I Will Love You Forever Pt. 2 Ch. 20


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"Papa!" they cried in unison as they tore into the kitchen.

Kenji gave Patricia another kiss, released her and knelt to greet the children. He hugged them tightly and kissed each one on the cheek.

"Did you bring me a present?" Marie asked kissing him back.

"Not this time pretty one," Kenji replied. "If I brought you a present every time I came home, then it will no longer be a surprise or special."

Marie pouted for a few seconds and then brightened when Patricia mentioned the picture that she had drawn for Kenji.

"Do you have stories for me?" Niko did already knowing the answer, but he loved hearing the response. He loved those times with Kenji as much as he loved making grilled cheese sandwiches with Patricia. Each story that Kenji told reinforced that he wanted to be a doctor. He didn't know what kind- but it didn't matter.

"I have stories for you, but let's help with dinner first and then I'll read with your sister."

"Yes papa," Niko replied happily.

Kenji took his time enjoying the dinner that Patricia made thinking that it was too bad that there wasn't a place where he could keep food cold where it wouldn't be stolen. They let the children dominate the dinner conversation- there would be plenty of time for him and Patricia to talk after they made love. The main topic of conversation was Florrie's impending visit. Even Marie was excited at having another playmate other than Niko although he did play dolls with her and was a frequent guest at her tea parties.

Both Patricia and Kenji noticed that Niko was no longer protecting Marie by taking the blame for her misbehavior. In fact, he often stopped her before she got into trouble. As a result, her behavior improved.

After dinner was done and the kitchen cleaned, Patricia sat on the couch next to Kenji with her head on his shoulder as he read with Marie. Her newest drawing lay on the sofa beside him. He patiently waited for her to sound out the words and complimented her on a job well done.

"Niko helped me," she said obviously pleased that Kenji was pleased.

"Your brother is a good teacher," Kenji said with a smile at Niko who beamed. "I am very proud of both of you."

Niko and Marie were allowed to stay up for another thirty minutes much to their surprise and delight. When it was time finally time for bed, Marie started to pout. Before Patricia or Kenji could say anything, Niko took Marie by the hand.

"Come on, if you complain, they won't allow us to stay up late again."

Marie started to complain again, but Niko pulled on her hand and led her away.

"We will come to say goodnight in a few minutes," Kenji said as he put an arm around Patricia and kissed her head. His thoughts went to the residents who didn't want to go home to their wives and children. He still couldn't fathom it.

Fifteen minutes later, the children were settled in their beds. Kenji and Patricia sat in the living room waiting for the inevitable call for a drink of water that would come from Marie. When it came, Kenji was the one to respond. When he came back, he had an idea.

"Tomorrow night we will sit a small glass of water on her table."

"We can try it," Patricia said, "but don't be surprised if she spills it in her bed."

"I hadn't thought about that," Kenji confessed. "Maybe that can wait and besides, it doesn't take long to get her a glass of water."

"She just wants an extra few minutes alone with her daddy," Patricia said. "I think that in many ways, she misses you more than Niko does. She doesn't really say anything or chomp at the bit like Niko does, but she starts looking at the door when it's time for you to come home."

Kenji got an idea when he saw the necklace that he had gotten Patricia for her birthday a few years before. He had wanted to replace the chain, but Patricia wouldn't hear of it. She wanted it as it was given to her.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked as she snuggled closer.

He told her about the residents who sometimes lied to their wives about having to stay at the hospital.

"That's terrible!" Patricia said shaking her head in disbelief.

"It was a reminder to me about how fortunate I am to have you and our children. Come to bed with me, allow me to show you how much I love you."

"Give me a few minutes to change..."

"Pease-no gown," Kenji said softly. "Let's just undress and get into bed. I need to feel you close to me."

Patricia stood up and held out her hand. Kenji took it without hesitation and stood up. Without a word, he led her up the stairs and to their room only stopping to make sure that Marie was sleeping. Satisfied that she was sound asleep, Kenji took Patricia into the bedroom and began to undress her taking time to caress her face with his fingers and lips. Patricia stood still with her hands on his waist. Her grip tightened when he took an earlobe between his lips and gently nibbled on it. That simple act always made her weak in the knees and wet between her legs. She wanted to press into him so that she could feel his hardness against her stomach, but she stepped back and looked up at him.

While her hands worked at his belt, she looked into his eyes. When he tried to stop her, she lightly slapped at his hands. He took hold of her hands and brought them to his heart and then to his lips. She pulled her hands back still in his and kissed the back of his hands and went back to work on the belt. Finally it was loose and the button and zipper undone. His slacks fell to a heap at his feet. Patricia dropped to her knees and reached into his shorts. It had been far too long since she had taken care of him like this.

"Kirei..." Kenji moaned as the head of his erection slipped into her mouth. This wasn't what he had in mind. He was supposed to be caring for her. He wanted to stop her, but he didn't. Patricia fondled his semen filled sacs as she suckled and nibbled on his cock. It had been several weeks since they had partaken in this form of lovemaking. As much as they enjoyed it, it was something that they didn't so often. It only made it more special when they did. "Kirei-stop! I..." the words were lost as a moan that started deep in his belly worked its way up to his mouth as his semen left his balls and traveled up his cock exiting into Patricia's waiting mouth. He cried out as she continued to suckle at his deflating cock. The tip of it was so sensitive that even her warm breath made him shudder. He hadn't wanted to climax so quickly, but the night was young. He would be ready again within the hour.

He pulled her to her feet and kissed her not caring that he had just come in her mouth. The way he saw it was that it was a part of him that they shared. He felt the same about her nectar as he thought of it and he couldn't wait to taste her. He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of the slacks that were puddled around his feet and began to edge Patricia back toward the bed.

"Thank you for that," he murmured. "It's my turn to please you."

When they reached the bed, Kenji finished undressing her and eased her back onto the bed. Instead of going directly to her vee, he started at her face. He took his time exploring her with his hands, lips and tongue. Patricia shivered when he licked along her jawline and then blew on it.

"I like that," she murmured and then moaned when he made his way to her shoulder. She gasped when his strong fingers found a nipple and pinched and then rolled it back and forth. The moisture between her legs grew with each touch and each kiss. He planted soft, warm kisses down her body as he made his way to his goal. The scent of her arousal grew stronger the closer he got to his ultimate goal. He licked his lips when he finally reached his destination. Patricia's legs were already spread as wide as she could get them. Even though she knew what was going to happen, she still jumped when his tongue started at the bottom of her slit and slowly worked its way to the top.

"Oh- do that again," she said her breath coming out in short pants.

Kenji obliged and repeated the movement three times. Just as it hadn't taken him long to climax, it wouldn't take her long either. She was already close. Kenji looked up at her to see her pulling on her nipples. The sight of her playing with her breast made his cock jump to attention. Without further ado, he gently took her clit between his lips and flicked his stiffened tongue over it. Patricia reached down, took his head between her hands and held him there. She released him only because she felt the orgasm coming and needed to stifle her screams. Kenji kissed her pulsing clit until she came a second time with a pillow over her face. Afterwards, he moved up beside her and took her into his arms and held her as they slept. An hour later, Kenji was awake and trying not to move.

"I'm awake," Patricia said planting a kiss on his chest. "Why are you awake? You have to be exhausted."

"I'm fine," Kenji replied. "I've gotten used to being up at night. Why are you awake?"

"I guess I don't want to miss anything," Patricia replied. "And this is one of the few times that we can talk without interruption."

"You have something on your mind," Kenji said. "Tell me about it."

She began with her concerns about Florrie's visit or rather what would happen if she didn't come.

"Niko will be hurt," Kenji agreed, "but we will deal with that when and if it happens. What else?"

Eventually, Patricia got around to telling him about Abby. He didn't say anything for a long time. Patricia thought that he had fallen to sleep.

"She has suffered much," Kenji finally said. "I only wish that she had shared with us sooner. She needn't have suffered alone."

"I know, but I'm glad that she finally told us," Patricia replied. "I can't begin to imagine what it must have been like for her not to have anyone to turn to. We had it hard, but we had people to help us. Kenji, I think she's afraid of what you will think of her."

It bothered Kenji that Abby would think that his feeling for her would change because of her sexual orientation. It also explained why she had seemed nervous when he saw her at her house. He made up his mind to call her and to let her know that he still loved and respected her, but first; he had a wife to take care of.


After Kenji left, Abby continued with her chores. The potatoes for the potato salad were boiling and the ingredients that she would put in it were chopped and in a bowl in the fridge. The next chore was to clean the room that Ralph had slept in for Joel and Penny's arrival. The door to the room had remained closed. She had no desire to go inside. The last person to use the room had been Joel and he had cleaned it before he left. Reluctantly, she walked to the door of the room and then stood there. She allowed her regrets to wash over her and then she brushed them aside. There was no point to it. It wasn't as if she could go back and change anything.

She opened the door and stood in the doorway. A layer of dust covered everything. It would take her hours to clean the room plus wash the linens. She looked around the room and decided that she didn't like the color. It needed new life breathed into it. As soon as possible she would have the room painted in something bright and cheery as opposed to the eggshell white that it was. Then she had another burst of inspiration. She would let Marie have a wall to do with as she wished. Niko could help if he wanted to, but for the most part it would be a project for her and Marie.

As she stripped the bed, Abby thought about Kenji. She didn't think that his attitude toward her would change, but the thought that it might made her nervous. She had been surprised that Patricia hadn't asked her why she didn't tell them sooner. If she had asked the question, she wouldn't have had an answer other than fear. Her family hadn't accepted what she was- they forced her into marriage. She had been alone for a long time before Patricia and then the others had come into her life. She told herself that she was being silly and finished stripping the bed. She would find out soon enough if things between her and Kenji had changed.


True to his word, Hiroshi took time off from the nurseries. He had hired in more than capable help and it also seemed to ease Dai's anxieties. He was going to say something to her about calling Kenji but decided against it. It was as Kenji had told him- she loved him and was concerned. Hiroshi had to admit that if he thought something was wrong with either Dai or Hiro; he would have called Kenji too. He did feel a little better and seemed to be eating more too lending credence to the thought that he was simply working too hard and needed to relax.

The problem was that ever since the interment, he had this hidden fear that everything would be taken away from them again. He had a large sum of cash locked in the safe in his office, but as far as he was concerned; it wasn't nearly enough. The beginning of the Korean War threw him back to when Pearl Harbor had been bombed. On his worst days, he could still see himself at Manzanar and killing Joben Saito. On his best days all he worried about was if they had enough money to be comfortable if anything happened. He relaxed a little when the Walter-McCarran act passed making it possible for first generation Japanese to become American citizens. He was also a little surprised that Kenji hadn't done it yet. He and Dai talked about it at great length. He wanted her and Hiro to become American citizens, but she refused saying that if he wouldn't; then neither would she. He tried to make her understand that it just wasn't possible. He couldn't take the chance of being discovered as he wasn't supposed to leave the camp as a free man. He still hadn't made her see reason yet. It was something that he planned to bring up during his time off. This time he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

He smiled and closed the ledger book when he heard Hiro calling his name. He remembered a time when Kenji would call for him just as excited as Hiro was. The smile faded as he remembered sending Kenji away telling him that he was too busy to talk or play with him. When he thought about it, he realized that that was the beginning of Kenji beginning to think on his own. Hiroshi could now see it clearly. He taught Kenji to think for himself because it kept him out of his hair with his never-ending questions about the universe or why things happened the way that they did. Instead of telling him that he didn't know and finding out with him; he had pushed him away.

He felt a pang of guilt mixed with pride that Kenji had become the kind of man and father that he himself had never been. He was pulled from his thoughts when Hiro burst through the door carrying a book.

"Papa can we read?"

Instead of answering, Hiroshi patted his lap.

"Of course we can read, but why don't you read to me?"

Dai watched from the doorway and felt a little better. Hiroshi seemed more like his self. She had been wondering if what ailed him was more emotional than physical. She knew that he still harbored a great deal of guilt about his actions in the past and she knew that he was almost obsessed with making sure that they had enough cash on hand. To some degree she understood his concern, but on the other hand; the obsession was destroying him. She still hadn't discounted the concern that there was something physically wrong with him. She hoped that Kenji would take a moment to talk with him and convince him to go to a doctor to be examined.

"Why do you not join us?" Hiroshi asked when he saw Dai standing in the doorway.

Dai smiled and walked over to them. When she sat down, she tried to reconcile the man that she was seeing with the man who had tried to have his daughter in law harmed and then became a spy for Japan during the war. She couldn't even begin to truly understand what he must have felt as he never really talked about it. She knew about Patricia- she had pushed him to reconcile with Kenji, but the rest of it, the spy part; she knew very little.

Hiroshi waited until she was sitting before he started the story. As he read, the lines of worry seemed to magically disappear. Even his voice seemed lighter. Once again she wondered about his mental state and decided to mention something to Kenji when she saw him. Maybe he would have some insight. Soon Hiro was giggling as Hiroshi changed his voice to distinguish between the different characters in the story. That night for dinner, Hiroshi ate as he had in the past- with gusto and relish.

Maybe he was going to be alright- she hoped.


Niko planted himself by the front door and anxiously waited. He had completed all of his chores early and even helped Marie with hers. Now all he had to do was wait for Florrie's mother to bring her. Kenji saw him sitting by the door and hoped that Florrie really came. He hated to see Niko hurt if it didn't happen. He had already spoken to him to warn him that Florrie's parents could change their minds. Niko refused to believe it. He had a child's faith that an adult wouldn't lie to him-mostly because he had never been lied to by anyone in the family. He hadn't yet learned that not everyone was as honest as his family was. He eyed the clock. Florrie was due to arrive at eleven so that they would have time to play before the picnic at two. He had helped prepare snacks for him, Florrie and Marie so that they wouldn't get hungry.

At ten-fifty five, his heart began to pound. Like his father; he abhorred lateness. He took a deep breath and resumed his watch. At the stroke of eleven, his heart began to sink. Kenji stood back watching as Niko's shoulders which promised to be as broad as his grandfather John's began to sag.

"Perhaps they are just delayed," Kenji said as he approached Niko.

Niko didn't say anything. He kept his eyes glued to the window. By fifteen minutes after eleven; he gave up. Florrie wasn't coming. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and blinked back tears of disappointment.

"Niko..." Kenji started to say when a beat up old car pulled into the driveway.

Niko took off running out of the house and down the driveway toward the car. The man whom Kenji assumed was Florrie's father didn't get out. Florrie's mother did. Kenji couldn't help but notice how slowly she moved. When he got closer, he could see that the left side of her face was swollen. He looked at the man behind the wheel who returned his look with disgust written all over his face. Niko and Florrie were already talking. He smiled at the excitement that he heard in their voices. He turned his attention back to Florrie's mother.


"I'm fine," she said before he could ask the question. "We'll be back for Florrie around six if that's alright."

"Of course, but would you like to join us?" Kenji asked. "We have plenty of room and food."

She looked back at her husband and then back at Kenji.

"No thanks-I have a lot to do."

"I understand," Kenji said looking at her husband. He knew a beaten woman when he saw one. He had seen his share of them at the hospital. "You are welcome here at any time."

He could have sworn that he saw a look of gratitude on the woman's face as she got back into the car. He looked at Niko who had a troubled expression on his face and then at Florrie who didn't- she was happy to be there. He couldn't help but wonder if Florrie wasn't being hurt too and if she was- what could be done about it?

"Let's go inside," Kenji said gently as he reached out to touch Niko's shoulder. His heart sank when he saw Florrie flinch. His fears had just been confirmed.

Patricia watched from the front door, but decided not to go out. Her concern was that if Florrie's father saw her too, he would change his mind about the little girl staying. Not being seen was a small price to pay for Niko's happiness. As soon as the car pulled away, she stepped outside. She saw the concerned expression on Kenji's face and knew that they needed to talk.
