I Blackmailed Mrs. Greene

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Never know who might be watching.
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I have a secret. Actually, I have a lot of secrets. But the one I'm about to tell is my favorite. This is all about the time I blackmailed Mrs. Greene.

First, a little about myself. My name is Ryan. I live in the suburbs. I'm 18 years old. And I am a huge asshole.

I'm not sure if it's just me, like, just what my personality is, or if it's a product of my environment, but yeah. I'm a jerk. I honestly don't give a fuck about anyone but myself. That's probably what made this all so easy, and so enjoyable.

I definitely am not a popular guy in school. I don't think it's my looks; I'm not the best looking guy, but I'm average. And I'm not poor, my parents are good financially, I live in a nice quite upper class neighborhood. It's just my shitty personality. I'm kinda dark, sarcastic. I don't really give a fuck about school or socializing. It doesn't make exactly make people want to be around you.

I've had a couple of girlfriends, but as soon as I get them to fuck me I stop being any kind of nice, and they usually bounce off. Lousy fucking lays anyway. These young girls, they just don't know how to fuck. Totally clueless. That's when I started fantasizing about older women. One in particular, actually.

Mrs. Greene.

Mrs Greene. Fuck. She was one of my teachers, and she lived a couple streets over from me. Man, she was so fucking hot! Shapely figure, not too tall or too short. Blonde hair, she always had it pulled up. She was the full teacher fantasy. She wore the glasses, somewhat conservative clothes, but they were always nice and tight in the tits and ass area. I'd just sit back in class and fantasize about what she looked like naked.

She ignored me mostly; most of the teachers did. I laid low, and they didn't challenge me. It was better though, it made it easier to start stalking her.

A few months into my fantasizing, I decided to step it up a notch. I began to follow her. Pretty soon I knew quite a bit about her. When she left school, when she came home. I discovered her husband was gone until late usually. Mr. Greene was a pretty big dude; kinda felt like he might have played college ball or something. But now he was just another business douche, commuting back and forth to his job in the city.

That's probably what made it so easy for her to cheat on him. The first time I saw it all go down, I was so fucking psyched! I really thought I'd hit the jackpot. This was all nothing though, compared to what actually came out from all this.

I noticed initially that a couple days a week there would be a blue sedan parked in the back driveway, off of the alley. I didn't think much of it at first, just thought it might be a cleaning woman or something. But then I was able to step my stalking up a notch, and that's when I made my awesome revelation.

I'd discovered one day as I circled the block on my bike that the house behind her house was unoccupied. "For Sale", as the big sign out front explained. It also had a tree house in the backward.

I snuck up the first day with a pair of binoculars. It was a pretty good show. No nudity, but I did catch her in her bra. I realized after that moment that I needed to bring a box of tissues next time.

So a couple days later, I climb up and I notice the blue sedan. As I zoom in, I see it. Mrs. Greene and some greasy looking mother fucker making out in the sun room. They were getting pretty hot and heavy too. She was straddling him; he was yanking her shirt off. But then they got up and I assume went her bedroom. About an hour later they walk back out through the back; kiss passionately, and he takes off. Mr. Greene shows up about 40 min later. Hmmm...

I watched for a couple of weeks, and it was always the same. He came over every Tuesday and Thursday; they'd go at it for about an hour, Mr Greene pulled in about half an hour after greasy fuck would leave. After watching for some time I started to feel brave; more confident. I needed to see the real show, I wanted to see Mrs. Greene in action. I formed a plan.

As Tuesday approached, I started to get things in order. I found my mom's small digital handheld, and packed it and a pack of black cats (firecrackers) in a backpack. As soon as school let out I raced to Mrs Greene's house and waited around the corner.

I knew exactly what she was going to do. First, she'd stop in front and check the mail. Then she'd park her car in the front drive, go in the front door, and then once inside walk straight to the back and unlock the backdoor for Mr. Grease Lightning. Then she'd sit in the sunroom and wait on him. I waited a few minutes until she went inside, and then I made my move.

I rode my bike to the front of her house, lit the black cats and threw the entire pack into the trashcan at the curb, and then hauled ass, around the corner, into the alley. I stashed my bike in the backyard at the vacant house. I could hear the loud popping sound, so I knew she'd hear it too. I took a deep breath, and ran up to her back door. Sure enough, it was unlocked.

As I slipped in the back I realized that I wasn't exactly sure where to go; I'd never been in this house before. However, this was a pretty cookie cutter neighborhood. All the house's kinda had the same look, same layout. Sure enough, as I walked through, slowly, it took on a very familiar feel.

As I made my way through the sunroom I heard the front door. I peeked around the corner and could see her out of the front window, running down the driveway to the trash cans.

I made a mad dash to the stairs, and down to the end of the hall. I looked in, and could see what was clearly a master bedroom. I looked around, trying to find a good invisible vantage point. There was an entertainment center with a tv and shelves full of knick knacks and books and shit. I turned the hand held on, and quickly adjusted the settings and focus, making sure my shot was clean. Then I found a spot on the shelf, it was perfect. Totally invisible unless you were looking for it.

I heard some faint noises down the stairs. I hit record, and hurried into the large walk in closet. I couldn't see anything from the closet, but I left it open a tiny crack, hoping I'd at least get to hear something.

After what seemed like a very long time, I could hear noises. Stumbling, smacking, moaning. It was louder now, I could tell they were in the bedroom. I heard Mrs. Greene giggle, and more kissing sounds. I heard a zipper, followed by an "oh yeah baby that's right. You suck on daddy's big cock."

I could hear her, slurping her pretty mouth away on his dick. There was a lot of moaning, and then after awhile I heard a loud gasp. Then more moaning and the very distinct sounds of two people fucking.

It didn't seem to last very long. A lot of slapping, moaning. I hear the bed creaking. She didn't seem all that into it, not from her sounds anyway. I figured if she was taking such a huge risk that she was, the sex had to have been mind blowing. From what I could tell, it seemed pretty generic.

Just like that I hear this tool start in with the "oh yeah mama. I'm cumin!" *Grunt. Grunt.* "Ahhhhhh..."

I was feeling a little pissed, to be honest. I felt cheated. Here I was, going to all this trouble, taking such a huge risk, and this was it?? Ugh. As I sulked in the closet, I could hear then quietly chatting.

Apparently this guy knew her husband. They'd obviously worked together at some point. And Mrs. Greene? She sounded like a real BITCH, honestly. She was laughing with the shit sandwich about how funny it was that her husband was such a big guy, but had such a tiny cock. Ouch. I mean, I thought it was funny, cause fuck Mr. Greene, but still. It's one thing to be a cheating whore, it's another thing to laugh about your husbands tiny dick with the guy you're cheating on him with.

As they got up and and started getting dressed I shook my head in disgust. I thought I was an asshole. Jesus.

After I heard them leave the room I crept quietly out of my hiding place. I grabbed the handheld, pressed stop, and began to sneak down the hall.

I slowly and carefully made my way down the stairs. I knew she was probably walking him to the backdoor.

I peeked around the corner, and I could hear them still chatting in the sunroom. I tip toed to the front door, opening it verrrrrry slowly, and then out the front.

I didn't run, not wanting to draw any attention to myself. I walked calmly down the sidewalk, and out to the street.

As I made my way to the corner, the blue sedan began to pass by. I watched as he stopped at the stop sign, lost in thought, a big shit eating grin on his fucking face.

I didn't even go back for my bike, I sprinted back to my house. Once in my bedroom with the door safely locked I linked the handheld to my laptop and set back to enjoy the show.

Her body was everything I dreamed it was. Big fucking titties. Not natural, but still very fucking hot. Curvy hips, nice toned ass and legs. The picture was decent too. Not enough to get a close up of her pussy, but still. She was clean shaven. She was the only thing hot about the video though. The sex was lame. If it hadn't been Mrs. Greene on there there is no way it would gotten me off.

I couldn't get a good look at the blow job, she had her back to the camera. I got a decent shot of him fucking her doggy style.

But I swear, she almost yawned at the end. It obvious she faked her orgasm too.

I flipped my laptop off my lap, totally disgusted. As I sat there, dwelling on my anger and disappointment over the whole thing, a new thought occurred to me.

Maybe I didn't get what I wanted out of this video, but this video had given me something else; power. I settled back, scheming, while a new plan began to form. It was bad; but if I had balls I knew I could pull it off. I quickly got back on my laptop and burned a couple of copies to a DVD.

I waited a couple of days before I put my plan into action. That thursday I left school at lunch, and rode over to Mrs. Greene's. I slipped my little care package into her mailbox. It was a burned copy of the DVD, with a note that informed her it was highly recommended for her to watch it alone, and immediately.

As the time neared for her to get home, I got into position. I walked casually down the sidewalk near the other end of the street, dribbling a basketball. She never even glanced my way as she pulled up and got the mail and disappeared into her house. I casually walked back down to her house, ditching the ball. I gave her about 30 min, then I walked up to her front door. I glanced around, and didn't see anyone outside anywhere.

I dropped the envelope on the welcome mat, rang the doorbell, and then hauled ass across street, hiding behind some bushes.

I watched as she opened the front door. Even from where I stood, I could see that she'd watched the video. She looked bewildered, her face ashen, her hands trembling. I honestly was enjoying her terror quite a bit.

She looked around, confused, and then her eyes widened as she noticed the envelope. She spun her eyes around, looking for any sign of who might be behind it. Hesitantly she bent over and picked it up, and backed up into her house.

As for the note, it contained the following:

I'm sure by now that you've watched your little porno I was lucky enough to capture. So you know that I know. And if you want to keep this disgusting affair a secret, from your husband, from the world, that can be arranged; but only by doing the following:

First off, you break it off with that greasy fuck face TODAY. I don't care how, so long as you don't tell him anything about this. If you do, I'll know.

I have some more demands, but this is all for now.

As soon as coast was clear, I slipped around back to my tree house blind. Not long after, dick face pulls up. I watched as she greeted him at the door. She began to tell him her lie, and somewhere in the middle of it he throws his hands up, a look of horror on his face. Without another word he runs back to his car and takes off, tires screeching. Hmmm...it was a little entertaining.

As I mused over what she might have told him to cause his reaction, I focused in one her. She had slumped down into the couch, head in her hands as she wept. It made my heart happy to see her taken down a notch. Time for part two.

I didn't want to leave my next note in her mailbox. A) She might be expecting it, and would be watching for me. B) I wanted to throw her off, watch her squirm.

I got to school early the next day. I walked into the admissions office. There was only one person in this early, Mrs. Whidbey. She was a snide older woman, who acted like she ran the school, not just some shitty secretary.

"Yes?" she asked, slight annoyance in her voice as I approached the counter.

"Yeah there's a black Honda in the parking lot and it had it's lights on." I said to her, trying to sound helpful.

Her eyes rolled. "Damn it." she swore under her breath. She ran past me; I was totally forgotten. As soon as it was clear, I made my way to the little cubby holes on the wall. I found "Greene", threw the envelope into the slot, and hurried back out of the office.

I had Mrs. Greene third period. Class was hilarious that day. She didn't look so hot. Kinda frumpy. I frowned. This wasn't what I wanted. I wanted hot Mrs. Greene, not this no makeup, homeless looking bitch. Other than that though, it was enjoyable. I could see the note I'd left her on the desk with couple other things. The envelope had been opened. The new letter contained the following:

Good job last night. I'm curious as what you said to him, but it was entertaining. And I'm glad I have your attention now. Now it's time for us to get to know one another better.

After your husband falls asleep tonight, we're gonna have a chat. Once he's asleep, I want you to turn on your back porch light. Flick it a couple of times, and leave it on. Then I want you to go down into your basement. Wear a blindfold, one of those sleep masks, and sit facing the wall away from the door. Then we'll discuss where we're gonna go from here.

If you try anything funny, I will expose you. Everyone you know will see that video, I promise. Make this work.

She sat at her desk, numbly looking out of the window, like she wanted to jump through it. I took out a piece of paper and started a new note.

"Clean yourself up for Christ's sake. You look like shit. I don't want to talk to you looking like shit. Be presentable tonight."

I ditched school again right after class, and rode my bike down towards her house. I threw the note in her mailbox, and raced home. I was excited. I needed to prepare for the evening. I found some silk scarves in my mom's closet. I packed those and the handheld into my backpack. Also some snacks.

As soon as it was dark I rode my bike over to the vacant house. I climbed up into the tree house and waited.

About 10 minutes after 11, the lights flicked on. They flickered, then stayed put. I waited a good ten minutes mite, then slowly made my way over.

It was dark as I entered through the backdoor. My heart was racing. The thrill of finally getting Mrs. Greene, the blackmail, the fear of getting caught; it was all very exciting.

I made my way through the house slowly, letting my eyes adjust to the dark. I found my way to the back where the basement door should be. Most of the house's in the neighborhood had their basements finished, usually into some kind of entertainment space or mother-in-law suite. I was hoping theirs was too.

I saw a faint light at the bottom of the carpeted stairs. Sure enough, there was a bedroom down there, with a bathroom off to the side. She was sitting in a chair at the bottom of the stairs, facing the wall. My adrenaline kicked into over drive.

I pulled out the handheld and got it ready, not saying a word. I know she could hear me but she sat perfectly still, aside from her big tits heaving up and down.

I cleared my throat.

"Are you sure your husband is asleep?" I asked, breaking the silence. "It would be a very bad thing for you if he woke up and found us down here."

She cocked her head to the side as I spoke, trying to recognize my voice.

"Yes, he's asleep." she said. "I crushed up a sleeping pill into his water. He won't hear us."

Her voice had a bitter and angry edge to it. I hadn't been sure what to expect from her. I figured she'd be all sad and pathetic, like earlier. I figured she'd cry, beg. This was better. I liked angry and bitchy Mrs. Greene. I could feel my dick twitching, getting hard as I watched her sit with the blindfold on.

She looked hot too. She was wearing a long white cotton dress, something that most women would just wear around the house. Her blonde hair was loose, spilling in waves down her back. I could see that she had on red lipstick.

She seemed aggravated that I wasn't talking. "So what then?" she asked, her annoyance spilling over. "You got me down here, we're just gonna sit here all night? Speak!"

I walked over and slapped her hard with the back of my hand. "You shut the fuck up now." I said menacingly. "You're not in charge here, remember?"

She reached her hand up to her cheek, rubbing it slowly. Her hand trembled, but she didn't say a word.

I got my scarves out from the bag. I began to tie one over her face, on top of the sleep mask. I wanted to make real sure she couldn't see me.

"Put your hands in front of you." I barked, yanking them together roughly.

"Why are you tying me up?" she asked quietly. "I thought we were just going to talk."

I laughed harshly. "I never said that's all we were gonna do."

I gave the scarf a good tug, making sure it was nice and tight. I noticed her cheeks were flushed, she was breathing heavily. I reached up and brushed my finger across her bottom lip. She caught her breath, but did not jerk away. This bitch was getting turned on!!

I laughed a little, totally thrown off. I hadn't expected this at all. Crying, begging, thrashing, but not this. Not at all this.

"You dirty slut," I whispered in her ear. "You like this, don't you?" She continued her heavy breathing, her tits practically bouncing up and down at this point. I ran my fingers slowly down her neck, running my fingers lightly over her hard nipples.

"Please," she said snottily. "of course I'm not turned on, that's ridiculous."

I couldn't believe this. I could hear it in her voice. She was getting off on the situation. I sat down on the bed, staring at her. I hit the record button on the handheld, and sat it on the nightstand.

"Why did you start cheating on your husband?" I asked her. I was honestly curious. "Especially with THAT guy?" I laughed.

She sat quietly for a moment.

"I don't know." she finally admitted. "I love my husband. He's a much better person than me." she trailed off quietly. "I guess its cliché, but I just wanted some excitement in my life."

I stroked her cheek. "you're absolutely right." I agreed. "That is lame. Total cliché."

Her eyebrows furrowed at my insensitivity, but she didn't argue.

"What did you tell that douche bag to get him to leave last night?" I asked, as I stood her up.

"I told him that I had an std." she said, shrugging. I laughed out loud, as I thought about his reaction yesterday. What a piece of shit.

"I'm going to untie you." I informed her. "Don't try anything stupid. I want you to undress yourself, slowly. But leave your fucking panties on."

I untied her hands. She hesitated momentarily, and then reached up and slowly began to unbutton the top of her dress.

One at a time they came undone, revealing the smooth tan skin underneath. She wasn't wearing a bra, so I could easily see the V shape pattern between her tits. As she finished, she took a deep breath, and slowly shrugged the dress off, letting it fall to the floor.