It Was the End of Summer


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She moaned but didn't say anything, so he said, "Do you want me to pull out?"

She shook her head from side to side without speaking and merely kept moaning.

"I can cum inside you?"

She nodded and managed to gasp. "Yesssss."

He smiled. "You covered, or you just don't care?"

She bit her lip and then through gritted teeth barely was able to say, "Just. Don't. Care."

Terrance started slamming her hard and fast, quickly picking up steam, but holding off that final moment as long as possible. But then it burst forth like liquid fire from his belly.

Dana Lee heard Terrance grunting loudly with his release. Just then, she looked up to see her brother and Todd standing in the open doorway, staring wide-eyed as they watched their friend emptying his load inside her ravenous pussy.

Goddamn it! How long have they been standing there?

Terrance smiled at David and Todd and kept stroking his cock in and out of David's sister's tight little pussy, even after his orgasm had fully passed. He had that Oxyboner going and wasn't going to go soft for a while. He knew from experience he'd be able to fuck this white bitch's tight pussy and ass all night long.

Dana Lee was staring into her brother's eyes as Terrance kept pumping and bringing her that much closer to orgasm. Between those gritted teeth, she said, "Close your mouth, Doofy. I know you didn't think I was a virgin."

David closed his mouth as he was told, but that didn't stop his cock from tenting his board shorts. Todd's were tenting as well, but he clearly didn't have David's equipment. Fuck. I can't believe I'm letting my brother watch another guy fuck me. Maybe it's just the Oxy speaking, but this is such a fucking turn-on. And look at Todd. The poor boy looks like he's about to have a coronary. He's had a crush on me since middle school. Maybe I should make his dreams come true.

Dana Lee giggled, then turned her head back toward Terrance and said, "Slow it down a sec, hon."

Then she continued to support herself with her left hand on the counter as she placed her right hand on the floor. As soon as that hand was on the floor, she lifted her other hand off the counter and placed it on the floor about shoulder width apart from her right hand. She then transferred her weight to her hands as she pressed her ass back into Terrance's hips and lifted her feet up into the air. Terrance got what she wanted and put his hands under her knees to give her additional support. Then she started walking with her hands toward the boys with Terrance following behind her holding up her legs and still thrusting his cock into her cunt as they walked.

As soon as they reached Todd, Dana Lee said, "Get those shorts off."

She'd been talking to Todd, but David stripped his off just as quickly and both ivory tusk boners all but poked Dana Lee in the eye. Had they been just a bit sharper, she might have been blinded at that moment in time. She giggled at the sight of both their boners. Then she hand walked the last step to Todd and looked up at him, opening her mouth wide.

Todd looked down in amazement at those lush lips, barely able to believe that this was actually going to happen. He'd known Dana Lee as far back as he could remember. She wasn't just David's bratty little sister, he almost thought of her like his own bratty little sister. But when she started filling out a bit in middle school, he started thinking about her differently. And then during his last year in high school, when she was a sophomore, she joined the Colorguard and he got his first look at her skinny little sixteen-year-old body in glittery blue leotards, spinning that flag around and shaking her sexy little ass. The way she moved absolutely melted his heart. Ever since then he'd been smitten with her. Not that he'd ever made a move. He knew a hot chick like her was way out of his league. He had to outweigh her by 100 pounds at least. Probably close to 150. Besides, she was his best friend's little sister, so he'd settled for just worshiping her from afar.

But now, two years later, flying high on Oxy, she was on her knees in front of his naked cock, moving in for the kill. Her face went out of sight under his overhanging belly, and he felt his cock bump into her forehead. He had to squat a little to lower his cock to her mouth, but then he felt her lips engulfing him. He moaned, "Oh fuck," as she swallowed him to the hilt and began massaging him with her throat, something he'd never felt before. He'd had a few blowjobs in college but none of them compared to this. Not even close. He turned to David and moaned, "Dude, your sister gives the best fucking head." Look at his face. He so wishes she was sucking his cock instead of mine.

As Dana Lee sucked she looked sideways at her brother's cock, which was only inches away. Fuck. Look at that beauty. Every bit as big as that time I saw him sleeping in the nude. I almost touched him then. I wanted to see if my fingers could reach around it. I wonder if.... What am I thinking? He's my brother! She closed her eyes to force herself to stop staring.

She kept sucking as Terrance continued to pump her from behind. She shifted her weight to her right hand and gripped Todd's cock with her left as she removed it from her mouth and said, "Take my top off."

Again, she'd been talking to Todd, but David reached down and quickly untied her bikini top to let it fall to the floor as she returned Todd's cock to her mouth and continued sucking with Terrance ramming her and ramming her from behind. She felt Todd's flabby belly sliding against the top of her head, and was surprised at herself. She'd never considered actually sucking him, but now that she was doing it, she could hardly wait to feel his cock inside her pussy.

As her orgasm neared, she sucked harder and harder, and just as she took Todd's cock from her mouth to scream, "FUUUUUUUCK! FUUUUUUCK!! OH FUUUUUUCKING FUUUUUUUUCK!!!", he began to spurt in her face, completely plastering her with his cum.

David nearly passed out at the sight of his baby sister taking a load of cum in the face. He grabbed his cock and started jerking it like crazy, trying to burn that image into his memory, because he never wanted to forget it. Never. Never ever. Then he heard Terrance release a long growling grunt as he came inside Dana Lee once again. "Oh fuck. Fill her up, dude. Fill her fucking pussy to the brim!" Goddamn, I wish it was me!

As Dana Lee felt Terrance's warm spunk splattering the inside of her pussy, she lowered herself to her forearms and sighed deeply. Terrance eased out of her and set her down on her knees allowing her to collapse into the thick carpet and roll over onto her back. She gasped for breath as she wiped Todd's cum from her face with the back of her hand. She licked the cum off her hand and then with a giggle said, "Someone else wants to fuck me, I better have a lit cigarette in my mouth really fucking quick."


As Pastor Scott piled one final rib on the oversized platter of leftovers, he heard a sexy voice say, "That's an awful lot of food, Pastor."

He looked up and saw Kamela Pukahi grinning at him with sparkling interest in her smoky, Hawaiian eyes. Damn. I forgot she was on the cooking crew. Every time I turn my head, there she is. Little temptress...

"Yeah. I missed lunch."

"They're cold. Want me to warm them up on the grill?"

"Would you mind?"

"No problem. Bring 'em over here."

He joined her at the grill, which was already stocked with glowing charcoal for the evening's barbecue. Kamela took the ribs and chicken thighs off the platter with tongs and spread them out on the hot grill. "If you can wait a while, I'd be happy to grill you up a nice fresh steak."

"No thanks. I'm in a bit of a hurry."

She grinned and turned her attention to the grill, brushing fresh sauce onto the meat. She knew Pastor Scott was ogling her, and it made her feel good. Yeah, feast your eyes, big fella.

Pastor Scott couldn't keep his eyes off Kamela. She was as classic Hawaiian beauty, with creamy brown skin, dark almond-shaped eyes, long brown hair, and an hourglass figure. Although she was only seventeen, she already had double D's that were fairly bursting out of her apron. Although Kamela's family moved to Florida when she was seven, she wanted everyone to know she was Hawaiian, so she always wore flowers in her hair. The woods were full of wildflowers, so she usually picked them in the morning, and wove them into a ring to wear around her head. But today there was a huge, yellow flower tucked next to her ear.

"Wow. Where did you get that beautiful flower? I don't recall seeing a hibiscus tree around here."

She giggled. "Deacon Wilton bought it for me in town when he went to buy the food. 'Special gift for a special lady', he said. He's got a bit of a crush on me, I think." She batted her long black eyelashes at him.

Fuck, she's beautiful. Fuck, fuck, fuck... It's a goddamn good thing she's underage, or I might be tempted. She's been flirting with me like crazy all summer. Totally has the hots for me. A bit obsessed, actually. Damn... If she were a little older I'd be in serious danger... fuck... I'm just glad she's not. I've been celibate for three years. I don't want to backslide with a bible-camper!

Kamela giggled, "Actually the flower was a birthday gift." She looked at him with a sleepy, sexy look for several seconds before saying, "I'm eighteen today." A smile curled up the corner of her cheek. Then she turned her attention back to the grill, and flipped the food, letting that bit of information sink in to Pastor Scott's dirty mind.

Oh... shit. Oh, shit. Heavenly Father, give me the strength... "Well... uh... happy birthday Kamela..."

"Why don't you call me Honey? That's what Kamela means, by the way. In Hawaiian."

"Is it? That's interesting. My name doesn't mean anything."

"What is your name, Pastor Scott?"

"Fergus. Stupid name. That's why I became a pastor. So people could call me something else."

Honey laughed a musical laugh, making her breasts jiggle. "Oh, don't be silly, Fergus. Every name has a meaning. Fergus is Irish, if I remember right. It means strong and... virile." She looked him up and down with undisguised sexual interest, "I'd say your parents nailed that one on the head, Ffffergusssss."

Pastor Scott felt his cock beginning to stir in reaction to the slow and sexy way she said his name. "You're making that up."

"No. I used to work at one of those little stands at the mall that does ancestry stuff, like giving people their family history and printing out their coats of arms. I memorized a bunch of first name meanings too. That was a good way to hook customers. Everybody wants to hear a cute girl tell them the meaning of their name. Men in particular."

Pastor Scott was so turned on by the twinkle in Honey's eyes, that he turned to watch the boys building the bonfire in the big clearing next to the lake. Please Lord, give me the strength to resist temptation. And please make my cock stop growing. Dammit! At the very least, don't let Kamela see it! Calm down. Calm down... I need to get back to those sweet kids in the chapel. They need shepherding, and I need to be a shepherd tonight... not a wolf.

After a while, Honey sang, "All done!" He turned and held the platter so she could pile the meat on it. When she was done she looked down at the food and licked her lips. "Mmm. That looks so yummy. I'm pretty hungry too, Fergus. Absolutely ravenous." Honey ran her finger up the side of one of the ribs, then slowly sucked the sauce off her finger with her lush, red lips. Then she slowly licked her lips from one side to the other, and stared over the platter, right at his crotch. "Mmmmm. I'd love to have some meat in my mouth."

Pastor Scott's heart was racing by this time, and he felt his cock swelling again, so he quickly turned and walked away with long strides. "Thanks, Kamela... I mean, Honey. See you later."

Honey grinned from ear to ear. See me later? Yeah, he definitely got the message. This is gonna be fun! She turned to a skinny boy who was carrying a platter of fresh meat into the cooking area. "Hey, Benny, hold the fort. I gotta go take a leak." Then she followed Pastor Scott through the camp, maintaining a reasonable distance so nobody would notice her following him. I wonder where he's leading me. His cabin I bet.

But instead of going to his cabin, he stepped into the Deacon's office. She waited for a few minutes, wondering what was keeping him. When the Deacon came out she saw his office was empty, and realized that Pastor Scott must have gone out the back door. Crap. It's almost like he's trying to lose me. No, he's just playing cat and mouse. Where are you, smarty pants? She stood in the center of the compound, next to the flagpole with her hands on her hips and scanning every building. Kids and counselors occasionally crossed through, gossiping about Alyson's big performance, which was all anybody could talk about. Then Honey saw Pastor Scott come out of the supply depot. He was still carrying the platter of meat, but now he was wearing a backpack with a couple of big sleeping bags strapped to it. He also had two plastic bottles of soda tucked under his arms.

Oh, I see... he wants to take me out into the woods to fuck. That might be nice. A bit buggy... but it might be fun to lose my virginity under the stars. He was walking very fast now, jogging up the twisty path that followed the brook into the woods. What's his big hurry? He's gonna lose me if he doesn't slow down. But then she saw him going into the little log chapel next to the bubbling springs that the camp was named after. Oh, this is even better than camping! Privacy, but without the bugs. And we'll be out of earshot of the camp. Totally alone, with the whole evening to explore. Yeah, this is gonna be sweet. She looked around to make sure nobody had followed, then walked up to the door. But just before she grabbed the doorknob she heard voices inside. Oh shit.

Pastor Scott said, "I'm back, kids!

A girl's voice said, "Did anybody follow you?"

"I don't think so. But I'll go look."

Honey ducked around the side of the chapel just before the door opened. "The path's clear. We're good."

Two voices made a little, "Hooray!"

Honey felt a surge of disappointment and jealousy. She'd been looking forward to this day all summer. The day she turned eighteen. The day she gave Pastor Scott her cherry. And here he was with some other kids, doing heaven knows what. She could hear them talking inside, but couldn't make out their conversation, so she crept around to the side door leading into the sacristy. She found a small circular staircase leading up to the choir loft that ran around three sides of the building. She quietly crawled out onto it, staying low. From there she could hear every word they said below.

She quickly realized that Pastor Scott was having a little clandestine meeting with Alyson Ferrie and her boyfriend Christian Peller. The two of them had been quite the item all summer long. It made Honey a bit jealous to see them smooching all the time, but Christian wasn't her type anyway. Too soft. She preferred a weathered man, like Pastor Scott. He just oozed with manliness. After watching him in the log-balancing competition, she had to run back to her cabin to masturbate. He was just the sexiest man alive.

Honey listened to them setting up their picnic below. The area near the entry door was a little cramped. So Christian and Pastor Scott rearranged the pews to make a clearing in front of the altar, where the light coming through the stained glass window was best. Honey could hear Alyson doing something, but couldn't figure out what, so she peeked carefully through the banister.

Alyson was taking cushions off the pews and arranging them on the floor to create one large flat surface. Then she unzipped the two sleeping bags so they were totally open, and laid the padded fabric over the cushions to create one big bed, about six feet long by twelve feet wide. When she was almost finished, Pastor Scott saw what she was doing.

"Oh, Alyson... uh... we probably should sleep in separate areas."

"Oh, this is just for now. For our picnic. We can rearrange things later, when its time for bed."

Pastor Scott nodded, saying, "Well, that sure looks comfy. Let's eat!"

As they were saying grace, Honey hid again, fuming with anger. What? He's sleeping here with them? Damn! I was hoping to snag him after he was done! Damn! Damn! Well... maybe in the morning... No, he'll be busy at first light. This sucks. This was my last chance!

Honey sulked in the choir loft, but couldn't tear herself away from their boring conversation, Pastor Scott's deep voice was just so sexy and mellifluous. Listening to him made her pussy wet. After a while, she reached into her shorts and quietly masturbated, losing track of time. Then she nodded off, and when she woke up, she saw the setting sun brilliantly illuminating the stained glass window behind the altar. Damn. What time is it? They gotta be serving dinner by now. I'm gonna be in so much trouble! Fuck it. If I go back now they'll put me to work cleaning up! Fuck that. Maybe I can sneak down and wake up Pastor Scott after he goes to sleep. Fuck him nice and quiet while Christian and Alyson sleep. That would be so wicked!

When the sun set over the lake, the chapel descended suddenly into gloom.

Alyson said, "Hey, look. God just turned out the lights."

Pastor Scott snapped his fingers, "Oh, dang. I forgot... there's no electricity in here! This is the oldest building at Florida Springs, but they've never wired it up. That's why we only use it for special events. I guess I should run back into camp and fetch a lantern or two."

Alyson said, "Do you have to? They'll be lighting the bonfire now. Someone might see you and wonder why you aren't camping in the woods like you said."

"It's going to get very dark, very soon Alyson."

She nodded, "Yeah, but aren't there candles for all these candelabras?"

Pastor Scott smiled, "Hey, you're right! I think they keep them in the chest over here... come help."

They each took a handful of candles and stuck them in the various candelabras around the chapel. After Pastor Scott lit them, they stood around for a minute or two, soaking up the beauty. The pale log walls glowed golden in the candlelight.

Then they quietly cleared away their paper plates, and took turns washing up in the little bathroom. While Pastor Scott was brushing his teeth, Christian whispered to Alyson, "What are we doing here? This is weird."

"He's cute isn't he? I know you have a crush on him."

"Yeah. Sure. But..."

Alyson pinched Christian's cheek. "He thinks you're cute too. I can see it in his eyes. They light up when he's talking to you."

Christian blushed. "No. He thinks you're cute. He keeps looking at your tits."

Alyson giggled, "Oh that reminds me..." She quickly unhooked her bra, then wriggled out of it.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for bed, silly." She fluffed her breasts and pinched her nipples to make them poke through the tee shirt more dramatically than ever. She looked down at the final effect. "Is it my imagination, or are these shirts a little see-thru?"

"It's not your imagination! Put your bra back on!"

Honey was peeking through the rail above, steaming at the idea that Alyson was planning to seduce Pastor Scott. But then Alyson suddenly kneeled and skinned Christian's shorts and underwear to the floor. Revealing his pale, flaccid penis. Honey stifled a gasp.
