You're er... you're standing on it," I said meekly, not wanting to look up. Jeff remained silent.

"Look at me," he eventually said, quietly.

I didn't want to look up, but felt obliged to after Jeff had asked. Slowly, I moved my head upward, to at first be greeted with the sight of Jeff's huge, exposed cock. I tried not to stare, but fucking hell. It was bigger soft than mine was hard, and I guessed it must be about 8 inches fully erect. I quickly realised I was staring at this man's cock whilst on my knees in front of him, so I moved my head to instead look at his smirking face.

"You like it?"

"I....errr....it's...it's big..." I said, still on my knees. For some reason I just couldn't find it in me to stand up.

"Is that a yes?" he replied, his voice deeper and somehow more imposing than before.

I looked up, trying to keep my eyes fixated on his face. "I'm not...I'm not gay..." I said, lacking the conviction in my voice to convince even myself at that point.

I wasn't gay. I mean, I'd had thoughts going through puberty and even tried gay porn a couple of times, but I'd always been fairly comfortable in my sexuality. I'd never been on my knees in front of a fit half-naked older man, however.

"No one mentioned being gay," he said. "Don't have to be gay to admire a man's cock."

I nodded in agreement, still on my knees. Slowly, I took my eyes off his face and looked back down at his dick, that was mere inches away from my face. There was nothing stopping me from standing up.

"Then err, yeah. It's a nice dick." I said, taking a deep breath.

"Bigger than yours?"


"Let's see then."

Without thinking I unzipped my jeans and pulled them down an inch. I pulled the elastic of my briefs down and pulled my own cock out. It was a respectable 6-and-a-half inches when erect, but nowhere near the thickness of Jeff's. He chuckled slightly.

"You weren't lying." he said, edging himself a couple of centimetres closer. I was still looking at his cock. "Have a hold if you want."

I gulped, and for the first time in this exchange, stood back up. I put my cock back in my jeans, and let out a big deep breath.

"Nah man I'm not gay," I said again, with more conviction this time. Jeff was unperturbed.

"No one's calling you gay for fuck sake. Just have a hold of my cock, feel how heavy it is. If you're not gay it shouldn't be a problem?"

I mean, it did look heavy. And as he says, if neither of us are gay it's fine. I reached out my hand, and slowly wrapped my fingers around Jeff's enormous appendage. He let out a sigh as I did so, and no sooner had I wrapped my fingers around it I was letting go again.

"Heavy eh?" he said, stroking his chest. I nodded in agreement.

I looked back up at Jeff, and he smiled, the two of us silent for a couple of seconds. Without saying a word, Jeff reached over to grab my hand, and placed it back on his cock. I did nothing to resist. Quite the opposite actually, I began to slowly jerk Jeff's big cock in my hand, thinking of absolutely nothing but his throbbing member.

"Good lad," Jeff whispered, closing his eyes. I don't know what it was but the praise sent a wave of pleasure hurtling through me, and started the blood rushing to my dick. I continued to wank Jeff off, picking up the pace slightly as Jeff's breathing intensified.

I kept going, my eyes unable to move themselves away from Jeff's now fully-erect cock. It was absolutely massive in my hand, and made my own look pathetic in comparison. As I was hypnotized by his cock, a firm but gentle hand grabbed my shoulder, and slowly encouraged me back down to my knees. Again, I did absolutely nothing to stop it.

Back on my knees, I looked up to see Jeff smiling at me, still moaning at the pleasure my hand was giving him. I looked him in the eye, parted my lips, and without instruction, took the huge, pre-cum covered cock head into my mouth.

Jeff let out a big moan, half in pleasure and half in surprise I suspect, as I began to suck a cock for the first time in my life. The manly, musky scent filled my nostrils and served only to make my own cock harder, which I pulled out from my jeans once again and began jerking off.

As I sucked I gained more and more confidence and took more of his shaft in my mouth. I wasn't quite take him in completely, but I went as far down as I could, his cock head touching the back of my throat. I took him out of my mouth and licked all the way up his shaft.

A few more minutes of this, and I began to feel Jeff's breath quicken. "Oh fuck Davey," he moaned through gritted teeth. "I'm gonna fucking cum!"

I sped up my motion, sucking him sloppily and as far into my throat as I could. All of a sudden I felt his hand grab the back of my head and force my down, as he let out an almighty moan and began coating my mouth with rope after rope of hot, sticky cum. I did my best to swallow it all but had to take his cock out of my mouth to suppress a gag, but he wasn't even done cumming. Three more ropes shot out of his cock slit and coated my face, and I licked at his cock head to make sure every drop was out.

Jeff took a moment to compose himself before lifting me onto the toilet and pulling my jeans off. He grabbed my cock in a vice like grip and began jerking my cock furiously. It was literally seconds before I convulsed in a wave of pleasure and shot the biggest load of cum I'd ever shot in my life, most of which hit my stomach and chest. Jeff scooped it up onto his fingers and shoved them in my mouth, which I accepted hungrily.

I lay back on the toilet, and tried to catch my breath as Jeff stood up and laughed.

"Thought you weren't gay?" he said, looking down at my weary, cum-soaked body and face.

"I'm not," I replied. I quickly realised how ridiculous that sounded from a lad covered in another man's cum, and let out a laugh. Jeff laughed too.

"Now, get this room painted..."

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AlejalejAlejalejabout 2 months ago

''Oh yeah," I replied. I only vaguely recalled Jeff, but I didn't want my Dad to waste more time explaining how I knew him.''

Can relate to this, which told me you know how to connect with the reader. And, damn, that is one hot story! 😁

NicebiguyNicebiguy2 months ago

"Now get this room painted." Yeah right, keep fucking around and soon you'll have the floor painted with cum.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I would have been an easy target if that was ever to have happened to me when I was younger. I so want to suck a big hairy masculine mans cock and would be on my knees in no time inhaling his musk and licking his hairy sweaty balls, so hot to think about being seduced into sucking a cock. Now that I'm older, I would suck a younger guy too if he told me to get on my knees.

SkipjackingSkipjackingabout 1 year ago

That one made me hard!

theythemtheythemover 1 year ago

i wonder if they ended up painting the closet

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