Human Android Ch. 05

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Anne faces a dire future as an android.
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Part 5 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/29/2017
Created 09/12/2011
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Ch. 05

Anne faces a dire future as an android

Anne lay stretched out on the floor of a bedroom, as she had been ordered to. She had gone to a party there to keep an eye on her daughter, in case she got into trouble, only she was the one who ended up in this dirty room in the sports sonority house. Bob had invited friends up here for a free fuck, and she was the intended victim.

The implant in her head had been inadvertently triggered by Bob who had no idea what he had done to her. He just thought she was a dumb slut, wanting to get off with a football hunk. He whispered in here ear that she was a slut, thinking she would either slap him or go along with it. The keyword triggered the slut program, making her perform with the morality of a slut.

The combination of the implant and program was overpowering leaving her helplessly waiting for orders, like a damn sex android.

Anne was wearing a mask, so at least they wouldn't recognise her as a college professor. She ruled the Business Studies department with a strict adherence to the rules, consequently being known as the bitch professor. If they knew who they had at their mercy it would be devastating, even so it was excruciatingly painful.

Two of them had already used her body, and more were on their way. The slut program made it all the more infuriating, for she was compelled to act like a wanton hussy, pandering to their whims with enthusiasm. It was because of this, she had licked the girl, laying next to her, into a state of utter bliss. She just lay there recovering from a powerful orgasm.

The sexy maid costume she wore over the android suit looked as though it had false breasts inserted, because they were so large, but they were her own. The partying students had laughed at them, which was embarrassing enough. Since the program had been invoked there was nothing she could do to avoid them being played with, which was humiliating.

Bob had a strong grip of her hand, leading her through the party. One of the guys tweaked her nipples as they passed which started others taking advantage. He stopped among his buddies offering her breasts to them for a play. Through the thin nylon bodysuit she felt their hands squeezing and fondling them. She wanted to keep her eyes closed but the slut program kept her actively offering them and flirting with the drunken youths.

She wasn't thinking about her breasts, or even how many young students were on their way to fuck her. Something far worse than that was concentrating her mind on a terrifying thought. Being used by a bunch of drunken students would be a disgusting and degrading act, but what was going through her mind was far more potent.

It was anxiety over what was to become of her afterwards. That big louse was sure to keep her there, where she would be trapped under the influence of the slut program. The dreadful program was even now invading her mind, influencing her thoughts and behaviour, helping her to play at being a slut more convincingly.

In their sonority house, she would be at the mercy of those young sportsmen, until they decided to let her go. The longer she was there, the more effective a slut she would become, until the slut state became a dominant part of her identity. Would they ever let go of an enthusiastic sexy slut? She could see a life ahead of her, pandering to these young selfish men, willing to perform anything to please them. She would be passed on, year upon year, like a mascot, to each incoming group of students.

Eventually the implant running the slut program would damage her memory and dominate her mind. Her personality and social mores would be damaged for ever if she were to be trapped under its dreadful influence for too long. She would be condemned to being a compliant, dumb slut, for the rest of her life.

Instead of running for her life, all she could do was lay there, waiting to be used and abused by his buddies.

She closed her eyes on hearing the door open. Her mind swung back to the present. How many young students were down stairs at the party, and how many of them were drunk enough, to come up here for a free fuck. Surely most of them would be too decent, or too disgusted, to take advantage.

"What are you up to Bob?" Rebecca demanded.

Anne opened her eyes to see her daughter standing in the doorway, looking angry and defiant. Inside Anne screamed for her to just go. To be discovered by her daughter like this was so mortifying she forgot about everything else. Cum was seeping from between her legs and she was bathed in the overpowering smell of sex. All she could do was hope the mask wasn't lifted from her face.

"Come on in, join the fun, you might learn something," Bob told her.

"I heard what you're planning and I'm here to stop you. You're an animal. You can't abuse women this way. You haven't learnt to behave like a man you're just a big shit! " she angrily lectured him.

"You've always been a stuck up bitch, like your mother," he told her, with a grin on his face. He reached out to take a hold of her wrist with a big meaty hand.

Anne looked up at the bastard. He had grabbed her daughter, ready to drag her into this den of inequity. She tried but couldn't move for she had been ordered to lay still, to wait for his so called friends. The brute was too strong for her daughter to break free, so would she too be overwhelmed, like this girl next to her?

No, surely not that! If they ordered her to suck on her daughter's pussy, she would. Like that poor girl, she would lick and suck and probe until her daughter couldn't resist any more. Would she orgasm so deeply it left her weak and helpless like the girl? The guys invited up here would then have the three of them to fuck.

Anne wanted to scream at them. The thought they might end up as a mother and daughter show, for these drunken louts, was mortifying. After what she had done to that poor waitress lying next to her she knew how expertly she would suck her daughter's pussy. The slut program rules would have her working on Rebecca, with enthusiasm, until her daughter had an overwhelming orgasm.

After the sickening show they would be on the floor next to each other, ready to be fucked by a bunch of drunken youths. How many would there be, taking it in turns to use them, reducing mother and daughter to contemptible cum buckets.

"We'll have to teach you how to behave," he began, only to suddenly run out of steam.

"Hi Bob," Vernon said. "You were saying?" he asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all Vern," Bob sheepishly said. "Didn't know you were hooked up with, her," he said, trying not to sound derisory.

Bob looked away not feeling so sure of what to do. This guy had powerful connections that could hurt, badly. There was little crime in this day and age, but what was left, was controlled by his uncle.

"What do you want to do?" Vernon asked Rebecca.

"This has got to stop right now. You two are free to go," Rebecca said, with a hard sounding voice, pointing at Anne and the girl. "Get them out of here Vern," she simply stated.

This was the cue for Anne to lift her hand to the back of her head. The guys shuffled around wondering what to do next. She was free, so her hand continued, until with great relief, she switched off the implant.

Vernon crossed his arms looking amused at the scene of an orgy. "Help them up Bob, that's the least you can do," Vernon said. He spoke quietly, with a menace in his voice that even Bob picked up on.

The large football player easily pulled the two women to their feet, by grabbing on an arm. He shoved them in the back, so they stumbled to the door.

Anne bumped into her daughter, face to face with her. She had lost her panties and cum was running down her legs. The mask had been rubbed with the girl's pussy juices, mixed with Bob's cum. She still had the strong smell of sex juices in her nose. There was no sign of recognition from her daughter, just a look of complete contempt.

Her daughter flinched from the smell of sweat and sex. With a look of disdain Rebecca turned on a heel, expecting them to follow her out of the room and out of the house. They dutifully followed with Vernon as backup.

A vehicle was parked outside so Vernon commandeered it, driving them in silence, away into the night.

"Drop me here," the girl demanded. There was a stop for the campus auto-bus, where she could get a lift into town. She at last had come to her senses and was thankful for their help. "They got me drunk," she said, awkwardly, trying for an excuse. Partying with college hunks hadn't been such a good idea after all.

Rebecca looked away from her while Vernon just looked amused. He looked at the French maid wondering who she was, for there was something familiar about her. It dawned on him that the breasts cut a familiar figure on campus. It couldn't be Rebecca's mother though, could it?

"Where too?" he asked.

"Parkside, please," Anne said, trying to disguise her voice.

Vernon drove across campus, trying to figure out who the mystery woman was. This was a student residential area, and he knew almost everyone still on campus during the break. He would ask Larry tomorrow, for the mystery annoyed him.

She alighted without a word, leaving her daughter to carry on with Vernon. Quickly walking into the shadows she changed course for Larry's apartment. She had cursed the fact her daughter was going out with that trouble maker, Vernon, though right now she was doubly grateful to him.

He had saved her daughter from being forced into an orgy, and he saved her too. It would have to remain a secret that she knew anything about it, but a way would be found to thank him. At last she reached the outer doors of Larry's apartment, desperately hoping he was in. The doors buzzed open and she was safely inside.


"What the hell happened to you?" Larry exclaimed, and ran to help her in.

Anne collapsed in his arms, crying large salty tears. "I'm sorry Larry, I 'm so sorry," she squeaked between heavy breaths.

She was unable to talk let alone explain what happened, so he half carried her into the bathroom to run a deep bath. He dunked her in the steaming water, after testing it with an elbow. "Don't try and talk, just lay there and try to relax," he said.

Trying to soothe her and failing, he reached behind her head to switch on the implant. "You're my sweetheart, just remember that," Larry told her. He watched her relax under the influence of his special program. She smiled up at him, covering her body the best she could, looking embarrassed.

He took hold of a hand lathering it in hot sudsy water. Working his way up her arm, nothing of her skin was missed, slowly and methodically stroking on lather then rinsing it off. It took a while to thoroughly wash away the crusty semen from her body, but he took his time.

She laid back, leaving her body to him. The therapeutic massage was working, together with his program, allowing her once more to be his innocent sweetheart; with a great big crush on him.

He carried her to the bed and tucked her in for the night. So exhausted was she the dark slumber of night time overwhelmed her. She slept fitfully while he kept an attentive vigil over her.


Next morning he made breakfast but the atmosphere was no longer one of gentle teasing and flirting. He eventually coaxed out of her a rough outline of what happened.

"You won't want me now," she complained, "I don't blame you," she sobbed.

He couldn't see her so upset, it was breaking him up inside so badly, he had to do something. He pulled her head to his chest to hold her tight. He pressed the contact that activated the implant and told her. "You are my sweetheart, just remember that," he told her.

The command was clear enough to activate his program so the implant fed her mind with rules of behaviour for a different game. She was a young innocent girl again, learning to fall in love, with a crush on him.

Anne thought he was such a sweet guy. He had spent a lot of time with her, helping her get over the terrible events of the past few days. She no longer thought being his android was so terrible. Inside she giggled over remembering being his sex-droid, when he had taken advantage of her, taking her in such lascivious ways. It was so naughty, but it felt so right, because it happened with him.

Anne looked up at him with a smile on her face. He kissed away the tears, still holding her tight. "I do want you, you are so beautiful, how can I possibly resist you," he told her.

"Oh! Larry, you are wonderful. You look after me so well, keep me safe, make me yours again, please," Anne pleaded.

She was asking a student to make love to her, totally oblivious to how inappropriate this behaviour was.

"I'm going to kiss you all over," he announced. Pulling off his clothes he plonked his body heavily onto the bed and grabbed a hold of her wrists. She yelped in delight, while pulling away from him, only to be pulled back and pushed onto the bed. He used his weight to hold her down.

"What are you going to do to me? You will be gentle with me, won't you?" she said, with a pink blush to her cheeks.

She looked coy and so terribly cute he couldn't resist kissing her. He nibbled and sucked and licked her lips. He kissed her eyes telling her. "Keep them shut or I'll blindfold you," he ordered.

"I want to look at you, see what you are up to," she challenged.

He could see she wanted him to enforce his will upon her and so grabbed a pillow case, folded it, and wrapped it around her eyes. His lips nibbled on her neck then kissed their way down to her shoulders, under her arms to her hands. Lips and hand and fingertips, slid over her sensitized flesh.

Anne lay not quite still but not wanting to move. She needed to feel every tingling sensation her lover was forcing her to experience. He was kissing and licking her hands, now her fingers. She was melting in a pool of pure emotion. His touch was wired directly to her feelings which were being fired up to an overpowering pitch.

She reacted by moaning softly. Her head was thrust back with her throat exposed. Little mewling sounds gurgled up to emerge quietly from her open mouth. On every breath of air expelled a little gasp of surprise or an overflow of emotion was expressed. He worked his way back up her arm to her neck.

She worked her lips, needing him to savage them. To feel at least his tongue enter her, for it to be symbolic, and needing it too. She pulled up the blindfold to see his face full of devotion, concentrating on pleasing her.

"I love you so much. Take me, I'm yours," she whispered.

He instead worked his way down her other arm paying it as much attention, ending up sucking on her fingers. This time he quickly licked up her arm to her armpit, sensitizing the flesh there until it felt like liquid platinum, burning coldly. She felt the sheet pulled to expose a little more of her flesh.

Very slowly his lips closed upon a nipple. She whimpered when they gripped, ever so gently squeezing the nipple tighter and tighter. Suddenly, fingers roughly grabbed the other nipple and twisted it, hard. Anne yelped from surprise and pain. His tongue flicked the trapped a nipple then it was sucked into his mouth to be bitten and gently nibbled on.

The sheet was pulled a little further, exposing more of her delightful body.

Down over her belly she felt him nibbling, sucking, licking and teasing with his fingers. She needed to raise her hips, to thrust her sex at him, but was so weak from the onslaught of sensations; instead she collapsed into the soft bed. The sheet began to slide from her, its progress speeding up, sending shivers over her body as it travelled over sensitized skin. Her secret little place was being exposed but that hardly mattered after such an assault driving her senses into overdrive.

From her toes, up her legs, he quickly progressed, until gloriously he reached her thighs.

"Touch me there, please my lover, touch me, enter me," she pleaded.

By way of encouragement she groaned a wavering sound meant to be a plea for satisfaction. Unrecognisable words were recognisable sounds, meaning she begged for fulfilment. His very breath upon her thighs was an agony for she needed no promise of what was to come, she needed the deed itself. At last his lips touched hers.

She cried out as though in dreadful pain. An animal caught in a trap, wailing, would make as unappealing a sound for mercy. Her feet fell to the side bringing with them the knees, and so the thighs fell open too. Her body was moving to his tune, the one being played upon her fluted lips.

"Yes, gobble me all up," she laughed, now lost in pure pleasure.

The lips swelled with pride from having so much attention lavished upon them from the one she adored. He delved in with a tongue and fingers, exploring her gently though relentlessly. It seemed he was keeping her just this side of the gates to nirvana. Any moment she would tumble into the abyss of madness or pleasure, one side of the mountain or the other.

He had pushed her up the mountain and now would bring her down, though, until then, he kept her on the edge. "Please, make me cum," she moaned. "Let me cum, I need to cum, please!" she begged.

He guided her through a long and far reaching orgasm. It was fascinating watching her. Her body shivered, building up to a quake, shaking her whole body. "I'll look after you, just sleep," he whispered. He watched her fall asleep and this time made sure the implant was off. She needed the deep peaceful sleep of recuperation.

The implant was meant to be used occasionally, to enhance a naughty game in the bedroom. She had been using it far too much, though most of the time it hadn't been intended. It had caused too much trouble so the sooner it was removed the better. A doctor at the college had performed the operation and he would remove it, only he was away, like most of the faculty.

She was already affected by the implant because she was helpless to fight against its influence when it was active. What the long term consequences were he hadn't a clue. Larry decided he would look after her until the doctor returned. He looked at her sleeping with a troubled look on her face. It made him determined to help her forget this terrible night.

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StoryTeller07StoryTeller07over 12 years agoAuthor

What is Btw and MA?

So many stories have been started, some had to be quickly completed, so yes, you are right about them ending abruptly.

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07over 12 years agoAuthor
Next chapter submitted

The next chapter will be available in three or four days from 4th Nov 2011. Don't forget this is set in the future. So you are getting this story way ahead of time! You might not like some of the predictions, but the implant? Does that sound OK?

It and the bodysuit were designed for people with brain damage (motor functions), to help them regain control of their bodies. They are working on this now. Well, everything gets used and abused eventually.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
after college starts

I personaly think that when the summer end and school starts she should be under someone control still and not be a prof. anymore, and somehow you should work the daughter in maybe?

StoryTeller07StoryTeller07over 12 years agoAuthor
Next chapter

Is on its way. I'm a slow writer. When two stories appear in the same week its because I've been writing them for some weeks. The next one starts slow and opens the way for more events. Don't want her to be taken over yet! I'm sure you want a few more chapters of anguish and a couple of twists along the way.

Any suggestions considered. I'm sure you'll see the possibilities have been opened up. Eventually the college break will be over, then what?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
All still waiting

Were all still waiting for your next chapter. Were all eager to read what happens next.

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