Into the Wyvern's Nest

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She always wanted to be a wyvern rider.
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In the Wildlands, every village had to fend for itself be it from their neighbors or the beasts of the jungle. It was a dangerous, often short life out here, but the people worked hard to survive. Some villages had it easier with natural barriers to protect them or resources to defend themselves with. Others weren't so fortunate and had to take their survival into their own hands.

Cliffside was one such place. The nearby mountains blocked them from the east, but it also meant they had less farmland and were easy prey for the wyverns that nested there. They were a constant threat for years or at least they had been. Twelve decades ago the village had managed to steal wyvern eggs and after they grew the village learned to use them as mounts. From there everything changed; they were the mightiest village in the land and the borders of the town had expanded outwards and the population exploded. As long as they had their wyverns it seemed Cliffside would remain the power in the region.

Raising wyverns was a challenge and there were only a dozen riders. It had become easier as they had been bred but the few eggs they laid couldn't meet the demand for new riders. Since then aspiring wyvern riders had ventured up into the peaks, trying to steal eggs just as had been done all those years ago. None had been as lucky as their forebears though. The territorial wyverns didn't take kindly to trespassers, let alone those that sought their eggs, none who had attempted to steal one had returned.

The chieftain of the village had forbidden anyone else from even venturing up into the mountain. More than a dozen had died already and it didn't seem likely to change. Cliffside would simply have no more wyvern riders until the current cache of eggs hatched. It left the village in precarious balance where its position of strength was threatened for the first time in over a hundred years. The worry was clear from every face in the village, but no one dared to go against the chieftain's order, not to mention the risk of certain death that would be faced going up against the wyverns. Only one person had the nerve to disobey the order and to scale the mountain, and at the moment she was regretting her decision.

The chill was far worse up here than she had thought and the wind constantly blew her hood back, letting her long blonde whip around her head. Adria pulled the hood up again for the eighth time and again thought of turning back. She held her cloak tightly against herself with one hand and her spear in the other, constantly reaching back to right her hood. No one would know she had given up, no one even knew she had ventured out of the village for that matter. If they had she would have been stopped before even setting a foot up the mountain trails.

Even with all of her worries and fears, Adria pushed on instead of turning away. She had sworn that she would do this, for the village and herself. She wasn't sure which was more important to her at this point. Ever since she could walk Adria had wanted to be a wyvern rider, she wanted it more than anything. But there had never been a chance of that happening. Every wyvern egg had already been given to someone from the two headhouses and even if there were dozens to spare Adria would be far down the list to receive one.

Her mother would see her wed off to one of the lesser houses, maybe even one of the headhouses. If Mother had her way she'd be married within the year and to one of the chieftain's sons no less. Adria had done the best she could to ignore her mother's machinations, but she had still heard the details. Her mother cared little for what Adria wanted, and she was intent on leveraging Adria's beauty for the family's status. She had been told little else growing up, how she would be a fine match for one of the headhouse boys, how she should leave the fighting to the other men and women. Even at practice, it wasn't her skills with a spear that drew compliments, it was how her leather armor hugged her curves.

She continued further up the mountain. The uneven route she was taking couldn't even be called a path, far too few people ventured this high up to make it such. Fortunately, there was little risk of her getting lost, all she had to do was continue going up. It was a small consolation in the face of the challenge that was the mountain.

Adria steadied herself with the butt of her spear against the dirt as she crested shoulder of the mountain and she froze at the sight before her. She had never been into the mountains before, almost no one had. Even the foothills leading up to them had been forbidden. All she had known were the stories that had been passed down for generations. They were exaggerated, of course, tall-tellings of how the first eggs were stolen. None of the stories had spoken of just how many wyverns there were up here.

Adria was so taken aback by the number that she didn't even think to hide, instead, she was too busy tallying them up. There were dozens, she gave up counting at a hundred. Most of them were scattered further along the mountain, curled up on the rocky ground, alone or in pairs. Some of them were far larger than the ones Cliffside kept, at the upper end they seemed to top off at almost twenty feet tall and thirty across. One of them moved off of its perched and took to the sky. It was flying right over her and Adria finally came to her senses and stooped down onto the ground. It roared overhead and disappeared around the edge of the mountain.

Her heart was pounding away in her chest; more than ever her mission seemed like suicide, but Adria pushed herself forward. Crouching, she moved further towards the wyvern nests. She went deliberately, trying as hard as she could to remain unseen. If she was spotted she was as good as dead, fighting a wyvern alone with just a spear was a death sentence, as the enemies of Cliffside had learned years ago.

Either she was more cautious than her predecessors or she was just lucky. Adria managed to get in closer, hiding among boulders and rocky outcroppings. The sun was falling low over the peaks of the mountain and she knew she didn't have much more time. She would never be able to navigate her way down with no light, she had to be swift. There was a nest perhaps two hundred feet from her and she could see a trio of eggs surrounded by small rocks to keep them from moving. Looking about she couldn't spot any wyverns closeby, this had to be her chance. There was no cover from here to there though, she would have to be fast.

Steadying herself, Adria took a long breath in and then exhaled, then she darted out from her cover and raced forward. She moved as quickly as she could while staying low to the ground. She was halfway there, maybe even closer. An egg was almost in her grasp when she heard a cry from above. Her eyes darted skyward, there was a wyvern flying straight down towards her.

She cursed and desperately looked around for anywhere to hide. There was a cave mouth just beyond the eggs, so instead of running away, she broke into a full sprint. Adria completely ignored the eggs, racing for her life. She could hear the wings of the wyvern right above her. Adria ducked down low and swore she felt the talons on its feet just graze by her head.

Adria reached the mouth of the cave and looked back to see the green-scaled wyvern land right behind her. The claw-tipped wings clicked against the rocks as it stalked towards her. The cave only went back a dozen or so feet and was large enough for the wyvern to get into it. She backpedaled until she felt the rock wall against her. This was it, she was trapped.

She readied her spear, facing towards the wyvern. The creature ducked its head down low, moving it from side to side as it closed in. Its tail mirrored the movement, constantly darting back and forth. It was about eight feet tall and at least a dozen long from what she could tell. It was far from fully grown, but It still towered above her. Its small eyes and scaled face watched her closely.

The wild wyverns kept clear of Cliffside, there was easier prey than the village these days, so Adria had no experience fighting the creatures. She had only seen the failed tactics of the other villages. She tried to stay calm, keeping her spear forward and between the two of them. Every other soul brave or foolish enough to venture into the mountain had met this same fate. Adria was scared but resigned to her's; she should have been more careful.

Rather than wait for it to attack her, she charged forward. Before she could even lunge at it with her spear, the wyvern's wing swung at her, knocking it out of her hand and her down onto her back. She winced as she landed hard against the rocks. Adria looked to the side where her spear clattered down and tried reaching for it only to have the wyvern pin her down with a clawed wing. Adria's heart was hammering away in her chest loud enough that she could hear it. This was it.

The wyvern closed in on her, its head moving right over her and gazing down at her. Adria was frozen, waiting to die at any moment. It hissed at her, the hood of her cloak blowing back again. It continued to stare at her, the heavy pressure of its wing keeping her in place as it did. Then it ducked down further its scaly skin brushed against her cheek as it leaned down, sniffing at her long blonde hair. Adria had no idea about how wild wyverns behaved so perhaps this strange behavior was normal before it gutted its prey.

The wyvern pulled its head back, looking down at her again. Its terrifying face was impossible to read and she had no idea if it was about to eat her or claw her to death. The creature's other wing moved forward. The claws tipping it moved up and brushed along her face. She knew from watching the wyvern riders that their claws were capable of shredding armor, much less skin. She stayed perfectly still trying to not even breath. The claws didn't bury themselves into her flesh though. The wyvern was surprisingly dexterous with its talons as pushed her hood completely off, freeing all of her hair.

The talons didn't move away from her though, they dragged down her cloak towards where it was tied in the front. With no effort, the talon cut through the knot and then brushed the cloak to the side. Underneath the cloak, Adria had dressed for warmth. Cliffside wasn't known for its clothwork and it rarely looked flattering on anyone but Adria had been gifted with a figure that managed to make anything she wore look good.

The wyvern buried its snout in her hair again, smelling her. This time it let out a low rumble and it didn't pull back right away; instead, its head moved down lower. Its eyes were fixated on her as the front of its head brushed against her shirt and full chest. Adria swallowed nervously. She didn't know what was happening, but she was certain that this wasn't the usual treatment prey received.

The talon moved down along her body and caught the top of her shirt. The wyvern seemed to be trying not to hurt her as the claw deliberately dragged down her front, slitting her shirt open but leaving her unscathed. The talon pulled all the way down her top, moving down between her breasts and over her stomach. Its head ducked down again and this time its snout pushed the sides of her shirt away, baring her entire chest to the cool mountain air. Adria shivered but it wasn't from the cold.

She was no longer pinned to the ground, instead, she was simply topless beneath the creature. Her worry was only growing. Perhaps the wyvern wasn't going to kill her, but if not then what was it going to do with her?

Its breath was hot against her bare skin. While Adria could hardly read its expression it was intent on gazing at her. Adria brought her arms up to cover her breasts from its sight but stopped again when it suddenly hissed at her. It nudged her hands out of the way and resumed staring at her.

Adria could do nothing to stop it, she was completely at the creature's mercy. It leaned forward again, this time it opened its mouth. She was ready for its sharp teeth to clamp around her head. That didn't happen though, instead, its heavy rough tongue pressed against her naval and it licked up along her from her stomach to her neck. Adria's expression twisted from shock to disgust to something else. It did it again, ducking its head down and licking along her, this time its tongue pressed along her left breast. It lapped against her chest again and again, and after a few coarse caresses, Adria couldn't help but shiver in pleasure. The wyvern's tongue pressed against her nipples, roughly adoring them with its attention. It was the strangest sensation she had ever experienced.

She had no idea what the creature's intentions were, or why it was doing this, but Adria was enjoying it despite herself. It was so wrong and unnatural. The wyvern continued licking her breasts and Adria let out a moan at the rough caress. Being turned on by a wyvern was something she had never expected. It seemed to sense her pleasure, or maybe it was enjoying itself as well because the creature didn't stop. Adria was finding it hard not to slip a hand down into her pants at the relentless attention. The coarse insistent feeling of the creature was affecting her in a way the attention of the men back home never had.

She couldn't pin down the exact reason, there were so many things happening at the same time. Perhaps it was the lack of leering gaze, the absence of arrogance, she couldn't tell. Maybe it was just the feeling that she was the only thing that the wyvern was focused on, or that this entire situation was so taboo.

She tried fighting the urge but Adria couldn't stand it anymore and she moved a hand downward, sliding it over her stomach and down between her legs. She was already wet from the pleasure of the wyvern's licking and combined with her hand beginning to work against her sex, she could feel her arousal mounting. Her breathing picked up more and more and she was nearly panting. Adria closed her eyes and threw her head back, groaning as she grew nearer to release.

Her eyes snapped open again when the wyvern's tongue disappeared from her chest. It had pulled back and was staring right at her again, watching and listening to her sounds of pleasure. Adria didn't cease touching herself. Her fingers continued working against her clit rubbing, edging her closer. "What? Why did you stop?" she panted, looking at the wyvern, "Keep going." The wyverns in the village had been trained to obey human orders, but she was sure this one had no idea what she was saying.

The wyvern didn't go back to licking at her chest, but it did duck its head down again. This time it was lower and its tongue pressed against the edge of her pants trying to get into them. Adria slowed her movements as it pushed in again, lapping at her stomach. Its wing moved in again and a talon pressed against her hip, ready to slice into her pants.

"Wait!" she brought her hands up before it could move and it actually stopped. The wyvern had managed to cut through her shirt without hurting her, but she didn't trust it with her pants. She could never imagine that a wyvern's tongue would feel so good, what would it feel like between her legs? The creature did actually wait, looking back up at her face for a moment, then it moved its talon against her again impatiently. Before it could slice her pants though, Adria hooked her thumbs around the top of them and pushed them down. She worked them off, wiggling them down her thighs and below her knees. She couldn't believe she had willingly just exposed herself like this to the creature, but she almost didn't care at this point. She was so close, she was desperate.

The wyvern looked up at her for a moment longer before it stepped back and moved its head down between her legs. Adria spread them as far as she could at the feeling of its scale hide brushing against her inner thighs. It was followed moments later by its tongue lapping its way up higher, licking its way up her legs. She let out a sharp breath, gasping at the wild new sensation.

The creature's tongue probed up higher, finally pressing up between her legs. "By the moon..." she gasped out, feeling it lick against her arousal for the first time. It was such a strange amazing feeling. There was a brief pause as it stopped for a moment and its tongue darted back into its mouth. It stared down at her as if deciding if it enjoyed the taste. For a moment Adria thought that it was going to stop, but her worries were dismissed an instant later as it licked her again and then again.

Adria didn't even care about her circumstances right then. The wyvern's tongue felt marvelous against her and it wasn't slowing. It brought its wing in to spread her legs further and when her pants got in the way it cut them down the middle. She didn't even hesitate; she spread her legs, offering herself to the creature. It pushed in closer to her, hungrily devouring her pussy. She moaned beneath the beast, lifting her butt off of the cold stone and grinding her sex down along its tongue.

She was getting so lost in the heat of the moment, all concern and restraint were leaving her mind. The wyvern didn't slow; its tongue pressed against her insistently, probing roughly against her. Adria couldn't stop herself from moving her hands down. They brushed along the wyvern's head and wrapped around its horns tugging its head deeper between her legs. The creature's eyes narrowed for a moment, but it didn't fight against her or stop.

Each further flick of its tongue brought a new moan from Adria. She was completely overwhelmed by the pleasure; escape and concern for her own safety were gone. Her climax was rushing towards her; she just needed a few more moments.

"By the Peaks, you feel good," she moaned. Her eyes were locked on the wyvern, the thrill of it being this creature giving her such pleasure made it all the better. When she had been afraid it was going to eat her, this isn't what she had in mind. If she had known what sort of treatment she could look forward to she would have ventured into the mountains long ago.

The next caress of the wyvern's tongue was enough. On reflex Adria's hands tightened on its horns, holding it close to her and her bare legs wrapped around its scaley neck keeping it pinned there. She ground against its tongue, panting out in pure ecstasy and release.

She wouldn't have been able to keep the wyvern there if it didn't want to be. The beast didn't even pull back against her grip around its neck. Its tongue never left her slit as she bucked against it, her arousal running along it. With a final cry of pleasure Adria's hands and legs went limp and she released the wyvern, falling flat on her back. She was panting and sweating despite the chill up here and being nearly naked.

Adria stared at the ceiling of the cave, breathing heavily and slowly coming down from her climax. Her head still wasn't completely clear, although the absurdity of what she had just done was settling in. A wyvern eating her out instead of killing her? No one in Cliffside would believe that. Not that she was out of danger yet, the wyvern could still kill her, or one of the other hundred of its kind. That was a distance concern at the moment, even the thought of death couldn't ruin the moment for her.

At the thought of the wyvern, she looked down at it. The creature hadn't moved from where it stood, its head was just not buried between her legs anymore. It was a terrifying creature and most people were scared of them, even some of the wyvern riders were leery around their mounts. Adria was worried for her life, but she wasn't repulsed by them as so many in Cliffside or the Wildlands were. Although the fact that it had just given her the best orgasm of her life might be clouding her judgment.
