Jono's Journey Home Ch. 09


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"Watch it Momma Bear, tonight you work out, while I stretch and coach." As I walked back to the buffet for seconds, I looked back and saw Major Daniels looking under the table for where the food went.

Najib joined me at the buffet talking in arabic. "Jono, I will be in Riyadh for the day. I would like to help your friend the Marine if you will let me. I believe I know what you have planned. I have friends in the Justice Ministry who might be able to expedite your plan and leave no fingerprints behind."

"That would be most appreciated." Was my reply while he handed me his beautifully printed business card.

"Vanessa is an interesting woman, thank you for the introduction. When you and Tamam come back to the ranch please, invite her. My sisters would love to meet her."

"Would that perchance be your sisters, or you?"

"My intentions are wholly honorable. She is a woman of beauty, breeding, and great price."

"You do know she's a horse person as well? I assume all of the Hassan sons ride."

"And many of his wives, and daughters as well, Jono. My sisters were very impressed with your horsemanship."

"I take it you have already started the background check of her?" He nodded. "I would give you a word of caution, if you are as thorough as Tam was with me, you will spook her. Western women like to talk. To learn about you, as you learn about her. She will want you to know she has a mind as well as a body. You are dating the whole package. She routinely outshoots me on the range. I'm really good with a rifle, she's better. She is a backwoods bama girl. That is not to say she's not a lady, but she's a lady who can stalk, shoot, and field dress a bear. If you break her heart, she will very likely show you yours."

Najib rubbed the top of my head, "You are indeed a worthy little brother. My father and brother chose well."

With my current plate loaded with a large waffle covered with fruit, I made my way back to the table. Major Daniels leaned over, "That seem like a very intense conversation." I merely nodded. I looked over at Agent Pete, clearly he was starving.

I slowed down my eating to match the pace of Nessa. When she'd finished, I asked her to join me in the office. No sooner had the door closed, she spun around and looked at me begging to know if Najib was interested. I smiled and replied, "How would you like to go to the ranch this weekend?" She actually squealed. I told her, "You will be visiting as a member of my family. You will likely be spending a good deal of time with one of his sisters and perhaps Papa Hassan's wives. We will probably be going riding at some point as a family. He is very interested in you. Shit, I have to get you dressed."

She looked at me with an eyebrow cocked, "Say again, Baby Bear?"

"Okay Mama Bear I'm going to ask a question ready? If you were going riding with us what would you wear?"

"I have a nice western shirt, and a pair of jeans, I also have my riding boots."

"The buzzer sounds, you got it wrong. They use English tack that means English riding apparel. Translation, yes I have to dress you. You're going to meet royalty, please trust me."

She kissed my cheek and responded, "Only always, little brother." When we reentered the lounge most of the guests were gone. Tam announced he was driving Captain Nelson and Lieutenant Nejem to site, if Vanessa wished to ride with them instead of taking the bus, she needed to be ready to go. She picked up her flight bag, smiled and said "I'm ready now boss." Tam tugged me aside and told me not to try to clean the breakfast mess up myself to call and have them come up. He also reminded me I was to have three meals before he came home. I nodded and told him I would obey. With that I was left alone with Dr. Connor, agent Pete, Najib and Reza.

The Doc finished his breakfast and was getting ready to go. I asked him if I could pick his brain for a second in private. We entered the office and he closed the door behind us. "What's the problem Jono?"

"Tamam believes that you told him he is not allowed to make love to me ever again. He wouldn't even let me blow him this morning."

Dr. Connor roared with laughter and I wanted to cry. "Oh Jono, don't take this the wrong way, I'm not making light of your situation. It's normal for a significant other to exaggerate the limitations placed on sexual contact after surgical invent. What I was telling the two of you was no aggressive love making. I know what Captain Nelson is interested in and stressful BDSM is completely out of the question at this point. What is your favorite position?"

I told him how Tam picked me up and fucked me against the wall. "Okay we may have to pull back from that one for a bit. But there's no problem with him laying you down face down on the bed with a pillow tucked underneath your midsection. If you two are very careful and slow, he can lift you legs gently and fuck you face to face." I asked if he would write it out for Tamam. He chuckled as he pulled out his prescription pad and wrote, "I prescribe vigorous ingestion of semen for the patient via the oral cavity, As well as 'gentle' insertion of one penis in well lubed and prepared rectum. As previously described to the patient, and as often a patient desires. Absolutely no rough trade, group activity, or hard BDSM games until further notice." I kissed Dr. Connor on the cheek, I was so happy.

I took the written prescription and locked it in my safe. "Of course you will destroy that after he reads it?" I promised to do so. We then walked out into the lounge, Agent Pete had a concerned look on his face then asked if there was a problem. I smiled and replied not anymore. Dr. Connor reminded me to take my antibiotics and my other prescriptions as needed. I promised to do so. Then he to departed. Najib announced he too had to go and I walked him out. "I will make sure that Vanessa is ready for this weekend. Do you know a seamstress in Riyadh?"

"My baby sister will come over from the hospital and take care of those arrangements. Do not worry for anything, I will make sure all is ready."

"Just don't go completely nuts like your brother. Three complete wardrobes was a little over-the-top."

He laughed, "It is the first time my brother cared enough to buy a handkerchief for someone else. That is how I know how much he cares for you. Call me when you need me today." I thanked him and returned to the lounge. Reza had just hung up the phone to have the catering detail come in and remove the breakfast dishes. Then he ordered me to go sit down and rest.

Agent Pete came over and sat next to me. "That's quite the family you've fallen into. It's quite clear he cares for you a lot."

"They all do sir. I am kind of like the newest baby brother in the family."

"Jono don't lie to me. I know the look." He must have seen the flash of shock and terror on my face. My thoughts were running wild. I've gotten caught. "I told you before Jono, I am a civilian agent, I also happen to be carrying the secret myself. My lover died two years ago and I have poured myself into my job since. Your secret is safe. Please forgive me, I actually slapped my forehead when I found out that you were dating royalty. By the way, I love to use the dead cat analogy is well."

Suddenly I flashed back to the slapping sound I heard when talking to Tamam on the balcony. He smiled, "I was on overwatch duty on the roof. There was a helicopter that was inside the zone. I'll try to give you a heads up if that happens again. It would be wise to keep the intimate activity inside the suite. I am due to rotate back to my office in Hannover Germany Saturday."

"Hanover you say... Less than an hour away from Bremen as I recall."

"Jono, I never, never, never, date the subject of a protection detail. That is rule 1, I will never cross that line. Besides, you are too damn tiny. I would be terrified of hurting you. Pain has no place in love making."

"I wasn't thinking of me. That last part is really good to know. Do you like Arabic cuisine?"

"I wouldn't know I've been in country for six months pretty much all I've had is the Saudi equivalent of western fast food from the hotel cafeteria. For the record they don't put OSI agents up in hotels like this."

"Oh Reza my sweet brother, would you believe Pete has been in your country for six whole months and has not experienced the local cuisine? Do you know of a little out-of-the-way restaurant, dripping with romance where two attractive young unattached men could get a bite to eat. That would of course have to be before he returns to Hannover Germany on Saturday?"

Reza responded in Shabaki, "Jono, you are as subtle as a stone through a window."

"Who has time for subtlety, you're leaving Friday? I have learned life, like me, is short big brother." I walked over to him and kissed his forehead. "Tonight would be good, I really want to be alone with Tam given the news I got from the doctor." I stretched and let out a loud obnoxious yawn. "I am suddenly feeling very tired. I think I will go lay down in my room. Why don't you two talk for a bit."

Reza kissed my forehead back, "Thank you baby brother. Have a good nap." I grabbed the meal folio and return to my room. The phone rang and it was housekeeping asking when they can come in and clean the room. I was really hoping it was the General or the embassy. A few minutes later the bell rang, I opened the door, the crew came in and began detail cleaning, polishing, changing bedding and linens. The girl was about to grab the gift bow that had been wrapped around my cello. I asked her if I may keep it, I will have need of it later for a special project. She smiled and returned it to me.

I decided to work out of the office. On my way through the lounge, I noticed agent Pete doing a security sweep of the outer deck with Reza tagging along behind chattering. I didn't know whether to be happy or feel sorry for him. I smiled and closed myself in the office. After around twenty minutes there was a soft tap at the office door. I was expecting it to be Reza or Pete, so I used my 'command voice' and shouted enter. It turned out to be housekeeping announcing they were finished with all but the office I told them it was fine. I thanked them for their swift and sterling service.

Pete and Reza watching TV in the lounge. I hadn't known that Pete spoke Arabic but they were watching the local news and I didn't hear Reza translating. It was interesting that the cleanup crew showed up so early. No doubt they knew what my regular schedule was supposed to be. I sat half-heartedly listening to the news, watching the sunrise through the big windows. Then I heard the STU II ringing in the office. I quickly went in and answered and the line went secure, "This line is secure, this is Airman Banks."

The duck like voice responded, "Jono, it's the Gunny Terrell I have you on speaker. My Captain and the Jag were wondering if you had a possible solution to our current problem. Before they schlep all the way across town."

"Gunny I will never waste your time, you should know that about me. I will confess what I am thinking is a long shot, but there is a chance we can get him released so long as we get him out of Saudi Arabia by sunset. I'm working through some of my channels to see if we can get the appropriate tools to make that happen. I assumed you would prefer he be removed from the country rather than spending possibly the next twenty years in prison?"

"You assume correctly Jono."

"Do we think the corporal will put up any resistance to a deal that keeps him out of a Saudi prison"

"Given the beating he got last night I really doubt it."

"I have a local attorney who's willing to give us advice and has contacts with prosecutors in the ministry of Justice. What say we gather here at nine?"

All parties agreed and the line was broken. I called Najib and gave him the meeting time. He informed my he would be bringing the prosecutor and a judge. Then I called base operation and left a message for Major Daniels. If my plan would work, I would need a MH-53.

The Major called me back immediately on the secure line. "We have an idea what you're trying, the General wants you to know the Navy has tasked a MH-53E from the USS Inchon for an "inspection flight" and helo-lift training on the base. It is currently on the flight line. Jono, the boss wants to remind you against meddling." I acknowledged my limits again. I knew this could still blowup in my face.

I asked Reza to select an appropriate suit for me. Pete shook his head, "I just don't see what you have planned."

"Storytime, word games, and a huge long shot. Hopefully giving all parties a honorable exit." The hotel phone rang asking if I made my snack choice. Eight in the morning and it has already been a very long day. I chose the dates, almonds, and cheese option. I was asked if that would be enough. I told them I would be having guests arriving at nine and needed coffee, pastry, fruit, and a selection of cheeses for them. I was told all would be ready and my snack tray would be up momentarily.

Reza returned to the lounge with two suit choices, a dark blue or a charcoal gray. I pointed to the gray. "But Jono, the blue will be far more commanding." Pete concurred.

"Not the point today. I have to disappear when the main players arrive. My job today is to act as the narrator of the story. Gray is neutral, I love the blue, but it can be mistaken for my Air Force uniform. I need to project the fact that I have a foot on both continents that I am neutral, unbiased."

I knew I was up to my neck. "When they arrive I will need you two to help me set the stage. Reza, I will need you to refer to me as Mr. Al-Amin. Pete I will need for you to address me as Mr. Banks do not use my military title. I have to separate myself from it, if I am to protect the General and mission. If this fails it is all on me. Using the civilian address and both names will also help me portray the fact that I am a part of both worlds. I have the difficult task of making sure both adversaries step back and see the other party's side. If they are to see there is another alternative."

I took the two suits from Reza's hands and returned back to the master bedroom. I grabbed two small amount of Sandalwood cologne and splashed my face. I dug into the bag of products that were provided at the spa and applied kohl around my eyes and extended it upon the eyelashes themselves. The apparel would be Western, but the appearance would be Eastern. I chose the white band collar shirt in hopes that under the artificial light I would look darker. Didn't work, I ended up disappearing, which was good as well. It made my kohl decorated eyes pop even more.

The tray with my snack arrived which was good because my stomach was growling either due to hunger or stress. I encouraged Reza and Pete to nibble off of it. The three of us together were able to clean the platter. At 8:55 they brought up the coffee service, and removed my snack tray.

Five short minutes later the tranquility of my gilded cage was shaken by shouting out on the landing. I looked at Reza and I said "I guess they're here." I asked Pete to allow them in and be sure to tell them, "Mr. Banks will greet you in the lounge." I then requested that Reza inform them, "Coffee and a light snack has been prepared for you at the request of Mr. Al-Amin." I then went into the study and retrieved my diary. The commotion continued as they entered the lounge.

I entered the lounge and Najib introduced me to his excellency the judge. "Are you Mr. Banks or Mr. Al-Amin?"

"Your Excellency, in this case I am both. I stand between two worlds. I have offered my linguistic and cultural services and my home, to seek a civil solution to your mutual problem. All that I ask is that 'noise' that I heard on both the landing and in my entryway ends now. We all are civilized and we should behave accordingly." My eyes darted between both parties.

The judge put his hand in the middle of my chest and extended piece to you and I replied and unto you peace. The prosecutor brought the Corporal as well. His face although now clean, was cut, bruised, and swollen. Seeing his condition it was hard to be impartial. I knew if this was to work I had to let a lot of my preconceptions go. The gentleman took advantage of the coffee and a few the light snacks.

I heard the Corporal's stomach growl and asked when the last time he had been fed. I pointed to Pete who had retreated into the corner of the room "Corporal that man is armed if you attempt to flee he will stop you. He is Air Force Office of Special Investigations and has full arrest authority in the eyes of the Department of Defense." I pointed to the city police officer and said, "He is armed and has full right to take you back into detention. If by some great miracle you do get past them, the armed soldiers on the landing WILL stop you. Do not abuse the grace that I am about to ask for." He nodded in agreement.

"Your Excellency, in the interest of fostering good negotiations could we remove the handcuffs from the accused?" The judge nodded and gave the order. I told the Corporal to eat and he complied, like he had never eaten before.

I turned my attention back to the prosecutor and the JAG lawyer who were bouncing points of Law, treaty, and the UCMJ against each other. Both were being exceptionally polite and exceptionally short as well. I focused intently as both were speaking turning my head from one to the other after about twenty minutes. I started to put a puzzled look upon my face. The judge turned to me and asked "Mr. Al-Amin is something confusing to you?"

"Your Excellency, confused no, irritated yes. We have before us two prosecutors who are arguing who has the stronger case, and who deserves first right of prosecution. We have a young man who was never told of why the local laws exist. If he were a student of Islam he would know the separation of the sexes exists for a reason. No one is considering the fact that there were both male and female Saudis in the dancehall. In that situation how would he know he was not to have contact with her, let alone develop feelings for her?"

I just turned in the direction of the Saudi prosecutor, "This man wishes to prosecute him and put him in prison for up to 20 years. We all know for a Westerner that is practically a death sentence."

I gestured at the JAG officer, "This man wishes to prosecute him under the Uniform Code of Military Justice and send them to Fort Leavenworth Kansas. I'm sure you will realize that Kansas is a sentence to hell in and of itself. When he is released he will have a federal conviction and a bad conduct discharge or a dishonorable discharge. That will limit his job potential for the rest of his life. I am having some difficulty weighing these two outcomes against the name justice."

"Have you gentlemen ever heard the ancient persian story of the creation of the Arabian horse?" I became nervous when all but the judge took their head no. To be honest I expected all to shake their heads no. "When I was younger, my foster father was invited to go on a dig. As his favorite student I was given permission to accompany him into Iraq. We unearthed a tablet written ancient cuneiform. It was a beautiful story of where justice and mercy must meet."

I took a long sip of my coffee, "It was the story of two brothers, both great kings met at an oasis to trade. One had many sons, the other had but one. The one son committed offence by error against the king with many. The king who had but one son pleaded with his brother to take his life, and let his son live."

"The king with many sons saw the pain that his brother was experiencing and showed mercy. He said take your swiftest stallion and put your son up on it. If he can flee the borders of my kingdom by the time the sun fades, he shall live. What the king with one son did not know was that the king with many also had a great vazir who was also a magician."