Inkwell Ch. 08


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Estephan glared at his father. He wanted to tell the man to fuck off. Deep down he knew he was right. It didn't matter how much stress there was, just that there was an end to it that could be reached. Like last week in the shop. All the craziness and customers, he dealt with it knowing that this weekend was going to be pleasurable and relaxing. He was being robbed of that and it was pissing him off. So he was finding fault with the guardianship because it was messing with his perceived reward for getting the real world job handled.

"And the feeling that you haven't earned what the ladies can give you? What a dumbass!"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Estephan asked.

"They aren't giving you shit, asshole. They are providing the company benefits that come with being the Guardian of Earth. So before you get all indigent, think about how you are making them feel by refusing." He said.

"I... how I am making them feel?" Estephan asked.

"Yes, powerful women that only want to make your job less stressful and easier to handle being told you don't want them to help you. Just sit there and look sexy let the 'man' handle it." His father said.

"I think I am getting over that fairly well." Estephan said.

"Yes well let them know that. Don't just toss your hands up when you are done playing at it and saying 'show me something'. How crass does that sound? If one of your customers came in and said something like that what would you do?"

"Kick them to the curb and not give them a refund." He admitted.

"See you are not alone in this. I was guardian for a while. Yes I know it takes time to adjust to it but you don't have the luxury of a long internship. The Fates can't change it any more than I can. So the honeymoon is over before it begins. Plan for one later. Just don't put dates on it." His father said.

"You make it sound so easy." Estephan said.

"Well it could be, just stop thinking it's all on you. Earning it. How self-centered." His father said.

"I think I would have been more comfortable if someone had told me that position came with perks."

"You weren't told? I'm dogging on you and you were never told?" He asked.

"No, never told. Like I said things have been going so fast I think lots of things got skipped or overlooked." Estephan said. "Eirene and Thalia came to the party late and other issues like Styx kept cropping up. I have hardly had time to adjust to one thing and three more seem to be getting handed to me."

"You don't need a talking to you need a explaining to." His father said.

"That might be helpful. Could you before everything else starts rolling back in?"

"I can try. So here's how it goes. As a Guardian you are given a place where meetings take place. It can be something you already have or someplace acquired. Those of the higher realm will maintain this place so the guardian is free to focus on the larger matters of the position. Second the position holds final say on all matters the higher realm proposes for the mortal realm. You can tell them what they are allowed to ask for but they are not able to effect the mortal realm without informing you." He said.

"But they are." Estephan said.

"What?" He asked.

"Yes higher realm beings are affecting the world without permission. A troll or other larger being wrecked Kevin's car with him in it. Plus I know for a fact Ishara is a half-blood Muse and has a Demon as a protector. These things were done without my knowledge. Plus the trashing of the parlor by Shesin's sister. And l the latest is the Cyclops couple out back. The higher realm is just pouring intot he mortal realm from all over the place."

"Hell I'd be pulling my hair out to." His father said.

"Here has to be someone else giving passage from the higher realm. I am going to look Styx in the eye and ask her. If she lies I'll know it. If she tells the truth and it doesn't fit the facts then we have a problem on our hands that I may not know how to deal with." Estephan admitted.

His father sat looking at his son proudly thou with concern in his eyes. Estephan had laid all of his thoughts and concerns on the table. Not knowing what being a guardian granted him had been addressed and other conversations could be had to answer any outstanding questions. Even his father was at a loss to explain the rest of the chaos. And there was still a question about who or what had assaulted Kevin. Or why?

Other conversation was halted as the wall shimmered and Nikita stepped thru . Styx followed with Mace and Joxifa flanking her. She looked very little the way she had when trying to rape him. She was a darker almost Victorian beautiful. Long flowing hair and black wings most stunning on her otherwise porcelain hauntingly delicate features.

"Lord Inkwell, Lady Styx has arrived by your invitation." Nikita said formally.

"Thank you for seeing me Lady Styx. I have a few questions if you would be so kind." He said with a bow.

"You ask me here to question me? You are not going to demand restitution?" Styx asked.

"I may, but I am not a vengeful person. Perhaps if you answer my questions and see the reason for my concerns such a demand will not be required." Estephan said. Nikita visibly relaxed.

"Ask your questions." Styx snapped. Clearly feeling uncomfortable having to do so.

"How many of the Muses have come to you?" Estephan asked.

Her eyes went wide as did his fathers and Nikita's. Mesaduce tried to hold back a smirk unsuccessfully. He stood and walked to stand in front of the greater titan of the high realm. He met her gaze calmly and with what he hoped respect. She was thousands of years and a powerful being in her own right. She allowed that power to be bound in just stepping foot here.

"I don't accuse you of wrong doing. I only wish to be enlightened before I talk to them." He said.

"I have spoken to all but two of them over the years. As well as let things pass to them from the higher realm." She said.

"Have any of the ones that have spoken to you not done as they said they would?" He asked.

"How do you mean?" She said looking at him strangely.

"Missed a meeting they said they would have with you. Turned down what the asked you to pass to them at the last minute. Things out of character that gave you pause." Estephan asked.

His father looked at him questioningly. Estephan was asking about the muses, he could have just as easily asked the Fates. Why risk a confrontation with Styx. Nikita stood between the two but did not interfere.

"Once, the Muse Erato asked me for an angel, then changed her mind and asked for a demon. In all other things they have been true to their nature and character." She said.

"Who called the Fury?" He asked.

"When? There have been many calls of Fury's over the years."

"Tisiphone, and it would be most recently." Estephan asked. His father starting to see the dance to Estephan's questions.

"I heard no such call. And I have asked her many times how she got to the mortal realm. She claims that she answered a call. I heard it not." Styx said double talking.

"You're lying. Lachesis made the call and you don't think I need to know that. Clotho told us that this morning. Just so we are clear I know when you are lying." Estephan said. "Who sent the troll after me that attacked my neighbor by mistake?"

"I did." She said truthfully.

"And them?" Pointing at Profene and Crossin.

"Lachesis sent them after I did it here."

"Are you going to continue to be adversarial with me or do you want to work together for the saving of the higher realm, or at the very least those of that realm?" Estephan asked angrily.

"You know about that?" She asked taking a step back.

"Yes, I know the realm is fading. Will you help or will you hinder?" He asked again.

"I will help, for as long as I can." She said mournfully.

"As long as you can? What is the concern in that?" Estephan asked.

"I fade faster than the realm." She said and the truth of her words scared him.

"That's why you tried getting me to mark you?" He asked.

"Yes, I have 25 maybe thirty years." Again said in truth.

"Why didn't you go to the Fates about this?" Estephan asked.

"I don't trust them, never have never will. We stand back to back... I don't trust them." Styx hissed and it too was the truth.

"Help me now and by my word as Guardian you will have a place in the mortal realm before you fade away." Estephan said.

"You would do this?" She asked astonished.

"Yes I would." He answered.

"The higher realm would have an untended portal to the mortal realm." His father said.

"Someone would just have to step up and help with that now won't she?" He said.

"Whom do you imply Guardian?" Styx asked.

"Nemeses. It would be her job wouldn't it?" He asked.

"Yes. It would." Styx said.

"Lady Styx thank you for meeting me and your assistance. I look forward to many friendly encounters. May our successes yield favor for us all." He said to her with a bow.

"Thank you Guardian, until next time. Nikita would you walk me back please?" Styx asked.

Estephan nodded. "Yes mother I will." She answered before the two of them faded into the wall and were gone.

'You're a bastard. I love it." Mesaduce said.

"Why would you say that?" He asked.

"Baiting her in like that. Balls of steel is what you got. And facing her after she tried raping you."

"Wasn't that hard really. She was doing the same to me, or didn't you notice?" He asked.

"Which part?" His father asked.

"Gauging my truth. She had a lot to lose coming here but came anyway. She was afraid of what I wanted from her with the weakened state she is in. She like any mother is afraid her daughter will not be there if her time comes and wants her safe if the realm does fall." Estephan said.

The front door flew open and his mother came storming in. She saw him and stepped right up in his face. Take his collar she pulled him eye to eye.

"You and I are going to have it out right now about this higher realm crap." She stated.

"Honey would you lighten up. He isn't me for fucks sake." Dad said from the couch.

His mother's eyes went wide in recognition and fear. She let him go as her hands started to tremble. She peeked around him like a child seeing a stranger. He stepped out of her line of sight. She went completely white and slumped to the floor.

"I thought only higher realm beings could see you?" Estephan asked.

"It's what they told me." His father said.

"I can see you." Anthony stated.

"O-boy this is going to be great." Estephan said. "Wait I'm not alone in this. You can explain it to her."

He walked over to the back door were Lyrusi was still talking with her nephew and his girlfriend? He wasn't sure what to make of that yet. He was about to say something to Lyrusi...

"Alright you shit head, she can see me but I can't pick her up." Dad barked at him.

He crossed back to his mother and lifted her into the arm chair. "Sorry." He said.

Joxifa tapped mace on the shoulder. Mace looked at her with a shrug. Both of the ex-trolls shook there heads. Estephan looked around at those in the room.

"What?" He asked to no one in particular.

"So does this mean we are going to need to find a hotel?" Anthony asked.

Estephan turned to look at him and Ducici snuggled together on the loveseat. "No... I don't think so. What are you two grinning at?" He asked Jox and Mace.

"Nothing you won't be happy to have." Joxifa said with flirty sarcasm.

Before he got a chance to ask her what she meant Nikita stepped into his arms and kissed him passionately. She mewed and let her hands roam over him. She hugged him tightly whispering into his ear.

"Please take me." She breathed.

He thought he would come in his pants, she sounded so sexy. Before he could answer she wrapped her arms over his neck and started kissing him again. Something soft brushed the back of his hand and he felt a little light headed. She stepped back from him and spread her wings wide. All of her clothing was gone as she stood nude before him in stunning glory. A breeze caught his hair.

She reached out to him. He looked around. He no longer stood in his living room. He was on a cliff overlooking what seemed to be a Greek country side. She gave him a timid smile and reached for him again. He took he hand and stepped close to her taking her in his arms he kissed her with tender passion. She quivered in his arms. His left hand held her firmly to him at her lower back. His right hand supported her upper body caressing gently between her wings.

She moaned into his kiss. He left her quivering lips and started to kiss the side of her neck. She sighed loudly as her wings drooped. She shuddered and gently urged him to stop. She stepped back from him to lift her wings and shack them out vigorously. Three feathers tumbled in the air gently gliding to the ground. She stepped quickly to catch the largest of these before it touched the ground. The others burst into wisps of sparkling iridescent dust.

She held the feather to him. "I give of myself." She said sweetly.

"I will cherish it and you always." He said caressing her hand as he accepted the feather.

She smiled shyly and stepped to the side. He looked past her to see her nest. She had brought him to her personal domain in the higher realm. He stepped to the nest and ran his hand along its rim. It was covered in silks and the golden straw beneath it had the sweet scent of Jasmine and Apple Blossom. He held the feather close and climbed in. It was easily as large as a king size bed. She rustled her wings and tucked them against her back then crawled into the nest with him.

"You have a lovely nest." He said.

"Never have I brought someone here. You are the first to every see it." She said.

"Thank you." He whispered and kissed her lips. "It is as lovely as you are." Kissing her again.

She quivered. She also gently pushed him down as she climbed over him. Straddling him she looked down at him starting to undo the buttons of his shirt. He kept his eyes on hers. He lifted himself to allow herto push his shirt off his shoulders. Raising her wings she lifted her leg to turn the other way. He watched as she straddled him again. His hands reached to caress the soft curves of her round bottom.

As he did she pressed herself to him mewing as his shoes were pulled off and tossed out of the nest altogether. Looking over her shoulder to meet his eyes she wiggled her way backwards up his body. He tucked the feather she had given him behind his ear. As her tender parts got closer to him he darted forward to lightly run his tongue up her labia. She grabbed his thighs firmly as her back arched and wings fluttered.

"May I taste of you again lovely winged Nike?" He asked sensually.

"Please..." She breathed in reply.

He licked at her gently feeling her body jump and shiver as his tongue bathed her chalice of flesh. Her hands fumbled at his belt and zipper. Her focus was not or her hands as he erotically pushed her nervous yearning into waves of tantalizing pleasure. He felt even better in her true form. His eager devotion to her begging cunny as the warm wind caressed her quivering wings. Her mind sent the messages but her hands stopped listening.

He coaxed her clit from its hood and tickled it with the tip of his tongue. Her entire body shook as she say in pleasured release. Her call echoed along the cliff wall sounding something like an eagle's cry. It was not mournful in its tones but throaty and sensual. Her weight dropped onto his legs as she pulled herself away from his devilish tongue. She panted and gasped for breath. Looking back a spark of concern in her eyes washed quickly away as his tender touch caressed the backs of her thighs.

"Your call is beautiful. None would miss take it for another." He said.

"It has never felt this way. I feel so free and yet trapped by you." She said longingly.

"I wish you happiness and pleasure. I wouldn't cage you. Wings are meant to fly." He said.

"You would see me fly?" She asked.

"In joy, not in escape. Fly and let the clouds kiss your skin as the sun baths your open wings." He replied.

She smiled. "You might want to join me in my freedom when I return." She said as she tugged his pants.

He got the hint and smiled back. She cat crawled to the edge of the nest seductively caressed herself as she turned. He watched as she stood and rolled her shoulders to stretch her wings. She giggled as she took three bounding steps and dove from the ledge. He flinched and scurried to his feet. He sighed as he saw her bank to the left on open wings. She turned and dove towards the ground.

He watched her, light flared at the tips of her wings as she picked up speed. Her dive leveled out then shot up sharply. She flapped her powerful wings three times rolling to face the cliff where he stood. The sunlight illuminated her glowing form allowing him to see her in unrivalled beauty.

She turned and he heard her call again. A pair of falcons bank out of a nearby cloud to join her in her playful fight. They called to her, she slowed and beckoned them. Each swooped close and hovered for a moment to receive a caress from her outstretched hand. Then the three dove and banked in a playful game of chase. He thought he could hear her laugh and giggle as they darted along the billowing clouds.

The falcons screeched and darted away. One of the clouds started rolling as a hand of fog and mist reached out. Nikita screamed and banked hard to get away. She was not fast enough, it closed around her and dragged her from the sky. He could do nothing but watch as she faded into the folds of a large bank of clouds.

"NIKITA!!" He screamed from the cliff face.

It echoed but there was no answer. He stood by her nest alone.

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Hubbys_PrincessHubbys_Princessabout 10 years ago
I second aisielynn...

NeoShade you have a wonderful story and have created an imaginative world.

Unfortunately there are a heck of a lot of errors.

So I can not tell you ignore the spelling and grammar Nazis, like I would were it just the odd error.

I world also offer to read through your work before posting.

If you have a couple of people who can proofread one after the other, the second reader should be able to catch the ones or most of the ones the first proof reader missed.

However if your not willing to do this, I for one will continue to struggle and puzzle over your chapters because I think your story is worth the effort!

aisielynnaisielynnabout 10 years ago

*sighs softly after reading the comments*

First and foremost, to those commenting. Okay, which of you is volunteering to help with editing? Secondly, if the story line is really good (which in my opinion it is), then what is a few minutes of puzzling out a turn of phrase here or there? If you are truly willing to give up on reading a story because of grammar, then how invested are you in the story anyhow? *slight tilt of her head*

To NeoShade:

*warm smile* i continue to enjoy the way your story is going. i am very interested in finding out how Leto fits into all of the troubles and if there is anyone else behind trying to mess Estephan up. And the ending of this chapter?!!!! What's up with that???!!!! *grins* i hope you post the next chapter soon. i hate hanging in such suspense. *grins, chuckling ever so softly* And if you would like, i would be more than willing to pre-read your submissions to assist with some editing. i won't promise that i can catch every grammatical error, but i will help where i can. *smiles* Keep up the wonderful story lines. The imagination that it takes to write a story, let alone a series, is something to be cherished and nourished. You know how to reach me. *grins, winks*

NW_bi_boyNW_bi_boyabout 10 years ago
Yes it does matter...

Correct use of words, sentences, etc... is actually important. I can't say how many times I've had to puzzle out something that was written incorrectly in these chapters. Not mistakes like "hear" and "here" but something that fundamentally changed what I was reading and determining what the author meant was not simple.

Generally speaking, when I see mistakes that a spell check won't find (correct spelling but wrong word) I kind of go "eh" but the enormous number of words in these chapters that wouldn't even pass spell check is stunning.

I'm interested in the story but almost dread wading into a new chapter and frankly is that "really" the feeling you want your readers to have?

Yes there are people who could care less about any of it but it is off-putting to many many others.

For casual authors who do this for their own benefit and don't care about who reads/doesn't read, likes/doesn't like... well ok, regurgitate whatever mess you want. It's your mess after all. For others that write for their readership... get a good word processor if not an editor.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Grammar, spelling, correct tense and syntax are very important.

They are important because they provide a common framework or structure that enables the reader to focus on what the author is trying to say.

It's a bit like driving down a main highway. Your expectation is that the road will be smooth and you will get where you are going fairly easily but if you find it contains multiple potholes and sharp corners, your attention becomes focused on them and the journey becomes much more difficult

If we abandon the rules of grammar and spelling then reading will cease to be enjoyable.

This is a selection of errors from page 1 of chapter 8. I have certainly not found all the errors but these are the most obvious.

Antony and Ducici "coddled" in the armchair like teenagers.

Crossin and Profene sat in the kitchen reading "thou" everything he had in the apartment

I don't want to "louse" myself to abilities

He had been "show" the higher realm

He's gifts hadn't changed him, enhanced his natural talents

(His gifts hadn't changed him, they just enhanced his natural talents)

All of his actions have "shone" his nature.

They saw the fading of the higher realm before even we did.

(They saw the fading of the higher realm even before we did.) or just "before we did"

Until you Estephan, the only way the higher realm would survive would be for the three of us to die

(Until you Estephan, the only way the higher realm could survive would be for the three of us to die)

None of us wish to die "thou"

I understand, as a Fate doing things like this is second nature

(As a Fate, I understand that doing things like this are second nature)

We yield to only to a true guardian

(We yield only to a true guardian)

All the utilities for both properties are being credited "hundreds" for "the keeping" the home

(All the utilities for both properties are being credited hundreds of dollars for keeping the home)

As there are none in the city park across the street none were put in the park when it was founded because the courthouse was right here. ??

(Doesn't make sense)

Anything directly off of the lobby would be commercially zoned."

("Off of" is just a weird American peculiarity)

(Anything directly off the lobby would be commercially zoned.)

well as clients ready to lend to the remodel of the buildings infrastructure

(well as clients ready to lend money to remodel the building's infrastructure)

He walked through the block long three/four story building.

How many "stories" is it 3 or 4

The last developer backed out taking the "lose" because barring a miracle

A reassessment of the selling price and a few "concisions"

He was the "sage" plant he talked to "thou."

He was the same plant he talked to though. ??

The mark of "you" mantle right

All these obvious errors were in the first page!

To have so many mistakes is just sloppy writing.

Tone_DeafTone_Deafabout 10 years ago
Is grammar really that important?

I agree with those that say you need an editor or anyone to give it a read-through before you post. However, the mistakes are not so terrible that I can't understand the story, which I love and cannot wait to keep reading. So I don't get why people are getting so bent out of shape over grammar.

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