It's Just a Business Transaction Ch. 13


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All the occupants in the warehouse, except Alex were stunned at Sonja's real identity. She was a transsexual! Marie covered her mouth and gasped and kept mumbling, "Oh my God! Oh my God!" Her worst fear had been confirmed. The little boy that she thought had died was actually still alive and standing in front of her! Only that he was no longer a he, but a she.

Roderick's face had gone pale too. Fuck! I fucked a transsexual without knowing it! He thought disgustingly then he remembered something else too. He remembered a little squirt of a boy whom he used to bully by pulling down his pants and squeezing his penis whenever the little boy came over their house.

"Arrgghh! You're THAT little Jason?!" cried Roderick as reality set in.

"Correct Roderick, so glad that you could remember," Sonja smiled and gave him a wink.

"If my grandfather had told me much earlier about the incident, I would've put a stop to you, once I figured out your true identity. Sonja is Jason. I should have known," said Alex shaking his head.

"Well I guess your grandfather thought I really have died. Can't really blame him. Why would anyone who has something to hide like your grandfather, would want to dig up the past?" replied Sonja.

"Tell me, why didn't your aunt do something about it? Why didn't she go to the police then? You might as well tell me everything," said Alex. He was actually trying to prolong the conversation so Detective Hudson could figure out a way to help them.

Sonja looked at him and gave a long sigh.

"My aunt was too pious for her own good. I regained consciousness a few months after we returned to Poland. So I told her everything and asked her to seek justice for my parents and me but she refused. She wanted me to forget about it! She wanted me to forgive your father and grandfather!" Sonja gave a cold laugh.

"She told me to pray to God for peace and strength, to help me through with my life! God? Where was god when your father was raping me? Can God give me back my penis and my parents and my childhood? NO! I knew then what I must do! I went back to school to get myself educated. And discovered I've a remarkable mind. I was a genius with an IQ of 197; tested and certified when I was nine. I began to research about transsexuals. I read up everything I could get my hands on about sex change." She paused for a moment before she went on.

There appeared to be tears in her eyes as she spoke,

"When I was twelve I approached a well-known surgeon to perform the surgery on me without my aunt consent. The surgeon took one look at my private parts and he agreed readily. He even offered to do the surgery for free but I was already a rich little freak. With the money your grandfather sent to my aunt it was more than enough to cover the expenses of the surgery. It took four long painful years to complete the transformation and another few more years for my postoperative care."

She gave a short laugh, "Of course my aunt didn't want me to have the sex change. Said it was against nature and all the crap, which wasn't true at all. She wanted the money for herself. I found out my aunt was screwing some pastor and I took some photos of them together. She had no choice but to do as I say then. I had her called your grandfather to say that I have died and to channel the money into our new company instead. Also my father had left a huge sum of money for me in a Swiss account. Why do you think I was able to purchase La Broadway when I was at twenty and recently your company stocks?"

With the same hand that was holding the gun Sonja pick up something else from the table, "By the father left a little of your father's legacy to me as well."

Alex instantly knew what it was in the disc. Even though his father was long dead but if the disc were to fall into the hands of their business rivals, the Jeffersons' reputation would still be tarnished.

Alex took a deep breath, "So what do you want with me or my family now? I doubt it's money you are after. An apology would be too insignificant for what my late father had done to you and your parents. And I can't let you harm my grandfather or Aida. So what's left for me to do?"

"I wanted your father for pay dearly for his crimes but your father cheated me! He had to die at such an early age even before I can complete my transformation. So I guess it was up to you to atone for your father's sin. And so I set out to ensnare you but you avoided me all those years until last year, when I finally thought you were mine for the taking. I wanted you to romance me and marry me but you have to marry this little bitch instead when you've only met her for just a few short weeks! That was certainly and ego blow to my self-esteem. If you've married me instead I would've let bygones be bygones and nothing of..."

"HEY! Can we get on with what we've set out to do, Sonja?" Roderick interrupted them angrily. "OK! We now know who you really are but I don't give a fuck if you are Sonja or Jason! You want your revenge. Fine! But I want mine too! Can we just bump this basta..."

Roderick had yet to finish his sentence when Sonja had pointed the gun at him and opened fire. Everyone was shocked Sonja had just shot Roderick. Marie was stunned for a second and then gave a sharp cry before running to her son.

Wendy whimpered loudly into her gag again. Aida was clawing at Sonja's arm. It was getting too tight and she could hardly breathe. Detective Hudson was taken by surprise with Sonja' action too. Alex had jerked aside as Roderick was only standing a foot away from him.

"Why the fuck di...did you do that for? I thought...we this to...together?" said an equally shock Roderick before dropping to his knees. He looked down at himself and placed a hand on his stomach where Sonja had shot him.

"That's for interrupting me and for being a Jefferson. And also for pulling at my penis!" said Sonja coldly looking at Roderick almost lifeless body now.

Alex saw Aida was trembling badly in Sonja's arm and her lips had turned bluish from the lack of oxygen.

"Let my wife go Sonja! You're suffocating her!" shouted Alex.

Detective Hudson realized he had to make his move now or more people would die. He came out of his hiding place and shouted down, "FREEZE!"

Sonja lost her concentration for a split second when she heard a loud voice shouting from above. She tilted her face upward and Alex took this opportunity to lunged at her grabbing for her gun. Sonja had no choice but to let go of Aida to grappled with Alex. Detective Hudson ran down the stairs trying to get a shot at Sonja but it was difficult as Alex's body was in the way.

Detective Hudson then ran to Wendy to untie her and pushed her away. Next he tried to pull Marie off her son's body but she refused to budge, just sitting there holding Roderick's body crying and muttering incoherently. He could not get to Aida because she was too close to Alex and Sonja. Both of them were still grappling with the gun and Aida was too weak to crawl away.

Alex never realized how strong Sonja was until now. Her strength was equal to that of a man. And her reflexes were fast and fluid. She executed a powerful move, jamming her elbow into Alex's nose making him loosened his hold on her hands. Sonja immediately grabbed Aida again, curling her arms around Aida's neck once more and held her close to her own body like a shield, while swinging the gun back and forth at Alex and the detective. Her face was screwed up with fury seeing another man there and then she realized it was the detective that she had met at the theatre.

"Stay away from me or I'll pop her right now!" shouted Sonja. She looked like a cornered wild animal trying to make its desperate escape, totally out of control.

"Drop your gun Sonja. It's over!" shouted the detective.

"NO! YOU DROP YOUR GUN!" Sonja shouted back at the detective.

She turned to Alex now who was bleeding profusely from the nose and said. "So you like to defy me eh? I told you to come alone but you brought in the police? Oh...I will make you regret for your action, Alex! I wanted to kill her first so you could experience the pain of losing someone you love dearly and for bruising my ego for marrying her. But now I've changed my mind! Don't worry, I will send her and your baby right after you. One happy family reunion coming up soon! Goodbye Alex!" Sonja laughed insanely.

She took aimed at Alex and was about to fire when Aida suddenly slammed back onto Sonja with all the strength she could muster, slightly off-balancing her and then dashed in front of Alex. Sonja's gun went off still and the bullet had race towards Aida's back instead. The bullet pierced through Aida's flesh, shattering the lower part of her left scapula. The scapula had acted as a shield absorbing much of the force, thus slowing down the speeding bullet's momentum before it could continue its journey into her left lung to do any further damage. But the impact of the bullet was still strong enough to catapult Aida's small frame onto Alex's body. Alex on reflexes had opened up his arms to catch her. Aida looked up to him once more before her eyes closed down, slumping completely onto Alex.

Detective Hudson at the same time had snapped off a shot in Sonja's direction just when she lost her balance after Aida had slammed back into her. The bullet had zinged its way through the air, spinning at maximum speed and lodged itself cleanly between Sonja's eyes. There was a surprise expression on her too perfect sculptured face. Her arms flailed wide - dropping backward to the floor with a loud thud, never even uttering a sound. She twitched for a second or two before lying still.

Detective Hudson carefully eased over to where Sonja was lying and nudged her body with his foot. Dead as an Egyptian mummy. Then he ran back to Alex where he was holding Aida. "Get her to the hospital fast! I'll take care of the situation here."

Alex was trying to rouse Aida. "Wake up Aida! You're NOT to leave me! You hear me! You've not fulfilled your contract yet!"

Aida opened her eyes briefly and whispered, "Save the the ba..." and her eyes closed down again.

The front of his shirt was already soaked with her blood when he had flipped her back. Alex took off his jacket and covered Aida's body before carrying her up and racing for the door. Wendy ran after them despite she was still trembling and held the door open for Alex. With Wendy's help Alex placed Aida into the rear seats. Her body was very cold to the touch and blood continued to ooze out from the gunshot wound. Her breathing was very faint. Wendy got in the car with them and cradled Aida on her lap. She could now see blood was also seeping out from Aida's thighs from the interior light.

"Hurry Alex! I think Aida might be losing the baby!" Wendy alerted him, her voice quivering with fear.

Alex immediately stepped on the accelerator while reaching for his mobile to call Ian.

"Ian! Aida got shot! I am bringing her in! Get ready!" Alex shouted into the mobile before clicking it off.

"Please don't die sweetheart! Please don't leave me! You're going to be fine!" Alex kept talking to Aida. He had never felt so frightened in his life. And for the first time he had prayed, which he had never done before.

The traffic at this time of the night was light and very soon they reached Ian's hospital. Ian was already waiting at the entrance for them with the stretcher. Very quickly they got Aida out and gently laid her down on the stretcher before wheeling her straight into the operating room.


Detective Hudson looked over to Marie who had stopped crying but was still holding her son's body as though he was a baby and was singing a lullaby. He had to call for his colleagues now and the paramedics too. There was no way he could keep this quiet what with three dead bodies laying here. What a night. He heaved a sigh and reached for his mobile.


She was floating along a very bright passageway. She felt safe, light and warm. She looked down at her body but couldn't seem to find it, yet she wasn't worried about not seeing it. She looked up again, and in front of her, a beautiful white bridge had materialized. So white was the bridge that the light emitted from it should have blinded her but she was not affected by the glare at all. Should she cross the bridge? What's on the other side of the bridge? The other side looked rather misty with white fluffy clouds swirling gently about. She edged closer to the bridge to look down. Underneath the bridge was a river with swift flowing white foamy water beckoning her to jump in. She edged back from the riverbank.

Suddenly an unnamed force compelled her to look up - to walk across the bridge. She hesitated, and then she walked slowly across the bridge. But something stopped her. Once again she looked down only to discover the bridge had no bottom! She could still see torrents of water rushing underneath the bridge - underneath her. She appeared to be suspended in the air. Then she heard someone called her name. She looked up again.

At the other side of the bridge was an elderly lady with silvery white hair. She had a very compassionate crinkled face. She gave Aida a warm smile full of love and joy.

"Abuelita?" Aida called.

She tried to walk the rest of the way over to the other side of the bridge but no matter how fast or slow she walked, she could not reach it. The bridge seemed to go on forever but the distance between her and her grandmother remained the same.

Her grandmother smiled again. "How are you my little flor?"

"Where is this place? How is it that I can't reach your side? Can you come and get me please?" Aida asked.

"We are not ready for you yet. You have to go back my little Aida. You still have unfinished business," said her grandmother gently.

"But I don't want to go back. I want to be with you. This place is so peaceful...and I miss you," Aida said.

Her grandmother looked at her beloved granddaughter. "I miss you too my little flor. But he misses you more. Look beneath you!"

Aida looked down the bridge again. In the water she saw a man partially slumped forward on a bed, sobbing beside a woman with an oxygen mask and tubes running in and out of her arms.

"Who are they?" Aida asked her grandmother with mild curiosity.

"Don't you recognize that man? Take another look," coaxed her grandmother.

Aida looked down again at the man. He looked oddly familiar. Suddenly Aida felt sadness washed over her and also a sense of longing. She tried to reach out for the man but she has no form. She was only an incorporeal being. She couldn't explain why but she had this urge to touch the man, to hold him and to comfort him from his sobbing.

Her grandmother seemed to read her thoughts, "No Aida, you are not a spirit yet. Do you want to go to him my little flor?" her grandmother asked.

She thought for a while. "Should I?"

Her grandmother smiled. "Follow your heart. All you need to do is just step off the bridge...take the plunge as the Americans says."

Aida looked at her grandmother and she winked at her granddaughter as if to reassure her. Aida felt herself falling through the bridge into the swirling water below. She could hear the gurgling sound of the water and suddenly the water surrounded her. She looked down once more and noticed she had a body now. She was now in a whirlpool and it was spinning her around faster and faster. There was a bright light around her too. Unlike the light emitted from the bridge this bright light was getting stronger and it hurt her eyes now. She had to squint her eyes to see where she was. Suddenly she felt she had hit solid ground and instantly an excruciating pain tore through her. Her body ached all over as if a Mack truck had hit her.

In her dream-like state, she could hear someone talking even though she could hardly open her eyes. At first the voice sounded distorted like a broken record but slowly she could make out the words and the voice. It was Alex talking to her. Her eyes were still too heavy to open up so she laid very still listening to him.

"Sweetheart, can you hear me? I'm sorry for doubting you. I don't really mean to. I wa...was just so jealous. I've never told you this. But I fell in love with you since the first time I saw you on that stage. I should have asked you out on a normal date but...but you don't seem to have a good impression of me when we met at the party. I thought..." he gave a little laugh and then continued as if Aida could hear him.

"When I knew you got arrested, I was...was very happy."

She frowned a little when Alex said he was happy that she got arrested.

"I thought my opportunity has come. I could make you do what I want, so I manipulated you to sign the contract with me, to keep you close by. But over the months I fell deeper in love with you yet I refuse to acknowledge the feeling. I was afraid...afraid that I might lose my own identity. And when I was young my father used to write up these little pieces of paper and made me signed on them, if I wanted something so that I won't break my promise. I never knew how to ask nicely for anything that I want. So I grew up thinking everyone has a price that I can buy. I guess I was wrong," he paused.

"Let's start all over again. I promise you, no more contracts. Give me a chance. Give us a chance," he broke down crying.

Aida was moved by his words. He did love her after all. Her eyes fluttered opened slowly. Alex was sitting next to her bed with his hands in his face.

"Alex," she rasped hoarsely into her oxygen mask.

Alex was jolted from his crying when he heard his name being called. Aida tried to smile at him but even that proved to be a painful task. So she contented herself by just looking at him. He looked haggard and unshaved with shadows under his bloodshot eyes.

"Thank God you are awake sweetheart!" cried Alex and grabbing her hands in his gently. He couldn't remember when was the last time he had cried in front of anyone and now he was letting Aida a glimpsed of his softer side. His tears were flowing down his cheeks and he didn't feel embarrassed at all. He wept freely. He was overjoyed to see Aida had finally awoken up from her deep sleep.

"I thought I've lost you!" he whispered softly to her. "I'm so sorry sweetheart. Please forgive me?"

Aida brushed her fingers against his. She didn't know what to say. He was asking for forgiveness. Aida coughed spasmodically into her oxygen mask.

"I'll go get Ian!" Alex said urgently.

Aida held on to his fingers and shook her head a little, "I'm fine. Just that my throat is a little dry," she whispered softly.

"How long was I out?" she croaked.

"Eight days but shh...don't talk. Let me get you some water. Wait! Let me get Ian first," he pressed a button by Aida's bedside.

A few minutes later Ian came in. One look at Alex's smiling teary face and he knew Aida had finally awoken up from her deep sleep. She had passed the critical stage.

"How do you feel Aida?" Ian asked professionally yet gently.

"Awful, as though I've been ran over," said Aida slowly trying to give him a smile.

"Can she drink anything, Ian?" Alex asked anxiously.

"Yes but just plain water and in very small sips," said Ian as he gently removed the oxygen mask from her face to allow Alex to feed her with some water. Then Ian fixed the oxygen mask back on her and turned to Alex.

"She still needed more rest so don't tire her. I'll come and check on her later," said his friend reassuringly before leaving them alone again.

Alex sat down on the chair next to her bed and held her hand in his. He gave a silent pray to someone up there for giving him back his wife. He could still recalled what Ian had told him when he came out of the operating theatre after ten hours in there with Aida. He almost choked his friend if it weren't for the intervention of the other doctors and nurses there.
