How Do You Spell Relief? Ch. 05

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Ms Owens comes to dinner.
17.9k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 04/17/2013
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Thank you everyone who felt inclined to respond with feedback through the Literotica website or by contacting me directly via email. Not one person has been negative, which is a huge relief and very gratifying (as a writer, I can tell you there's nothing like having your ego massaged by the soft hands of flattery!).

Several people have pleaded for more detail about Ms Owens and one person has made the surprising request for longer chapters. Well, you asked for it! I'm amazed at how this one has blown out and I'm seriously considering getting medals cast for issue to each and every one of you who makes it to the end. This chapter has taken an agonizingly long time to write and I would make a plea for patience. I haven't started Chapter 6 yet, so it's going to be a long time between drinks for those following the story. Rest assured, I am working on it, it's just going to take some time.

To that end, I have a question: what do you, the reader, think Tommy plays, soccer or grid iron? In Chapters 1 - 3 he only ever refers to 'football', which could be either. The answer is going to have a big bearing on how Chapter 6 turns out and, personally, I hope it's soccer, mainly because I know almost nothing about soccer, but that's more than I know about American football, which is absolutely nothing (we have something similar down here called rugby, which is played by guys of similar build but they don't wear pads). I feel my hopes may be in vain, however, due to Tommy's build but I find it hard to believe he could have gone for as long as he has as a grid iron player without word getting out about his gorgeous member, given the reputation grid iron players seem to have. Let me know what you think.

As before, I must defer all credit to Bobby T for the creation of a group of characters that, it appears, many people have fallen in love with.



The bell for first class rang just as I pushed through the doors of the main building at school. I spent the entire morning frantically taking notes to keep my mind from thinking about my mom's vagina and fantasising about screwing the school librarian but, try as I might, the thoughts were always there in the background. As we walked between classes, the guys I hung out with all talked and joked about every-day stuff but I couldn't trust myself to say anything. I felt certain that if anyone talked to me, even just to say 'Hello', I'd beat my chest and yell 'I fucked my mom and her vagina is gorgeous!' Probably not the best thing to be shouting around school...

I made it to the lunch break but by then my cock just wouldn't take no for an answer. I'd had a boner right through the last period, which was Geography. It was one of the subjects I enjoyed most but the pages of notes that I took couldn't stop my hard-on throbbing in my shorts.

When the lunch bell rang I bolted for the door and headed for one of the lesser-used blocks of rest-rooms. It was deserted when I got there. I went into the far cubicle and locked the door behind me but when I dropped my shorts and grabbed my cock the feeling of the hot hard flesh in my hands made me stop and look down at it.

Mom had introduced me to a whole new world and we had enjoyed our bodies together in a way that I'd hoped for but never expected we would or could. The sensations were still fresh in my mind and I realised that my hands were never going to be able to live up to one of mom's or Ms Owens' blowjobs, never mind the experience of being inside a beautiful woman and the feeling of her body swallowing my cum, milking my climax and orgasming around me. I pulled my shorts up, grabbed my bag and made a bee-line for the library.

I wasn't planning to screw Ms Owens; all I wanted was a blowjob and to play with her tits. It wasn't that I didn't want to fuck her because I most certainly did, but mom had been definite that she wanted to be present if and when it happened and I knew she'd be disappointed if she missed out. It had become even more important to me that we respect each others' wants and needs and if she wanted to watch me fuck the librarian, if it would make her happy, if it would excite her, then that was good enough for me. So all I wanted was to have a bit of fun with Ms Owens if she was interested, get a blowjob, suck her tits maybe and let her have a mouthful of cum if she wanted. So I came crashing back to earth when the girl behind the checkout desk in the library told me she wasn't there.

“Huh? Where is she?”

She gave me a 'What business is it of yours?' kind of look. Her name was Amber. I sort of knew her because she was in a couple of classes with me but I didn't know that much about her except that she was really smart.

“She asked me to fill in because she had some errands to run and she's taken her lunch break to do them. Is it something I can help you with, Tommy?”

“Oh, ummm...” My brain locked up as I frantically tried to think of something to say that would sound reasonable. “She...she was going to hold a book for me.” Good thinking!

“Oh, ok. What was the title?” She turned to the computer terminal beside her. “I can check and see if it's been returned.”

Crap! Not such good thinking...

“, I can't remember the name. She did tell me but I've forgotten,” I said in desperation. Amber rolled her eyes.

“What subject was it on?” Her voice had a ticked-off note to it.

“Ahh, the Franco-Prussian War.”

“Oh, you're working on that essay for History too?” She punched some keys and then frowned. “You've already got one book about it. Why do you need another one?”

“Oh, umm, she said it had some other information in it.” Crap, this was getting needlessly complicated. I felt sweat begin to trickle down my back but, amazingly, Amber seemed to believe me.

“Oh, right. Well, if you can't remember the name of the book I can't tell you if it's been returned yet. You'll have to wait for Ms Owens to come back.”

I nodded and began inching towards the library door. She leaned forward against the desk. Behind the glasses and the nerdy sweater I suddenly realised she was actually quite good-looking. Her long slightly curly blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she had a cute little nose with a smattering of pale freckles which reminded me of mom. With a jolt I realised she was talking again.

“How much have you done on the essay? I started looking at it yesterday...sooo complicated. Napoleon and the Prussian king and the Germans getting involved. How much information is in the book you've got already?”

“Yeah, ah no, I haven't really started yet. Sorry, I've...I've got to get moving. Need to try and catch up with my coach...I'll see you round...”

“Oh.” She sounded disappointed. “Ok, well yeah. Sure. See you round.” I pushed the door open and walked down the steps as normally as I could.

Ten minutes later I was back in the deserted toilet block gasping and panting as quietly as I could as I watched the cum squirt from the head of my cock and flood the toilet bowl of the end cubicle. My hard-on felt like hot steel in my hand as I pictured in my mind mom jerking off as she watched me fuck Becky Owens in our lounge. When my climax had ended I leaned back on the toilet seat and waited for the shaking to subside.

Mom was still at work when I got home from school so I hunkered down in my room doing homework. I had two new essays, one for English and the other for Geography. I preferred Geography but the one for English was due earlier so I started on that one. It was getting close to six o'clock when I heard the sound of mom's car pulling in off the street. I walked into the kitchen just as she burst through the door from the garage carrying three shopping bags full of groceries.

“Hi baby, oh I'm so late! I tried to get away from work early but Roger gave me a huge file of stuff to collate and I had to get it done today.” She hurried around the kitchen, getting pots and pans out of the cupboards, putting stuff away, shuffling cans and bottles on shelves.

“Mom, let me help. It'll be easier with two of us.” I stepped up to the bench and looked into one of the bags. There were two bottles of wine in it and some vegetables spilled out onto the bench top from the one next to it.

“Oh honey, would you?” She reached up on tip-toes and pecked me on the cheek. “There's so much to do before Becky gets here and I want to have a shower too.”

I opened the other bag. A parcel wrapped in white paper sat on top of a packet of pasta and some other bits and pieces.

“Of course I'll help mom. What do you want me to do first?”

She smiled and slipped an arm around me for a hug. I hugged her back. Suddenly the fog of study lifted off my brain and the excitement I'd been feeling all day about tonight returned with a vengeance. Feeling her close to me again made the memories of last night and this morning all the stronger and my dick twitched and thickened in my shorts. Mom pulled away slightly and put a hand on my crotch, caressing me through the fabric.

“Baby, I want you so baaad,” she moaned. “The worst thing about the whole day has been knowing I was going to have to wait so long before I saw you again.”

“It's been hard for me too, mom,” I said, grinning at my intentional pun.

She looked at me closely.

“Did you go and see Becky today?” she asked slyly, her grip tightening on my cock.

“Yeah, but she wasn't there. I wouldn't have...have done it with her mom, honest. I know you want to be there when it happens so I wouldn't have tried. I just wanted her to help me, you know? In the end I had to jerk off in the toilets.”

She made a funny sound in the back of her throat.

“Poor baby.” She hugged me close again. “More wasted cum. I hate the thought of you having to do that.”

I shrugged. “Let's not worry about it now. What do we need to do first?”

She gave me one last squeeze and then turned back to the bench.

“Good idea darling. I was going to do fish with pasta and a salad, you know how I do it in the pan?”

I nodded. “Sounds good. What should I do?”

“First thing is to get the wine chilling. Get some ice and the ice bucket. Then you could set the table. I thought we'd eat outside, since it's such a nice evening. Use one of the good table spreads from out of the hall closet and get some candles too, ok? Then you should have a shower and put on some clean clothes. No woman is going to be impressed by a guy who greets her at the door in stinky sweaty clothes he's been jerking off in.” She grinned as she mock-scolded me.

“I didn't really have a choice, mom.” I said defensively.

“I know, I know. I'm only teasing. Come on, let's make a start. I've been looking forward to tonight so much.”

Half an hour later everything was ready. I lounged about on the sofa reading a skateboarding magazine, feeling a little more relaxed after my cool shower. I'd pulled on a clean pair of tidy shorts and one of my loose-fitting button-up shirts. Mom had inspected me as she finished her preparations in the kitchen, declared me decent and then hurried upstairs to get cleaned up as well. There had been a funny look in her eyes as she checked to make sure I was presentable. A little while after the shower stopped upstairs there was a knock at the front door and my heart thumped in my chest. Ms Owens was here. Suddenly everything seemed a lot more real. Mom thought I was going to get to fuck her but it had seemed a bit of a fantasy until now. I noticed my hand was shaking as I reached for the doorknob. I pulled the door open and felt myself freeze, my mouth stupidly hanging open in amazement.

Ms Owens smiled at me.

“Hi Tommy! I'm not early am I?”

She looked incredible. Her long black hair was piled up loosely on her head, curls falling about her pale smooth shoulders and she was wearing a short tight black dress with thin shoulder straps, kind of cut square across so that it showed at least the top half of her breasts. They swelled beneath the thin fabric and looked as if they'd fall out if she bent over. The hem stopped barely below the top of her thighs and her legs were encased in close-knit black fishnet stockings with high-heeled sandally kind of things on her feet. I guess on anyone else it would have looked slutty but on her it looked so sexy I almost came in my shorts right there.

“Whoa...” I said before I could think. “Ms Owens, you look HOT!”

She grinned.

“Can I come in?”

“Huh? Oh! Yeah, sure. Please...” I stepped back, feeling like an doofus as I pulled the door open further. She stepped through and as I turned after closing the door she reached up to kiss me, long and slow and wet. She slid her tongue between my lips and my toes tingled as I felt it press and rub very deliberately against mine. As we separated she looked up at me through her eyelashes.

“I think you should call me Becky for tonight Tommy.” Her voice was husky and my nostrils were filled with the scent of her perfume.

“Uh, yeah...okay...Ms...Becky. Mom's upstairs but she won't be long.” I was having a hard time saying anything properly. “Would you like to come through?” I gestured down the hall to the back of the house.

“Love to.”

I followed her as she walked down the short hall. The back of the dress was cut below her shoulder blades and I realised I couldn't see a bra strap. The fabric clung to her and I had my eyes glued to her magnificent bottom by the time we stepped through into the dining room. I could see every detail of how her body moved, the curves rippling and swaying as she walked ahead of me. The dining table was clear since we were eating outside and she put the bottle of wine she was carrying on it.

“I wasn't sure what to bring, but this is one of my favourite whites. I hope it'll go with dinner,” she said, sounding a little worried.

“We're having fish.” Somehow I vaguely remembered that you were supposed to drink white wine with fish. “We've already got a couple of bottles on ice so how about I get you a glass of one of those for starters?” I gestured towards the open back door, which led out to the small deck. After my initial shock, I was beginning to get a grip again.

“Oh, okay. That'd be lovely.” She stepped through the back door out onto the deck where the table was set for dinner as I clattered about in the kitchen putting her bottle in the fridge. Becky smiled as I stepped through to join her and she watched as I opened one of the bottles from the ice bucket to pour her a drink in one of the glasses I'd placed on the table when I set it earlier. Her eyes locked with mine and she smiled again as I handed the glass to her. She held my gaze as she delicately took a cracker and cheese when I offered her the plate of nibbles that mom had prepared.

“This looks wonderful,” she said, smiling and looking at the set table with the dark blue spread and the flickering candles. She glanced around our small yard. Our house wasn't large and I was always conscious of how hard mom worked to keep the money coming in so we could keep it. I stood around feeling uncomfortable, not sure what to say.

“Aren't you going to join me?” asked Becky, raising her glass to me.

“Oh, yeah...ok.”

She watched silently as I poured another glass. I tried to keep my hands steady but it only seemed to make them shake more.

“Your mom will probably want one too,” she said quietly.

“Yeah...right, yeah, probably,” I stammered. I thought I'd been regaining my cool but it seemed to be slipping again. She watched as I poured another glass.

“Am I making you nervous Tommy?” Her voice sounded gentle.

“Um, well, yeah...yeah a bit.” I took a sip of wine which turned into a gulp. I swallowed it and looked around the yard. The grass needed to be mowed again.

“Baby, you don't need to be scared of me. I think Carol and I both want what's best for you and all of us.” I glanced at her as she mentioned mom's name. I still thought of mom as my mom, even though we were now lovers. That made me stop. My mom was my lover!

“I'm not scared,” I said quickly.

“What is it then?” Becky asked softly. She moved closer and put a hand on my arm, stroking it gently, squeezing. It felt nice and she seemed to be enjoying the contact too.

“I'm's...I didn't think you'd...” I broke off, stumbling over the words.

“You didn't think I'd what?” she encouraged.

“You look so beautiful,” I blurted. “I wasn't expecting you to look so good...You look sexy. I can't believe you're Ms Owens from the school library.”

She smiled and it made her look like a little girl.

“Do you really think I look sexy?” she asked, looking at me with an eyebrow raised. She turned slightly, as if to show off her outfit.

“Yeah!” I said forcefully and she giggled.

“When I tried it on in the shop I still had my shirt and bra on. I didn't realise there'd be so much skin, so I'm glad you like it.” She leaned forward and kissed me again quickly. Her lips tasted like wine. “I bought it specially for you,” she murmured. “And for...” she broke off as mom appeared in the open back door. “Carol! Darling, how nice to see you again!”

Mom froze for a second, standing in the doorway. She was staring at Ms Owens, her eyes wide. Suddenly she shook her head slightly, as if waking up. A big smile appeared on her lips as she quickly stepped through onto the deck with us and the two women embraced warmly.

“Becky, I'm so glad you're here. My God, you look gorgeous! Is this a new dress? Your hair looks lovely! Did you do it, or did you go to a salon?”

“Oh!” Ms Owens giggled girlishly again and touched her hair briefly. “This? No, I just did it at home. Does it look alright?”

“Are you kidding? It's beautiful!” I stood back and watched as the two of them chatted away excitedly. Ms Owens sure looked sexy, but mom looked just as good. She'd put on a simple white shirt with short sleeves and a short tight dark blue skirt. It wasn't as short as the black dress Becky was wearing but it still showed off her beautiful legs and her figure. She'd pulled her long dark hair back into a simple ponytail and the top three buttons of the shirt were undone. Although she didn't have as much cleavage as Ms Owens, it was plain to see she had a well-proportioned bosom too. I suddenly realised they were both looking at me.

“Is something wrong dear?” asked mom.

“What? No, why?”

“Well, you're staring at us. What is it?”

“Am I? Oh, um, sorry. I...Mom, I just wasn't expecting you and Ms...and Becky to look beautiful.”

Mom shot a smile at Ms Owens.

“He's very smooth, isn't he?”

They both giggled and I felt my cheeks begin to burn as I blushed. Ms Owens touched mom lightly on the arm.

“I told him he should call me Becky tonight, but he seems to still be getting used to the idea.”

“Quite right,” said mom. “This is a social occasion, between friends. There's no place for any formality here. Listen, I'm going to start cooking the fish. It won't take long, so make yourself comfortable out here where it's cool and we can eat in about fifteen minutes. No,” she held up a hand as Ms Owens began to offer to help, “I'll be fine. Tommy, look after our guest.” She picked up the glass of wine I'd poured for her and stretched up to kiss me on the lips. Standing between me and Ms Owens, her free hand slid to my crotch and pressed my cock through my shorts. Watching these two gorgeous women together was having an undeniable effect on me and I felt her hand slide the entire length of my rod before she smiled at me and then stepped through into the kitchen to start cooking. I noticed Ms Owens was watching carefully, a small smile on her lips too.

“Why don't we sit, Tommy?” She slid into one of the three chairs arranged around the small square wooden table.

“Sure,” I said. Sitting was good; I wouldn't have to try and hide my stiff cock. I pulled a chair out and sat down beside her with relief. After a moment she turned in her chair to look at me.