Ivanovs Ch. 04


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"This is my fault Javon. I never should have come here. When I helped Nina and the kids, I should have walked away, but I didn't and now I must help end this threat. Take my mother and son to safety. I fight with you. If they breach, you will not stand alone."

Nina moved to stand by her friend. She asked, "Are Celia, Julianne, and Kyra in the safe room?" Javon nodded, and explained that Celia and Kyra refused to go into hiding. "They wanted to fight as well, along with BJ."

She sighed. "Then Amerie will you help Julianne to watch my son also?" Amerie nodded, but really she didn't want to leave them out in the middle of a potential battle field.

"Garrick left earlier, after we secured the sick and the children. He said they face the council in the morning." Javon exhaled. "We wanted to be prepared for any backlash."

Elise held his hand, and faced the two women before her. "We fight together, and we win together. Understand. Oh and Nicolette, if I ever hear that defeatist crap from you again, I'm kicking your ass myself. This is not your fault; it's the people who keep trying to hurt you. Now go rest. We meet here first thing," she ordered.

Elise took Amerie and the boys to the safe room and Nina and Nicolette went to her home. Thaddeus stayed with Javon, and Javon informed him of what he needed.

"You want me to leave my wife to fight alone while I hide out? No, Javon, no." Thaddeus refused. "I cannot agree to that. I fight at your side. We win this together." He insisted.


Garrick, Claus, and Gernick sat down to strategize. All three men agreed on one thing, Esmeralda had to go. From what Kale and the chemist, Macavi, explained, their father was as good as dead anyway. Kale had yet to arrive, and the men were wondering what impeded his appearance.Kale, have you made any progress? Garrick asked. He knew and understood that Gernick did not trust Kale completely, but he knew their brother well.

Garrick, where are you? I want to talk with you guys and share what I have. Kale answered.

We are at Gernick's home. I'll call Cantar and have her meet us here. Garrick answered. "Kale has some news, and is headed here. I'm calling Cantar."

Gernick and Claus nodded, and Claus went and made coffee. He was thoughtful, and had to ask, "Gernick this is a family issue. Do you want me to leave out? Your siblings may not be comfortable with me here," Claus observed.

"No, stay. I need you here. Besides, you are my family, and they need to accept that." he explained. Claus nodded and prepared coffee for the meeting. The two men walked back into Gernick's office.

Garrick was agitated. "Cantar is not responding to me. It's not like her to not answer. I'm going to her house to check on her. This information on mother has... Well, it's not easy for her."

Gernick was concerned, and it showed. "Go, I'll explain to Kale. Call me once you find her." Garrick vanished to his sister's apartment. Entering her apartment, the stench of blood was strong, too strong to be natural. Reacting instantly, Garrick rushed to Cantar's bedroom, where the scent was strongest. She wasn't there, but the smell led him to the bathroom. Walking in, he found the room covered in blood, Cantar's blood. His sister lay in the tub, a giant gash across her neck, as blood slowly drained into the tub. "Cantar," he screamed, "Oh God, who did this?"

He lifted her, and carried her limp frame to her bed. Her heart was barely beating, and he prayed he wasn't too late. He applied pressure and the wound slowed. Then he ripped his wrist and forced his blood into her open wound, helping it to close. He then force fed her his blood as he held her. As she fed, her heart rate increased and soon she was able to drink from him.

Gernick, Cantar is hurt. Her neck is cut. I don't know if.... This is wrong. I'm feeding her now, but... She's really hurt Gernick; this is bad. he cried as he held his sister. Did she do this to herself? Why would she? Was she forced somehow? Or did moth...? He could not let his thoughts go there. If she caused this, then no fire in hell would be hot enough to burn her.

Garrick, stay there, We're coming. Gernick stated. Kale, Brenwan, and Thomas arrived just as he ended his conversation with Garrick.

"Something has happened to Cantar; we need to go to her house." No one questioned and all five vampires appeared in her home. Rushing to the bedroom, they found Garrick cuddling their youngest sister, as he whispered to her. She was drinking, but they knew it was mostly reflex. Thomas, asked to check her. Over the centuries he had knowledge of vampire physiology, and could tell if she would be alright or not.

"Her wounds are healing, but mentally, she's at a crisis point." Thomas informed them. Kale and Brenwan then moved to her bedside as Gernick and Claus simply watched. Brenwan realizing her state of undress, asked the brothers to allow her to dress her and then they could come back in. The men left out.

"Cantar, come on sweetie. Let me help you." Brenwan coaxed her sister-in-law. She feared this, because she was often aware how clueless her brothers were where Cantar was concerned. They were so wrapped up in their own lives, that they never really noticed how alone and isolated she was. Yes, Kale spent more time with her than the other two, Garrick and Shari acknowledged her, but didn't really interact with her, and Gernick never acknowledged her at all. When he did he was curt and rude.

"Come on sweetie, let's wash up. Her bathroom was a mess. Brenwan would call someone to clean, but for now she ran warm water in a basin and cleaned Cantar's body. She chose a simple sweat suit and helped her dress. Cantar cried; Brenwan held her and promised her she was there. "Cantar, you didn't have to do this? We are here for you. I am here for you. Never hurt yourself like this again." Brenwan just talked. Soon. Brenwan realize Cantar was silent.

"Tell me. What happened, Cantar? Why?" she asked.

"Momma came by and was trying to read me. She knows Gernick is up to something, so I emptied my mind. She could not find anything, just the fact that I know she gave me that drink. She said she did me a favor, and laughed." Cantar looked away as she recalled her mother's words. Quietly, she whispered the events to her sister in law, praying her brothers would not hear.

"I was sitting trying to read when Momma appeared." She closed her eyes as she recalled the horrible events.

"Well, well, well if it isn't my darling daughter. You've talked with your brother's right. I know they are upset with your father, but he has to protect the nation and his son is a threat. Tell me, my daughter, what did you all talk about?"

"Momma, nothing unusual, but Garrick said you gave Shari a drink to keep her from getting pregnant? Is that true?" She asked, but already knew the answer. She knew her mother would probe her thoughts so she emptied her mind and focused on the contraception.

"You know about the herbal elixir. Yes, I gave all of you the drink. I did you a favor Cantar, Believe me you don't want kids." She chuckled. "Besides, as my daughter, you won't have that problem. I haven't introduced you to the man I've chosen as your mate yet. Unlike your brothers, I have someone special in mind for you." She added as an afterthought. She noticed I did not really believe her.

Esmeralda eyed her daughter carefully, and realized that she was hiding something. "What are they planning Cantar? Do not lie to me," she demanded.

"Mother, I have no idea, but I know Garrick and Kale were upset. You need to call-," Esmeralda swung her hand and slapped the girl to the floor. Standing over her, she hissed, "You lie." Then she laughed. "You think they care for you? You think they are concerned for your safety. Where are their wives? They are someplace warm and guarded, while you sit here alone. I am all you have little girl and you'd best tell me the truth." She grabbed her arm and snatched her from the floor. "Now, what is Kale up to? I know he talked to Garrick."

"Momma, please, I don't know. After you left, he sent me away. Brenwan won't answer when I call. I don't know anything." She cried.

Esmeralda knew Cantar was hiding something, but it did not matter. She'd simply kill all of them before they interfered with her plans. She'd get rid of this weak one tonight. She eyed the red welt, she'd put across her daughter's face and laughed derisively. Slipping into her mind, she took control.

She hissed, "Cantar, no one loves you. I never loved you. You were my last and final mistake. I fixed it so when you die, your line ends. You'll never have a child, and because of that no decent male vampire will ever want you. Do everyone a favor." She reached into a pouch she carried and pulled out an oriental dagger. "Take this dagger, go undress, climb into your tub, and severe your neck. Don't worry sweetheart, your pain will end soon. Stand, I'll help you."

Cantar was catatonic, simply moving on remote. She stood, and was led by Esmeralda to her bathroom. Within seconds, she was stripped naked, and Esmeralda guided her into the tub. She gave her the dagger, and Cantar refused to take it, and her mother became angry. She grabbed the weapon, and grabbed her hair snatching her head back, exposing her throat.

Cantar tried to fight, but she was too weak and soon her body gave. Esmeralda sliced her neck as her blood splatted covering the bathroom walls. The feel of the young woman's blood coating her hand felt heavenly. She closed her eyes and imagined that it was Gernick's. Opening her eyes, she watched as her daughter bled out.

Esmeralda leaned close the her daughter's ear and whispered something. Then she stood and smiled evilly. Now she that she was as good as gone, she could easily dispose of the others. Soon, she'd gain control of the council, and then all power would be in her hands.

Esmeralda looked around once more and then vanished back to her lair. She kept a small apartment that no one knew of. She cleaned up and practiced her reaction when she and Gregor learned of Cantar's suicide.


Brenwan was stunned. She knew her mother-in-law was evil, but to-do this... This was too much. Gernick, being older than the others, decided to see if they could come back in. They entered and he could tell from Brenwan's actions that Cantar had told her something. He looked at his little sister and realized, out of all of them she was most vulnerable and they left her unguarded. He didn't trust her, but he could have at least done more to ensure her safety.

Kneeling down beside her he commanded her to look at him, "Cantar, look at me," he said softly. She looked away. "Little sister, please, look at me. I know I have failed you in the past, but let me help you now. Did your mother have something to do with this?" She flinched, and that was all he needed to know. Cantar looked at Brenwan and shook her head, NO. She didn't want her brothers to go after her, or she'd hurt them too.

"Cantar, she will never hurt you again. I give you my word. Brenwan, will you take her home with you? We'll assign guards to protect you until this conflict ends." He was done, Kale wanted four days, but the bitch would die tonight. She would not hurt anyone else in his family.

"Wait, Gernick, she expects you to react irrationally," Brenwan argued. "You need to talk to Kale and handle this the right way, or even if you rid the world of her, she'll still have followers wanting revenge. For once Gernick, Garrick listen to your brother," she pleaded.

Kale held his wife. He understood her logic, but right now, he was with his brothers. Mother needed to be stopped. She attacked Cantar, the weakest among them and almost took her life. "Brenwan, take care of my sister, alright. I'll be home as soon as this is done," he promised.

"Kale, just come home. All right. Come home to me." She whispered.

Cantar spoke, "No, I go with you. That woman is not Momma any more. Momma would never do this to me, or any of us. The creature that did this is hungry for power. She needs to be stopped. And she needs to know she failed. I'm not dead. I'm going with you."

"Cantar, listen this is our fault. We should have protected you. I never thought she'd-," Kale sat, Brenwan with him.

"Baby, this is not your fault. Esmeralda did this, none of you." Anger rolled off of Gernick in waves, He heard what everyone around him said, but he was done talking. He looked at Garrick and they shared a nod. It did not matter which of them did it, the bitch died tonight.

Son, don't give in to the hate. She is pure hate, but if you let the anger fester, it can destroy you. I stand with you Gernick, and I always will, but I will not lose you to hate. Claus sent. His words calmed him, and he exhaled. Soon Brenwan was ready to go, but Cantar was not. It was then that Gernick knew he had to step up and be the protector his sister needed, they all did. To protect her, they had to make her leave.

"Cantar, you will go with Brenwan. We will not discuss this any further. We will not place you in any more danger." He ordered.

"Wait, you can't decide now to play big brother Gernick. This is my fight too. She tried to make me kill myself. She said she hates me. Mother hates..." she sobbed, and Gernick's heart broke for her. He pulled her into his arms and for the first time in all these centuries, he realized that deep down, despite everything his step mother had done, he loved his siblings. They were just as innocent as he was, and he'd protect them from her treachery.

"Cantar, I have been a terrible brother to you. But please, for now, let me keep you safe. Go with Brenwan. I promise, I will come and you can scream at me all you want when this is over, OK?" He pleaded.

Kale joined him, "Please Cantar. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. But we need you someplace where mother can no longer hurt you."

Realizing her brothers were not giving in, Cantar agreed to go. Claus spoke. "Send the chemist with them. He is not a warriors and he can get himself killed. If I'm not mistaken, Kale he has given you all we need to confront them, right?"

Kale nodded. "Yes, Thomas, you can go back home and no one will know you had a part in this. We appreciate your help, but this is our fight." Thomas nodded, and looked at Cantar. "No, I'd rather stay with the women. I know I'm not much protection, but they need someone with them." Garrick nodded, and the entire group went back to Gernick's home. Brenwan and Cantar, along with Thomas returned home. The men met and Kale presented his idea.

"I have the information written up. We've created packets for the council members. I even alerted key members that we will convene on the council Friday morning. The men I talked to agree and want Dad removed. Once we present, they will call for a vote. After Dad is voted out, we can then deal with our family issues. The council will not interfere." He explained.

Gernick and Claus listened. It seemed Kale had planned for all contingencies. The men needed to rest and they wanted time with their wives. Claus went to his room and spoke with Amerie. Love, I miss you. Are you all safe now?

Claus, baby. Are you Ok? You haven't started fighting have you? she asked worried.

No, love. I just miss you and needed to hear your voice. I wish I could come see you, but we want you all safe. When this is over, I'm never leaving your side again, he promised. The two talked and swore their devotion to each other late into the night.

While Claus talked to Amerie, both Garrick and Gernick, checked on their wives. Both were relieved to learn they were safe. Gernick was concerned that Nicky chose to stay out and not go to the safe room, but he knew his wife. She wanted to protect her family.

Gernick, what are you not telling me? she asked.

She tried to make Cantar kill herself tonight. If Gernick had been five minutes later, she'd be dead. Right now, we sent her with Brenwan, and they are guarded at Kale's home. I know you may think this is a trick, but I read her Nicky. The things she said... I will end this Nicolette. I must.

Nicolette felt for Cantar. She could not even fathom having such a hateful mother. But she just could not trust them completely. Gernick, I know they are your siblings, but please be safe. We need you. The two talked into the night, and reassured each other of their love for one another.

Garrick checked on Shari. She was tired, so he told her of his love and sent a wave of love down there mate bond. Then they talked a while until she fell asleep. Garrick, remember you promised to come back to us. Ava wants her daddy, she whispered as she dozed.

Esmeralda had returned home. Gregor was asleep. She knew the boys were up to something and she'd be prepared. She'd prep Gregor and have him declare them all traitors and rogues. The council would agree. They agreed with everything he said. Once the three men were declared rogue, every vampire hunter around would be after them. Her plan for domination was close at hand.

Tomorrow, the maid should call and inform her of Cantar's demise. She'd fake concern and demand proof. Gregor would become distraught and wonder why his little angel did this. She'd tell him, Gernick. That would incite his hatred even more. Knowing Gernick, he'd storm the council, and he'd be met by an armed guard. If Garrick fought with him, well, he'd die as well. Soon, she'd find a way to dispose of Kale. Esmeralda smiled to herself. She loved when her schemes worked out.

The next morning the men met at Kale's home. They'd meet the council the next morning, but both Gernick and Garrick wanted to check on Cantar. After making sure she was fine, Cantar asked a question. "Mother thinks I'm dead. Wouldn't she expect a phone call?"

"Yes, Cantar, call your maid and tell her this." Garrick told his kid sister exactly what to say. Five minutes later, Cantar hung up, and said, "It's done."

She had one more secret, and her brothers needed to know. But she didn't want to force Gernick over the deep end. She didn't recall it last night as they moved her, but as she slept, she remembered clearly.

Esmeralda taunted her daughter. As she lay in the tub, bleeding, dying. She whispered, "Don't worry dear. You won't die in vain. Your death is the catalyst I need to rid the world of that bastard half brother of yours. Finally, I can get rid of him as I did his mother long ago." Cantar shivered at the memory.

She knew then exactly what she needed to do. Garrick, Momma said she killed Gernick's mother. She wants to blame him for my death. We have to stop her Garrick.

Hearing this Garrick was incensed. Gernick, he knew, always blamed himself for his mother's death, but he never vocalized it. Now he knew the truth. Baby sister, I promise, she will not hurt anyone else after this, he sent.

Gernick was silent watching the two of them. He knew Cantar told Garrick something, and he wondered what? However, they could talk later. Right now, they had an evil bitch to bring down.

The next morning as the council was gathering and Esmeralda gave Gregor his drink. He secretary interrupted that they had an important call. Gregor answered, and collapsed. His daughter killed herself. It had to be a mistake, wrong. Cantar was young beautiful. She had no reason. He screamed for Essie. She too screamed and demanded proof. The maid took pictures of the blood filled room, and forwarded them.

That bastard son of yours caused this somehow. Cantar told me she asked to meet his son, and he banned her. All she wanted was to connect to her family, and he could care less. She sobbed. "You must punish him for this." She hissed as he held her, trying to comfort his distraught spouse.
